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1、吕N老师闸北暑假八年级家教班新王牌暑假班What is worth doing at all is worth doing well凡是值得的事情就应好好去做绕口令:A big black bug bit a big black bear. Wheres the big black bear the big black bug bit?【成语来源】desolate门可罗雀Duke Jai was aHan dynasty(汉朝) government.汲黯是汉朝的一位名臣。Because he held a very high-ranking and powerful, many of his

2、 friends, relatives, and evenwhom he barely knew often went to call on him. So all day long, horses and chariots were lined up in front of his house; it was really as if the courtyard was as crowded as a marketplace.因为他位高权重,许多他的朋友、亲戚,甚至是泛泛之交的朋友都经常会来拜访他,所以他家总是门庭若市。Later, however, Duke Jai had the sad

3、 misfortune of being removed from office.后来他不幸被罢免,废了官职。His friends and relatives then stopped going to see him, and soon the only ones left in front of his house were flock ofwhich would fly about and stop to rest on his doorstep.后来他的亲朋好友便渐渐疏远他了,很少再来看望他,他家的门前只剩下一群麻雀,在那里嬉戏。Not long afterwards, Duke J

4、ai was reinstated. As soon as his friends and relatives heard the news, they all once again began to ride their horses or drive their chariots back to visit him.不久,皇帝又下诏请他回去做官。 过去常来的客人又纷纷来拜访他了。Duke Jai, however, was now unwilling to see them, and door reproving those who would only associate with pe

5、ople of wealth and status.但是汲黯因看清世事,便不愿再看到他们。Today, we can use this idiom to describe any place which has been deserted, or where people are few.如今我们可以用成语“门可罗雀”形容门庭冷落,冷冷清清。【文化链接】单用英文单词“desolate”就可以表达“冷清荒凉”的意思,比如“冷清的街道”就是“adesolatestreet”。下面我们来看一首小诗:Layin in front of me are two roads:在我的面前有两条路:One fl

6、ourished with multiple kinds of flowers and plants;一条花木丛生;The other , just a scene of.另一条门可罗雀,However,I choosed the latter one.但是我仍然选择了后者。其中作者形容“人烟稀少的路”就用到了表达“a scene of”,意思就是“另一条路有一点荒凉的感觉”。 any timeHave you ever been to Africa?表惊讶,愤怒,怀疑Did you ever hear such n

7、onsense? angrily because you dont agreeHe argued with Mary about the best place for their holiday.argumentn.angry talk between people with different ideasThe argument turned into a fight.synmquarrelHe quarrels about their housework.troublen.difficulty, problems, worryWe had a lot of troub

8、le finding her.have trouble in doing sth.unusualadj.strange, uncommonIts unusual for her to come late.crowdn.lots of people togetherTheres a large crowd at the full of sth.Nanjing Road is always crowded.starev.look at sb. or sth. for a long timeHe stared at the word, trying to re

9、member its meaning.throughprep.from one side or end of sth. to the other side or the endOur bus has just passed through the tunnel.从开始到结束,自始至终We traveled through the night接通电话Can you put me through to Tom?通过某人或某物She got the job through her father.quietlyadv.with little sound or no soundThe cat walks

10、 quietly.antomloudlysteal v.secretly take sth. that is not yours A thief stole my phone yesterday.steal sth. from sb.theftn.act of taking sth. that is not yoursCar theft is a big problem in city.偷盗行为不可数,盗窃案可数There are many thefts in this area.detailn.information about sth.He can probably tell us the

11、 detail 详细地Well discuss it later in detail.worriedadj.unhappy because you think that sth. bad will happenThe mother is worried about her worried aboutI was worried about the hotel bill.worryv.使担忧,使烦恼Moms illness was a big worry to me.worry aboutHe worried about their relationship.n

12、. 烦恼,忧虑,苦恼 Nothing worries Peter.realizev.understand or know sth.I didnt realize you were unhappy.make sth. come trueThe girl realized her big dream.fightv.try to hurt of kill each otherTwo children are fighting.打仗,战斗He fought in Vietnam.奋斗You must fight for your rights.n.搏斗,打斗,战斗Who won the fight?【

13、Words Focus】rathervery, rather, quite 三词所表达的语气强度依次递减rather 可以和too以及比较级连用The exercise was rather too difficult.It rather colder today.rather和quite可以直接修饰动词,very不能直接修饰动词I quite agree with you.We rather like the book修饰right, wrong, impossible, alone等不可分级的形容词时,只用quite,表示“完全”You are quite right.Thats quit

14、e impossible.1.response v. responsible a. 2.have breakfast over /at breakfast 3.sit at the table 4.the under-15 badminton champion a healthy life / What a healthy life ! 6.wake woke woken , get out of bed 7.wake up , wake sb. up 8.change v./n. changeable changing 9.Hes 8 years old Hes an 8-ye

15、ar-old boy 10.Hes a boy aged 8 = Hes a boy of 8 the age of 8= when he was 8 12.Its time for sth. / to do sth. 13.Its time for lesson(s) 14.=Its time to have lesson(s) .15.practice n./ v. practise v. practise doing16.have a rest the rest of sth . 17.perform v. performance performer n.18.fall do

16、wn (from) a bike = fall off a bike 19.hurt hurt hurt v. /n. 20.have a pain in my leg 21.tough brave weak adj. 22.Hes brave enough to face difficulties23.We must face up to each challenge .24.crowd crowded be crowded with 25.relax v. relaxed relaxing 26.lose interest in sth. , in ones twenties 27.ins

17、tead of sth/ doing 28.=in place of =take the place of 29.among young people 30.argue v. argument n. dealt- dealt ,be afraid of sb./sth./doing 32.what to do with = how to deal with 33.steal stole stolen ,steal sth from sb. 34.thief thieves theft n. in trouble be gone =disappear 36.happe

18、n to do what happened to you 37.Whats going on ? =whats up=Whats happening?38.stare at , go aboard 39.through the tunnel /forest /field 40.real really realize v. =come true 41.worry n/ v worried adj42.worry about = be worried about sb./sth.strange (ly) adj./ad. stranger n./ adj回答,回应 , 有责任的吃早饭, 在早餐期间

19、坐在桌子旁边15岁以下的羽毛球冠军过着健康的生活醒 , 起床醒来, 把某人叫醒变化, 多变的, 变更他8岁, 他是个8岁男孩=在他8岁时 是该做某事的时候了该上课了= 练习 ( 动, 名), 练习做休息 , 其余的。表演(动,名) ,表演者从自行车上跌落下来受伤我腿疼坚强的, 勇敢的 , 弱的他勇敢地面对困难我们必须勇敢地面对每一次挑战人群, 拥挤的, 挤满。放松 放松的(人),轻松的(事)对。不敢兴趣, 在某人20多岁时代替做3个=在年轻人中(3个以上)争吵处理,解决, 害怕某人、某事、害怕做某事如何处理2个偷 , 偷某人东西小偷, 偷窃(案件)遇到麻烦 消失了,不见了偶然做, 你发生了什么

20、事? 怎么了,发生什么了? 盯着看, 上(车,船,飞机)穿过隧道/森林/田野真的,确实, 意识到,实现=担心, 担忧的/焦虑的 (动,形)担心某人(事)奇怪的/地,异常的, 陌生人/ 更奇怪【Exercise】Match the words in Column A with their meanings in Column BAB( ) trouble1. strange; not common( ) argument2. on or onto a ship, train, bus or plane( ) unusual3. look at something firmly( ) steal4

21、. difficulty; problems; worry( ) purse5. see somebody or something( ) follow6. an angry talk between people with different ideas( ) dial7. make a telephone call usually by pushing buttons( ) worried8. unhappy because you think that something bad has happened or will happen( ) aboard9. go after( ) cr

22、owd10. secretly take something that is not yours( ) stare at11. a lot of people together( ) notice12. a small bag that you keep money in Complete the sentences with proper words according to the given meanings.1. Suddenly, I notice that my handbag was g_ (not seen). .2. Please close the door q_ (wit

23、h little sound or no sound). 3. The guard walked back and forth in front of the g_ (door in a wall outside a building). 4. Excuse me, how much is this p_ (a card with a picture on one side, that you write on and send by post)? 5. Its s_ (not usual, surprising) that hed failed in the exam. 6. The hou

24、ses in this area are not safe from t_ (stealing). 7. He was j_ (only) telling jokes.8. I told you to r_ (tell or write something that has happened) to me every day. Complete the sentences with proper words or expressions from the boxA. dealing with B. put the phone down C. Well done D. held out E. s

25、tood around F. afraid ofG. happened to H. ran away I. got offJ. going on1. Be careful in _such people. They may hurt you one day.2. After discussing the homework with Sandy for about half an hour, Judy finally _.3. The shop assistant _ a dress for Melissa to try on.4. The fox _ before the hunter sho

26、t it. 5. Mandy was the first to work out the maths problem. _!said the teacher.6. A funny thing _me yesterday. A strange girl went up to me and told me that I was her brother.7. Dont worry about the future. Theres nothing to be_.8. All people _ the table, waiting for Lucy to blow off the 20 candles

27、on the cake.9. Whats _? Is there anyone who can tell me the truth?10. The bus stopped and we _immediately.新世纪教材:Lesson Three Household Appliances【词形变换】clean - cleanerapply - appliance【重要短语】move into/to 搬进/到be made in 在制造be made of 由制成(可看出原材料)be made from由制成(看不出原材料)turn on/off 打开/ 关闭 turn up/down 调高/

28、 调低finish doing sth. 结束做某事Whats that button for? 那个按钮是干什么的?a piece of cake 容易的事情enjoy oneself = have a good time = have fun 玩得愉快by hand 手工;手动It takes sb. some time to do sth. 做某事花费某人时间in addition 此外;加之enable sb. to do sth. 能使某人做某事at the same time 同时bothand 和都way of life 生活方式语法:感叹句How + adj./adv. + 主

29、语 + 谓语! . How interesting the book is!What + 名词短语 + 主语 + 谓语! . What an interesting book it is!What + a/an + adj. + n.(单数名词)+ 主语 + 谓语! . What a lovely girl she is!What + adj. + n.(复数名词或不可数名词)+ 主语 + 谓语! . What bad weather it is! What beautiful flowers they are!I. Choose the best answer ( ) 1. She walk

30、ed up to the baby _to see whether she had slept.A. quietly B. quiet C. quite D. quitely( )2. There is a letter _you. Its from Beijing.A. for B. to C. of D. from( )3. Just now when I passed his room, I heard him _a song in the room.A. to sing B. sing C. singing D. to singing( )4. There is an important meeting _next week.A. held B. to hold C. to be held D. to held

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