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1、外文文献及翻译施工项目进度控制的关键问题Constructionofkeyproblemsofpr本科毕业论文(设计)外文翻译施工项目进度控制的关键问题院(系、部)名称: 专 业 名 称: 学生姓名: 学生学号: 指导教师: Construction of key problems of project progress controlAbstractConstruction progress was one of the three objectives of the project which is an importa nt comp onent of project man ageme

2、 nt. Reas on able, scie ntific, efficie ncy of project con struct ion schedule is the key to achieve the project objectives con trol. Only duri ng the preparation stage, stage of progress of the programmer design stage, plans and impleme ntati on of con struct ion and other lin ks, tak ing full acco

3、 unt of the favorable factors, rati onal coord in atio n of limited resources, can eve ntually achieve the progress required by the target, to create adva need, civilizatio n and con struct ion process and lay a solid material foun datio n.Keywords: Con structio n projects; Progress con trol; Key is

4、suesProgress, in vestme nt, quality is the three objectives of the project; there is a relati on ship of mutual dependenceand mutual restriction between them. Project schedule control is an importa nt comp onent of project man ageme nt and is to en sure that project objectives con trol is complete t

5、he prerequisite for the realizatio n of, to en sure the project durati on, the ratio nal use of resources, a nd lower costs, to preve nt pla n cha ngestoo big and importa nt guara nteefor improvi ng the efficie ncy of project. Man ageme nt should focus on the followi ng aspects:1.Attaches great impo

6、rtance to project construction preparationProject preparati on is an importa nt comp onent of con struct ion producti on, and it is inten ded to project goals, resource supply and selecti on of con struct ion pla n, spatial layout and the various aspects of time and man power arran geme nt. It also

7、is the fun dame ntal guara ntee for the smooth con duct of civil engin eeri ng con structi on and equipme nt in stallati on. Therefore, prepari ng carefully for tech ni cal before con struct ion, materials, labor orga ni zati ons preparation and over-the-counter preparations for construction site pr

8、eparation, has an important effect on rational supplying resources to speed up the construction speed, impro ving project quality en suri ng con struct ion safety and winning social reputati on .Tostrengthen the project progress control, you must attach great importanee to the project preparatio n,

9、preparati on before con structi on.2.Deployment and construction of construction programmingCon struct ions of comprehe nsive arran geme nts for the deployme nt project as a whole is, and makes decisions on major strategic issues in construction. Prefect of construction deployment is effective contr

10、ol engineering progress, guaranteesengineering quality, and saves engin eeri ng inv estme nt of primary protect ion, and its preparati on should reflect reas on able of orga ni zati on arran geme nts and task divisi on, and establish prove n of, and reas on able running of Project Man ager sector; p

11、ers onnel of set and the divisi on should do full mobilization its enthusiasm, and make of professional play; established of specialization con struct ion orga ni zati on system and for engin eeri ng min package; divisi on con structi on stage, determ ines stagi ng batch con struct ion, and commissi

12、 oning of arran geme nts and main project and in terspersed project.In additi on to the deployme nt con sists of perfect con structi on, preparatio n of reas on able con struct ion pla n, to en sure the effective progress of the project, con struct ion readi ness planning should also been included t

13、he development specification. Main site-wide preparations, includes materials for ideological, organizational preparation, technical preparation, and so on. Major items of works or the main unit of engineering and special projects should be developed in the construction organization to design its co

14、nstruction programmed. The aim is the preparati on of tech ni cal and also for the con struct ion of well under way and provides a basis for rational arrangementof the project site. Therefore, you should calculate the qua ntity to determ ine the process,select the comma ndme nts and main con struct

15、ion method of large con struct ion machi ne.Engin eeri ng determ in ati on of the order, n eed to be con structed by stages and in groups. It should be the first un dergro und and the n the ground, after the first deep-shallow, after the first line, extension, underground pipeline construction, with

16、 the supply of various types of material and technical conditions and should be balaneed and rational utilization of these resources betwee n coord in ated con struct ion of promoti ng bala need.3.In accordance with the contract s duration requirements, well construction progress controlAccordi ng t

17、o the durati on of the con tract to complete con struct ion, both con tract requireme nts are also objects to achieve bus in ess goals. In this conn ecti on, the con structi on units (owners) with the construction unit of the interests of both sides are fully consistent. Therefore, strengthening con

18、struction progress control ensures that the duration of the con tract performa nee is a project man ager and main content of the basic duties. Pla n is a prerequisite for control, if has not it will be out of control which is to compare actual and planned values, identify deviations during, and for

19、feedback adjustment. Preparation of con struct ion progress pla n to con trol the duratio n value is determ in ed, and come up with a guarantee scheme implementation of effective measuresto guarantee the duration planned completi on of the con tract period.Preparation of progress is to decide what t

20、o when to do, or when the progress of the project to do what extent. Whatever is the process of the project itself, or with other con struct ion-related work, should be in tegrated into the schedule to, or, whose progress you want to make a schedule. Types of project schedule classificati on based o

21、n content is targeted schemes and support schemes. Schedule for the project itself is the most basic goal pla n that determ ines the durati on of the project goals. In order to achieve this goal, you have a range of support pla ns, such as pla nning material usage, work ing capital pla nning materia

22、l usage, and equipme nt use pla ns, labor use pla n to use pla n, semi-fi ni shed products and comp onen ts, and so on. Con trol the len gth of time it came from overall progress pla n and phase pla n. Total progress scheme con trol the whole process of project con structi on, and phased pla n in cl

23、udes the project con struct ion progress pla n and ten-years, quarters, mon ths, weeks of job schedules, and so on .It has a text pla n-pla n with a chart from the expressi ons. The former is with a text descripti on of each stage of con struct ion, and the image of progress to achieve requireme nts

24、; the latter is with image and simple charts to express the construction schedule. As far as I know, bar is the most com monly used scheme, n etwork pla nning, and slash-type scheme. It has overall progress pla n and the partiti on pla n from the scope of man ageme nt. Master pla ns are project-orie

25、 nted global strategy progress of the pla n, gen erally cruder. While the pla n is for a bottle gourd or Project Professi onal progress of the work pla n, gen erally more detailed.4.Preparation of project schedulea.This project of project con tract. Provisio n is to determ ine the duratio n of the c

26、on tract durati on in pla nned value basis. Project start and completio n dates stipulated in the con tract, must be impleme nted by schedule. Schedule of the ultimate goal is through reas on able progress desig n, to guara ntee duratio n completed on time.b.Con structi on of en terprise producti on

27、 and man ageme nt of reas on able pla n. Through the con structi on of en terprise product ion and man ageme nt of ratio nal pla nning, to en sure project efficie ncy, is the major comp onent of the pla n. Obey ing the bus in ess prin ciple of guida nee and meeti ng the requireme nts of en terprise

28、bala nee achieve the best in terests of the en terprise.c.Draw ing in formati on. Draw ing in formati on is the basis and premise of rati onal desig n of con structi on schemes for con struct ion. Con structi on progress pla n must be lin ked with the progress of the desig n pla n, and must be based

29、 on the date of delivery nu mber agreeme nt to arrange the appropriate part of the con struct ion time, which is also a good way of con structi on risk preve nti on and guara ntee con struct ion quality.d.Construction organization design of this project is one of the strong basis for the preparatio

30、n of project scheduli ng. This in formatio n defi nes con structi on capacity deployme nt and method of con structi on and reflects the con struct ion characteristics of the project, which forms the basis of targets at various stages in the process of determ ining con structi on pla ns.e.Materials a

31、nd equipment supply plan. If you already have on the material and equipme nt and tur no ver material supply pla n, the con struct ion progress pla n must be coord in ated with the project .In additi on to the above five poi nts maki ng progress on a project pla ns as the basis for the main con sider

32、ati on, you should be aware of in formati on about site con struct ion con diti ons, in clud ing hydrological, climate and en vir onmen tal data in the field of con struct ion and tran sportati on con diti ons, en ergy supply, auxiliary product ion capacity. Also prior to the preparati on of project

33、 con struct ion progress pla n, similar to an already built or actual con struct ion schedule n eeds to be collected, and you should serious an alysis, orga nize, list con trol con stra int, clear the in flue nee of duratio n to achieve man datory time limits, for the preparatio n of project progress as well prepared.5.The project progr

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