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本文(学年七年级英语上册 Unit 9 My favorite subject is science知识点讲解素材 新版人教新目标版.docx)为本站会员(b****4)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

学年七年级英语上册 Unit 9 My favorite subject is science知识点讲解素材 新版人教新目标版.docx

1、学年七年级英语上册 Unit 9 My favorite subject is science知识点讲解素材 新版人教新目标版Unit9单元知识点精讲【学习目标】1熟悉who,why等特殊疑问句的一般现在时,并用其谈论学习生活中的常见活动,掌握本单元的描绘事物性质的形容词。2复习时间的表示法。学习星期的名称。熟练拼读星期一至星期日的所有单词。【重点难点】1一般现在时的特殊疑问句(1)对主语提问 用“疑问词+谓语+其他”句型。如:Who is your good friend?谁是你的好朋友?Who helps you clean the house?谁帮你打扫房间?(2)对定语提问用“疑问词+

2、被修饰的词+一般疑问句”句型。如:What classes does he often go to?他经常去上什么课?What time do you often have sports?你什么时候进行体育活动?(3)对其他成分提问用“疑问词+一般疑问句”句型。如:Where does your uncle work?你叔叔在哪儿工作?When do you get up every day?你每天什么时候起床?2英语中表示时间的介词归纳如下:(1)in表示在某年、某月、某个季节及没有具体说明的哪一天的上午、下午、晚上。如:in 2002,in May,in spring,in the mor

3、ning等。(2)on用于表示“在”具体的某日,或某日上午,下午,晚上。如:on Monday 在星期一on Sunday afternoon 在星期日下午on May 1 在五月一号(3)at用于表示在某一时刻。如:at seven oclock 在7点整;at 630 in the morning 在早上630(4)某些介词用在固定的短语中。如:at weekends,on weekdays,at this time of day,at noon,at night,in the day等。3表示星期的名词共有七个表示星期的词:Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursda

4、y,Friday,Saturday,Sunday;提问方式:What day is it today?或What day is today?其中it指时间,today是副词,作状语。其回答形式为:Its.或Today is.如:What day is it today?Its MondayToday is Monday表示“星期”名词有简写形式:SundaySun MondayMon TuesdayTuesWednesdayWed ThursdayThur FridayFriSaturdaySat注意:在英语中星期的第一天为Sunday,这与汉语不同。【基础知识精讲】单词1Sciencen科学

5、,自然科学:natural science 自然科学;practical science 应用科学记忆法字首为sc读音为s。引申science fiction 科幻小说;top science 尖端科学2History n历史,历史学:Chinese history 中国历史;in history 在历史上记忆法his + story,字面意思为“他的故事”,引申为“历史”。引申modern history 近代史;ancient history 古代史。 3Favorite n最喜爱的人或物:He is a favorite with his uncle他是他伯父最喜欢的人。adj喜爱的记忆

6、法favor和favorite联系记忆。引申同义词:nbeloved,dear,preference,adjdearest,esteemed,preferred;反义词:npet-hate adjhatred。the favorite 热门,最有可能获胜的。4Teacher n教员,老师引申王老师不能说teacher Wang,而应说Mr(Miss,Mrs)Wang,王教授应该为Professer Wang。5Because conj因为记忆法be + cause “be”意思为“是”,“cause”意思为“原因”,be + cause则是“是的原因”,即“因为、由于”之意。考点短语becau

7、se of 因为、由于,后面直接接名词或动名词:Because of the bad weather,they have to stay at home由于天气不好,他们只能呆在家中。引申同义词:since,as,for。6Subject n科目;主语 引申subjective adj主观的。7Monday n星期一(略写为 Mon):on Monday morning 星期一早上。I met him on Monday我星期一遇到了他。考点Monday等表示星期的词前通常不用冠词。8,Tuesday n星期二(略写为Tues)9Wednesday n星期三(略写为 Wed)记忆法we dne

8、s - day(我们等es,day)10Thursday n星期四(略写为Thur或Thurs):on Thursday morning 在星期四早上11Friday n星期五(略写为Fri)引申Good Friday 耶稣受难日(复活前的星期五);man Friday 忠仆(源自小说鲁宾逊漂流记)。12Saturday n星期六(略写为Sat):on Saturday morning 星期六早上记忆法来源于Saturn萨图恩(罗马神话中的农神)。13Sunday n星期天14Why adj为什么:Why are you late?你为什么迟到了?This is why I was late这

9、就是我迟到的原因。15Chinese adj& n中国的,中国人,汉语引申Chinese lantern 灯笼。16biologyn生物学记忆法bio + logy,“bio”前缀译为“生活的,生物的”,“logy”后缀,译为“某门学问”。bio + logy则为“生物的学问”即“生物学”。引申sociology 社会学。基本句型1Whats your favorite subject?你最喜欢什么科目?favorite adj特别喜爱的,如:a favorite song 一首喜爱的歌,his favorite daughter 他最疼爱的女儿,my favorite lesson 我最喜欢

10、的功课。注:favorite与like汉语均有“喜爱”的意思,但他们的词性不同,在句子中所处的位置也不同。试比较:He likes playing football very much他非常喜欢踢足球。(like在主语后作谓语)Football is his favorite sport足球是他喜爱的运动。(favorite在名词前作定语)句中favorite本身就含有“最”的意思。因此,它没有比较等级。类似的问题有Whats your favorite fooddrink?回答时就说:My favorite fooddrink is.很喜爱like.very much like.a lot2

11、Its Tuesday,November 11今天是11月11日,星期二。句中的It通常用来指代时间日期,询问星期通常用“What day is today?”。英语中表示星期名称的单词,第一个字母应大写,且都以-day结尾。按西方风俗,一周的第一天为星期天“Sunday”,而不是星期一“Monday”。英语中表示月份名称的单词,第一个字母都应大写,且前面不加冠词。在表达日期概念时通常先写月后写日,且日多用序数词来表达,即在基数词后面加上th。但并不是所有的基数词变序数词都在后面加th,请记住下面的顺口溜:1,2,3特殊记,8去t,9减e,ve变f再加th,遇y变ie再加th。3Why do

12、you like PE?你为何喜欢体育课?Because its fun因为它有趣。(1)疑问词why用来提问原因,往往用表示原因的because从句回答。如:Why are you late for work?你今天为什么上班迟到了?Because the traffic is too bad因为交通太糟糕了。because因为,是一个连词,它的后面必须是一个从句。如:He doesnt go to school today because he is ill今天他没来上学,因为他病了。(2)fun作形容词,译为“有趣的,愉快的”(美)。如:You are great fun你真有趣。We

13、have a fun holiday我们假日过得很愉快。fun还可作名词(不可数),译为“玩笑,娱乐,嬉戏”或“有趣,有趣的人或事(此时不加a)”。如:Playing computer games is great fun玩电子游戏很有趣。(3)PE= physical education 体育课。4After class I have volleyball for two hours课后我打两个小时的排球。(1)after class“课后”。注意class前不加冠词。(2)此处“have”表示“从事,进行(由后接的名词所表示的动作)”,如:have a swim 游泳have a walk

14、 散步have 的应用很广泛,在不同的场合有不同的意思,可译为“有、吃、喝、开、举行、上”等。如:I have a child我有一个孩子。have breakfastlunchsupper 吃早饭午饭晚饭have a cup of tea 喝杯茶have some fruit 吃些水果have a meeting 开会have a sports meeting 开运动会have a party 举行一个晚会have sports 进行体育活动have a look 看一看have to 不得不(3)for后加表示时间的名词,译为“之久”表示一段时间。如:We have a talk for

15、ten minutes我们谈了十分钟。相似词辨析1名词作定语即前一名词对后一名词起限制、修饰的作用。如:boy student 男学生 woman doctor 女医生film star 电影明星 credit card 信用卡music teacher 音乐教师 bus stop 公共汽车站注意:(1)当一个名词作定语修饰另一名词时,比如在复合名词中,前一个名词一般应用单数形式。如:a bus stop 公共汽车站apple trees 苹果树the grievance committee 申诉委员会但用复数形式的情况也不少,须个别记忆。如:a glasses frame 眼镜框sports

16、 equipment 运动器材an appointments committee 任命委员会(2)用作定语的名词如指人,一般亦用单数形式。如:a boy student 男生girl friends 女友但woman和man用作修饰复数名词的定语时,则一般须用复数形式。如:men doctors 男医生women teachers 女教师(3)复合名词的重音一般在第一个词上,如:a blackbird 黑鹂(以别于a black bird 黑色的鸟)the White House 白宫(以别于the white house 白色的房子)(an English teacher“英语教师”与an

17、English,teacher“英国教师”的区别与此类似)2at school和in a schoolat school和in a school 都可译为“在学校”,但at school常表示抽象意义,译为“上学”,“求学”,in a school 表示场所,译为“在学校”。如:My son is at school我儿子在学校学习。Tom works in a school,near here汤姆在离这儿不远的一所学校里工作。3class的语义有许多(1)“班级”。如:Are you in Class One?你在一班吗?(2)“课”。如:They have four classes in

18、the afternoon午后他们有四节课。(3)“同学们”。如:Good morning,class同学们,早上好。 (4)“教室”。如:He sits in the middle of the class他坐在教室的中间。中考考点例1 What _ do you like best?FootballAfood Bsubject Csport Dmusic精析 由回答得知,football是一种体育项目,故提问时应用What sport。其他选项均不符合题意。答案 C例2 Mrs Liu teaches _ EnglishWe like _ class very muchAme;his Bm

19、e;herCus;his Dus;her精析 us是we的客格人称代词,因后句有we,故选us以作对应。同样class前需要一个形容词性物主代词修饰,故选her与Mrs Liu相应。答案 D例3 _?Its Monday!AWhats the time BWhat day is it todayCIs it Monday DWhats the date精析 根据答语可以推断出此句是用来问“星期几”的。问“星期几”的表达方式就是:What day is it today?答案 B例4 _?Its seven thirtyAWhen BWhat time do you go to schoolCW

20、hats the time DHow did is he精析 根据答语可以推断出此句是用来问时间的。答案 C【跟踪训练】一、选择填空1Class _ at 330Astart Bstarts Cis start Dis starts2My sister and I _ at schoolAare Bis Cam Dgo3_ is the second day of a weekASunday BMonday CTuesday DWednesday4Why dont you like math?Because its _Ainteresting Bfun Cexciting Ddifficult

21、5MrWang and MrsLi are both _AEnglish teachers BEnglishes teachersCEnglishes teacher DEnglishs teachers6December is the _ month of a yearAeleven Btwelve Celeventh Dtwelfth7_ is your art teacher?AWhat BWho CWhen DWhose8Do you have _ today?AChinese Ba Chinese Cthe Chinese Dan Chinese9I have history _ t

22、he afternoon of MondayAin Bat Con Dfor10I like music _ its relaxingAbecause Bbut Cwhy Dor二、根据句意和所给单词的首字母写出所缺单词1Whats your f_ sport?2What do you have for b_?3We all like playing c_ games4S_ is good for health5What s_ do you study at school?6We all like our math t_7I have history on Monday and W_8I li

23、ke science because its i_9We C_ people are friendly(友好的)to others10B_ is a difficult subject for me三、根据下列短文完成文后表格Dear Cindy,Its Thursday,October 12thIm really busy today because I have classes all dayAt 8 oclock I have EnglishI think English is interesting and I like it very muchThen at 900 I have s

24、cienceIts difficult,but interesting tooNext at 1000,I have biologyIts boring,but at 1100 I have musicThats my favorite subject! I eat lunch at l200 and after that I have a rest(休息)!Classes begin at 200 in the afternoonI have Chinese and my Chinese teacher,Mr Li,is really funWe all like himAll my cla

25、sses finish at 300After class I with my friends practise English at our school English club for one hourYou know,now I am in the music club, tooThen I practise my guitar at 400 thereMy guitar teacher is very kind to meThats my all day at schoolWhat a busy but interesting day! _(day) _(date)TimeSubje

26、cts8:009:0010:0011:0012:002:003:004:00四、完形填空Dear Annie,Thank you for your letterIm glad you like your schoolI go to school from Monday to FridayWe have four 1 in the morning and two in the afternoonWe have 2 to do after class 3 Monday and Wednesday afternoon we 4 sportsOn Tuesday afternoon 5 of us h

27、ave 6 singing classAnd on Thursday afternoon some have a 7 classOn Friday afternoon we practise 8 EnglishMy Chinese friends would like 9 with me in EnglishThey think I am like an English teacherIsnt it great?On Saturdays and Sundays I dont go to schoolVery often I go to the parks and have a good tim

28、e 10 my family there( )1Aclasses Blesson Cclass Dgrade( )2Aanything Bany things Cmany thing Dmany things( )3ATo BIn COn DAt( )4Ahas Bhave Chaving Dto have( )5Aany Bone Csome Dthe other one( )6Aa Ban Cthe Dsome( )7Adraw Bdraws Cto draw Ddrawing( )8Aspeak Bspeaks Cspeaking Dto speak( )9Atalk Btalks Ct

29、o talk Dtalking( )10Afor Bwith Cat Din五、阅读理解ATom asks his friend Kate,“How many days are there in a week?”“Seven,of course,”answers Kate“Sunday,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday and Saturday”“Well,Kate,can you name five days of the week and not say Sunday,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday and Saturday?”“No,I cantCan you?”asks Kate“Yes,I canThey a

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