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1、雅思听力词汇替换转换雅思听力中的替换词,转换词及常用词组词汇的积累必须有方向性,一是以场景常见词汇为重,二是要尽量概括常见的替换词与转换词(PP)。常见的场景词汇很容易获得,但常见PP却是个难题!因为PP本来就 是一个非常灵活,随着每次听力内容不同而不同的情况。所以只能概括出现最频繁的PP。这些PP要么是某些重要场景的核心概念,要么是英语(论坛)语言中使用较为频繁的表达,所以在考试中出现的频率才会偏高。以下为出现最频繁的PP,以及常用词组短语,请大家务必花点时间熟悉他们。1. 住处周围的环境Neighbourhood Surrounding Environment Circumstance2.

2、 房子空的(可以租到的)Available Vacant Unoccupied On lease3. 房东Landlord Landlady House/Property owner4. 最大值Maximum/up to5. 最小值Minimum/start from6. 取钱Draw /Withdraw Cash7. 提前Ahead of time /In advance 8. 预订Book/Booking Reserve/Reservation9. 入口Entrance Access10. 期刊Periodical Journal11. 注册Enroll Register12. 补习班Se

3、minar Workshop13. 包括Include Involve 14. 初级的Basic Beginner Introductory15. 科目Subject Discipline16. 物种Species Breed17. 遗传Descend Inherit18. 孵化Hatch Incubate19. 驯化Domesticate Tame20. 部落Tribe Clan21. 肥沃的Rich Fertile22. 贫瘠的Barren Infertile Lean23. 优点n. Advantage Merit Virtue Excellence Predominanceadj. S

4、uperior Positive24. 缺点n. Weakness Drawback Shortcoming Flaw Vulnerability Demeritadj. Inferior Negative25. 重要adj. Important Significant Essential Crucial Vitaln. Importance Significance26. 危险Danger Endanger DangerousHazard HazardousThreat Threaten ThreateningJeopardy Jeopardize JeopardousRisk Risky2

5、7. 种类n. Type Category Classificationv. Sort Categorize Classify28.费用 Fee charge 29.允许permit-allow 30.研究人员scientist -researcher 31.符号,记号sign-indication 32.In the 1900s=in the 20th century33.Score=20 34.a quarter=1/4=25%35.Dozen=12 36.Decade=10years37. 导致give rise to: contribute to, lead to, result in

6、, cause, breed, create, incur 38. 灾难Disaster: catastrophe 39. 污染Pollute: contaminate 40. 有毒的Poisonous: toxic 41.下降Decrease; fall, drop, plunge, decline, step back, downward, minimize, abate 42. 上升Increase: rise, go up, surge, grow43. 上升的Growing: increasing, rising 44.传统的conventional traditional45.要求

7、demand request, claim, need, order, require, call for46.减少decline decrease, degeneration, drop, fall, , depression, reduction, slump, worsening47.进展,进步develop evolve, advance, grow, improve, progress,48早期的,early first, old, ancient, primitive, previous, former, 49.发现find discover, come across, encou

8、nter, hit on, observe50.即将到来的future forthcoming whats next, approaching51。必然的inevitable unavoidable, certain sure52.作用,任务role function job, position, duty post, task, contribution53.当前recent modern, current, now, nowadays, today present, up-to-date 54.重要significance importance, vital55.全世界的worldwide

9、 international, cosmopolitan, global, universal widespread, around the world56.解决:solve, resolve, deal with, cope with, handle, tackle57.消除:get rid of, eradicate, eliminate58.依赖:rely on, depend on, count on59.十分:very much, immensely, hugely, largely, greatly, enormously, tremendously60.损害:damage, hu

10、rt, injure, harm, impair61.给予:give, offer, render, impart, provide62.发展:develop, cultivate, foster63. 僵硬的,一成不变的rigid/ stiff/ unchanged/ little change 64. 巨大的,明显的,程度大的/ significant/enormous/dramatic/tremendous/appreciably/remarkable/crucial 65. 将近approximately ,early, almost66. 比例proportion/ percenta

11、ge 67. 涉及,卷入,参与be involved (in)/ involve in/ involvement n. 68. 有鉴于考虑到,尽管given/ considering , in regard to / despite/ although 69. 错综复杂的,复杂的complex / complicated/ sophisticated 70. 能力,容量竞争)能力capacity / competence / ability71.确保,保障:Secure-security/ ensure (insure)/ guarantee 72.唯一的solely/ merely/ onl

12、y73. 系列,花样,品种a vast array of / a great variety of / a great rang of74.pesticide 杀虫剂/ suicide 自杀/ homicide/ murder杀人75. 认为believe/ assume (responsibility)/ suppose 76. 买purchase/ buy 77. 拘泥,限制constrain / restrict / limit78. 环境circumstance / surroundings/ environment 79.移民:immigrant (进来)/ emigrant(出去)

13、/migrant80.兴旺,繁荣;prosperous/ thriving/ booming(人口,行业)/flourishing81.神圣的:divine/ heavenly/ holy/ sacred82.有毒的:poisonous/ toxic ( in-, non- 无毒的)83.致命的:deadly/ fatal/ lethal/ mortal84.类似于:look like/ resemble85.网恋:virtual love/ cyber love86.网友:on-line /net/ cyber friend87. 预测 indicate/ predict 88. 分类:ca

14、tegory-categorize/ class-classify 89. 代替substitution= substitute sth for sb /replace 90.孤立:隔绝, 排外, isolate/ alienate/insulate/be alien to91模棱两可的,暧昧的ambiguous/ambiguity /obscure92导致contribute to /result in /account for 93.缺乏的,不足的:inadequate/ insufficient/ deficient/lack (of)/ short (of)94.强调:emphasiz

15、e/ stress/ highlight/ focus on/ concentrate on95.明显的,显而易见的apparently /patently / obviously/evidently96.对怀疑:(be) /skeptical/skeptical /dubious/ suspicious (about/of)97.臭命昭著的:notorious-notoriety/ flagrant/ smelly/,组织:association/ structure /organization99.超过:exceed/ surpass100.多种多样的:diver

16、sity/ variety/ breed/ species101.开始的,初步的:begin/ launch/ initial (-ly) / initiate /nitiative/origin102.贫穷:poor/ in poverty/ impoverished103.杰出:eminence (-t)/ prominence (-t)/unusual104.令人困惑的:bewildering/ puzzling/ perplexing105. 辅助,助,补贴subsidize / subsidy / subsidiary106. 按照,在方面,关于in term of /with re

17、gard to, 107. 谈判,洽谈/ 商定,协议negotiation/ agreement 108. 发展evolve/ develop 109. 参加be participant in/ take part in /participate in 110. 处理attend to/ take care of 111. 相联系(带来的好处)lead to/ be associated with 112. 平等的balanced/ equitable 113. 审核,检查inspect/ examine 114不满意/厌恶,讨厌dissatisfy/ argue 115. 悲观的,忧郁的pe

18、ssimism/ negative/ blue/optimistic 116. 成为turn into/ become 117. 迁移/ 移动migration/ move 118迷住,吸引住.fascination/attraction 119. 不需要/ 不必要not require/ unnecessary 120. 最近的/ 现代的/ 当今的/现在recent/ current/ nowadays/present 121. 承认,识别,认可recognized/ identified 122. 集中aim to/ focus on 123. 基础的,基本的basic/ fundamen

19、tal 124. 捕捉,抓住seize/ catch 125. 大约almost/ approximately126. 著名的eminent/eminent127. 致命的lethal/fatal 128显示,指出,象征indicate/ show 129 消除/ 减少eliminate/ lessen 130工资wage/salary 129. 获得gain/achieve130. 经济 financial/economy131. 死亡die132. 大约almost/ approximately 133. 著名的f amous/ eminent134. 随意的Casual: arbitra

20、ry, unplanned, unexpected, 135. 批评Criticize: reproach, blame, 136. 不诚实的Dishonest: deceptive 137. 成功Success: achievement, feat 138. 原因Reason: factor, contributor, origin, 139. 结果Result: outcome, consequence, implication 140. 由于,因为Result from: arise from, originate from, be due to, thanks to, 141. 能力A

21、bility; capability, power, caliber 142. handicap, hardship, adversity, challenge, dilemma, troubleScience - Introduction of monorailsQuestions 1-4Complete the sentences.Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.What is a monorail? Tracks are usually (1) _. Most monorails are used

22、for transporting (2) _. The oldest monorail still in use opened in the year (3) _. Shanghai monorail trains normally reach a speed of (4) _ kilometres an hour.Questions 5-9Complete the notes.Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.Safety: very rarely derailed no risk of (5) _Environment: produc

23、e relatively little (6) _ stations can be in (7) _ and other busy placesEconomics: only installation takes place on site low operating costs very (8) _ compared with other forms of transportDisadvantage: they use a (9) _Questions 10-14Look at the diagram. Choose the appropriate word from the box to fill in the blanks.balcony beam operating unit pillarvehicle walkway breaking unit10. _ 11. _ 12. _ 13. _ 14. _

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