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1、全新版综合教程B3U3全新版综合教程-B3U3Unit 3 SecurityText A The Land of the LockYears ago in America, it was customary for families to leave their doors uni ocked, day and ni ght. I n this essay, Gree ne regrets that people can no Ion ger trust each other and have to resort to elaborate security systems to protect

2、 themselves and their p ossessi on s.I . Teachi ng ObjectivesStude nts will be able to:1.gras p the main idea (America is deteriorat ing into the most in secure n ati on) and the structure of the text (opening - body - con clusi on);2.learn to use comparison and contrast in writing more effectively

3、and to use keywords for more efficie nt read ing;3.master the key Ian guage points and grammatical structures in the text;4.con duct a series of read in g, liste ning, sp eak ing and writ ing activities related to the theme of the un it.n . Before Reading1. English Song Saturday Night Special Liste

4、n to the SongQuesti ons about the Song1)-Who is Mr. Saturday Night Special?The gun2)-What is the message of the song?Its dan gerous to have guns.2.Air port SecurityExtraord inary challe nges require extraordi nary measures. The terrorist attackson America of Sep tember 11, 2001 require that America

5、ns reform their Nati on aviati on security system in fun dame ntal ways. On Sep tember 27, P reside nt Bush launched the process of reform by announcing his proposal for a $500 million federal grant p rogram to stre ngthe n aircraft security and federal man ageme nt of air port security and scree ni

6、ng services.3.Security SystemsHold a discussion within students to see what equipment we usually use to keep us chains electronic alarm systems trip wires sliding glass doors with steel bars access cards electronic X-ray equipment high-intensity light rape whistles dead-bolt locks4.Som

7、e Security Measures in Ancient TimeThe Great WallListen and answer the following questions.The Great Wall is a popular name for a semi-legendary wall built to protect china s northern border in 3rd century BC, and fro impressive stone and earthen fortifications built along a different northern borde

8、r in the 15th and16th centuries AD, long after the ancient structure had disappeared. Ruins of the later wall are found today along former border areas from Bo Hai in the east to Gansu Province in the west.1) What was the aim of building the Great Wall originally? To protect China s northern border

9、in the 3 rd century BC.2) Where are the ruins of the Great Wall located now?From Bo Hai in the east to Gansu Province in the west.CastleCastles were built in places where they could be easily defended. A position on high ground provided the defenders with a view of the surrounding countryside, makin

10、g attacks more difficult. In flat areas, castles were surrounded by a protective moat.5.Security Situations in the USA Terrorist Attacks on Sept. 11, 2001Wherever you were in lower Manhattan before September 11 th, 2001, twobuildings dominated the landscape. Critics said the World Trade Center tower

11、s didn rtelate to their surroundings and werentespecially pleasing in design. But the fact is that they were big, undeniably and frighteningly so, and a walk across the plaza in summer months could make your head reel. On February 26, 1993, the World Trade Center complex was rocked by an explosive d

12、evice left in one of the underground parking lots; sit people were killed and over a thousand injured.On the morning of September 11, 2001, the United States of America awoke to find itself under attack. Several terrorist attacks within an hour wreaked havoc in New York City and Washington, D.C., ca

13、using widespread devastation and more than five thousand casualties on September 11, 2001. It was the deadliestday in America n history, cost ing more lives tha n the attack on P earl Harbor or D-Day. Separate hijacked commercial airliners hit both of the World Trade Center towers in Manhattan, sett

14、ing them on fire and leaving gaping holes in each. Both eve ntually colla psed to the street below.Colu mn be in a state of con fusi onB.fall dow con trol or gover nD.severe damageE.people killed or injured in an accide ntF.unq uesti on ably trueMatch the words in Colu mn A which you wil

15、l hear in the p assage with the correct meanings in Colu mn B.Colu mn A(C)1.domi nate(F) 2.undeni able(A)3. reel(D)4.devastati on(E)5. casualties(B)6. colla pseListe n and decide whether the followi ng stateme nts are true (T) or false (F).1)The twin towers were located in upper Man hatta n. ( F)The

16、y were located in lower Man hatta n.2)Many people claimed that the buildi ngs went on well with the surr oundin gs.(F)Many critics stated that they didn tlate to their surroundings.3)In 1993, the World Trade Center was attacked, but fortunately no one was hurt. ( F)Six people were killed and more th

17、a n a thousa nd were inju red.4)5)The terrorist attack on September 11,2001 happened in the morning. ( T)The casualties of this terrorist attack were fewer tha n those of the attack on Pearl Harbor. ( F)The terrorist attack on Sep tember 11,2001 caused more lives tha n the attack on P earl Harbor.P

18、reside nt Bush Address Ladies and gen tleme n:This is a difficult moment for America. I, unfortunately, will be going back to Washington after my remarks. Secretary Rod Paige and the Lieutenant Governor (畐州长)will take the podium ( 讲台)and discuss education I do want to thank the folds here at Booker

19、Elementary School for their hospitality . Today wee had a national tragedy. Two airplanes have crashed into the World Trade Center in an apparent terrorist attack on our coun try. I have sp oke n to the Vice P reside nt, to the Governor of New York, to the Director of the FBI, and have ordered that

20、the full resources of the federal government got help the victims and their families, and to con duct a full-scale inv estigati on to hunt dow n and to find those folks whocommitted this act. Terrorism against our nation will not stand. And now if you would join me in a mome nt of silence. May God b

21、less the victims, their families,and America.Tha nk you very much.America n Campus Shooti ngDetroit :On December 11,1998, Wayne State University professor was shot and killed while collecting final exams from his engineering students when the gunman stepped into the classroom and opened fire with a

22、rifle. The professor fell wounded to the floor, only to be shot again by the man who took the time to reload.Littleton :On April 20,1999, tow tee nage stude nts opened fire on classmates and teachers in their suburba n Denver school, killi ng 15 people in cludi ng themselves.Los An geles:OnO ctober1

23、1,1999, five stude nts were fatally woun ded in a Jewish com mun ity cen ter.Sprin gfield:On May 21,1998, a freshma n stude nt opened fire with a semi-automatic rifle in a high school cafeteria, killing two students and wounding 22 others. The teenager parents were later found shot to death in their

24、 home.Fayetteville:On May 19,1998, a high school senior shot and killed another student in the school parking lot at Lincoln county High School.P earl:On October 1, 1997, a 16-year-old student in Pearl, Mississippi, s accused of killi ng his mother, the n going to school and shooti ng nine stude nts

25、. Two of them died.E . Global Reading1. Part Division of the TextP artsLinesMai n Ideas1111In America, the era of leaving the front door on the latch has draw n to a close.21260A new atmos phere of fear and distrust cree ps into every aspect of daily life. As a result, security devices, in varied fo

26、rms, are put to use.By lock ing our fears out, we become prisoners of36174our own mak ing.2.Further Un dersta ndingFor Part 1 True or False1)2)3)The phrase on the latch ” means the door is closed and locked. (F)This p hrase means the door is closed but no t locked.Nowadays, doors, not only in cities

27、 but also in rural areas, are locked. ( T) Urba n streets are more dan gerous tha n outskirts and country areas. ( F) Suburbs and country areas are more dan gerous tha n urba n streets.4) In America nowadays, no one leaves his front door on the latch anymore. ( T)1)2)3)4)5)6)7)8)Supporting Facts for

28、 the Cen tral IdeaIn this part the author uses lots of facts to support his central pint of view: America is deteriorating from the Land of the Free ” into the most in secure n ati on ”. Could you find any more supporting facts in additi on to those listed below?Doors are not left uni ocked either i

29、n cities or in rural areas.Dead-bolt locks, security chains, electronic alarm systems and trip wires are widely in use.Suburba n families have steel bars built in slid ing glass doors.Small notices warming against burglary are commoniy seen pasted on the win dows of the most pl easa nt of homes.Acce

30、ss cards are required of those who work with medium- to large-size compani es.Airport security uses electro nic X-ray equipment to guard aga inst terrorism. Busin essme n emp loy new mach ines lin ked up the their tele phone to determ ine whether the caller is telli ng lies or not.Suburba n housewiv

31、es wear rape whistles on their key cha ins.For Part 2Discussi onIn Line 19 to Line 22, the author mentions a public service advertisement by a large in sura nee company. Discuss the follow ing questi ons.1)What does this ad point out?The lock is the new symbol of America.2)What is the author purpose

32、 of using this example?Sentence CompI eti onRead Part 2 carefully and supply the miss ing in formatio n.1)2)3)4)We have become so used to defe nding ourselves aga inst the new atmosphere of American life , and so used to putting up barriers.We are satisfied whe n we thi nk we are well-protected.With electro nic X-ray equipment, we seem fin ally to have f

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