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1、高考英语读后续写训练六篇精编2022高考英语读后续写训练六篇(精编)(一)阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为150左右。A boulder(巨石),as big as a house. Thats how the guidebook described Giant Rock. Dad said it arrived here millions of years ago. I was finally going to see it, in snowshoes, with my two older cousins, my dad, and my

2、 uncle Don. Id been snowshoeing before, and I liked the adventure of hiking through deep snow.At the parking area, after putting on our snowshoes, we studied the map. Due to the geographical location, electrical devices are inaccessible here. The map is our only guide. We start here, Dad said,” on t

3、he red trail(小路). Then we turn left onto the purple road. Thats where Giant Rock is. Remember to stick together and dont wander off, guys, Uncle Don said. The trail ran uphill alongside a stone wall. It was easy to follow because red markers were nailed to the trees and the snow had been packed down

4、 by other hikers. At the top of the hill, we turned onto the purple trail. We settled into a pattern,with Dad and everyone else in front and me in the back,crunching(嘎吱嘎吱地踩)through the snow. I saw lots of animal tracks mostly deer, squirrel, and rabbit prints. As the trail wound down, my cousin Andr

5、ew said what Id been thinking :Will we ever reach Giant Rock? My cousin Aiden smiled and turned to me, Luke, do you think your dad invented this idea just to get us away from the TV for a while? I laughed. You never know.Finally, we climbed a hill and saw the massive boulder sitting alone in the for

6、est. It really is as big as a house! My cousins and I high-fived each other and jogged until we stood at the base, breathless. Standing in the boulders broad shadow, I noticed the sun had sunk lower.“Lets head back, Dad said after a few minutes. I here will be several crossroads on the way back. Guy

7、s, keep up with the team. Soon we were crunch-crunch-crunching our way home. I was a little behind the group when we approached a crossroads. And I noticed a set of animal tracks I didnt recognize, so I followed them for a closer look.Paragraph 1 :I looked up when I suddenly realized how quiet it ha

8、d gotten.Paragraph 2 :As going worriedly, I heard voices, someone calling far away.参考答案Paragraph 1:I looked up when I suddenly realized how quiet it had gotten. Where is everyone? I shouted. Nothing. “They couldnt have gone far. Ill catch up if I hurry.” I comforted myself. After a short walk, I cam

9、e to the crossroads where I could turn left or go straight, but both trails had red markers. I turned to the left which looked familiar. Unfortunately, it got quieter and quieter. Soon it might be too dark to tell what color the markers were. What if I couldnt find my way back?Paragraph 2: As going

10、worriedly I heard voices, someone calling far away. Following the voices, I noticed the stone wall, the trail running alongside it. It must be right way back! I rushed downhill with big steps. Then, I saw the parking area, and my family! I shouted as I ran toward them. Luke? Are you OK? The voice of

11、 Dad was urgent. Id only been lost for minutes, but it seemed like forever. Now all I wanted was a bear hug from Dad and to make tracks for home.【解析】【分析】本篇书面表达是读后续写。通过阅读所给文章可知,作者和家人一起去参观巨石,没有导航只有地图的情况下,作者一行通过一条小路爬上山,最终作者一行找到了巨石,观赏之后开始归程,然而返程路上作者因为观察动物的足迹而跟丢了队伍。【详解】续写部分分为2段,第一段的开头是我抬头看,然后发现四周很安静,所以这里

12、写作者跟丢队伍之后的场景。作者大声呼喊人都去哪里了,但是没有回应,所以作者加快速度想要跟上队伍,但是面前的路口都有红色标记,没有办法分辨,所以作者选择了看起来熟悉的一条,但是却越来越安静,天也越来越暗了。第二段开头是我焦急地走着,听到远处有人在叫,所以这里要描写作者迷路之后听到队伍喊叫的声音,跟随着声音,作者找到了父亲,虽然只走丢了几分钟,但是好像过了很久,作者紧紧抱住父亲。【点睛】本文的续写比较有趣,故事情节比较吸引读者,使用了高级词汇和句子。如:comfort;familiar;worriedly;alongside;urgent等高级词汇,定语从句After a short walk,

13、I came to the crossroads where I could turn left or go straight。宾语从句Soon it might be too dark to tell what color the markers were.等高级句式。(二)阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。Holly was confused as she opened the birthday presentfrom her best friend,Susanit was a twelvebyeight inch dark blue carpet.Her “th

14、anks” was hardly heard as Holly tried hard not to show her disappointment.The next morning,I carried a kitchen rubbish bag outside only to find Susans carpet lying there.I immediately reached in and pulled it out of the rubbish can.After giving it a brushing,I brought it into the house and put it aw

15、ay.Before Hollys birthday,Susan had been a regular visitorin our home.But suddenly I realized that it had been nearly three weeks since wed heard the mention of Susans name.I missed her warm smile very much.“Susan invited us to go to her house after school tomorrow.” Holly said as soon as she arrive

16、d from school.From her voice,I sensed she was pleased with the invitation.We were traveling along the winding country road that led to her house the following day.On the waySusan talked nervously about her foster mom and the seventeen cats they had taken in and cared for.When we came to a stop,Susan

17、s foster momwho introduced herself as Glendagave us a warm welcome.Susan guided us through the house.She proudly showed us her room,which was only decorated with some shabby used furniture.I followed Susans foster mom,Glenda,into the kitchen.After clearing a small area,Glenda poured us each a cup of

18、 black coffee with her trembling hand.Then she began to relax as we drank our coffee and chatted about her cats.Her eyes shone as she showed her fondness for Susan.But her expression turned blue when she referred tothe girls past.In an instant,I came to respect this warmhearted woman who had opened

19、her home to a younger girl and tied hard to make a difference in her life.注意:1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;2. 至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。Paragraph 1:As daylight began to fade,we offered our thanks for the visit and said goodbye._Paragraph 2:“Is this what you were look

20、ing for?”_参考答案As daylight began to fade,we offered our thanks for the visit and said goodbye.Holly sat quietly in the car on the wayhome,pressing her forehead against the window as if lost in thought.All the way we didnt say even a single word.No sooner had we come to a stopin the driveway than she

21、threw open the back door and flew straight to the side gate of our house.I followed her silently and my throat tightened as I observed my daughter standing by the rubbish canlooking inside.Soon she puffed,paused for a second or two,and walked inside,seeming slightly anxious and irritated.“Is this wh

22、at you were looking for?” I asked her in a gentle voice as I drew out the carpet from the cupboard and placed it in front of her.She gazed at me with absolute surprise,which soon turned to wild joy.“Thanks.Thank you mom,but.” She nearly screamed out when I threw open my arms and hugged her tightly j

23、ust as she did with the carpet.I could see tears shining in her crystal eyes,a drop or two splashing onto the dark blue carpet.Magically,what she once didnt even want to refer tonow turned out to be her precious birthday present.【解析】【分析】本文属于读后续写。【详解】本文为读后续写,所以写作时需要对全文的内容做到细致地理解,进而根据已知线索和可续写线索去完成续写内容


25、y的话,据此接下来可以描述Holly对此礼物的珍视,同时感觉到这件礼物的珍贵。【点睛】本文的续写内容合乎逻辑,内容充实,完成了书面表达的要求。在文章书写中,多处用到了复合句,对文章起到了画龙点睛的作用,充分说明了作者的语言驾驭能力和对语法的熟练。如:使用了现在分词做状语:Holly sat quietly in the car on the way home,pressing her forehead against the window as if lost in thought.使用了倒装句:No sooner had we come to a stop in the driveway t

26、han she threw open the back door and flew straight to the side gate of our house.使用了时间状语从句:I asked her in a gentle voice as I drew out the carpet from the cupboard and placed it in front of her.使用了定语从句:She gazed at me with absolute surprise,which soon turned to wild joy.使用了主语从句:.Magically,what she o

27、nce didnt even want to refer to now turned out to be her precious birthday present.(三)阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。On the way back from work every evening, more often than not there would be a homelessman standing at the exit of the freeway. He lookedto be in his late 40s but was probably a lot you

28、nger. He had shoulder length straightblack hair and a short beard, and he was of average stature.His eyes were what struck me the most about him, they were brown and they had a sparkle. Like an inside light that was beaming out of his eyes. His eyes, I thought, represented the man in general. People

29、 say they can tall a lot from a persons eyes. It was certainly true in his case. He always wavedat every car, he was always happy and smiling and sometimes almost dancing.Every day after work I would remember to gather any spare change, and put it aside to give to him if I saw him. A feeling of joyw

30、ould come over me every time I saw him, while coming off the ramp. He had that effect.Id quickly roll down my window and give him the coins. Occasionally the red light would be on for a minute and we would ask each other about our day. His answer would always be the same, “Im blessed!”I knew what his answer was going to be every time, yet I would still ask. It amazed me that even in his situation of being homeless he was so positive, and his answer would remind me of how blessed I was. A single mother of four amazing ki

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