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池塘养鱼学课程教学大纲中英版 cw.docx

1、池塘养鱼学课程教学大纲中英版 cw附件1:Annex 1: 池塘养鱼学 课程大纲Pond PiscicultureCourse Outline一、 课程概述Course Overview课程名称(中文):池塘养鱼学 (英文):Pond Pisciculture课程编号:课程学分:3学分课程总学时:48学时课程性质:专业课1Course OverviewCourse Name(Chinese):池塘养鱼学 (English):Pond PiscicultureCourse Code:Course credits:3 creditsCourse Total Hours:48 hoursNature

2、 of the course:Professional courses二、课程内容简介(300字以内)池塘养鱼学是研究池塘养鱼理论和技术的一门学科。它是水产养殖学专业的核心课程,是应用性很强的专业课。池塘养鱼学是一门主要运用养殖鱼类的生活习性、生长和繁殖等知识研究在池塘条件下进行养殖的自然科学。该课程以研究养殖对象的生态、生理、个体发育和群体生长为基础,以人工小水体为前提,在人工控制的条件下,研究经济鱼类的人工繁殖、苗种培育、成体养殖技术等。本课程阐明在池塘中主要养殖鱼类的生长规律及营养原理;池塘环境因子对鱼类影响的机理;池塘施肥的理论基础和方法。重点讲授主要养殖鱼类人工繁殖的生物学理论和技术

3、。着重讲述池塘养鱼高产理论,为鱼类养殖的实践提供理论基础。同时介绍鱼苗、鱼种的培育,鱼类的越冬及活鱼运输技术等技术。2Course Introduction(300 words or less)Pond Pisciculture is a subject to study the theory and technology of pond fish culture. It is a professional core courses of Pond Pisciculture. It is a highly practical course. Pond Pisciculture is the n

4、atural science thatprimarily uses knowledge of the living habits, growth and reproduction of fish to study fish cultivation in pond conditions. The course is based on ecology, physiology, ontogeny, and population growth of breeding objects. In small artificial body of water as the premise, in contro

5、lled conditions, the course studies the artificial propagation, seed rearing andadult breeding technology of economic fish. This course mainly explains the principles of fish growth and the effect of nutritional mechanism;, the effect of environmental factors , the theoretical fundation and method o

6、f pond fertilization on fish. The course ocuses on biology theory and technology of artificial propagation of fish, and on the theory of high-yield fish ponds. It also provides a theoretical basis for the practice of fish culture; as well as introduces the cultivation of fry and fingerling,fish wint

7、ering and live fish transportation technology.3、教学目标与要求3.Teaching objectives and requirements教学目标:Teaching objectives通过该课程学习,使学生掌握池塘环境条件及其改良、池塘施肥、主要养殖鱼类的人工繁殖、苗种培育、成鱼饲养等池塘养殖实用技术。Through this course, the students will master Pond aquaculture practical technology ,such as the pond environmental conditi

8、ons and its improvement, pond fertilization, artificial propagation, seed rearing, Adult breeding technology of The main breeding fish .教学要求:Teaching requirements重点掌握主要养殖鱼类的人工繁殖技术,尤其是鱼类内分泌腺对鱼类性腺发育的影响,各种激素对鱼类的作用机理;另外,还要掌握池塘养鱼高产理论技术。让学生了解池塘养鱼学理论研究的最新动态和进展。Focusing on grasping the artificial propagatio

9、n technology of major cultured fish, Especially the influence of the fish endocrine gland to gonadal development ,and Mechanism of action of various hormones on fish; In addition, but also master the pond fish culture high-yield theory technology. enable students to understand the latest development

10、s and advances theory of pond fish culture.本科程在理论部分着重讲清基本概念,综合多学科理论阐明本课有关内容,特别应该注重理论联系实际,即用生产实际事例来提高教学效果。在教学中采用多媒体、挂图、视频等多种教学手段来提高教学效果。The course in the theory part emphasizes to clear the basic concept, Comprehensive multidisciplinary theory to clarify the contents of this course , especially shoul

11、d combine theory with practice, using practical examples to improve the teaching effect. In teaching with multimedia, flip charts, video and a variety of teaching methods to improve teaching effectiveness.池塘养鱼学是一门实践性很强的学科,除要求领会教材内容外,必须加强生产实习这一环节,因此在三年级下学期安排一次为期一个多月的养殖鱼类人工繁殖技术生产实习,以巩固所学的知识,培养和训练学生实际操

12、作技能。Pond Pisciculture is a highly practical course, in addition to understanding the teaching material contents, must strengthen the production practice, so in next semester of the third grade that we arrange the production practice of cultured fish artificial breeding technology for more than a mon

13、th. in order to consolidate the knowledge that students have learned, Cultivating and training students practical operation skills.4、教学内容与学时安排4.The teaching content and course arrangement绪 论 (2学时)Introduction (2 hours) 1. 教学目的与要求:1.Teaching Objectives and Requirements要求学生明确池塘养鱼学与池塘养鱼业的概念,了解我国池塘养鱼简史以

14、及我国池塘养鱼业的特点。Students are required to clear the concept of pond fish farming and pond pisciculture, understand the brief history and characteristics of Chinas pond pisciculture. 2. 教学重点与难点:2.Teaching importance and difficulty池塘养鱼学概念、学科发展情况;我国池塘养鱼业的特点和展望。The concept and subject development of pond pis

15、ciculture;characteristics and prospect of Chinas pond fish farming第一章 主要养殖鱼类的生物学(2学时)Chapter one The biology of main breeding fish(2 hours) 1. 教学目的与要求:1.Teaching Objectives and Requirements本章要求学生掌握我国池塘养殖的主要鱼类鲢、鳙、草鱼、青鱼、鲮、鲤、团头鲂、鳊鱼的形态特征、食性、生长、繁殖及生活习性。This chapter requests the student to grasp the main

16、fish pond aquaculture in China - silver carp, Bighead carp, grass carp, black carp, mud carp, carp, Bluntnose black bream, Parabramis pekinensiss morphological characteristics, feeding habits, growth, reproduction and life habits. 2. 教学重点与难点:2.Teaching importance and difficulty本章重点掌握主要养殖鱼类的食性及生活习性。难

17、点是不同养殖鱼类具有不同的繁殖习性。This chapter mainly focus on master feeding habit and life habit of breeding fish. Difficulty is that different cultured fish have different reproductive habit. 第一节 形态特征、品种及地理分布Section I morphological characteristics, varieties and geographical distribution第二节 食性(0.5学时)Section II F

18、eeding habit(0.5 hours)鲢鳙食性、草鱼和青鱼的食性、鲮鱼的食性、鲤鲫的食性、鳊鲂的食性。The feeding habit of silver carp, bighead carp, grass carp, black carp, mud carp,crucian carp,bluntnose black bream, parabramis pekinensis第三节 生长(0.5学时)Section III Growth(0.5 hours)生长的表示方法,鱼类生长的特点,几种主要养殖鱼生长。Representation method and features of g

19、rowth of several major farmed fish.第四节 繁殖(0.5学时)Section IV Reproduction ( 0.5 hours)产漂流性卵的鱼类,产粘性卵的鱼类。Fish that lay pelagic eggs, adhesive egg.第五节 栖息习性(0.5学时)Section V Habituating bottom(0.5 hours)栖息水层和场所,对水温和水质的适应。Perched aquifer and places, adapt to the water temperature and water quality.第二章 池塘环境条

20、件及其改良(2学时)Chapter two pond environment and its improvement ( 2 hours) 1. 教学目的与要求:1.Teaching Objectives and Requirements本章掌握池塘的非生物环境条件和生物环境条件,这些条件对鱼类生长发育的影响;如何改良其生态环境以促进鱼类的生长。This Chapter requests students to Master abiotic environmental conditions and biological environmental condition of pond, effe

21、cts of these conditions on the growth of fish; how to improve the ecological environment in order to promote the growth of fish. 2. 教学重点与难点:2.Teaching importance and difficulty本章重点掌握池塘中溶解氧气的变化及对水质及鱼类的影响。难点是浮游生物尤其是浮游植物对鱼类的影响。This chapter focuses on masterring the effects of dissolved oxygen in pond a

22、nd water quality to fish. The difficulty is plankton , especially the influence of phytoplankton for fish.第一节 非生物环境条件(1学时)Section I Abiotic environment conditions(1 hours)光照,补偿深度,透明度,池塘水温特点对鱼类生长的影响,池水运动,池塘底质和淤泥,溶解气体,溶解盐类。The influence is that beam, compensation depth, transparency, water temperature

23、 characteristics of pond to fish growth, water sports, pond sediment and silt, dissolved gas, dissolved salts.第二节 生物环境条件(1学时)Section II Biological environmental conditions(1 hours)浮游植物,浮游动物,底栖动物,细菌和腐屑。Phytoplankton and zooplankton, benthic animals, bacteria and detritus.第3章 池塘施肥(5学时)Chapter three Po

24、nd fertilization(5 hours) 1. 教学目的与要求:1.Teaching Objectives and Requirements本章要求学生了解池塘施肥的作用原理;有机肥、无机肥的施用技术。In this chapter, students are required to understand the principle of pond fertilization; application technology of organic fertilizer, inorganic fertilizer. 2. 教学重点与难点:2.Teaching importance and

25、 difficulty重点掌握是无机肥尤其是磷肥的重要性及施用方法。难点是水质肥瘦程度的判断方法。Focusing on grasping the importance and fertilizing method of inorganic fertilizer,especially the phosphorus fertilizer.Difficulty is the judgment method of fineness degree of water quality.第1节 池塘施肥的作用(0.5学时)Section I The effect of pond fertilization

26、(0.5 hours)了解池塘的物质循环,以及通过对池塘施肥,增加池塘中各种营养物质的数量,促进天然饵料生物的大量繁殖,达到提高池塘养鱼获得高产的目的。Understanding the the material recycling of pond, increasing the number of various nutrients in the pond by pond fertilization,promote blooms of natural food organisms, to improve the yield of the pond fish culture.第2节 无机肥料的

27、施肥(1.5学时)Section II Fertilizing of inorganic fertilizer(1.5 hours)熟悉氮肥、磷肥、钾肥、钙肥等无机肥的性质和特点,以及施用数量和方法。Familiar with the nature and characteristics of inorganic fertilizer,such as Nitrogen fertilizer, phosphorus fertilizer, potash fertilizer, calcium fertilizer,And administered quantity and methods.第3节

28、 有机肥料的施肥(1.5学时)Section III Fertilizing of organic fertilizer(1.5 hours)掌握绿肥、粪肥、混合堆肥及生活污水等有机肥料的特性和施用数量及方法。Grasping the characteristics ,administered quantity and methods of organic fertilizer,such as green manure,manure,mixed compost,domestic sewage etc. 第4节 有机无机肥料配合施肥(0.5学时)Section IV Organic fertil

29、izer and inorganic fertilizer Fit fertilization(0.5 hours)了解有机肥和无机肥同时使用或交替使用的优点和施用技术。Understanding the advantages and technique of fertilization of organic fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer that simultaneously or alternately to use第5节 施肥对细菌和浮游生物的影响(0.5学时)Section V Effects of Fertilization on bacte

30、rial and plankton(0.5 hours)掌握施用不同的肥料对细菌和浮游生物的增长情况,产生不同的影响。Mastering the application of different fertilizers have different effects on the growth of bacteria and plankton.第6节 环境因素对施肥的影响(0.5学时)Section VI The impact of environmental factors on fertilization(0.5 hours)讲述水温、水的PH、池塘氧气状况、土壤和底质等环境因素对施肥的影响

31、。About the water temperature, water PH, pond oxygen status, soil and sediment and other environmental factors on fertilization effect.第四章 主要养殖鱼类的人工繁殖(20学时) 1. 教学目的与要求:本章要求学生掌握我国池塘主要养殖鱼类的亲鱼培育、催情产卵、孵化等人工繁殖技术及有关的基础理论知识。该章是本门课程的重点,内容也是最多的一章。 2. 教学重点与难点:本章的重点是掌握催产的基本原理,即鱼类的多种内分泌腺分泌的激素对鱼类性腺发育的影响。难点是各种催产激素

32、对鱼类的作用机制。The focus of this chapter is to master the basic principles of oxytocin, namely effects of the hormone of multiple endocrine secretion of fish to fish gonad development.第1节 性腺发育及影响发育的内外因子(9学时)Section I Gonadal development ,internal and external factors that influence the development (9 hours)1、性细胞发育(0.5学时) I Sex cell development(0.5 hours)(1)精子的发育(I) Sperm development(2)卵

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