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1、外研版版七年级上册基础知识点导图归纳学案MODULE 1一、同义句1. My names Daming. = Im Daming.2. Im from England. = I come from England. 3.Are you a new student.?= Are you new?4.Nice to meet you. = Nice to see you. =Glade to meet you. = Glade to see you. 5.Whats your name. = May I have your name?6.Welcome to +地点二、用法集萃Whats your

2、 name. How old are you?My name is . Where do you come from?I come from.Im twelve years old.Im 12.Where are you from? What class are you in?Im from.Im in Class One, Grade One.What about .?What about doing .?=How about doing .?With 和 and Jim and Lily go to the bank.(and 表并列)Jim with Lily goes to the b

3、ank.(with 是介词,和.一起,动词的形式 要与 with 前面的主语一致)三 语法专项。Be 动词用法口诀我用 am 你用 are,is 跟着他,她,它. 单数名词用 is,复数名词全用 are. 变疑问,往前提,句末问号莫丢弃。变否定,更容易,be 后 not 莫忘记。 否定疑问任你变,句首大写莫迟疑。MODULE 2一、短语。basketball footballride a bikehorseplaytennistable tennis the pianospeak EnglishJapaneseChinesesing (a song) swima photopicture of

4、 my familya university an office二. 句子(询问职业)twofactories cities universities secretariesWhat does your . do?=What isare you .s job?=What is your .? HeShe is a . Theyre .三语法感叹句1.What 引导的感叹句(修饰名词):What +(aan)+形容词+名词+(主语+谓语)!What a big school it is ! 好大的学校啊 !What a tall boy he is ! 他好高啊!What heavy rain!

5、好大的雨!2.How 引导的感叹句(修饰形容词或副词):How + 形容词或副词 + 主语+谓语!How tall he is ! 他好高啊!How fast he runs! 他跑地好快!代词(分类参照笔记) 人称代词:代指人或物名称的词。主格在句首主语,宾格在及物动词和介词之后做宾语。He is a teacher. (主语) We like him.(宾格)Jim is next to me(宾格)物主代词形容词性物主代词:必须和名词在一起。My father, your teacher.物主代词 名词性物主代词:作用相当于形容词性物主代词+名词。This is my book.=Thi

6、s book is mine.指示代词:分类和用法参照课本第 78 页。 反身代词:.自己。常用于语及物动词和介词之后。myself,yourself,himself,herself,itself (单数)Ourselves, yourselves,themselves.(复数)He enjoys himself on the party. 他在聚会上很愉快。They enjoy themselves on the party. 他们在聚会上很愉快。He studies English by himself. 他自学英语。一 介词overMODULE 3正上方 behind 在.后面onOn

7、the left of. 在左边At the back of. 在.里面的后面(在后部)In the front of在 里面的前面 under(在前部)next to 紧挨着near 附近On the right of. 在右边in front of.在.前面between .and .在两者之间 Lingling sits between Tony and Daming.玲玲坐在托尼和大明之间among 在三者或三者以上之间 Miss Li is among lots of students.李老师在许多同学之间注意:介词短语常和 be 动词连用。 二、语法There be 句型(在某地有

8、某物)用法参照笔记和课本第 79 页1.there is/are +名词+ 地点.2. How many +“可复”+ are there +地点?3. How much +”不可数”+is there+地点?注意:1.就近原则:there be 句型中 be 动词的形式和与它相邻的名词的数保持一致。There is some meat and two apples on the desk. There are two apples and meat on the desk.3. 名词所有格:.的 分类:s 所有格Jims book Jim 的书Lily and Lucys 两人共有的 Lil

9、y and Lucys father. Lilys and Lucys 两人各有的 Lilys and Lucys rooms. My uncles 我叔叔家Childrens Day 儿童节s所有格the students books 学生们的书Teachers Day 教师节of 所有格 the book of Jim Jim 的书 (可以和s 所有格互换)拥有者有生命时the legs of a desk. 桌子的腿 (一般用于拥有者无生命时)特殊形式:the key to the door. 门的钥匙the answer to the question. 问题的答案双重所有格:由s 所

10、有格和 of 所有格或者由s 所有格和名词性物主代词构成。 意义:表示部分的概念。s 所有格和 of 所有格 a friend of my fathers. 我父亲的一位朋友(父亲众多朋友中的一个) 比较: a friend of my father 我父亲的朋友(和父亲是朋友关系)s 所有格和名词性物主代词 a friend of mine. 我的一位朋友一、单词和短语MODULE 41. orange 橙汁 have some orange U 橙色 the oranges are orange C 橙子This is an orange C2. Kind 善良 He is very ki

11、nd.种类=tyre a kind / type of fruit two kinds /types of fruits3. gym: 不受天气影响的室内体育馆、健身房或运动馆stadium: 周围有看台的露天大型运动场4. keep/stay healthy be in poor/bad health in good health be unhealthy be bad for ones healthbe healthy be in healthbe good for ones health指数量(不可数)There is much drink in the fridge.5. food,

12、fruit ,drink 冰箱里有许多饮料。 指种类(可数) Water and milk are healthy drinks.牛奶和水是健康的饮品。or 的用法: 或: I drink water or cola. 我喝牛奶或水 并列 (否定句): I dont like swimming or dancing.我不喜欢游泳和舞蹈。二 语法 名词 一般规则:特殊变化:元音字母交替 man-men woman-women foot-feet tooth-teeth mouse-mice单复数同型 fish deer(鹿)sheep Chinese Japanese词尾变化 child-chi

13、ldren不可数名词 :(参照笔记不可数名词口诀)a cup of teaa glass of water a can of cokea bottle of juice a bowl of ricea piece of meattwo cups of teatwo glasses of water two cans of coke two bottles of juice two bowls of rice two pieces of meathave got 的用法 (参照笔记和课本 80 页)have got 人拥有. He has got a brother.比较 have人有.He h

14、as a brother.物有. The dog has two big eyes.some 和 any 的用法 参照笔记和课本第 81 页)some 和 any 的其他用法Some 用于表建议的疑问句 How about some orange juice ?Would you like some . ?any 用于肯定句表示任何一个. Any one should learn English well.任何人都应该学好英语一 单词和短语MODULE 5breakfast,lunch,dinner,supper home 回家a break,a rest to school 上学have E

15、nglish,Chinese go to bed 上床睡觉a maths lesson to sleep 入睡a drinkOn the weekend weekdays 在工作日 在周末 on Sunday 在周日At weekends Monday morning/afternoon/evening在周一上午/下午/晚上half past nine the morningat noon/midday in the afternoon night the eveningto.和.说话 (一方说一方听) talk with.和.交谈(双方交谈)about.和.谈论论关于.二 语法 时间表达法(

16、参照笔记)What time is it ?几点钟 Whats the time ?When do you get up? What time do you get up?When is your birthday / the film?(问日、月、年或某事何时发生) 一般现在时(I )(参照笔记和课本第 82 页)意义:人或物在日常生活中经常做的事情或经常处于某一状态。 一般现在时的功能:1 .表示事物或人物的特征、状态。eg:The sky is blue.2 .表示经常性或习惯性的动作。 eg:I get up at six every day. 3.表示客观现实。 eg:The ear

17、th goes around the sun.一般现在时的构成1. be 动词:主语+be(am,is,are)+其它。eg:I am a boy. 2.行为动词:主语+行为动词(+其它)。 eg:We study English.结构一:IWeYou +动词原形.(肯定句)They have lunch.The boys (名词复数)IWeYou +dont + 动词原形.(否定句)They dont have lunch.The boys (名词复数)Iwe Yes,主语+do.Do + You +动词原形 ?(一般疑问句) 回答 No,主语+dont. they have lunch ?

18、the boys (名词复数)一 单词和短语 Names of the animalsMODULE 6camel elephant giraffe kangaroo monkey-monkeys Snake panda lion zebra polar bear wolf-wolves 大洲及动物居住地in Asia Africa Europe Oceania America North/South America the desert / forest / grassland / jungle / sea / wildmy grandparentsVisit the zoo 五千 5 tho

19、usand thousands of studentseveryone / everybody + 动词单三形式be from. = come from . 15 kilos of bamboogo and do sth. = go to do sth. 去做某事go and see the panda . = go to see the panda. 去看熊猫Here is a/an .这有. Here are .全世界all over the world around the world语法a little (用于不可数名词) little一些 (用于肯定句) 几乎没有(在肯定句中构成否定

20、句)a few ( 用于可数名词复数) fewThere is a little milk in the glass.杯里有一些牛奶There is little milk in the glass.杯里几乎没有牛奶There are a few apples in the fridge.冰箱里有一些苹果There few apples in the fridge.冰箱里几乎没有苹果一般现在时()(参照笔记和课本第 83 页) 一般现在时中第三人称行为动词的变化规律结构二HeShe + 动词第三人称单数.(肯定句) It has two big eyes.Tony (名词第三人称单数)HeSh

21、e + doesnt + 动词原形.(否定句) It doesnt have two big eyes.Tony (名词第三人称单数)he sheDoes + it + 动词原形 ? (一般疑问句) Tony have two big eyes ? (名词第三人称单数)一 单词和短语MODULE 7connect . to . 把连接到write a name for it 为它命名on the computer/phone/television 通过电脑、电话、电视save the document 保存文件save ones life 拯救生命do ones homework 做作业go

22、online/on the Internet 上网send email and photos 发送邮件和照片make travel plans 做旅行计划check the train timetable 查询列车时刻表get information(a piece of information) 获得信息 (一条信息)download music 下载音乐 visit one website 访问网站 on the Internet 在网上weekends 在周末the weekendat/on weekdays 在工作日weekdayswitch on/off . 开启电器 turn on

23、/off . 关闭电器 mouse mice 老鼠mouses 鼠标say +内容 Say goodbye! 说再见!Speak 语言 Speak English.说英语to sb. Speak to mum.和妈妈说话sb. Sth 告诉某人某事sth to sb. 把某事告诉某人tell sb. (not) to do sth. 告诉某人(不)做某事a story Sometimes 有时some times 几次、几倍Sometime 某一时间Some time 一段时间(表将来)learn to do sth. 学习做某事plan to do sth . 计划做某事二 语法一般现在时(

24、)(参考笔记和课本第 84 页) 结构三: 特殊疑问句特殊疑问词+ 一般疑问句 ? 特殊疑问词总结:What 什么(职业,姓名等) when 什么时候 (where 什么地方 who 谁Which 哪一个 why 为什么 How 怎么样what day 星期几 What size 多大尺码how many 多少(提问可数名词数量)多少(提问不可数名词数量)How much多少钱(提问价格)How old 几岁(提问年龄)多长(提问长度)How long多长时间(时间持续多久)How long do you go to school ?你去学校要多长时间?How often 多久(提问频率既单位

25、时间发生多少次)How soon (还要多久时间才能开始或结束)How soon will he come back ? How far (提问距离有多远) 他多久才能回来?How heavy (提问有多重)MODULE 8一 单词和短语be on 上映.节目film star 电影明星 football matches 足 球比赛stay at home 呆在家the party 在晚会上at the stadium 体育馆 Cinema 在电影院 night 在晚上the photo 在照片里in the fridge 在冰箱里China / Beijing2008 中国、北京、2008s

26、ee a film / see films = go to the cinemawatch a movie /movies 看电影 二 句型Its + 形容词 + to do sth.做某事是. on sth.人+spend(s)+时间/金钱 某人在.花钱/时间in doing sth.某人在做某事上花钱/时间Would you like sth?你想要.?to do sth?你愿意做.?Lets do sth. 让我们做.Whats the price of.? .价格是多少?Best wishes to sb.给.最美好的祝愿for teachers daylike practiceTha

27、nk you forFinish +doing sth startMy hobby is.favourite sport sth.:我没有时间 watch sb 看到某人做了.doing sth看到某人正在做.四、区别want would likeask/invite sb. Tell sbto do sth.主语 +please let would could can must do13doesdo different from 和.不同ask sb. (not) to do sth. 让某人(不)做某事have a habit of ding sth.有做.事的习

28、惯 get sth. from sb. 从某人那里得到.a box of candies/chocolates 一盒糖、巧克力糖wear silk shirts 穿着丝绸 T-恤a pair of jeans/trainers/glasses/shoessend/give sth. to sb. make/buy/choose sth. for sb.=send/give sb. sth. =make/buy/choose sb. sth.(当物为代词时,只能 用 to 或 for 的句型)lots of a lot ofmany +【C】+【C】或【U】肯定句 肯定或否定句much +【U】二 语法 一般现在时() 频度副词用法always 总是 usually 通常 often 经常 sometimes 有时 seldom 很少never 从不 (在肯定句中构成否定句即表否定含义) 动词之后 Jim is late for school. 2.主语之后行为动词之前 He always goes to school by bike. 3.句首 Sometimes,I go to school by bike.4.助动词和情态动词之后 I dont always go to school by bike.注意 : 在一般现在时

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