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the big bang theory.docx

1、the big bang theory马跳C3/马吃掉后的象Knight to queens bishop-five.哦 很好 Leonard该怎么做呢?Oh,very nice. Whats Leonard going to do?他是放弃卒 还是放弃位置?Does he give up the pawn or does he give up the position?咱拭目以待吧 Leonard 准备好了?Lets find out. Leonard,ready?好了Ready.开始Go.该死 我滑了一下Damn it. I slipped.可惜啊 你也知道激光障碍 象棋特工的游戏规则To

2、o bad. You know the rules of Secret Agent Laser Obstacle Chess.Leonard又死了 Sheldon 该你了Leonard died again,Sheldon. Youre up.虽然我深爱象棋 激光和喷雾剂 但我必须放弃游戏Despite my deep love of chess,lasers and aerosol disinfectant,I must forfeit.为啥啊?Why?- 因为已经快11点了 - 所以呢?- Because its almost 11:00. - So?Penny定了个11点前别敲我家门 否

3、则我一拳把你打成哑巴的规矩So,Penny has a dont knock on my door before 11:00 or I punch you in the throat rule.嘿 我想到一个绝妙的点子Hey,you know whatd be a great idea?咱找几个姑娘来玩激光障碍脱衣象棋We get some girls over here and play Laser Optical Strip Chess.信我一句 Howard 凡是愿意来玩的 你都不忍心看她们脱光Believe me,Howard,any girl who would be willing

4、 to play that,you dont want to see naked.你小看我You underestimate me.Penny Penny PennyPenny. Penny. Penny.嘿 SheldonHey,Sheldon.- 11点了哦 - 我知道 你很安全- Its 11:00 a.m. - I know. Youre safe.这包裹是你上班时寄来的This package came while you were at work.太好了 我的莱茵仿钻 谢谢Oh,great,my rhinestones. Thank you.- 等下 - 干嘛?- Excuse m

5、e. - What?- 你得签这个 - 啥东西?- You have to sign this. - What is it?我签收这个包裹时 即代表联合邮递公司When I signed for the package,I was deputized by the United Parcel Service受委托将其转交给你and entrusted with its final delivery.现在需要你确认收到包裹 说明我安全送达不再负任何责任I now need you to acknowledge receipt of the package so that Im fully ind

6、emnified and no longer liable.Sheldon 只不过是一盒子莱茵石嘛Sheldon,its just a box of rhinestones.内容不重要 主要是确立合法托管关系Well,the contents are irrelevant. A legal bailment has been created.你满不在乎是吧?Does that mean nothing to you?谁在乎这些啊It means nothing to anybody.进来 看看我在干嘛Come here,let me show you what Im doing.托管是法律中的

7、一种关系Bailment describes a relationship in common law即对私有财产 或者说动产的所有权where a physical possession of personal property,or chattels,从一人 即委托人转给另一人 受托者.is transferred from one person,the bailor,to another person,the bailee.好了 好了 瞧啊瞧 我做生意了ah,yeah,yeah. Look,look,look! I started a business.显然不是做清洁工作的Obvious

8、ly,not a cleaning business.不是 我在做小花发夹 瞧见没No,Im making flower barrettes. See?我叫它们Penny小花I call them Penny Blossoms.我给自己做了一个 结果上班那的女孩们都要I made one for myself,then all the girls at work wanted one.后来我给奥德城一开铺子的女士看了Then I showed some to this lady who runs a shop in Old Town.她是卖卡片和自制首饰的 她说要卖我的发夹She sells

9、cards and homemade jewelry. She said she wanted to sell them.我说好哇 一周我就赚了156美刀I said,Okay. And in one week,I made a $156.真不错 签字Good for you. Sign here.Sheldon 还不明白吗?Sheldon,dont you get it?如果这事有起色 我再也不用做服务生了If this takes off,I wont have to be a waitress anymore.那每周二晚谁给我拿芝士汉堡啊?But then who will bring

10、me my cheeseburger on Tuesday nights?- 别的服务生咯 - 叫什么名字?- Another waitress. - Whats her name?不知道呢I dont know.不知道就让她给我送餐?And youre going to let her handle my food?Nancy 她叫NancyNancy. Her name is Nancy.我看你是瞎编的吧I think youre just making that up.Sheldon 汉堡的事抱歉了 好吗?Sheldon,Im sorry about your hamburger,oka

11、y?我真是不想做一辈子服务生I just dont want to be a waitress for the rest of my life.是芝士汉堡 我要的是芝士汉堡Cheeseburger. I get a cheeseburger.好了啦 芝士汉堡Fine,cheeseburger.或许Nancy能招待的更好一点Maybe Id be better off with Nancy.你觉得咋样? 能成一番事业吧?So,what do you think? I mean,this could be a business,right?这玩意你一天能做多少个?How many of these

12、 can you make a day?20来个About 20.你一个Penny小花能挣多少.钱?And how much profit do you make per. Penny Blossom?不知道 5毛钱吧 说不好I dont know,like,50 cents. Im not sure.当然了 好吧.Of course youre not. All right.一天10块钱 每周5天 每年52周 那你能挣2600块Ten dollars a day times five days a week times 52 weeks a year is $2,600.- 就这么点儿? -

13、 税前- Thats all? - Before taxes.这玩意还交什么税啊I dont have to pay taxes on this stuff.国内税收署肯定会强烈反对I believe the Internal Revenue Service would strongly disagree.但是 如果你利用现代销售技术 完善制作工艺But,if you took advantage of modn marketing techniques,and you optimized your manufacturing process,说不定这生意能做成you might be abl

14、e to make this a viable business.你对那些都懂不?And you know about that stuff?Penny.Penny.我是物理学家Im a physicist.我对整个宇宙及其 包含的事物都有所了解I have a working knowledge of the entire universe and everything it contains.Radiohead是干嘛的?Whos Radiohead?我对整个宇宙及其包含的 重要事物都有所了解 祝你好运了I have a working knowledge of the important

15、things in the universe. Good luck.Sheldon 等下Sheldon,hold on.能不能教我怎么用这些赚更多钱?Could you maybe show me how to make more money with this?- 等然能了 - Sheldon 等等!- Of course I could. - Sheldon,wait!行吗?Will you?咱说清楚 你是请求我帮忙Just to be clear here,youre asking for my assistance.是的Yes.你清楚期间我会指导你去做事?And you underst

16、and that will involve me telling you what to do?我清楚I understand.我要你做事时 你不许冷嘲热讽And youre not allowed to be sarcastic or snide to me while Im doing so.好吧Okay.很好Good.咱先前提假设你目前 做的一切都是错的Lets begin with the premise that everything youve done up to this point is wrong.哦 可不是嘛Oh,imagine that.- 挖苦 别了 - 别走 对不起

17、 等等!- Sarcasm. Good-bye. - No,sorry. Wait!快回来嘛!Please come back!好了 做好了There. Done.看看 12分17秒All right. 12 minutes and 17 seconds.还不错哈?Pretty good,right?也就是一小时做4.9个Penny小花Thats 4. 9 Penny Blossoms per hour.根据你的材料钱和批发价Based on your cost of materials and your wholesale selling price,你一天实际能挣5.19块美元youll

18、effectively be paying yourself. $5.19 a day.一天?A day?印尼运动鞋厂的小孩都比你赚的多There are children in a sneaker factory in Indonesia who outearn you.不对啊That just cant be right.- 你质疑我的算数? - 没有 抱歉- Youre questioning my math? - No,sorry.- 用我给你演示遍怎么算的吗? - 哦 天啊 可别- Want me to show my work? - Oh,God,no.- 就告诉我该怎么办吧 -

19、好的- Just please tell me what to do about it. - All right.你了解Honore Blanc1778年 使用可替换零件Are you familiar with the development that resulted from Honor Blancs给工业带来什么发展吗?1778 use of interchangeable parts?不就是装配线嘛The assembly line,of course.好了 这样吧 既然你不让我讽刺 那你也不许表现得高人一等Okay,you know what,if Im not allowed t

20、o be snide,youre not allowed to be condescending.最初的协定里可没有这条 我现在也不同意That wasnt a part of our original agreement,and I dont agree to it now.随便了 那我们怎么在我公寓 弄机器和传送带啊?All right,fine. How are we supposed to set up machines and conveyor belts in my apartment?你说的是流动装配线啊 可以理解但无法原谅的错误Youre thinking of the mov

21、ing assembly line,an understandable but not excusable mistake.不是的 流动.No. The.流动装配线是由亨利福特 在1908年引进的The moving assembly line,that was introduced by Henry Ford in 1908.是这项革新技术通过低费用生产That innovation is what made possible our modern consumer culture促成了现代消费文化by enabling a low-unit cost for manufactured go

22、ods.我看Radiohead不讲这些东西吧I guess that isnt one of the topics discussed on your Radiohead.走了 别错过精彩的事Lets go. Were going to miss the coming attractions.怎么了?Whats the matter?我想我吃上一个卒时挫伤了睾丸I think I bruised a testicle capturing that last pawn.* Please pay attention and listen to me* Please pay attentn and

23、listen to me* Give me some time to blow the man down * Give me some time to blow the man down * Im a deepwater sailor just come from Hong Kong * Im a deepwater sailor just come from Hong Kong * Give me way,hey,blow the man down * Give me way,hey,blow the man down * If you give me some whiskey Ill si

24、ng you a song * If you give me some whiskey Ill sing you a song * Give me some time to blow the man down.* Give me some time to blow the man down.*你们好哇?Hello?- 你们好 - 你们好- Hello. - Hello.* Come quickly lay after To the break of the poop * Come quickly lay aft To the break of the poop * To me way,hey,

25、blow the man down * To me way,hey,blow the man down * Or Ill help you along with the toe of my boot * Or Ill help you along with the toe of my boot * Give me some time to blow the man down.* Give me some time to blow the man down.*嘿嘿 这是怎么了?W-W-Wait,whats going on?我猜你是说这劳动工作歌I assume youre referring

26、to the sea shanty.这是首用来提高生产力的 节奏感强的劳动歌Its a rhythmic work song designed to increase productivity.是啊 傻了吧唧 但的确有用Yeah,its crazy,but it totally works.瞧 不到3分钟就做好一个Penny小花Look,we made this Penny Blossom in under three minutes.真棒 不过我们的疑问倒是更多了Terrific,but that kind of raises more questions than it answers.P

27、enny在做头饰Pennys making hair accessories.我帮她完善她的制作工艺Im helping her optimize her manufacturing process.好了 休息结束All right,breaks over.* Pay attention to orders now you one and all.* Pay attention to orders now you one and all.*等等 你用什么粘的?Hold on. What are you using as a bonding agent?- 热粘接剂 - 傻了吧你- Hot gl

28、ue. - Youre kidding.随便一种氰基丙烯酸盐粘合剂 粘的效果都会更好啊Any of the cyanoacrylates would do a better job.不行的 花的孔太多了It wont work,the flowers too porous.要是在底层那片注入硅橡胶 打好一个基础面呢?What if we infused the bottom layer with silicone-RTV to provide a better mounting surface?有点意思Intriguing.问的好 你的市场销售渠道呢?Good question. *tion

29、channels?有我上班那的服务生们 还有奥德城的一家小店.Well,there are the waitresses at my work,and this cute,little shop in Old Town.嘘嘘嘘 事实上 没有Hush,hush,hush,hush,hush- virtually non-existent.我在考虑我们让她从 全权负责的电子商务做起Im thinking that we set her up with a hosted turnkey e-commerce system to start.何不省去中间人呢?Why not eliminate the

30、 middle man?我们可以用她卧室的静止IP 装一个服务器场We couldnstall a small server farm with a static IP in her bedroom.她得要工业冷却系统Shed need some kind of industrial cooling system.当然 但建立销售和分销基础设施前Of course,but before we set up a marketing and distribution infrastructure,我们得先完善好制作工艺we should finish optimizing the manufacturing process.首先 遇湿凝结的亮片是个老大难To start with,she has a terrible problem with moisture-induced glitter clump.是啊 烦透了Yeah,its a bitch.哦 我见过Uh,Ive seen this before.在哪?Where?常见的脱衣舞女问题Its a common stripper probl.她们跳啊 流汗啊 凝到

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