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1、新课标高考英语重点语法范例归总十三类新课标高考英语重点语法范例第一周 派生词在新课标全国卷的语法填空题中,有涉及单词的形式变化的题目。此外,新考纲要求考生掌握3 0多个英语单词。因此,掌握常用派生词的构词方法不仅能帮助同学们做好语法填空题,还能帮助同学们扩大词汇量,为同学们在高考中稳操胜券奠定基础。一、名词后缀1.动词 in/tion/sin名词(表示动作或动作过程)corre v改正;纠正 corrcin.改正elebrat v庆祝 elebrain.庆祝;庆祝会onclud v完成;结束 cocluso n结论;结束.动词 +eor名词(表示从事某种职业或进行某种活动的人)drive v驾

2、驶开车;驱赶 ver n.司机;驾驶员gather v聚集;采集 athere n收集者;采集者nduct v.指挥;管理 conductr .指挥;售票员3动词+ment名词punish.惩罚 ushmentn.惩罚动词形容词+th名词wam adj.温暖的 wrmth n温暖 grw .生长 grwth生长5.形容词+名词dificut ad.困难的 diffilt .困难 hoest ad诚实的 hesty n.诚实6形容词+nes名词id adj.善良的 indness n善良7动词nce名词annoy vt使烦恼 annoyance n.生气;烦恼8ship结尾的名词(表示身份;关系

3、;资格) meber 成员;会员 mmberhipn会员资格ofessor n.教授 proforship n.教授身份9.ing结尾的名词gadn n花园 gren.园艺ree v.打招呼;问候 reetngn.问候针对训练语篇填空(用所给单词的适当形式完成下列短文)AFrothe 1.exprsson(exprss) Marys fce, he knehel b .mpression(mprs) n er ani e wo the 3elecion(elt) o become chrman of he nvironmnt4.rnization(orgaize),he culd no get

4、 her5.ermision(pemi) to on it alugh ewas wilg too his bit to ridth worl of 6.poltion (ollute)andohelp ope noy bete t.he ews onerg how to chane iembrrssing sittion, h ot 7.inspiratin(spir) ro is wfe wodsYe,he should try hisbet tw the eetinandeco chirman imsef wit hi 8.detrinatin (dmin) towork forthe

5、oanizatin.“My de, yu are rell wnderful hpr (hel)!Imsur wil be t 10.winr(wn) ofectio.” He said to is wfe excitedly.It was really a hard tm wh Li ing fstcamt the Uned SasHis .aris (arn) culdhardy cover te expenses, owhenisife gav .birth(ar) to heir econd daughter, theyculd notaffordnouh nutritfood.oon

6、, por ntritinced the.deah (de) of te o baby.Lonelins (ely) wsoter robl bcus hey had no 5.relato(eate) or fried here.ans is .rvry (brave) and7.rsevrance (perseve), he ngedgin he8.citesip(citizn) of theUnied ttes and the en hhdhis ermannt . steet (sete)Halay ell hiscildrnlke his: Pesevrance leads to10

7、.happines (ay)ad cces二、形容词后缀1.常见形容词后缀(1)名词a形容词(表示 “有属性”, “与有关”)agrculture .农业 riltur adj.农业的(2)动词+ve形容词ecide v决定;下决心 dcisve adj.决定性的;关键的(3)动词+le形容词(表示“能够”,“适于”,“值得”)hane v变化;兑换haneable aj易变的;变化无常的(4)名词 +ul形容词aren.小心;关心 careful adj.小心的;仔细的(5)名词les形容词(意思与原名词相反)cae .小心;关心 arelessadj.粗心的(6)名词+形容词friend

8、n.朋友 friedly adj.友好的(7)名词y形容词irt n.污物;脏物 diry adj.脏的(8)名词+s形容词anger n危险 dangrouadj.危险的2复合形容词的构成()形容词+in分词 eygong 随和的(2)形容词名词+ed iherte 善良的;好心的()名词分词watecovere 被水覆盖的(4)副词ed分词 elriten 写得好的(5)数词+名词+e heeegged 三条腿的针对训练阅读下列句子,写出画线单词的意思Ifeel l an uneievabestokef luck ofte, eally.(201四川高考阅读C)( )2.he ood wo

9、rking condiion ithis ci is attactve( )3.You an yo himbecus h is reliable.( ).H ords truckea io her art so that she was sleelesallht ong,aradof bing killd unexeedly some day.( )5Itw a frosty cold morninghen e et f fo e reme vlge.( )答案:1.不可思议的;难以置信的.吸引人的3可依赖的;靠得住的4没有睡觉的;不眠的 5.有霜的.语篇填空A:用所给单词的适当形式完成下列短

10、文Ly likestalkn and vrybodys seismunicti (mmae)he is 2.cive (act) i ansrin te teacesuestion nd fromtmeto ime r clasates ind he answers qte 3.resie(impress)d 4.cceptae (acce). Ofcourse, ot everstudent likes he, but se amay fries who ik Lucy is a 5.crative(crae) ad 6.hlpful (hel)grl.Fr epe, heone led 7

11、 hmeless (hoe) hild to er hom and d he cild her nger ssr.Besid, she spen .ountles (t)hus caring aic neihbor untilhe aswellagain.She is .friendl (fie) o toehohav difficuty wih hirsubjcs.All in ll, Lcy is hemost 1famous (fae)irlin herchol.:运用所学构词知识完成下列短文u joune wa frrecingamngst swcovred/cpped (雪封的) o

12、untans re o Egshspakn (说英语的) pople live.Thelol peple re goookg(相貌好看的),eago (随和的)adhardwoki (勤劳的).Ourhostes was ldged (年老的),whaired (白发苍苍的) anburnt (被太阳晒伤的)he ave m omemae (自家做的)aksmilk cake, okingslstfied (自足的) s Injoed this are trat althog very wekw (著名) ad widespred (广泛流传) roud here. was exhausedw

13、hI flnt the eayae (准备好了的) bed se prepared fme.三、动词词缀1前缀en形容词动词enric v.丰富 enlarge.变大;增大;扩大2.形容词+en动词shorten v缩短 ie v.加宽.f结尾的动词smlfy v简化 casiy v.归类4i结尾的动词ralize v认识到 opulare v.普及针对训练.阅读下列句子,写出画线部分的意思1Extauricar actitiesnabl thetudent to knoww t app theowldge aned inthe textooks.( )2.Theto cunriesar ty

14、ing teir bet normalze_thir_raiship()3.Som thk thtsuying abrd canbroaentheirhrizons()4.Youwl orrify he bab if ou spea too loudly.( )答案:1.使能够2使关系正常化 .拓宽视野 .使惊惧用所给单词的适当形式填空.Tryu bst to memore (memry) thsnewod.2.Te qusin u be spified (sipe) o hat ca findout aotonto it3.I costsa loo oney ifwe plnopurfy (

15、pue) h waste war.4He qukne (qck) his eps t arve hmealer5.Youcan nlrge (age) or vocabular if you kep onmemrizin enew worevery day. 四、否定词缀1表示否定意义的前缀n 不,非unable不能够unlck不幸的dis 不,非 dshonest不诚实的dicotius 不连贯的i 不,非nactiv不活跃的 correct不正确的i不,非 impaint不耐烦的ossib不可能的ir不,非irglar 不规则的irsponsible不负责任的il 不,非 iloga不合逻

16、辑的 illegal 非法的no不,非oxistent不存在的 nonstop 直达的;连续不断的mis 错误 misled 误导isundern 误解i动词(意义相反)dislik不喜欢disgree 不同意un+动词(意义相反) unove 揭开 undrs 脱衣服2.表示否定意义的后缀名词+less否定意义的形容词usen.用处;用途 uselssaj.无用的hp . 希望 heess dj.没有希望的;绝望的h n.家 hmeles adj.无家可归的针对训练.阅读下列短文,写出画线单词的意思A1.isconepion as tht te hih tmrate caudh ig fir

17、eHowver, Ms Wag kew t waot he tue soryo sheinsistedta the governmnt should ma thtrt knwn to tepblichen Miss Wng knew tht her ppea was2.diaoed, he felt rther 3.dsapoinedSeede t4.isclos hetruth: wa human os that wer to bamef the erble disatr.She wanted totel he publi out thecoles of se officals.Sh bli

18、evedhat the ruth mustbe 5.uncoverdnow1_ ._3._4_ 5_答案:1.错误观念2驳回;不准许 .失望的;沮丧的4.揭露 .揭露;揭发.语篇填空(用所给单词的适当形式完成下列短文)The speechseed o b 1nnto (sp) d e listners ba ery .imaient_ (ptient).hen e peaer si ha was 3.noneewae(renew) ndha te bst ay o sol he pobl was ntto make cas and es to force people to gotowk or

19、so o foot, the audience thught itas impacia_(racice)an 5.unbearable_ (bear) o liten t im a longer.Te 6isbeieed_(eieve) ht the worldwdgo oohly witout tes modn trasrtatios.They als toug tha te speaer s 7.rresponibl (reposble) oakesuha staementwithoutthinking it carefuyandis spech wu cuse ome 8.miunder

20、tdings (unrstnd)So st of he listens hos to lev, hutngloudly andangrily.五、正确使用派生词1动词、介词、冠词、物主代词等词类后一般接名词或动名词。如果所给单词是其他词类, 就要将其改为名词, 并注意名词数的变化。(1)Doyou kow thdeth (deep) of he rive?(2)Hi creessness (reful) rltei the rrible ent.()Hes one of te cints (sciene) who spport this tery.2.动词、介词后一般接名词或动名词。所给单词为

21、动词,就要看该动词是否有名词形式。如果有名词形式,就用其名词形式。如果该动词没有名词形式,就用其动名词形式。此外,如果所给动词有名词形式,就要看其后有无宾语。如果后有宾语,用动名词形式;后无宾语,则用名词形式。(1)Pae ay attetion (atten) to your handriting动词tte本身有名词形式tention, 所以不用动名词atending。(2)sariva (ariv) made te sitato rse.动词arie本身有名词形式arrival, 所以不用动名词arrivng。(3)The eache was angryatmcong (coe) ate.

22、动词come没有名词,所以用动名词cming。(4)hnk o for yr help(hlp).Tank you f helping (hp) e.(5)I as ppy because of his pprciatin (apprecat).Iwas hpybecaus of hisapprciain (arecat) my sec.上面两组句子中,hpi与areciating后都带有宾语,故用动名词。help与apprito后没有宾语,故用名词形式。3.动词前后、形容词前后可有副词。如果所需词为副词时, 还要考虑副词级的变化。(1)The oyanicky (quk) to schol.

23、(2)“Whats ht?”Fathehoute niy(ngry)()Te litl irl i extrem (tre)aer oknow th eul of te xam.(4)Yourompion is badl(ba) oranized.Plese ywin exercise mottetiely (tend)nttme.()Yuedig to fat. Canyoudrie bit oe slowy (slow)?4.名词前面一般可有形容词修饰语。如果所需词为形容词时, 还要考虑形容词级的变化。(1)hats the idest (wid) rivern te world?(2)T

24、hstrger (sregth) w ecme,ormoest ld e.针对训练.用所给单词的适当形式填空1.Mrws vry sd attes, osh lookesady her usbad, eryes fl f ae.(sad)2 ayd ootball veryweand hewas on f he be plyers n etrds fotallch(play)3.Look!ow happil Kat i aughng!e seem to b te hppiestgl in hewold.(hpy)4Toour atisfin,_ e headmater a ery saifi wthou repor.(stiy)5Edion was gra inno.urnghis life hd a nvetin(invnt)6.I should mliymy ak nd e i simlr/impletofinih it.(simpl)7.Thboyhavg the aeare fbeig halfstarve diaare,_ nevrto be sen gain.(apear)8.Thepoli dicovered th pot and ncveed plotagainste President.(oe

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