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1、社交网络经典对话Sean Parker: Youre 20 minutes late. Youre gonna walk in there, say you overslept and you didnt have time to get dressed. Their gonna pitch you. Chase equity is going to gonna pitch you. Theyre gonna beg you to take their money. Youre gonna nod, youre gonna nod, youre gonna nod and then youre

2、 gonna say, Which one of you is Ralph? ? No, not Ralph, Manningham. Which one of is Mitchell Manningham and hell say I am. And you say Sean Parker says fuck you. Walk out.肖恩:你晚了20分钟。进去以后就说自己睡过头了,没时间换衣服。他们会对你卑躬屈膝,求着你收下他们的钱。你只管点头就好,然后问他们:你们哪一位是拉尔夫?不对,是曼宁厄姆。你们哪位是米切尔曼宁厄姆?他就会说:是我。然后你说:肖恩帕克让我跟你说:“去你妈的”。然后

3、转身离开。Tyler Winklevoss: Were going to Summers.Divya Narendra:You cant get a meeting with Larry Summers.Tyler Winklevoss: My brother and I pay tuition at this school, we carry a 3.9 GPA at this school, Weve won trophies for this school and Well be rowing in the Olympics for this school. I want a meeti

4、ng with the goddamn president of this school.泰勒:我们要去见萨默斯(时任哈佛校长)。迪维亚:很难和他预约的。泰勒:我们兄弟俩交过学费,GPA得了3.9(满分4),为学校赢得过奖杯,未来还会去参加奥运会。我要见TM的学校校长。Tyler Winklevoss: Ive never been in this building before.Secretary: This building is a hundred years older than the country, its in. So do be careful.Tyler Winklevos

5、s: Were sitting in the chairs.Lawrence H.Summers: Thats just their own stupidity, I should have been there. Darkness is the absence of light and stupidity in that instance was the absence of me. Catherine, Ive got students in my office now. Students. Undergrads. I dont know, from the looks of it, th

6、ey want to sell me Brooks Brothers Franchise. Alright.Lawrence H.Summers: Good morning.Cameron Winklevoss: Good morning, Sir. Im Cameron Winklevoss and this is my brother, Tyler.Lawrence H.Summers: And you here, because. Either of you can answer.Cameron Winklevoss: I thought you were reading the let

7、ter.Lawrence H.Summers: Ive read the letter.Cameron Winklevoss: Well, we came up with an idea for a website called Harvard Connection. That weve since changed the name to Connect, And Mark Zuckerberg stole that idea.Lawrence H.Summers: Im understand. Im asking what you want me to do about it?Cameron

8、 Winklevoss: Well Sir, in The Harvard Student Handbook, which is distributed to each freshman. Under the heading Standards of Conduct in the Harvard Community, It says, The College expects that all students to be honest and forthcoming in their dealings with members in this community. Students are r

9、equired to respect public and private ownership. Instances of theft, misappropriation or.Lawrence H.Summers: Ann.Ann: Yes Sir.Lawrence H.Summers: Punch me in the face. Go ahead.Cameron Winklevoss: Or unauthorized use will result in disciplinary action, including the requirement to withdraw from the

10、College.Lawrence H.Summers: You memorize that instead of doing, what?Cameron Winklevoss: What my brother and I come, here today, to ask you, respectfully of course.Tyler Winklevoss: Sir, its against University rules to steal from another student, plain and simple.Lawrence H.Summers: Youve spoken to

11、your House-master.Cameron Winklevoss: Yes Sir, and the House-master made a recommendation to the Ad Board but the Ad Board wont hear us.Lawrence H.Summers: Have you tried dealing with the other student directly?Cameron Winklevoss: Mr. Zuckerberg hasnt been responding to any of our e-mails or phone c

12、alls for the last two weeks. He doesnt answer when we knock on his door at Kirkland. And the closest Ive come to dealing with him face to face is when I saw him on the quad, And I chased him through Harvard Square.Lawrence H.Summers: You chased him?Cameron Winklevoss: I saw him and I know he saw me

13、and after a minutes he disappeared.Lawrence H.Summers: I dont see this as the university issue.Tyler Winklevoss: Of course this is a university issue. Theres a code of ethics and an honor code and he violated them both.Lawrence H.Summers: You entered into a code of ethics with the university, not wi

14、th each other.Tyler Winklevoss: Im sorry President Summers, but what you just said makes no sense to me at all.Lawrence H.Summers: Im devastated by that.Cameron Winklevoss: What my brother means is if Mark Zuckerberg breaking into our dorm room and stole our computer. That would be university issue.

15、Cameron Winklevoss: I dont know. This office doesnt handle petty larceny.Tyler Winklevoss: This isnt petty larceny. This idea potentially worth millions of dollars.Lawrence H.Summers: Millions?Cameron Winklevoss: Yes.Lawrence H.Summers: You might just be letting your imaginations run away with you.T

16、yler Winklevoss: Sir, I actually dont think youre in any position to make that call.Lawrence H.Summers: I was the U.S. Treasury Secretary, Im in some position to make that call.Tyler Winklevoss: Letting our imaginations run away with us is exactly what we were told us to do in your freshmen address.

17、Lawrence H.Summers: I would suggest that you let your imaginations run away with you on a new project.Tyler Winklevoss: You would?Lawrence H.Summers: Yes, everyone at Harvard is evening something. Harvard Undergraduates believe that inventing a job is better than finding a job. So I suggest again th

18、at the two of you come up with a new, new project.Cameron Winklevoss: Im sorry, but thats not the point, Sir.Lawrence H.Summers: Please Im right on this point.Cameron Winklevoss:You dont have to be an intellectual property expert to understand the difference between right and wrong.Lawrence H.Summer

19、s: And youre saying that I dont.Cameron Winklevoss:Of course Im not saying that.Tyler Winklevoss: Im saying that.Lawrence H.Summers: Really?Lawrence H.Summers: Ann. How do they get this appointment?Ann: Colleagues of their father.Lawrence H.Summers: Let me tell you something Mr. Winklevoss,Mr. Winkl

20、evoss, since you under subject of right and wrong. This action, this meeting, the two of you being here is wrong. Is not worthy of Harvard, Is not what Harvard saw in you. You dont get special treatment!Cameron Winklevoss: We never ask for it.Tyler Winklevoss: Just start another project? Like were m

21、aking a diorama for the science fair?Lawrence H.Summers: If you have problems with that Mr. Winklevoss.Cameron Winklevoss: We never ask for special treatment.Lawrence H.Summers: The court are always at your disposal. Is there anything else, I could do for you?Cameron Winklevoss: Thank you very much

22、for your time, Sir.Tyler Winklevoss: Ups, broke 335 years old your door knob.泰勒:我从没来过这里。秘书:这栋建筑比国家还年长100岁,拜托小心点。泰勒:我们只是在坐着啊。(进入校长办公室)萨默斯(接电话中):那是他们自己太愚蠢了,我应该在场的。无光的地方即生黑暗,无我的地方即生愚蠢。凯瑟琳,我这里来了两个学生。未毕业的。不知道,看样子是推(XX啊)销布氏兄弟西装的。回头再聊。萨默斯:早上好。卡梅隆:早上好,先生。我是卡梅隆温科吾斯,这是我兄弟泰勒。萨默斯:你们来是因为.(一边翻看信件)没人回答我么?卡梅隆:对不起,我




26、卡梅隆:要明辨是非,未必要才识广博。萨默斯:你是说我不辨是非?卡梅隆:我没这个意思。泰勒:我就是这个意思。萨默斯:是么?萨默斯:(转过头对安)他们怎么预约成功的?安:通过他们父亲的同事。萨默斯:这么说吧,两位温科吾斯先生,说到是非,你们来这里本身就是个错误。这是哈佛大学,不是给你们俩开的,你们也不能搞特殊化。卡梅隆:我们从未要求过。泰勒:(打断卡梅隆)琢磨点新的?说得好像在给科学展览制作立体模型一样。萨默斯:你们要是有什么意见,法院大门永远向你们敞开!还有什么要我做的?卡梅隆:(无奈)谢谢您腾出的时间。(泰勒气的拽坏了门把手,交给了秘书)泰勒:哎呦,弄坏了您335年的门把手。Marylin D

27、elpy: The site got twenty-two hundred hits within two hours? Mark Zuckerberg: Thousand. Marylin Delpy: Im sorry? Mark Zuckerberg: Twenty-two *thousand*. Marylin Delpy: to herself Wow.玛丽莲:这个网站2个小时就有2千2百次点击?马克:万。玛丽莲:什么?马克:2万2千次玛丽莲:(对自己)窝窝。Divya Narendra: As of yesterday evening, Zuckerberg set over 65

28、0 students to registered . He said that he anticipated 900 students wouldve join the site by this morning.Tyler Winklevoss: If I was I drug dealer I could give free drugs to 650 people in one day.迪维亚:昨天晚上,扎克伯格表示已有650人注册了。他预计今天早上注册人数将增加900。泰勒:我要是个毒(XX啊)贩,甚至1天都送不出去650份免费毒P。Sean Parker: Drop the the. J

29、ust Facebook. Its cleaner. Mark Zuckerberg:S*t.肖恩:省掉“the”。就叫Facebook。更简洁。马克(看着肖恩离开的背影):NB。Divya Narendra: He had 42 days to study our system and get out ahead.Mark Zuckerberg: Do you see any of your code on Facebook? Did I use any of your code?Divya Narendra:You stole our whole god damn idea. Mark Z

30、uckerberg: What a match-dot-com for Harvard guys!Gage:Can I continue with my deposition?Mark Zuckerberg: You know you really dont need a forensic team to get to bottom of this.Mark Zuckerberg: If you guys were the inventors of Facebook, youd have invented Facebook. Divya Narendra: I cant wait to sta

31、nd over your shoulder while you write us a check.Mark Zuckerberg: No S*t.迪维亚:他有42天来研究我们的系统,然后再。马克:Facebook上有你们的代码么?我用过你们一行代码么?迪维亚:你TM偷走了我们的创意。马克:哈佛学生配对。com?盖奇(律师):我能继续陈述了么?马克:你知道本来也不需要什么复杂的程序来搞清楚事实。要是有本事,你们早就创建Facebook了。迪维亚:我等不及看你签支票的样子了。马克:做梦。Sy:And frankly you did spend awful lot of the time Embarrassing Mr. Zuckerberg with the girls testimony from the bar.Mark Zuckerberg: Im not embarrassed. She just made a lot that up.She was under oath.Gretchen:She was under oath.Mark Zuckerberg: I guess there would be the first time

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