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1、高三英语词汇能力训练DE教师辅导讲义 年 级:高三 课时数:3 辅导科目:英语 课 题重点词汇第一轮梳理- D.E开头的单词讲解与测试教学目标掌握高考词汇表中的重要单词含义及相关词组用法,并能灵活运用于各种语境中教学内容Step1:Greetings & Free Talk 1、Talk about the week in school. What news / story / book / movie have u got? 2、Is there sth importantspecialinteresting happening this week?Step2:Assignments che

2、cking The assigned exercises on the previous handout.Step3:RevisionI、错题重现 II、重点知识回顾 Step4:词汇测试与运用一、Test 9 Section A. Match Column A with Column B and write down the right order below.Column A Column B 1. 挤满了2. 对残酷3. 培养的感情4. 治愈了某人的病5. 对好奇6. 时事7. 最新的期刊8. 电流9. 缩短10. 处于危险中11. 敢于做某事12. 在黎明13. 至今14. 在那时15

3、. 1. 信用卡A. cut shortB. in those daysC. electric currentD. to this dayE. be crowded withF. be in dangerG. current affairsH. be cruel toI. current issuesJ. be curious aboutK. cultivate the spirit otL. credit cardM. cure sb. ofN. dare to do sth.O. at dawnColumn AColumn B16. 一天又一天17. 一整天18. 处理,对付19. 处理,

4、相处20. 大量的(不可数)21. 被判死刑22. 与辩论23. 欠债24. 还请债务25. 几十年来26. 在方面减少27. 把定义为28. 延迟做某事29. 好不耽搁2. 对感到高兴a. do withb. all day longc . be sentenced to deathd a great deal ofe deal withf pay off the debtsg. debate withh. be in debti. define. asj. decrease ink. for decades1. without delaym. delay doingn. day after

5、 day0. be delighted withSection B. Put the following words into Chinese. 1. crisis_2. crystal_3. cucumber_4. curve_5. cushion_6. dairy_7. damp_8. data_9. deadline_10. decay_11. deceive _12. definite_13. delegate_14. democracy _15. cupboard _16. county_17. craft_18. departure_19. deposit_20. dialect_

6、Section C. Choose the right word from the table to fill in the blank of each sentence with correct forms.dead, create, declare, dangerous, delivery, defend, criticizedecorate, curious, deep, cruel, decline, definition, crime, demand1. As a teacher we should cultivate the students _ability.2. The mys

7、tery finally came to light and the _was arrested.3. Your _is reasonable so we are willing to change our plan.4. All the people present gasped at the _of the Japanese invaders.5. The farmer who showed mercy for the snake was given a _bite.6. All the people are in favor of the _by the United Nations.7

8、. When will we finish the _of the house.8. This well is three times the _of that one.9. The high wall was built as a _against intruders.10. It is hard to _exactly what has changed.11. She _a talk on philosophy to the society.12. Children have a natural _about the world around them.13. The public was

9、 not aware of the _from nuclear tests in Nevada.14. The hunting dogs which have been well trained will undertake a lot of_ tasks.15. The minister _to comment about the progress of the peace talks.Section D. Put the following sentences into English. (要求运用主语从句的相关句型)1 据说船上的人员与犯罪无关。(It; crew)2. 他在北方的冬季培

10、植黄瓜确实太奇妙了。(cultivate)3. 这种药能否治好头痛很难说。(cure)4. 风俗习惯告诉我们的是我们的先人过去经常做的一些事。(What; custom; ancestor)5. 他报名参加100米短跑令所有人担心。(dash)6. 为什么他对我们的建议充耳不闻仍然是个谜。(turn a deaf ear to)7. 众所周知几十年来我们一直在辩论关于污染的问题。(decade; debate)8. 这种植物怎样腐烂,为什么会腐烂仍然是个未知数。(delay)9. 这个小孩是如何蒙骗成年人的,这正是我们要提出的问题。(deceive)10. 似乎装潢的费用在下降。(It; de

11、coration, decline)*Keys: Section A: 1-5 EHKMJ 6-10 GICAF 11-15 NODBL16-20 nbaed 21-25 cghfk 26-30 jimloSection C: 1. creative 2. criminal 3, criticism 4. cruelty 5. deadly6. declaration 7. decoration . 8. depth 9. defence 10. define11. delivered 12. curiosity 13.danger 14. demanding 15, declinedSect

12、ion D: 1-5 DABDC 6-10 ABCCB 11-15 BAADB 16-20 CDAABSection E: 1. It was said that the crew had nothing to do with the crime.2. It is really wonderful that he should cultivate cucumber in the north during the winter.3. It is hard to say whether the medicine can cure him of his headache,4. What custom

13、 tells us is what our ancestors used to do.5. That he entered for 100-meter dash worried all the people.6. Why he turned a deaf ear to our suggestion is still mystery.7. It is known to all that we have been debating on the problem of pollution for decades.8. How and why this kind of plants decays is

14、 still a unknown.9. How the child deceives the adults is the question that we want to raise. 10. It seems that the cost of house decoration is declining.二、Test 10 Section A. Match Column A with Column B and write down the right order below.Column A Column B 30. 1. 依靠31. 某人应该输的32. 把描叙为33. 被(设计)用来做某事3

15、4. 渴望做某事35. 绝望地36. 为不顾一切37. 百货商店38. 详细地39. 决心做某事40. 否认做某事41. 把献给42. 钻石项链43. 记日记44. 死于A. sb. deserves to loseBbe designed to do sth.Cdescribe. asDin despairE. keep a diaryF. devote . toG. deny doing sthH. in detailI .be determined to do sth.J. be desperate for sth.K. a diamond necklaceL. desire to do

16、 sth.M. die of/ fromN. a department store0. be dependent on Column A Column B 45. 16. 消亡46. 与在不同47. 平衡饮食48. 做某事有困难49. 庄重地;体面的50. 向方向51. 情绪不愉快52. 节食53. 使某人失望的是54. 侦探小说55. 不赞成56. 不喜欢做某事57. 混乱状态58. 展出30 在远处a be on displayBgo on a dietCdie outDto ones disappointmentEdislike doing sth.Fbe different from.

17、 in. .Gbe in disorderHhave difficulty in doing sth.Idisapprove ofJ. a detective novelK. in the distanceL. with dignityM. in an disagreeable moodN. a balanced dietO. in the direction ofSection B. Put the following words into Chinese.1 .diploma_2.diplomat_3.discipline _ 4.disconcert_5.dismiss_6. distr

18、ess _7. distinctly _8. device_9. diameter _ 10. digital_11. desert _12. destination _13. dignity_14. depression _15. dissert_16. digest_17. diligent_18. dioxide_19. disabled_20. distinguish _Section C. Choose the right word from the table to fill in the blank of each sentence with correct forms.dese

19、rve, depend, describe, dictation, depress, dignity, detect, depart, diligent, design, digest, approve, disappoint, devote, discover1. His _was unexpected.2. It was because of my complete _on her skill and experience.3. He committed suicide because of the_.4. The scenery was beautiful beyond_.5. He c

20、ommanded the respect of us, because he was a leader of courage and_.6. The teacher _a passage to the class.7. There is something wrong with your stomach. You d better take some food which aids _ .8. Our class meeting was _by the presence of the principal.9. He pursues his aims with great_.10. Why di

21、d the director express his _of our plan.11. To our_, the government failed to turn its promise into reality.12. He has a well-_reputation as a reliable worker.13. A _ is someone whose job is to make plans or patterns for clothes, furniture, equipment, etc.14. She hired a private _to find out if her

22、husband had an affair.15. The Hubble Telescope has allowed astronauts to make significant _about the our galaxy.Section E. Put the following sentences into English. (要求运用名词性从句的相关句型)1. 他应受到表扬的原因是他把全部精力都献给了数学。( deserve; devote)2. 他们全力以赴的目标是在天黑以前爬上山顶。(desperate)3. 使我们感到沮丧的是我们无法理解老师的讲解。(depress; beyond)

23、4. 问题是警察是否会详细地描述这一事故。( detail; describe )5. 他会否认在银行存过钱,这正是我们已经预料到的。(deny; deposit )6. 这仅仅是因为他决心当一名侦探。 ( determine; detective )7. 这个地区很混乱,它不再是以前的那个样子了。( disorderly )8. 他解雇这个年轻人的理由是他不服从安排。 ( dismiss; disobey )9. 她体重减轻是因为她在节食。( diet)10 似乎美国英语和英国英语在发音和拼写上有不同。 ( seem; differ)*Keys: Section A: 1-5 OACBL 6

24、-10 DJNHI 11-15 GFKEM16-20 c f n h I 21-25 ombdj 26-30 i e g a kSectionC: 1. departure 2. dependence . 3. depression 4. description5. devotion 6. dictated 7. digestion 8. dignified9. diligence 10. disapproval 11. disappointment 12. deserved13. designer 14. detective 15. discoveriesSection D: 1-5 DCB

25、AB 6-10 DBDCA 11-15 DBDAC 16-20 BACADSection E: 1. The reason why he deserves to be praised is that he has devoted himself to mathematics.2. The aim they were desperate for was that they had to climb up to the mountain before dark.3. What made us depressed was that the teachers explanation was beyon

26、d our understanding.4. The problem was whether the policeman would describe the accident in detail,5. He denied depositing money in the bank, which was what we expected.6. It is simply because he is determined to be a detective.7 The area is disorderly, and it is no longer what it used to be.8. The

27、reason lor his dismissing the young man was that he disobeyed his arrangement.9. Why she lost weight was that she was going on a diet.10. It seems that American English differs from British English in pronunciation and spelling.Test 11Section A. Match Column A with Column B and write down the right order below. Column A Column B1.扑向A. divid

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