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1、八年级课文翻译Unit 2A2Tom and Jerry are two of the most popular cartoon characters in the world. The short cartoons are full of fun. They show Tom the cat trying to catch Jerry the mouse. They also have a long history.William Hanna and Joseph Barbera both worked for MGM in the late 1930s. Their boss, a man

2、 called Fred Quimby, told them to make funny cartoons for cinemas. Together they thought of the idea of a cat trying to catch a mouse. They thought it would be funny to make the mouse smart and always get the cat into trouble.The first Tom and Jerry cartoon was shown in cinemas in 1940. It was a hug

3、e success. So their boss told Hanna and Barbara to make more. Over the next seventeen years, they made plenty of Tom and Jerry cartoons. Most of the cartoons are around seven minutes long.It is easy to understand the cartoons, since there is usually no speaking in them. Instead, the two animals are

4、always running around of fighting each other. Though Tom thinks he can catch Jerry, he always fails.Hanna and Barbara made 114 Tom and Jerry cartoons altogether. In almost every one, Tom gets in trouble with his owner, while Jerry laughs at him. The famous cat and mouse are still popular today, sinc

5、e they are funny and bring great amusement. Children from all over the world love to watch their show on television. 汤姆和杰里是世上最着名的两个卡通角色。这部短漫画是充满了乐趣。它讲述了一只汤姆猫捉一只杰里鼠的故事。说起来,它们也有悠久的历史了。在上个世纪30年代,威廉汉纳和约瑟夫巴贝拉在美国米高梅电影制片公司共事。他们的老板,弗雷德,让他们给影院制作一些有趣的卡通片。于是他们俩想出了一个猫捉老鼠的主意。他们认为把汤姆塑造得聪明机智,常常让杰里麻烦不断是一件很有趣的事。第一部猫

6、和老鼠在1940年上映,当时便取得巨大成功。于是他们的老板让威廉汉纳和约瑟夫巴贝拉继续制作下去。在过去的17年里,他们制作了大量的猫和老鼠动画,其中大部分的长度在7分钟左右。动画里的对白不多,让人一看就明白。倒是这两个主角经常是在追逐打闹之中。尽管汤姆觉得自己可以捉住杰里,但他屡战屡败。威廉汉纳和约瑟夫巴贝拉总共制作了114集猫和老鼠,几几乎在每一集中, 汤姆会闯祸落在主人手里,而杰里却在一边嘲笑他。今天,着名的汤姆和杰里依然受欢迎,它们给观众带来很多乐趣和娱乐,世界各地的小朋友都喜欢在电视上看到它们。B2Would you like to become as cartoon artist?

7、If yes, a good way to start is by drawing cartoon faces. Cartoon faces should be funny and interesting. We can make peoples faces look funny by exaggerating some of their features. For example, this lady has round checks, small eyes, a smiling mouth and black hair. She also wears big glasses with th

8、in, brown frames.Now, lets draw a cartoon face of this lady. Which part of her face shall we make bigger or smaller? Lets try her glasses. First, we draw an outline of the shape of her face and add a nose. Then we can draw bigger glasses with thick frames. Second, lets add smaller eyes. And a bigger

9、 smile. Finally, add rounder cheeks, black eyebrows and hair. Colour the face with brighter colours. Dont forget the glasses. How about making them bright pink? They will look more brilliant.Draw the outline of the shape of her face, her nose and glasses. Draw her eyes and mouth.Draw her cheeks, eye

10、brows and hair. Colour the face and the glasses. We can see that by adding bigger glasses, smaller eyes, a rounder face and brighter colours the cartoon face looks humorous. Now, all we have to do is to think of a name for her!你想成为一个卡通画师吗?如果想,那么从绘画卡通脸谱开始是一个不错的办法。卡通脸谱总是滑稽有趣的。我们通过把人物脸部特征夸张化,从而让它们看上去很搞


12、眼镜,圆点儿的脸蛋和更明亮的色彩,这张卡通脸谱更显诙谐。现在,我们只需要做的事情,就是给她起一个名字啦!Unit 3A2“The tour of the movie park was the highlight of our trip to Hollywood”, said Julia. “The park is both an amusement park and a film studio. Visitors go there for pleasure, and film crews go to shoot films,” Roddy explained.I asked them whic

13、h attractions they liked best. Julia said that Dinosaur Jungle was her favorite. We took a car into the place, smelt like a jungle. We saw some cute little baby dinosaurs and then a big one came and chased us. I knew it was only a model, but it looked very real! I almost jumped out of my skin when t

14、he dinosaur roared at us!The Great Wave attraction made a deep impression on Roddy. “Everything was very quite. Then suddenly we saw a huge wave coming towards us,” said Roddy, “there was a loud noise and the wave seemed to crash over the top of our car. The car shook violently, but we didnt get wet

15、 at all!”I asked them whether they saw any film stars. “No, we didnt, but we saw people shooting film there,” said Roddy. “The director even asked us if we wanted to be in the film as extras. I acted in my first Hollywood film!”Lastly, I asked if they enjoyed working as extras. “It was interesting t

16、o act the role. But I really want to be a director,” Roddy admitted. Julia told me that her dream was to become a film star.“我们这次好莱坞之旅的高潮就是参观电影公园啦”,茱莉亚说。“这个公园既是一个娱乐场所,同时也充当电影制片厂。游人来这里娱乐,影片摄制组来这里拍电影”,罗迪解释道。我问他们最喜欢哪个景点,茱莉亚说恐龙丛林是她的最爱。我们乘车去到那里,到处充满了丛林的气息。我们看到一些可爱的恐龙宝宝,接着一条大恐龙走进并追逐我们。我知道它是假的,但是它造得太逼真了。当它

17、向我们咆哮的时候,我吓得跳了起来。那个巨浪景点给罗迪的印象是最深的。“当一切风平浪静,忽然我们看到一个巨浪向我们打过来”,罗迪说,“听着巨大的声响,我们仿佛看到浪花就要打在我们的车顶上。车子剧烈地摇晃着,但我们竟然一点也没有被弄湿!”我问他们有没有看到过电影明星。“没有,但是我们看到有人在那拍电影”,罗迪说。“那个导演还问我是否愿意临时演员呢。那是我第一部好莱坞电影!”最后,我问他们是否乐意充当临时演员。“角色扮演是件非常有趣的事情,但是我更喜欢做导演,”罗迪承认说。茱莉亚跟我说她的梦想是成为一名电影明星。B2This brilliant new cartoon is set far in t

18、he future. It is about a robot called WALL-E. Humans build him to help them collect rubbish. One day, humans leave earth because it is very polluted and there is too much rubbish to clean up when they leave, nobody turns off WALL-E. He works every day and watches musicals at night, his only friend i

19、s a small bug. Years later a robot called EVE arrives. Humans send her to see if any life has returned to earth. EVE is fast ands smart. WALL-E tries to make friend with her, but she has to leave. WALL-E is lonely and doesnt want his new friend to go as her spaceship takes off, he jumps on and begin

20、s a romantic adventure through space!There things make WALL-E such an enjoyable and moving film. First, its robot star is extremely funny. He is rushing around and bumping into EVE anything. Second, his friendship with EVE is interesting, because they dont speak the same language and must find a way

21、 to communicate. Third, the film is colorful and looks amazing. Both the robots and the empty earth seem very real. The film also makes you think. It has a powerful message about the environment. It was a hit family film of 2008. 这部出色的新卡通片把背景设在遥远的未来。他讲述了一个名为瓦力的机器人的故事。人们创造他是为了让他帮人类收集垃圾。终有一天,人们离开了污染严重


23、芜的地球看上去都非常真实。这部电影还能引人思考。它传递出一个关于环境保护的强烈信息。这是一部2008年十分卖座的家庭电影。Unit 4A2A wonderful year in New Zealand Tammy LuoIf I go to New Zealand, will I be able to understand the local people? This was my fist thought when the American field service (AFS) accepted me as part of their educational exchange progra

24、mme. I stayed with a host family in Auckland for one year. At first, communicating was quite difficult. But my host was very patience and they helped me learn quickly.As exchange students, we were required to tell people about our own culture, so I took many photos and postcard from China with me. I

25、 also gave a talk about China to my classmates, and I even did some simple Chinese cooking. It was wonderful year. I learnt about a new culture, and I became more confident. 新西兰的美妙一年 罗汤米如果我去新西兰,我能明白当地人说什么吗?当我收到美国战地服务团的录取,成为他们教育交流计划的一分子时,这个问题首先浮现在脑海。我在奥克兰一个寄宿家庭里住了一年。起初,我们交流起来非常困难,但是我的房东十分耐心,在他们的帮助下我学

26、习得很快。作为互换生,我们被要求告诉大家自己的文化,所以我从中国带了很多照片和明信片过去。我给我的同学讲了一下中国的事情,甚至还煮了一些简单的中国菜。这是如此美妙的一年。我学习了一种新的文化,还变得更加自信。Visiting the poor in Thailand Edwin SuLast year I went to Thailand for ten days, the trip was arranged by world vision. This organization helps poor people throughout the world. The aim of our tri

27、p was to learn about the lives of poor people in Thailand. I was deeply affected by what I saw. In some areas, poor families were living in rubbish dumps. However, the Thai government is working hard to improve the situation. Although the trip was hard work, it was a very valuable experience for me.

28、 It has shown me how fortunate I am. 在泰国探访穷人 爱德温 苏去年,我去了泰国十天,那次的旅行是由世界宣明会组织的。这个组织旨在帮组全世界的穷人。我们这次旅行的目的是体验泰国穷人的生活。我被我所看到的一切深深地打动。在一些地方,穷困家庭生活在垃圾堆里。但是,泰国政府正致力于改善生活环境。尽管那次旅行十分艰辛,但对我来说那时一份难得的经历。它让我知道自己是多么的幸运。Scholarship to Japan Sylvia Wang I visited Japan for six weeks because I won Japan airlines schol

29、arship. For five weeks, I live with other foreign students in a hotel and attended Japanese language classes. We also had classes on Japans culture and went on sightseeing tours. For the final week, I stayed with a friendly family in Kyoto, the old capital of Japan. I made friends with students from

30、 South Korea, Brazil and Australia, as well as many from Japan. I returned to china three months ago and since then, I have kept in touch with my new friends by writing e-mail s and chatting on the computer at home.拿奖学金去日本 西尔维亚 王我到日本游览了六周,因为我赢得了一家日本航空公司提供的奖学金。在那五个星期里,我和其他外国学生一起住在一所了旅馆,并参加日语学习班。我们也上日

31、本文化课及旅游观光。最后那个星期,我在京都(日本古都)和一户友善的家庭住在一起。我结识了来自韩国,巴西,及日本的朋友。我三个月前回到中国,从那时起,我就通过电子邮件和我的新朋友保持俩系,我们还在家里的电脑上聊天。B2SUE: Good mooring, Bob. Whats new?BOB: Hello, sue. Ive got some leaflets about educational exchange.SUE: what is an educational exchange?BOB: It is a programme to allow students to visit diffe

32、rent countries. For example, some students from our school could go to the USA, and some American students could come and visit our school. SUE: That sounds interesting. Where do all the students stay?BOB: They usually stay with host families. For example, my family would let an American students stay in our house. We would cook for him and show him some of our customs. When I go to the USA, would stay with his family in his house. SUE: That sounds nice. Where would you like to go on an exchange?BOB: I would r

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