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1、经科版bec高级词汇收集A fine wine is a complement to a good meal.The bus and train services complement each other very well.He supplements his wages by working as a gardener at weekends.The colour supplement is inside the main part of the newspaper.amplify v放大 2详述This statement needs to be amplified.This acti

2、on violates the international agreements on protecting animals.A feedback and review process then enables the manager to keep abreast of what the employee actually does and provides an opportunity to jointly assess performance,re-align the job and decide on the development needs of the employee.An a

3、ction incidental to the main action.Serve no useful purpose.nimble 1灵活的,轻快的;思路敏捷的nimble competitor;a nimble mindshamper 使变难 hinder 阻止Business is often hampered by bureacracydelegate authrity toidentify with视。为一体,认同There is no saturation point in training.It always lays great stress on futher develop

4、ping and enhancing comprehensively its competitive abilities.Discard this traditional approach.The exceeding of the authority given to them in the charter.hierachical pyramid structure层级制金字塔结构flat management structure扁平化的管理结构A win-win strategy because it increases efficiency.The struggling for polit

5、ical independence is gathering momentum.Land ripe for industrial development.The time is ripe for a change of attitude.With success came futher company growth,and the necessity for in the line for有希望获得,将轮到担任price ratio市盈率benefits package一揽子福利The union has won a new package of benefits.

6、go away like bubble像泡沫一样消失I instilled the need for good maners into all my children.Proper etiquette in todays business world goes well beyond basic table maners.subtlety n1狡猾,精明 He argued his case with great subtlety.2细微之处 This film is remarkable for the subtlety of its images.3易被忽略的细节I think the t

7、ranslator missed some of the subtleties of the original.Her income suffice for her needs.I decide to follow up her suggestion.plummet vi垂直落下,骤然降落product porfolio.What do you think is the rationale behind his decision.within rangeThe decision lies outside the range of my responsibility.His land exten

8、d all the way to the river.Extend BMWs product range.I need to extend my visa.expand on sth详述(某事物)Josey was given the job on the strength of the refrences you give plement a product portfolio.sweep v扫,打扫;彻底去除All thought of revenge was swept from my minds;横扫,掠过This phenomenon has created serious conc

9、erns over the role of smaller economic firm,of national business and over the untimate stability of the world economy.The problem of unemployment is of great concren to the detriment of:action that may be to the detriment of the companys reputation.scanty adj少量的,不足的a scanty breadfast;sca

10、nty informationdisclosure n暴露的事;暴露;泄露She made several suprising discloure about her past life.disclose v向某人透露,泄露He refuse to disclose name and address to the police.ensue fmlto happen afterwards,often as a result.Thousands were killed in the ensuing battle.exotic adj不同寻常的;外国的His authority has been e

11、roding away.erode 逐渐损坏,逐渐受损confidence in the new government is eroding.adjunct n附加物,附属物,附件adversely affected.fitting 合适的,恰当的 It is fitting that we should remember those who have given their lives for freedom.n试衣,试样;固定装置,设备slide v(使)滑行,(使)滑动2悄悄地走She slide out of the room when no one was looking.let s

12、th slide对。顺其自然scale v攀登;The company has begun to scale down its operations in Africa.scale dowm(按一定比例)缩减n标准,等级I am still at the bottom of the companys pay scale.;标度,刻度 ;比例,比率rigorous 1缜密的,彻底的,严密的The new car are given rigorous safety examination.2 severe and painful严酷的,艰辛的paramout 至上的,首要的of paramount

13、 importanceInnovation injects dynamism and allows the firm to exploit markets previously overlooked or ignored.morale n士气,精神面貌The teams morale is high despite their recent defeat.venue n(某事)举办的地点The venue for the talks has not been announced for security reasons.fair n游乐场,集市orginality n独创性,创造力Her bo

14、okds shows great orginality.hesitate to do.stage an art show.stage n举办,演出amicable 友善的,心平气和的We reached an amicable agreement.faithful 忠实的,不断给予支持的 a faithful friend;如实的,真实的attendance book签到簿mark up n标高的价格in order of importance按轻重缓急=in order of precedencespell out sth vt详细解释The government is spelling o

15、ut its plans in a party broadcast.spell n着魔,咒语be under sbs speel被某人迷住revise 修订,校订;改正,修正(看法或行为);订正,修改(数字)We are revising our estimates as news of futher deaths reaches us.Adaptability,such as coping with change;adjusting to new assignment;swithching strategies rapidly;revising plans.contigency n a po

16、ssibility that might cause problems in the future不测事件We must be prepared all contigencies。contigency plans应急计划What induce you to spend so much money on a pair of shoes.slack 不紧的,松弛的;松懈的,不严的;马虎的,疏忽的 You are getting very slack in your work.Discipline in the classroom is too slack.warrant n授权,正当理由,证明,凭

17、证 v保证,批准;使。有正当理由Warrants give their investor the right to buy a new bond bearing a fixed rate of interest.The tiny crowd didnt warrant such a huge police presence.pledge n誓言,誓约,保证 He gave a pledge to make the company a success.;保证物,抵押物,信物 Take this ring as a pledge of our friendship .v 允诺,发誓The dire

18、ctor pledged to reduce working hour.pledge yourself to sth保证做某事imperative 【fml】紧急的,很重要 Its imperative that you go at once.verbal agreement口头协议,口头约定forge vt伪造;假冒 He got the money by forging his brothers signature on a cheque.;锻造,打造;(与某人)建立(良好关系)They have forged an alliance with the French Socialists.

19、;突然,加速前进He forged into the lead just before the end of the race.The core idea of control is to modify behavior and performance when deviations from plans are discovered.deviation 偏离 a deviation fro the norm.We have to verify that you are the true owner of the house before lending any money.vague 模糊的

20、;表达或解释不清楚的Vague goals and standards such as better quality,more efficiency and improved performace are inadequate because they do not descrive the objective in sufficient detail.elaborate adj full of detail with a large number of parts or very carefully planned详尽的,精心制作的 Elaborate precautions were ta

21、ken to ensure her safety.vtfml 详细说明Would you like to elaborate a little on what you have already said.obsolete adj已废弃的,已过时的reflect 反映,照出;Clouds were reflected in the lake;反射(光或热)The material is designed to reflect the heat.;表达,表现(感情或信仰)Does the letter reflect your real oppinions.;to be the result of

22、 a partular situation or feeling 反映 The increase income reflects rising unemoloyment.;仔细考虑After reflecting for a time,he decide not to go.reflect on sb/sth 给(某物,某人)带来影响 These exam results reflect badly on your school.plumb n铅锤 v查明(意义)pluming the deep mysteries of mans mind.plumb the depths达到(感情或行动的)

23、最低点The hierarchy depicts what is called a chain of commamd or simply a channel of communication coordination and control.accountable adj对。负有责任的;有解释义务的 I am not accountable to you for my decison.Top management is accountable for the overall management of the organization.Middle management implements

24、top management goals,Supervisors direct the actual work of the organization at the operation level.intrigue vt引起(某人的)极大兴趣 vi耍阴谋I am intrigued by this new idea for saving paper.An intrigueing idea引人入胜的主意exert v(为特定目的)运用(力量,技能)My wifes been exerting a lot of pressure on me to change my job.Please exer

25、t all you influence on the company directorsexert yourself to努力figurehead 有名无实的首脑disseminate 正式散布,广为传播(消息或思想)Once you have checked in, hell take you to lunch with some of the managers将来完成时表示将来某时会已经完成的事情rigid adj hard and not able to be changed,used of rules and laws严厉的,无法改变的 a rigid system of contro

26、l ;拒绝改变的,僵化的The headmaster is very rigid in his approach.;stiff,and not bending easily僵硬的,坚固的,不易弯曲的。people are beginning to make the connection between lifestyle ,performance and sickness,So I think we are bound to see a move towards promoting lifestyle issue in the office.indulge vt放纵(某人);迁就 2使自己纵情

27、享受(尤指不好的东西)permeate v渗入,渗透to pass through or into every part of sth;Water permeated through the cracks in the wall.A strong desire for political change permeate the country.Since leadership permeates all activities,the leader role is among the most important of all roles at all levels of management.

28、spread v张开,伸展;传播 n传播,蔓延mastery n excellence in skill or art精通,熟巧He shows complete mastery of the dance routine;full control over something 完全控制He finally achieved mastery over his fear.Technical skill includes mastery of the methods,techniques,and equipment involved in specific function such as engi

29、neering,manufacturing or financerender 1给予,提供(尤指帮助)You have rendered me a great service.2To cause a person or thing to be in a particular state.He was rendered helpless.Failure to ask the question will render even the ablest executive incompetent.Even the most brilliant executive is human and thus p

30、rone to mistakes and prejudices But failure to ask question virtually guarantees the wrong decision.Affirmative answers do not guarantee that the action will be effective.But violating these restraints is certain to make it both wrong and ineffectual.Affirm fml 断言,重申The minister affirmed the governm

31、ents intention to reduce taxes.affirmative 肯定的,赞成的prone to sth/do sth可能做某事,可能遭遇 【fml】俯卧There is no such thing as a universal executive genius.board 可表 a group of people who have responsibility for a particular organization or activity.委员会,理事会,董事会The shools board of governors.Effective executive also

32、 make sure tha problems do not overwhelm opportunities.convict vt判定某人有罪 conviction n判罪,定罪;very firm and sicere belief.district n an area of a country or a city especially one made officially for a particular purpose.区,管区,行政区 a postal district 邮政区overtax v抽税过重;要求过高;过度负担;过度劳动outright adv completely完全地 The government have banned the drug outright ;直率地,直截了当地I asked him o

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