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综合英语四 重要词汇及解释.docx

1、综合英语四 重要词汇及解释综合英语四 重要词汇及解释Unit 1 III1. Ups and downs: Martins upbringing shaped his whole life, with so many ups and downs every now and then. 波折,盛衰,哭了,浮沉2. Go through: At that period, South African was going through a period of unchangeable events as the Blacks were fighting for equality.发生3. Close

2、 an account: The world is changing rapidly, our plans must change accordingly. Otherwise, we should close an account with the harsh market economy.遭遇失败4. Misfortune: Julia has been made to undergo physical and psychological misfortunes for her inability in having children.不幸5. Put through: She would

3、nt want to put them through the suffering of a huge ceremony.经受,经历6. Throw ones mind back to: Throwing our mind back to 1978, we should not be surprised about some of Mrs. Thatchers comments, bearing in mind the party she belonged to. 回想起7. Address oneself to: The famous orator addressed himself to

4、the public to promote his newly-published book which could add to his reputation. 向讲话,着手做,致力于8. Yield to: Parley yielded to general pressure from the society and bitterly took the child to a specialist.屈服Unit 21. Stake a claim: Ronalds success staked a claim for his place in Germanys world champions

5、hip team.罗纳德的成功使他在德国世界冠军队里有一席之地。公开声明对拥有所有权;证明自己应该拥有(某物)2. Be proportional to: Loss of weight is directly proportional to the rate at which the disease is progressing.与成比例;体重的降低和病情的恶化直接相关。3. Attribute to: Women tend to attribute their success to external causes such as assistance from friends. 把归因于4.

6、 Sidle up: As I was about to leave the restaurant, a young man sidled up to me and said, ”May I help you?” 悄悄地走进,偷偷地侧身挨近5. Plow into: A young lady and her little son were seriously injured when a car plowed into them on a crossing.撞上6. Tread on: My job is to challenge, but not threaten them. So I mu

7、st be careful not to tread on their toes.我的工作是对他们提出挑战而不是威胁。所以,我得小心不要伤害了他们的感情。踩,踏7. Carve out: Not satisfied with the present position in the company, he is trying to carve out a much greater role for himself.寻求8. Breathe down somebodys neck: In contemporary society, most farmers have bank managers b

8、reathing down their necks in order to secure their financial balance.现代社会里,大多数农民都有银行经理人密切关注着,确保他们的财务平衡。密切关注Unit 31. At the expense of: Edward Stuart became a brilliant scholar, but only at expense of his health.以为代价2. Prior to: According to the Federal Bureau of Inspection, a man seen hanging around

9、 the area prior to the shooting could have been involved in the assassination of the President.据联邦调查局透露,开枪之前,有人看到一个男子在那个地区徘徊,他有可能涉嫌暗杀总统。先于,在之前3. Givepause to think:An opposition statesman said he hoped the agreement would give them pause to think about the futility of violence.反对派的一名政治人物说,他希望协议能让他们思

10、考暴力的无益。思考4. Take advantage of: In order to gain the utmost amount of benefit, this corporation took advantage of the exceptional opportunities open in exports.利用5. Be available for: Two tennis courts and a swimming pool are available for the regular members of the club, but the season tickets are on

11、ly valid for three months.可用的,可利用的6. In earnest: It presented in satirical terms points made in earnest by catholic writers, which proved to be a great success.认真地,真正地7. For the better: Johns mind is always full of fantasies. He dreamed of changing the world for the better. 有所好转8. Be confronted with

12、;The corporation was determined to push forward the policy of reform, but the new system was confronted with great difficulties at the start.面临Unit 4 1. For good: The Johnsons thought this relative had come just for a short visit, but it seems he is staying for good.长久,永久2. Lie in: The root of all t

13、hese events lay in the feudal system that had existed for thousands of years.在于,位于,坐落于3. Outskirt: This tribe has lingered on the outskirts of civilization for centuries, but slight advances have yet been made.边缘4. Brand with: The old mans face is branded with the lines of pressure and exhaustion th

14、at have accumulated over the years. 布满,打上的烙印5. Come into ones own: John will come into his own if the firm needs an Information Technology engineer because he can encode programs for the firm.尽其责,(在某种情况下)变得非常好(有用,重要)6. Once and for all: The two parties have decided to settle the economic disputes be

15、tween them once and for all, in case these matters will influence their further co-operation.永远地,彻底地,最后一次7. Come into existence: The company actually came into existence in 1945 in the war-demolished city of London with the fund of the commonwealth.存在8. In the certain respect: In the certain respect

16、, history seems to be impossible to be repeating itself. Otherwise, human beings cannot make any progress at all.在某些方面Unit 51. Soldier: From the age of 52 onwards, General Jaskson was not engaged in soldiering at all.当兵,服兵役2. Hang together: At the critical moment of presidential election, the candid

17、ate urged his supporters to hang together.团结在一起3. Pick on: When you have made up your mind, pick on a particular day when you will not be under much stress.挑选4. Resiliency: In his research, Professor Dane found the resiliency of human beings to fight after theyve been defeated. =resilience, 恢复力,弹性5.

18、 Show off: He actually enjoys his newly-bought Jaguar and has decided to start showing it off.炫耀6. Make a difference: It is sad to see him go because it really will make a difference to the way we conduct our daily affairs.改变7. Intimacy: Invitation to have dinner together is usually treated as a mea

19、ns of achieving intimacy with another person in eastern culture.亲密,亲近8. Binge: After the death of her only son, she went on occasional drinking binges.狂饮,狂闹Unit 61. In ones minds eye: The murderer was about to be hanged. Before the execution, in his minds eye he confessed all the crimes he had commi

20、tted. 在脑海里,在记忆中2. Turn to: The CEO turned his attention to the practical matters relating to forming a company specializing in securities. (注意力、思想、谈话等)转向,转移3. A glimpse of: As university campuses become increasingly multi-ethnic, they offer a glimpse of the conflicts society will face tomorrow. 一瞥4.

21、 Resonate with: Los Angeles is confident and alive after the disastrous earthquake, resonating with all the qualities of a civilized city. 回想着,展现着,充满着(某种含义或感觉)5. Be immersed in: The medical expert who had just immigrated to our country was immersed in the research of gene grouping.潜心研究,沉浸在,沉迷于,专心致志于

22、6. Be exposed to: Under the protection of their well-furnished residence, they had not been exposed to most diseases common to urban populations.与接触,使暴露于(险境)7. Take pride in: All the people of the country took pride in offering the highest standards to the man who had used up all his talents for the

23、 welfare of the people.以为荣8. Convey to: The railway company decided to extend to a branch line to Newcastle to convey coal direct to other cities.运输Unit 71. Be taken in: He was badly taken in when he bought that second-hand car.被骗2. To ones advantage: If the CEO of IBM listened to the announcement a

24、bout Microsofts offers, he might hear something to his advantage. 受益,利于某人3. Be detrimental to: Workers of the phone company demonstrated against the sale of CDMA in the heart of Manilas business district. Before this the board has already stated that the sale would be detrimental to the company.对有害4

25、. Be comfortable with: She is comfortable with those who speak the local dialect. 对感到舒服5. Bring down: The affairwhich Northern Ireland First Minister David Trimble has said is “10 times worse than Watergate”had threatened to bring down the power-sharing government and wreck the Good Friday peace agr

26、eement.垮台6. Cloud: With so many clues interwoven together, his judgment was clouded. 使模糊不清7. Affect: That same technology is used to understand the seasonal migration of other diseases such as malaria. Its also used to monitor air pollution, water quality and other environmental issue that affect pu

27、blic health.影响8. Get bogged down: The new Prime Minister got bogged down deeper and deeper in political and economic crises.陷入困境,停顿Unit 101. Round up: We should be able to round up a few friends to help.召集2. Grit: The duelist gritted his teeth as he cocked the gun a second time. 咬紧3. Classic: The ed

28、ucation authorities are considering such a question: Ought the study of the classic to form a part of the education of youth? 经典著作,古典4. Retreat: It is a retreat from his original position on industrial relations. 撤回,退出5. Kinship: Peter was among the peer group, the one with whom Paul felt most kinsh

29、ip in spirit.心灵相通。血缘关系,密切关系,相似6. Press: When he ascends a steep place, he is pressed with an unusual difficulty of breathing.登上斜坡时,他感到呼吸异常困难。7. Critique: Sam offered an extended critique to reporters of what he viewed as weaknesses against social crime.评论,批评8. Be dubious about: ONeill is dubious abo

30、ut the benefit the tax cut would have on the economy.对表示怀疑9. Be vibrant with: The city is vibrant with life.Unit 111. Shrug off: But there are clear signs that this government is seeking to build its ties with the rest of the world and shrug off its isolationist stance.摆脱2. Take over: They took over

31、 a private bank after the government announced a plan of banking and privatization reforms.接管3. Buck up: The administration department of the company tried to buck up appetites of customers, stating that 96 percent of its products on sale were up to standard.(使)振作精神,(使)快活起来,激起(情绪)4. Wipe out: Ninete

32、en months after their family was almost wiped out in a bloody massacre, the Johnsons are celebrating the marriage of their only daughter.消灭,毁灭5. Spin around: On hearing what his wife had said, Thomas spun around to face her in great surprise.转身6. In a fit of rage: After having apparently quarreled with his wife in a fit of rage, he travelled 12 miles on foot, and his anger decreased. 盛怒之下,一怒之下7. Charge at: Completely enraged by the people who had hurt him, the elephant charged at

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