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1、英语语言学概论论文On the Cultural Similarities and Differences in Chineseand English Proverbs of AnimalAbstract Proverbs include many aspects from the sun, the moon, wind, rain, mountain, lake, flower, animal and so on. Among these, the most numerous quantities are proverbs of animal. On the one hand, with t

2、he development of the history, animals always connect with people tightly and give the strong affection on peoples life and development. Usually, people use some animals to express their feelings, so there are many proverbs which have the relationship between Chinese and English. On the other hand,

3、because of the different cultures, these proverbs of animal are given the specific culture connotation in Chinese and English. Each language has its profound cultural background relative to its own physiology, convention, religious belief and so on. These differences are apparent in the English and

4、Chinese proverbs of animal. Some animals may have certain associated characteristics in one culture but not in the other. Key Words proverbs of animal Chinese culture similarities Western culture differencesI. IntroductionLanguage cannot be viewed in isolation from other factors such as sociology an

5、d psychology. Social scientists tell us that cultures differ from one another, that each culture is unique. As cultures are diverse, languages are diverse. It is natural that with differences in cultures and differences in languages, difficulties often arise in communicating between cultures and acr

6、oss cultures. Understanding is not always easy. What needs to be stressed here is that two interact, and that understanding of one requires understanding of the other. Hudson said that as a part of language, proverb is characterized by their concise expressions, rich and vivid, involving place, hist

7、ory, and religious belief and living convention. Its a kind of human crystallization of wisdom. Proverb is short saying of folk wisdomof well-know facts or truthsexpressed succinctly and in a way that makes them easy to remember, because they are pithy and have universal appeal.The relations between

8、 humans and animals are so tight that humans are familiar with their characteristic very well. People will make some relations between animals and some phenomena in daily life. II. Similarities in Chinese and English Animal ProverbsHuman experiences and observations of the world are similar in many

9、respects. Therefore, in spite of the dissimilar cultural backgrounds of the Chinese and the English-speaking peoples, the number of proverbs in two languages that are equivalent or close approximates is rather surprising. It is that the English and Chinese languages share the same views over some pr

10、overbs of animal. 2.1 Cultural ConnotationsAs far as we know, besides the denotation, each word has its rich cultural connotation. During the long history of human life, English and Chinese people may have the same ideas of animals from perspective of inner sense of the culture. Some examples are as

11、 follows.Fox Fox is the most common animal that the English and Chinese cultures share the same view. Its inner sense of the culture is duplicity and suspiciousness.E.g. (1) The fox may grow grey, but never good.It means that even if the color of a fox could be changed, the cunning feature is not ch

12、anged yet. E.g. (2) a. When the fox preaches, then takes care of your geese.b. It is an evil sign to see a fox lock a lamb.These examples show that fox is kind of cunning. They always hatch a conspiracy in order to attain their aim. Therefore, in China we often use “狐假虎威” to describe some bully peop

13、le who are flaunted by other peoples power. In the English language, the same kind of usage can also be seen, as we often say “Hes a sly old fox.” and the example,E.g. (3) When the fox says he is a vegetarian, its time for the hen to look out. Ass In English and Chinese proverbs, “ass” has similar a

14、ssociations in both cultures. It curses someone “stubborn mule” and fractious, stubborn personality.E.g. (4) All asses wag their ears. It means a fool always pretends to be the wise. In China, are some proverbs to express the ass are stubborn.E.g. (5) 驮黄金的驴吃的是草。This proverb means that even if an ass

15、 carried the gold on its back, it will still choose to eat grass, but not the gold. RatRat is a kind of animal that can be seen in every part of the world. They lead a dirty life. The bad feature is their instinct so it is no wonder to hear in Chineses daily life.E.g. (6) 一粒老鼠屎,坏了一锅粥。(A speck of mou

16、se dung will spoil a whole pot of porridge)But, for the English people they often use rat to indicate someone who is not loyal. E.g. (7) a. It is a poor mouse that has only one hole.b. The mouse that has but one hole is quickly taken.WolfThe most distinct impression of wolf is cruelty, hypocrisy and

17、 greed in peoples mind. E.g. (8) 狼披羊皮还是狼。This is one of examples of Chinese inner senses culture of vicious wolf. In Western countries, some proverbs of wolf also have the same mean.E.g. (9) a. Dont trust a goat with the kitchen-garden, or a wolf with sheepfold.b. A growing youth has a wolf in his b

18、elly.These proverbs have the same expression in Chinese.E.g. (10) a. 不要引狼入室。(Dont trust a goat with the kitchen-garden ,or a wolf with sheepfold)b. The death of wolves is the safety the sheep.They all shows that sheep is in danger if the wolf comes to them because the wolf is always cruelty.What is

19、more, we also have the common understanding over wolf. It is a kind of figure that stands for barbarity and greedy. In China we often say:E.g. (11) 狼吃羊,一点一点进肚肠。As to express that man has an evil mind. In the English language, wolf is also been regarded by someone as predatory, rapacious, and fierce.

20、 Take “wolf in sheeps clothing” for example, it is used to describe one who feigns congeniality while actually holding malevolent intentions. So from this example, we can see that although we have different culture background, we have the same feeling to some kind of animal and this can easily be se

21、en from the two different languages.TigerTiger is rather than lion that would signify ruthless and merciless, as in the Chinese proverbsE.g. (12) a. 初生牛犊不怕虎。b. 老虎门下官难做。c. 老虎进了城,家家都闭门。The inner sense of culture of tiger is so ruthless in those proverbs that people have to keep away from it. In Englis

22、h, E.g. (13) The tiger that has tasted blood is never sated with the taste of it.They almost have the same meaning. The Chinese equivalent for these examples.E.g.(14) a. 老虎屁股摸不得。(Dont touch the lion.) b. 不入虎穴,焉得虎子。(If you dont enter a tigers den, you cant get his cubs.) Fish In Chinese and Western c

23、ountries, some proverbs of fish have the similar inner sense of culture.E.g. (15) A fish in trouble water gains triple or double”In China,E.g. (16) 少数豪门,浑水摸鱼,越来越富,越花越有。Fish is always expressed taking advantage of turbulent times. Based on the examples given, there exists the same or similar cultural

24、 connotation between Chinese and Western countries. 2.2FunctionsProverb plays an important part of the language and culture of a society. People always encourage and advise each other in animal proverbs. In peoples daily life, some animals are associated with peoples character. These characters give

25、 people certain of feeling. Although those relations lack some basis, people always set forth to view in proverbs of animal, which sum up peoples life experiences and reflect reality life. Therefore, the communication functions proverbs of animals are widely used in Chinese and English.E.g.(17) It i

26、s the early bird that catches the early worm. It persuades people to get up early so that they have more time than others to achieve more successes. In China, E.g. (18) 塞翁失马,焉知非福。It also tells people a reason. Though the bad luck happens, people dont worry about it much, the good luck will come late

27、r. It advises people not to lose their heart when something unfortunate happens.III. Differences of Animal ProverbsIt is important that culture gives a language its characteristics. The dissimilarities are naturally more apparent. English and Chinese proverbs come from different cultures so they ref

28、lect cultural distinctions featured in material life, history and living environment. The association of meaning and cultural image of different things and ideas in different culture reflect different specific cultural significance. Compared with English proverbs, the Chinese show certain distinctiv

29、e features.HorseFrom the ancient days, horse is an important partner in peoples daily life. It plays an essential part in hunting, husbandry and wars. In China, horse is the wise and kind incarnation, It is the symbolic spirits, such as “千里马”. In English, horse often doesnt show the meanings, but ot

30、her meanings. E.g. (19) You can take a horse to the water, but you cant make him drink.It shows a stubborn character figure.E.g. (20) a. A colt you may break, but an old horse you never can.b. Sing psalms to a dead horse.They express the same figure of the horse. Besides, horse also prefers light wo

31、rk the heavy.E.g. (21) Every horse thinks its own sack heaviest.Dog“In the U. S. and Britain, however, the dog is generally regarded as mans best friend”. Such expressions are often heard in English conversation or read in English writing:E.g. (22) a. Love me, love my dog. b. Every dog has his day.c

32、. Dog does not eat dog.To many Chinese, it would be unthinkable for the dog to be given such honor. Dogs in China are generally associated with unpleasantness. It considers those proverbs in Chinese.E.g. (23) 狗嘴里吐不出象牙来。(No ivory can come out of a dogs mouth; a filthy mouth cant utter decent language.)Admittedly, the qualities that endeared the animal to Western people are found in dogs in China as well, loyalty dependability, courage, intelligence. But in China, dogs are watchdogs but not pets first o

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