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1、课堂用中英对照牧师的黑面纱The Ministers Black VeilA Parable THE SEXTON stood in the porch of Milford meeting-house, pulling busily at the bell-rope. The old people of the village came stooping along the street. Children, with bright faces, tripped merrily beside their parents, or mimicked a graver gait, in the c

2、onscious dignity of their Sunday clothes. Spruce bachelors looked sidelong at the pretty maidens, and fancied that the Sabbath sunshine made them prettier than on week days. When the throng had mostly streamed into the porch, the sexton began to toll the bell, keeping his eye on the Reverend Mr. Hoo

3、pers door. The first glimpse of the clergymans figure was the signal for the bell to cease its summons.But what has good Parson Hooper got upon his face? cried the sexton in astonishment.All within hearing immediately turned about, and beheld the semblance of Mr. Hooper, pacing slowly his meditative

4、 way towards the meeting-house. With one accord they started, expressing more wonder than if some strange minister were coming to dust the cushions of Mr. Hoopers pulpit.Are you sure it is our parson? inquired Goodman Gray of the sexton.Of a certainty it is good Mr. Hooper, replied the sexton. He wa

5、s to have exchanged pulpits with Parson Shute, of Westbury; but Parson Shute sent to excuse himself yesterday, being to preach a funeral sermon.The cause of so much amazement may appear sufficiently slight. Mr. Hooper, a gentlemanly person, of about thirty, though still a bachelor, was dressed with

6、due clerical neatness, as if a careful wife had starched his band, and brushed the weekly dust from his Sundays garb. There was but one thing remarkable in his appearance. Swathed about his forehead, and hanging down over his face, so low as to be shaken by his breath, Mr. Hooper had on a black veil

7、. On a nearer view it seemed to consist of two folds of crape, which entirely concealed his features, except the mouth and chin, but probably did not intercept his sight, further than to give a darkened aspect to all living and inanimate things. With this gloomy shade before him, good Mr. Hooper wal

8、ked onward, at a slow and quiet pace, stooping somewhat, and looking on the ground, as is customary with abstracted men, yet nodding kindly to those of his parishioners who still waited on the meeting-house steps. But so wonder-struck were they that his greeting hardly met with a return.牧师的黑面纱一个寓言米尔

9、福礼拜堂的门廊上,司事正忙着扯开钟绳。村里的老人们弯腰驼背顺街走来,孩子们喜笑颜开,活蹦乱跳地跟着父母,要不就一本正经地迈步,浑身礼拜天打扮的神气。衣冠楚楚的小伙子们侧目偷看好看的姑娘,觉得安息日的阳光使她们比平日更漂亮啦。人流大都涌进门廊,司事开始打钟,一面盯着胡珀牧师的门口。牧师一露头,他就该停打召唤的钟声了。 “牧师脸上这是啥呀?”司事失惊大叫。 听到的人都立刻回过身来,只见一位貌似胡珀先生的人,正若有所思地缓步朝礼拜堂走来。人们全呆了,即算来了位生人到胡珀牧师布道坛上动手给垫子掸灰尘,他们也不至于如此大惊小怪。 “你敢肯定这是俺们那位牧师?”古德曼格雷问司事。 “错不了,是胡珀先生。”

10、司事应道,“今儿他本该跟韦斯特伯雷的舒特牧师对换的,可昨天舒特牧师捎信儿说不来了,得去给一场丧事做祈祷。” 如此大惊小怪的理由好像并不充分。胡珀牧师年届三十,一派绅士风度,虽仍未成家,却不失牧师该有的整洁干净。仿佛有位周到的妻子已为他浆洗过领箍,刷净了一周来落在礼拜天这身法衣上的灰尘。浑身上下只有一样东西刺眼,这就是箍住额头,低垂盖脸,随呼吸颤动的一块黑面纱。近些看,面纱似有两层,除了嘴和下巴,一张脸给遮得严严实实。不过,也许并没挡住他的视线,只给看到的一切有生命无生命的东西蒙上了一层黑影。带着这片黑影,善良的I cant really feel as if good Mr. Hoopers

11、face was behind that piece of crape, said the sexton.I dont like it, muttered an old woman, as she hobbled into the meeting-house. He has changed himself into something awful, only by hiding his face.Our parson has gone mad! cried Goodman Gray, following him across the threshold.A rumor of some unac

12、countable phenomenon had preceded Mr. Hooper into the meeting-house, and set all the congregation astir. Few could refrain from twisting their heads towards the door; many stood upright, and turned directly about; while several little boys clambered upon the seats, and came down again with a terribl

13、e racket. There was a general bustle, a rustling of the womens gowns and shuffling of the mens feet, greatly at variance with that hushed repose which should attend the entrance of the minister. But Mr. Hooper appeared not to notice the perturbation of his people. He entered with an almost noiseless

14、 step, bent his head mildly to the pews on each side, and bowed as he passed his oldest parishioner, a white-haired great-grandsire, who occupied an arm-chair in the centre of the aisle. It was strange to observe how slowly this venerable man became conscious of something singular in the appearance

15、of his pastor. He seemed not fully to partake of the prevailing wonder, till Mr. Hooper had ascended the stairs, and showed himself in the pulpit, face to face with his congregation, except for the black veil. That mysterious emblem was never once withdrawn. It shook with his measured breath, as he

16、gave out the psalm; it threw its obscurity between him and the holy page, as he read the Scriptures; and while he prayed, the veil lay heavily on his uplifted countenance. Did he seek to hide it from the dread Being whom he was addressing?胡珀先生朝前走着,步子缓慢沉静,像心不在焉的人惯常那样,微微驼背,两眼看地,但对等候在礼拜堂台阶上的教友们仍和气地点头致意

17、,然而众人只顾吃惊打怪,竟忘了还礼。 “俺真不敢相信那面纱后头就是胡珀先生的脸。”司事道。 “俺可不喜欢那玩意儿。”一位老妪蹒跚而入,嘀嘀咕咕地说,“把脸一蒙,他就变得让人害怕啦。” “俺们的牧师疯啦!”古德曼格雷边说边跟着他跨进门槛。 胡珀牧师还没进门,这件不可思议的怪事就在礼拜堂传了开来。教友们纷纷骚动,扭头朝门口张望。不少人干脆站起来,转过身子。几个小家伙爬上椅背,又跌了下来,乱成一片。堂里女人的衣裙沙沙作响,男人的脚步拖来拖去,一扫恭候牧师驾到该有的肃静。可是胡珀牧师好像对这混乱视而不见。他几乎悄无声息地走了进来,朝两侧一排排的会众微微点头,走过最年长的教友时还鞠了一躬。老人满头华发,

18、坐在通道中间的扶手椅上。年高德劭的老人对牧师外表的异常反应真是迟钝,好像压根儿不曾感受四周的惊诧,直到胡珀沿台阶上了讲坛,戴着那块黑面纱与众人面对面时,方才有所觉察。牧师先生这神秘的标志一刻也不曾除下。领唱赞美诗,它随呼吸起伏;朗读圣经它就在他与圣书之间抛下黑影。他祈祷,它就沉沉地贴在他仰起的面孔上。莫非他想向可畏的上帝隐藏自己的面孔? Such was the effect of this simple piece of crape, that more than one woman of delicate nerves was forced to leave the meeting-hou

19、se. Yet perhaps the pale-faced congregation was almost as fearful a sight to the minister, as his black veil to them.Mr. Hooper had the reputation of a good preacher, but not an energetic one: he strove to win his people heavenward by mild, persuasive influences, rather than to drive them thither by

20、 the thunders of the Word. The sermon which he now delivered was marked by the same characteristics of style and manner as the general series of his pulpit oratory. But there was something, either in the sentiment of the discourse itself, or in the imagination of the auditors, which made it greatly

21、the most powerful effort that they had ever heard from their pastors lips. It was tinged, rather more darkly than usual, with the gentle gloom of Mr. Hoopers temperament. The subject had reference to secret sin, and those sad mysteries which we hide from our nearest and dearest, and would fain conce

22、al from our own consciousness, even forgetting that the Omniscient can detect them. A subtle power was breathed into his words. Each member of the congregation, the most innocent girl, and the man of hardened breast, felt as if the preacher had crept upon them, behind his awful veil, and discovered

23、their hoarded iniquity of deed or thought. Many spread their clasped hands on their bosoms. There was nothing terrible in what Mr. Hooper said, at least, no violence; and yet, with every tremor of his melancholy voice, the hearers quaked. An unsought pathos came hand in hand with awe. So sensible we

24、re the audience of some unwonted attribute in their minister, that they longed for a breath of wind to blow aside the veil, almost believing that a strangers visage would be discovered, though the form, gesture, and voice were those of Mr. Hooper.小小一块黑纱,怵目惊心,害得不止一位神经脆弱的女人被迫提前离开教堂。可是在牧师眼中,面无人色的教友们没准儿

25、就跟他的黑面纱一样令人胆寒呢。 胡珀布道有方,远近闻名。他不以力量取胜,对教民们总是尽量好言相劝,导引大家朝向天国,而不靠雷霆般的圣谕驱赶人们奔向那里。此刻,他讲道的风格、方式,一如既往。可是要么由于讲道本身的情绪,要么出于听众的想象,总之,大家感到从未听过他这么有力的一番告诫。与平日相比,今天的布道更是蒙上了一层胡珀性情的温良与忧郁。主题涉及隐秘的罪孽,及那些我们对最亲近的人,对自己的良心都想隐藏的秘密,甚至忘记全能的上帝洞察一切。有种难以捉摸的力量渗透了他的字字句句。全体教友,不论纯洁如水的少女还是心如铁石的男子汉,无不感到躲在可怕面纱后面的牧师正悄悄逼近,发现了他们思想与行为中深藏的罪恶

26、。许多人双手交叉紧握,按住胸膛。胡珀牧师的话并不可怕,至少并不激烈。然而,那忧郁声调的每一个颤音都令听者发抖,莫名的悲怆与畏惧结伴而来。听众对牧师的反常感觉强烈,真盼一阵清风能把那块面纱掀开,简直认为露出来的会是一张陌生的面孔,尽管那身体、姿势、声音,分明是胡珀牧师的。 At the close of the services, the people hurried out with indecorous confusion, eager to communicate their pent-up amazement, and conscious of lighter spirits the m

27、oment they lost sight of the black veil. Some gathered in little circles, huddled closely together, with their mouths all whispering in the centre; some went homeward alone, wrapt in silent meditation; some talked loudly, and profaned the Sabbath day with ostentatious laughter. A few shook their sag

28、acious heads, intimating that they could penetrate the mystery; while one or two affirmed that there was no mystery at all, but only that Mr. Hoopers eyes were so weakened by the midnight lamp, as to require a shade. After a brief interval, forth came good Mr. Hooper also, in the rear of his flock.

29、Turning his veiled face from one group to another, he paid due reverence to the hoary heads, saluted the middle aged with kind dignity as their friend and spiritual guide, greeted the young with mingled authority and love, and laid his hands on the little childrens heads to bless them. Such was alwa

30、ys his custom on the Sabbath day. Strange and bewildered looks repaid him for his courtesy. None, as on former occasions, aspired to the honor of walking by their pastors side. Old Squire Saunders, doubtless by an accidental lapse of memory, neglected to invite Mr. Hooper to his table, where the goo

31、d clergyman had been wont to bless the food, almost every Sunday since his settlement. He returned, therefore, to the parsonage, and, at the moment of closing the door, was observed to look back upon the people, all of whom had their eyes fixed upon the minister. A sad smile gleamed faintly from ben

32、eath the black veil, and flickered about his mouth, glimmering as he disappeared.礼拜刚完,众人便不守规矩,争先恐后往外挤,急于交流按捺不住的惊异,且感到眼前不见了那块黑面纱,心情为之一松。有的人挤作一堆交头接耳,有的人独自回家,一路默默沉思。还有几位摇头晃脑,自作聪明,吹嘘他们能揭穿这个秘密。可有的人却肯定此事根本毫无秘密可言,不过因为牧师先生熬夜,给灯光弄伤了眼睛,需要遮挡罢了。片刻之后,胡珀牧师也跟在教民们后头走了出来。他蒙着面纱的脸从这群人转向那群人,向白发苍苍的长者致意,又作为中年人的朋友与精神导师,和善庄重地跟他们打招呼。对年轻人则露出爱护与威严,还把手放到孩子们头上,为他们祝福。这样做是他安息日的老习惯,但今天回报他好意的只有奇怪与迷惑的目光。没人照往常那样,以与牧师比肩而行为荣。桑德斯老爷记性无疑出了毛病,竟忘了邀请胡珀牧师去他家用膳。自打牧师就职此地,几乎每个礼拜天都是去他家饭桌上祝福的呀。今天,牧师只好回到自己寓所,正要关门,回头一望,众人的目光全都盯在他身上。黑面纱下面露出一丝忧伤的苦笑,隐约掠过牧师嘴角,随他一起消失不见。 “怪呀,”一位妇人道,“一块普普通通的黑面纱,跟咱女人家系

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