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1、Unit3WhatstheirnumberagainUnit 3 Whats Their Number Again?Period 1 Warm-up, Listening and SpeakingTeaching Materials and StudentsTeaching materials: Book Unit 3 Whats Their Number Again?Students: Grade TwoMajor: Civil Building EnglishLesson duration: 45 minutesType of lesson : NewTeaching objectives

2、【Knowledge】1. Students will be able to learn some useful new words and expressions in this part.2. Students will be able to talk about past events【Skills】1. Students will be able to catch and understand the listening materials.2. Students will be able to get special information and take notes while

3、listening.3. Students will be able to learn and use the expressions of admitting and correcting mistakes.【Attitudes】1. Students will be able to tell a story from their memory.2. Develop students sense of group cooperation and teamwork.Teaching Focuses and Difficulties【Focuses】1. Guide students to gu

4、ess the answer before listening .2. Students will be able to get information and take notes while listening.3. Students will be able to learn and use the expressions of admitting and correcting mistakes.【Difficulties】1. Students will be able to understand listening materials with various English acc

5、ents.2. Apply what has been learnt in the real life situation.Teaching ApproachesTask-Based Teaching MethodTeaching AidsTextbook, multimedia, teachers book, workbookTeaching ProceduresStep 1: Warm-up.Among these people , who stand out most in your memory ?teachersparentsfriends.doctorspolicemenFirem

6、en.Discuss the following questions with your partner.Why do you think those people you choose in Activity 1 impress you most?Can you tell a story about them from your memory?.What did you learn from them?Notes:1)stand for 代表stand up to 经得起stand by 支持stand out 出色,杰出stand up for 坚持2)impress vt 给、印象;使感

7、到 Sb./sth.+ impress sb. Sb./sth. + impress sth. on sb.=sb./sth.+impress on sb.sth. Sb.+ impress sb. With sth.; Sb.+be deeply impressed with /by +sb./sth.The woman impressed me most unfavorably. 这个女人给我的印象极差。 I was very impressed by his story.他的故事深深打动了我。3) learn from 想某人学习 hear from =get /receive a le

8、tter from收到、来信Step 2: Listening and speakingA. What I Remember Then1.What are your earlier childhood memories and how old were you then ?2.Listen to the passage and tick () true or false. True False1 The boy was taken to the threatre because it was his birthday. take sb. to sp.=sb. be taken to sp. 2

9、 The boys mum pushed him and encouraged him to go up to the stage. Push pull 拉和推 encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人干什么 Go up to the stage. 去台上,上台去。 3 The magician refused to have the boy as his assistant. refuse to do sth. 拒绝做什么4 The boy felt awful while standing on the stage. feel + adj.(Predicative)on

10、the stage 在舞台上Key : True : False : 3.Listen again and complete the following table .Then retell the story to a partner.CluesDetailsHow old was the boy?Eight or nine years old.What was the background ?The week before ChristmasWhat happened ?The boy cheated on the stage.What happened in the end ?The m

11、agician let him stay on the stage.How did the boy feel?The boy felt awful. in the end终于,最会 by the end of到、为止at the end = in the end 最后,结束at the end of 在什么末端/ B.I dont Think Thats True4. Listen to the conversation and circle the beast answer. are going to throw a party. throw a party =hold/have a par

12、ty举行晚会a. John and Lilyb. The speakersc. John, Lily and the speakersThe man .a. already called John and Lilyb. is going to call John and Lilyc. isnt going to call John and Lilykey : a b5.Complete the conversation with the sentences in the box. Listen and check the answer. Then practice the conversati

13、on with a partner.I dont think thats true.No, wait. Thats not right.Uh, I mean no.I guess I was wrong.A: Did you call John and Lily to ask about their party?B: Yes, Uh, I mean no. Theyre not in town this weekend anyway.A: I dont think thats true .Remember, they cancelled their trip .Maybe you should

14、 put away your computer game and make a phone call.B: I guess I was wrong .Sorry. Ill call now .Whats their number again ?A: Its 555-2439. No, wait. Thats not right . Its 2429.B: OK.A: Remember to ask if we should come over early to help.B: All right.cancelled their trip .取消旅游 put off ones trip 推迟旅游

15、come over early to help.过来帮忙Conversation StrategyAdmitting and Correcting MistakesWhen we make mistakes in conversations, we repeat what we have said with some sort of correction .That is often done by a hesitation or editing term (such as I mean)6.Work with a partner. Role-play the following situat

16、ions . Use the conversation strategy in Activity5Your friend is asking you when the class meeting will be held. Youre not sure whether it will be 6 p.m. or 7 p.m. this evening. You are asking about the phone number of your friend, John .Yougive the number and then realize youve make a mistake.Step 3

17、: Summary and Blackboard DesignUnit 3 Whats Their Number Again?Language points and expressions on the BlackboardStep 4: Homework assignment:1. Role-play the following situations, using the conversation strategy in Activity 5 2. Finish off the Workbook exercises.3. Preview the Speaking.4. Prepare Rea

18、ding: Passage ATeaching reflection: The first class for listening and speaking. By listening to, say, do and do, with abundant teaching resources, expand and enrich students oral English, improve the learning interest in the entertainment, but to cultivate the ability of English communication and to

19、 solve practical problems with students.Period 2Reading and Writing Passage ATeaching objectives【Knowledge goals】1. Students will be able to learn some useful new words and expressions in this part.2. Students will be able to read passage A.3. Students will be able to know about memory rules.【Abilit

20、y goals】1. Guide students to learn how to use different reading skills such as skimming, scanning, guessing the meaning in the context, predicting and so on.2. Students will be able to know the phenomenon of “Bathtub Effect”3. Students will be able to deal with some reading problems. 【Emotion goals】

21、1. Students will learn to know how to improve their memory.2. Develop students sense of group cooperation and teamwork.Teaching Focuses and Difficulties【Focuses】1. Guide students to guess the meaning of the passage before reading.2. Students will be able to get information while reading.3. Students

22、will be able to learn to get the main idea of the passage.【Difficulties】1. Enable students to learn to use reading strategies such as skimming, scanning, and so on.2. Enable students to improve their memory.Teaching ApproachesTask-Based Teaching MethodTeaching AidsTextbook, multimedia, teachers book

23、, workbookTeaching ProceduresStep1 Revision1. Check the homework exercises.2. Ask some pairs of students to come to the front and act out their dialogues to review andpractice the expressions for admitting and correcting MistakesStep2 Reading Passage A Bathtub Effect1. Pre-reaingTalk about the pictu

24、re: 2. While-readingA1.Read passage A and tick ()true or false.True False1 The middles of words are usually more noticeable and hence easier to remember. 引人注目的 因此2 The bathtub effect is a phenomenon about the memorization of words, names, numbers, etc. 现象3 When you try to remember a word, the beginn

25、ing is often better remembered than the end.4 When youre caught by the bathtub effect ,you cannot recall anything.Key: True False 3. Post readingA2.The following is the dictation of a passage. Caught by the bathtub effect, the writer missed some words. Choose the correct words to complete it.There i

26、s a misconception that a person who is good at talking to others always has stories to tell and is full of jokes. In fact , most people want a two-way dialogue with interaction ,not just one person talking the whole time.A good way of creating good dialogues is by asking questions in a way. For exam

27、ple, questions like “Do you live in London?” can be answered with a simple “yes” or “no”, which is not good for breeding conversations. But if a person asks “Where do you live?”, there is scope for a longer and , ,more interesting reply. This is what is called an open-ended question.a. amazingb. ann

28、oying a. spasticb. specifica. helpfullyb. hopefullyKey : a b bNotes:misconception误解,不对的构思和设想;full of jokes充满玩笑 full adj. full of ; fillwith 用、装满;fill vt.interaction ,互动,配合,合作For example,= for instance 举例,例如such as 列举,诸如之类 is not good for 对、有益called an open-ended question叫开放式问题A3. Think of occasion w

29、hen youre caught by the bathtub effect. Then share it with a partner. 场合、场景Step3: Language learningNotes: 1. Many people regard English learning as a very challenging task,because it is very difficult for them to remember English words. 许多人将英语学习视为极具挑战性的任务,因为对于他们来说记住英语单词太难了。regardas “认为、是”“把某人作为”,类似的

30、短语还有:have/take /see/think of/view/consider/look on /remember名词eg. Successful people regard hardship as a chance to grow. 成功人士把困难当作一个成长的机会。2. The consequence is the so-called “bathtub”, according to which speakers will recall with more ease the beginning and the end of words. 这就产生了所谓“浴缸效应”。 “浴

31、缸效应”指说话人会更容易记起词语的开头部分和末尾部分。with more ease “更容易、更从容”eg. This audio CD gives clear instructions to help you work with more ease.这张音频CD给出清晰的指令,让你工作得更从容。3. with the head out of the water at one end and the feet out at the other.、一边是伸出水面的头,另一边是脚。out of “从中”; “处于原因”eg. The cat stuck its head out of the hole in the box.那猫将头从纸盒上的冻中探了出来。 She did all that out of jealousy. 她做这一切嗾使出于嫉妒。4. be/get caught in遭遇;受困

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