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1、虚拟语气15种句型总结 虚拟语气15种句型总结 Subjunctive Mood1.虚拟条件句含义动词形式If 从 句主句现在 did/weredid/werewould/should/ could/might+与事实 相反将来were to+do should+dodo过去would/should/ had+done could/might+3have done 4(the present)1 If someone gave you a valuable painting as a present, what would you do with it?2 If you became the

2、head of the United Nations, what would you do first?3 If you travelled anywhere in the world,where would you go and what would you do?4 5(the past)1 If someone had given you a valuable painting as a present, what would you have done with it?2 If you had become the head of the United Nations, what wo

3、uld you have done first?3 If you had travelled anywhere inthe world,where would you havegone and what would you havedone?5(the future)1 If someone gave you a valuable painting as a present, what would you do with it?2 If you were to become the head of the United Nations, what would you do first?3 If

4、 you should travel anywhere in the world,where would you go and what would you do?5省略if的倒装句如果从句中有were,should,had等词, 可省 略if,并把were,should,had放句首进行倒装。 e.g. 1.If they were here, they would help us.Were they here, they would help us.2. If you had come earlier, nothing would have happened. Had you come e

5、arlier, nothing would have happened. 3. If they should be here tomorrow, they would help us. Should they be here tomorrow, they would help us.省略if的倒装句? 注意: ? 1 条件句中必须有should, were或者had才能省略。 ? 2 倒装之后用一般疑问句来检验。 ? 假如他那是时不是个党员,他就不会就那个男孩了。 (用省略if的倒装句) ? Had he not been a Party member, hewouldnt have save

6、d the boy. ? 3 否定词not只能留在助于后面,不能移到主语前面。 含蓄条件句的虚拟语气? 假设情况不以if条件句表现出来,而是 通过某个介词或介词短语,不定式表 现出来。 如without, but for, but, otherwise, because, or等。 含蓄条件句的虚拟语气? If I had not lost her phone number, I would have rung her up. (用otherwise, but和or分别造句)? I lost her phone number. Otherwise, I would have rung her

7、up.? I would have rung her up but I lost her phone number.? I lost her phone number or I would have rung her up.含蓄条件句的虚拟语气? 要不是有。 。 。 (but for, without, if it were not for, if it had not been for)? If you had not helped me, I would not have the chance to go to school.? Without / but for your help, I

8、 would not have the chance to go to school.含蓄条件句的虚拟语气? If it had not been for your help, I would not have the chance to go to school.? But for your help, I would not have the chance to go to school.? If it were not for his presence now, I would punish you.? But for his presence, I would punish you.

9、? If it had not been for his presenceyesterday, I would have punished you. ? But for his presence yesterday, I wouldhave punished you.错综时间条件句错综条件句是指条件从句中的动作和主句 的动作发生的时间不一致。 动词的虚拟形 式要根据时间做出相应的调整.e.g. If she hadnt studied hard, she wouldnt speak English so well.If he _ his legs yesterday, he _ with us

10、 now.A .hadnt hurt ; would goB.hadnt hurt; would have goneC.didnt hurt; would goD.didnt hurt; would have gone17 21 192.wish 后的宾语从句 = if only含义动词形式对现状 表达愿望 Did / were对过去表示 遗憾/后悔Had done例句I wish I had a little lab of my own.I wish you had told me earlier.对将来 表达愿望would/I wish he couldcould/might come t

11、omorrow.+do注意:? 1 wish 后面跟的宾语从句一定要用虚拟 语气。 ? 2 hope 没有虚拟语气 可以说hope that / hope to do, 但是不能说hope sb to do ? 3 以下情况是可以实现的:wish sb todo, wish sb sth I wish you to be a scientist. We wish you a merry if / as though后的表语或状语从句 (与wish相同)含义 动 词 形 式例句现在 Did / wereHe looks as if he knew the littl

12、e girl.过去 Have doneIt appeared as if nothing hadhappened.将来would/ could/mightThe man looked worried, as if something bad+dowould happen .4.would rather后的宾语从句 (宁愿)含义 动 词 形 式例句现在 did将来I would rather he took me over the crossing.过去 Had doneI would rather you hadnt told me the truth.5.动词形式为(should)+do 的

13、虚拟1. 表示命令/建议/要求的词所带的从句 记住以下动词以及他们的名词。 建议:suggest / recommand / advise /propose 要求:require / request / demand / ask /desire 命令:order / command/ 坚持:insist 不过是动词还是名词,不过是主动还是被动,后面带的不管是主语从句, 宾语从句, 表语从句还是同位语从句, 都要用should do5.动词形式为(should)+do 的虚拟? My suggestion is that we should listen to his opinion first

14、.? It is suggested that we should listen to his opinion first? My suggestion that we should listen to his opinion first is being discussed.? 注意当insist硬说,suggest表明, 不能有虚拟语气。 5.动词形式为(should)+do 的虚拟2. Its + adj.+that 的主语从句 (adj: necessary / essential/important / natural / strange / possible / impossibl

15、eeg. It is important that we should attend the meeting.Its a pity that 可以用虚拟,也可以不用。 3. Its (high / about ) time+that 从句 + sb should do / sb did (该是做时候)注意:should 不能省略;动词也可用过去式eg. It is time that we should stop work and go home.It is time that we stopped work and went home.6. 虚拟语气表示祝愿1. Long live Chai

16、rman Mao! 2. God bless you! 3. May you have a long and happylife! 4. Wish you a happy birthday!注意:动词用原形,后边用! may+人+do! wish + 人+名词!7. 其他句型? Had thought / hoped / expected that + 过去时间? I had hoped that you could win the match yesterday but you didnt.? 对过去的猜测 ? 肯定 must have done ? 否定 can / could not h

17、ave done ? 可能 may / might have done? 本应该做(实际没有做,有责备意思) ? Should have done ? Shouldnt have done ? 本来有必要作(实际没有做,不含责备意思)? Need have done ? Needn't have donePractice1. If I _k_n_e_w_ (know) her address, I would write to her. 2. What would you have done if you _h_a_d_m_is_s_e_d(miss) the train? 3. If

18、 he h_a_d_n_o_t_b_ee_n_ il(lnot be ill ), he would have done something. snows 4. If itw_er_e_to_/s_h_o_u_l_d_sn_o_w_/_s_n_o_w_e_d(snow) tomorrow, we _sh_o_u_ld_g_e_t_u_p_(get up) early.will get up5. If you had asked him yesterday, you _w_o_u_ld_k_n_o_w(know) what to do now.18判断以下句子是不是正确的虚拟语气:1. If w

19、e could finish our work earlier we shall go to the cinema. shall 改成 should2. The doctor suggests that she will not smoke. will not 改成 ( should ) not3. I wish that it is true. is 改成 were4. Had you put on more clothes, you would not catch a cold. would not catch 改成 would not have caughtTranslation 1 用

20、if条件句? 如果他现在知道这消息,他就会合我 争吵的。 (事实上,他现在不知道这 消息。 )? 假如他过去读过这本小说,他早就讲 给我们听这个故事了。 ? 假如他明天来这里,他就会帮助我们 了。 (事实上,他明天不来。 用三种 形式。 )? If he knew the news now, he would quarrel with me.? If he had read the novel, he would have told us that story.? If he came here tomorrow, he would help us.? If he should come he

21、retomorrow, he ? If he were to come here tomorrow, heTranslation 2 I wish / if only? 要是他昨天已来这里就好了。 / 但愿他 昨天已来这里。 ? 要是他现在已在这里就好了。 / 但愿他 现在已在这里。 ? 要是他明天会来这里就好了。 / 但愿他 明天会来这里。 ? I wish that he had come here yesterday. / If only he had come here yesterday.? I wish that he were here now. / If only he wer

22、e here now.? I wish that he would come here tomorrow. / If only he would come here tomorrow.Translation 3 用if条件句的省略式? 假如他过去读过这本小说,他早就讲 给我们听这个故事了。 ? 假如他明天来这里,他就会帮助我们 了。 (他明天不来。 用两种形式。 )? Had he read the novel, he would have told us that story.? Should he come here tomorrow, he would help us.? Were he

23、 to come here tomorrow, he would help us.Translation 4? 含蓄条件句: ? 假如没有水和空气,人类就不可能生存。 (without) ? 要不是有有你的帮助,我昨天就不能完成这项工作。 (造两句,一句用but for, 另一句if条件句) ? 错综时间条件句: ? 假如你中午吃过饭,你现在就不会那 么饿。 ? Without water or air, man couldnt live.? But for your help, I wouldnt have finished the work yesterday.? If it had no

24、t been for your help, I wouldnt have finished the work yesterday.? If you had eaten lunch, you wouldnt be so hungry now.Translation 5? 他现在走得很慢,好像生病似的。 (as if) ? 他那时走得很慢,好像生病似的。 (as if) ? 我宁可他马上走开。 (would rather) ? 我宁可他昨天就离开这里。 (would rather)? He walks slowly as if he were ill. ? He walked slowly as

25、if he had been ill. ? I would rather he went away at once. ? I would he had left yesterday.Translation 6? 我们马上离开的建议被忽略了。 ? 奇怪的是Tom明天也去那里。 ? 是时候该回家了。 ? 祝你好运! ? 我本来期待你和你的女朋友今天早晨一起来的。 ? My advice that we should leave right away is being ignored.? It is strange that Tom go there tomorrow, too.? It is (high) time that we went home. / It is (high) time that we should go home.? Wish you good luck!? I had expected that you came here together with your girl-friend this morning.

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