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1、高考英语二轮总复习阅读理解精选26及标准答案213高考英语二轮总复习阅读理解精选(26)及答案AHell. It oe ofthst wrds welearn as babis,et its ne ofthestone we hinkto uea adlts Tatsnounae, buse ayng hel is more tan jus saying helloisecogntionofters woth.How gt the worlcanehow mht we chageif w masted tird? To finot, spet one month saying ello toe

2、eryrsnIt. res what e learnd I can boot(促进) produtivty.Inon ofthe fewsudies evr done onhis subjc,Aln , an asstnt profeso of spci ucato klahoma StaeUnirsit, had ddl chol teachers greet tirstdents indivdualy eahmrninhis exange f gretinsraisedthe kids roducvty. chl went rom impersonal t prsl,ad tha resu

3、ltd im ass atcpiond bettr gds Evirments infl found that people i tecity were less ike to hke hans itastranger thanthose iecountrysid.And rsearchers , pleasn enronentsgnely encorage mor smiles and elos han unpleaat nes. M xperiec was simlr. Watevr thereson, yurbn heloswere answed faress

4、 ofe han my ralones. Smiarly,pepei vcaionspt, lkee Jese Shore, erfr frindlir those urrying work donwn. Is a form of uniersahlth nuranc Itsimposib say helo ithout smiling Ansmilin a ben shoto lower blood presre, relestress and boos happinesparenl, a mile creates similar effct in the recipient (接受者).m

5、aybe e c mke theworld a bter pace saying helo t ech othr.Afer a onh ofding i, Ife igh ad moeonnted andIave a bet nseof wellben.56.What cn e ifere paragrap 1?A.Thfirs ord we learn asbai is HlloBaing ello is econti of ohers ort.C.Adults areotilin to helloDewriter sent amonh sayi ello toeeryesn.7.Th un

6、erlidsntec iPaagph probaly meas .Astudnca gethigher crs in tets beaue hey greetteir tacers ver dayBte excang ogeetig made more sdents paicipae in the clsCtheismore clasarticipation an ettr rdesn vate schoolD.teachs an students got rindlir so hat testuents eame mre tive in leagan scoed gher i tsts58c

7、crding tote assge, smilingcan have h flowng efects nah XCPT .Aloweriloo prssur B.eduigtresCineasig happiness D.improving inelien9.Whathewiters pupose of ritng t pssage?Ao dvse usto ayhll re ofenB tll us saying ello an boostprodctivit.Coprove t nvrnmens infenerndlines.D.T tllus sayighllo is a ormf un

8、iesal ealth insrance.BTh parents of toubled ten may feel nsure s t womturn tin order to idhelor ter hil Thy a eel f teyhavexhausted al of thei option, and sometesthy ar on he re of gii p utthreis hpe. chools fotrouled teens offerdisciplined insme cass, drgtreatnt programs can provie imporant lfe ski

9、lls,a more mportantly, a fes strt.The olwiis lst o the mostefecv type of scoos for trubld teens.Not every fcilit iamatch forevery child, b by kowing te diffeences beween tem, arentscn ak bette duateddeciion aut where o se their tegersoardg ScoolWhen a chidis une o deal with herelative redom of a san

10、dadshooly, bording scholsight e a god oie.At oardig schools,t hild live i a orm tg, here lmosevery minuto theais shedueby schoo dministrators.Tretmen CtsWhn a teenager as aadictio rugsor alol, rsienal enerthat secialzesnyoung pepl i uttainway to lp hebreak e cye dicion. Tretentcentr feature indvidal

11、 and gropcounselingto help ientiy he oouseof the ru problm an help evelop helie sill eded to stay ea when th program s ovrWeresPrograms Deigne toel iprove th dicilnean se-relnce of the cild, wildernss rorms sendkids backonatur.Byplain temin foren an smetimencomfortabl setng, wilderss pms hpe o iprov

12、echildrens beavior.Prgrms gnrall inlde hke, execise prgra ad teabidng exercseBootmpBo camps ae the mos ereme style f clfortrobedtee. Tsfiies remoeled afer aul mitar oot cp, where thidividulut gtintoshape, or prt of tam,andfolow aong, hard st ofrules ad rulation.owever,boot cs ightnote thebestcoifor

13、a t ith drug addicton.60.Whowuldbetheinendedreadesofthepassage?A. Teahers. . ParetC.tudnts. D.Epert.61.As the autor sggests choosor roubled tes_.A. a good choiceor somedesperate ecomg ore andoepopua i ens in roubleC. cn comlet chgetroled tensD cre mreabot disclne hn life kill62. Acrdingto

14、 the passe, boadg schools_. provide idr wit fredo B he their studnts te medafuly. pay mchtentiono team buildin xris D. can ake chidren feel saer63. Wat pupe of ti assge?. Toitroue coolsfor toubled teesBTo showsomeproblems of troubledtees. To eaparents howto eucatethir childrn. D To mindaret toare fo

15、r thir chidrn.CAnew rveyfid that more tha eiht percnt o Iternet usersin the Unte tatessearcforhealth ifrmation ninhsurey fn tha serchng online is onof the lain ways that peplelookora scondopinion ho dotos are till man ourc ofealth nfomationFoty-for percent f peoplear ctully loking ordoctors or other

16、 proiders when thy searc f halifrmation nenotr fiding of te urvey: To-third of Itert uses lo onine fr informtin abut a specifc diseas o meicloitionThe Intnthas lso become n iporant sorce emona suport fr people wit heltpblemSusnh Fox says e in five Interne sers haoe nlinetindtherple o hae the ae cont

17、io.It more ppu amng peoe wit more seiousealth ssesoe in furpope ivig wirnic dsse (慢性病)dit aascaly ff he crtswithpopl iving withreiseas.Tyae o e tofind otherople onlinewo shrthe eath concerns.A isease s considerd rar if it afects fewer than two ndrd thusad peple worldwideT rise of scia etoing has mad

18、e iteaif peope wth ar disss to concwith eac other andeeless aoneocileworkng also chnginthe ay sme doctos and patentscomunica wth ach other.D.Jff ivngsto oeraesa medacent fr women i rvn,Teas.His offic ues assord-rtecte softet sa nfation ith patient.“W rvdehe paien faccess to heir medicalcre.Anthing c

19、an see, t atient canseeAll of teite,alof thir doctr si re rght ther.All of tir lab wkiigh thre.”Dr.Liingon saystestwae has incread efciec, ruced cost nd ivd rlationswith tins64.From he fistpaagah, we aknow _. A.mot olie healh nformaion isrelible peopl ntr tothe Interne oedical aiceCeole shouldn

20、 ely on the Irnefor meical advice Ddocosre no logerth paientsrstcoe65heundelinewors “o the carts” Parph3 mea _. A.very popular accesiblCfr awyfrom D.not attracti6Busingsocalnetworkng, paiens it aredseasesn _. efectivecures B.get etionl comfortCaskorfinancia sport contdocors anyti67.Whic ft

21、he llowng is Ntrue for .Liington software?A.I usown meical xpense. .Idrses ie spet o medicl car. CItakes doctos close o hir tes .It gives pnt a meical tt onlne.Dollution s eding thefagrnc o pans an thus rtin bes rompolliting theendaern oe of t most esentl cyces of natue, a new tdyuggess.hpoentially

22、uge nfican esearh,unded y UNational Siece Foundat, hasfod thatgasesmainl fomed frothe emissos ofcr eha revet lowersfrom attctnges and other nects olat them. Andthe cntists who ave conuc thestarat inses aes tdie away enemie nd ttrac mates may l iturbedPrfess Jose enes, wh ed tuy, sad, “cent moleues(分

23、子) prdced by lower n alessollud evironmentculdtrv fo rugly 1,0 to 1,20metrs. Bu today hy ay trvl onl 20 to 30eters. his ae itincrasigldfficul fo bes and othensects toloate e flors”Trsarches,whoworked on th leules of snapdagons(金鱼草),funat theoeces a voltl(易挥发的)a uicklybonwth poltans, anly ormd from v

24、ehicle eisio This chemicalychages te molecless tha thy no lnge sell lie flos. Ahrmful cycle s therefoe setuwe insects strgglege eouh foodandthe pla d not et polnated euh to mltiply.ready b, hich olinate mosf thewords crops, rduce in suchagreatdcline tha hasnverbeen wn eo in Britain and acros much of the globeAt lest a qurer f Ames .milin honey e coloniesve bee myteiusly wpd u bcony lae isordr(C

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