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本文(最新仁爱版七年级英语下册Unit8Topic1Howistheweatherinwinter优质教案C.docx)为本站会员(b****6)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、最新仁爱版七年级英语下册Unit8Topic1Howistheweatherinwinter优质教案CSection C . Material analysis本节课是第八单元话题一的第三课时,本课是一节阅读课,主要活动是1a和2a。通过让学生阅读一个旅行指南,复习巩固表达计划的表达“plan to ”以及描述天气的表达、表示建议和劝告的表达方式“The weather gets warm.” “You need to .” “Please remember to .”学习新的表示建议的用语“Youd better.”以及穿戴衣物的表达:wear sunglasses, a T-shirt a

2、nd shorts,还将通过阅读短文拓展描述自己眼中的四季。语法部分主要呈现的是由形容词构成副词的规则;语音板块将学习多音节单词的重音以及复习动词变为一般过去式加-ed的读音规则。. Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims 能够根据已学语音、音标及发音规则,正确朗读和拼写下列词汇:holiday, umbrella, shorts, travel, wear, shine, better等; 能够熟练应用表示建议和劝告的表达方式,如:You need to . /Please remember to . 能够正确使用穿戴衣物的表达:wear sunglasses, a T

3、-shirt and shorts; 能够掌握由形容词构成副词的规则,如:brightbrightly, suddensuddenly, heavyheavily, strongstrongly; 能够掌握多音节单词的重音以及复习动词变为过去式的读音规则。 2. Skill aims 能够听懂谈论季节和天气状况的对话和短文; 能够使用英语询问和描述季节和天气; 能够在图画的帮助下进行阅读,理解大意,并从阅读材料中获取所需要的信息; 能够写出谈论四季和天气的对话或短文。3. Emotional aims 能够和同伴积极合作,共同完成任务; 能够认真、规范的读出单词重音; 能够欣赏四季的美丽景色。

4、 . The key points and difficult points1. Key points 熟练掌握表示建议的表达方式:You need to ./Youd better. Please remember to . 能够熟练掌握穿戴衣物的表达; 掌握由形容词构成副词的规则; 能够掌握多音节单词的重音以及复习动词变为过去式的读音规则。 2. Difficult points 能够掌握由形容词构成副词的规律:(1)一般情况下直接加-ly,如quickquickly;(2)以y结尾的先将y改成i,再加-ly,如:happyhappily;(3)少数以e结尾的形容词,要去掉e再加-ly,如

5、:truetruly等;(4)但绝大多数以e结尾的形容词仍然直接加-ly,如politepolitely,widewidely等。. Learning strategies 1.能够从同伴处获取反馈,修改小作文;2.借助构词法能够帮助学生学会更多的单词。. Teaching aids教学挂图、多媒体、录音机和黑板. Teaching procedures Step Interaction patternsStudent activityTeacher activityIntroduction (6 minutes)1.The whole class work.2.Individual work

6、.3.Pair work.1.Focus their attention on the teacher and sing the song together.2.Answer the questions:T:Whats the weather like today?S1: It is.T:How many seasons are there in a year?S2:There are four seasons. T:Which season do you like best?S3:I like .best. T:Why do you like the season?S3:Because I

7、can ./ It is the best season to .3.Share your dialogs to the whole class: A:Whats the temperature in .? B:The lowest temperature is . The highest temperature is .1.Greet students. Play the tape and let students sing the songThe Four Seasons together.2.Ask some students some questions to revise the e

8、xpressions of talking about the weather. 3.Show a table of some cities, including the lowest temperature and the highest temperature, to students on the screen and let students make up a new conversation.Presentation(15 minutes)1.Individual work.2.Individual work.3.Individual work.4.Individual work.

9、5.Individual work.6.Individual work.1.Do 1a. Read the passage and try to guess the meaning of the words in 1a.2.Ask the questions in 1a: If you plan to travel. In most areas of .是什么意思?Then listen to the teacher carefully.3.Look at the screen and remember the key points by yourselves.4.Do 1b. Read an

10、d complete the table by yourselves.5.Check the answers in class. Read the passage again and retell the passage in 1a.6.Summarize the changing rules of adverbs from adjectives.1.Show the words in 1a. Let students read the passage and try to guess the meaning of new words first.2.Let students point ou

11、t the questions in 1a and give answers to the questions.3.Show the key sentences on the screen and let students try to remember them. e.g. If you plan to. You need to take . Please remember to .4.Let students read the passage again, then show the table in 1b on the screen.5.Choose some students to c

12、heck the answers in the table and let students read the passage in 1a again by themselves.6.Point out the words: brightbrightly,suddensuddenly on the screen and let students tell the changing rules.Consolidation (10 minutes)1.Pair work.2.Pair work.3.Individual work.1.Do 1c. Work in pairs. Talk about

13、 the place and the weather in pairs.2.Do 2b. Look at the pictures and talk about the pictures in pairs.3.Do 2a. Try to fill in the blanks and check the answers.Read after the tape and pay attention to the words. Learn the phrase:come back to life.1.Let students talk about the place you are going to

14、visit and the weather there, then ask him or her to give you some suggestions.2.Show the pictures in 2b and ask students to talk about the pictures in pairs and tell their ideas about each picture.3.Let students try to fill in the blanks in 2a by themselves. Play the tape and check the answers in 2a

15、.Play the tape again and let students read after the tape. and point out the adverbs in the passage:heavyheavily, strongstrongly.Practice(8 minutes)1.Individual work.2.The whole class work.1.Do 3a. Read the words by yourselves. Then read after the tape.2.Do 3b. Review the changing rules and read the

16、 words together; Then read after the tape together.1.Let students read the words and pay attention to the word stress in 3a by themselves first, and then choose some students to try to read the words in class. Play the tape and let students read after the tape aloud.2.Let students say the changing r

17、ules of the past forms of the words first and show the words in 3b on the screen. Then, let students read them together.(老师可以把变化规则呈现在屏幕上) Finally, play the tape and let students read after the tape.Production(6 minutes)Group work.Write the passage in groups. Then check the passage in groups and corr

18、ect them according to the advice. Some students retell the passage to the class.1.Set an example of one season and describe different weather in different seasons. Talk about suitable activities and suitable clothes. Ask students work in groups and help correct the mistakes. Write a passage about th

19、e citys weather in groups.2.Assign the homework:Review the key words and the expressions;Try to recite the passage in 2a;Preview the words and exercise in Section D.Teaching reflection: 本节课通过阅读内容,让学生掌握文段大意,从中抽取有用的信息填写表格,复述表格,最终学习并掌握阅读内容。但本节课的另一个重点是构词法:由形容词变成副词,在授课过程中,学生对此部分掌握得不太好,还需在课后通过练习弥补课堂上的不足。. Blackboard designTopic 1 Whats the weather like in summer? Section Cbrightbrightlysuddensuddenlyheavyheavilystrongstrongly1.You need to . holiday shine 2.Please remember to . umbrella better 3.Wear sunglasses, a T-shirt shorts Australia and shorts travel most wear sun busy leaf wind ice

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