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1、天津高考英语试题及答案绝密启用前2017年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(天津卷)英语笔试本试卷分为第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分,共130分,考试用时0分钟。第卷1至1页。第II卷1至12页。答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名,准考号填写在答题卡上,并在规定位置粘贴考试用条形码,答卷时,考生务必将答案写在答题卡上,答在试卷上的无效。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。祝各位考生考试顺利!第I卷注意事项:1. 每小题选出答案后,用铅笔将答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如果改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。 本卷共5小题,共5分。第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节

2、:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分1分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。例:Stnd oer hee_youll b able t seeit eter. A. o B.and C. but D. wil答案是。.Alrtsbirtday i n nex Satrday, andIm plnnin a surrise part for hi._. Ill brnsome in.A. Souds likeun B. It ependsC. us a miute D You rewelcome2. My oom is a ss, utI _cleiteore I g

3、o out tnigt.I cn do it inthe rningA. darnt .shudnt C.neednt Dmnt3. I wa o se Mr.Whe. e vean ppimn. Im sorr, ut h s not _ at the moment, for hemetinghant nde.A B ative C. oncernd .avilble4. he aked e _ I haretuned th boko the ibrary, an I adted that adnt.A hen B where C. whth . wha5.Mr. nd MrsBrown w

4、ould iktose ther augh _, e maie,nd ave kids.A. setled on B keep ff . ge D. cuin6Nowaay, ycing, along joging a wimi,_ se ofthe bet l-ronorms feerse.A egard B. sread egaded D. regd7.ical walate for M Smts chemitry class ths morig. _?As far as no, he eveamla o cs A. o wat B.Why no C.Who cre D. How

5、 come8. I _dn toLondon when suddnly fud tha was n e ron ra.A. wasdrivig B. havedriven C.oudrive . rove9. yeldest son, _ ork takehim all e the wold, i in Ne ok athemoent.A. tha . whose C.hs .who0.I was wting the lkal thugh teeting, a Ihd trin _. catching . caut C. o ca D to be augh1.It whe go bak t m

6、y partment _ I irst came acoss my nweighbos.A.who Bwe .whih .tha Wen youdri hog he Redood Foests in alorna, you wl be _ that re over 1,000 years .A amon B. agans C.ehind D. elow3 We ffraexellenteducationo ur udent. _, wexpect uets towork hrdA n verae B. tbes C in eturn D. ftall. The ositl has recent

7、y obtaind nw medic equpent, _oepaiensto b trated. A. eng llw . alloing C. hving allowed . lowed15.Do youha Betts phone numb?Ye. Otheris, I_ab torech heeterayA hdnt been B. wouldt havben C erent D. oudnt be第二节:完形填空(共2小题;每小题1.5分,满分分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从16-3各题所给的A、B、D四个选项中,选春最佳选项。t my heaiet wigd 0 pond. I

8、 ha a veryporrelonshi wit ood: sed it to 16 adfeeling, make yelffeel bett,nd toceebrat.Wrriedautmy halth,I tre a feen kns of 7 bt thng wored. I amebliee tha cod do othng about my 8 WhenIws 50,yweight proble gan to ffect me . idtwanto v the eto my life with tis 20 eigh anymor. That ya, I 21 eminarwhr

9、e we wer asked ocreteaprottt wudtuch t wod. A smnarldr sharhr 22 sory shad nt oly 125onds, butlso rased$25,000 for homelesschiden 23 herstry, cred the We Heal(痊愈),hWrl Heals 4 . goal as to lse 150 pounds n eyr and raise $50,0 25 movment fouded 30 yar agoto d hunge Thiscmbintion of healing yselfnd he

10、aln wrld 26 me a the perfcsolutonzx. 2 I beyo pesol weight progam, was iled wth tefar that I would 8 thsmeiffcultie tatet mebeoe. Wile the hng ver my ad,ter erealsosign that I whedownthe right 0 . I sen eter to veyonI knw, lin e abomy poject t orke perfcty.oaions began 1 in fr ndeds of peole. O cour

11、, I al to some practcstes o losewght. I consltedwit aysian(内科医生), Ihired a itness cach, an I bgant eat smaland 32 mealMyund-rain fos als gae me ne tivaio to ercise A year later, I 34 m ga: lt 15 ponds and raied $50,000! el thatve bengive a second ie oevte o omethigthas 3 n enmous.6.add Bix C. kill D

12、. share1.A.dies B dinks . fruits D. dishes18.A. hight .abilty C. isomD wh9A. tmporaily B. recently seroul . scetly.A.ide eta C. oml D.lw21.A. ttened B orazed C recommndD. entond2.A. folk B.succes C. advntue D. sciene23.A. Supris B.Ased C. nflencedD.Distued24.A.ect B. bines C system D.custo5.A.iseach

13、 of nedof Cin of D.i sppt f26A.scaredB. consiered C. ofused sruk27.As B.til If D Unless28.A. get ovr . un ino C. lokfo D. utad29A.ttB. joy C. anger D. fer30A.roB. hal C pat .treet31A. raking .loing C upin tepping 32.A. heavy B. fll C. epese .eath3.A. regulrly . liitlessly C.udenly D.andmly 34.A

14、. se Brahed C ised D roppe 3.Ares B.paifu C. nul D. peacful第二部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题25分,满分5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。ASupposeyure in a rush, felling tired, t pag ttenton to yorscen, a youend a emil thtoul get yo in oue.Ralition wll probaly se sen after youeclicked “d”. You freeze in orors and burn

15、 wih same.Wht oo? Here are fur commn ail cidets, an ho o recoverClikng“sen” too soont wste our me rying to fid ut th receivehaseait yt. Writ aothe email wl as yo can ndendiwit a brif painng tatthis te orctverin andthe peviou versin shld b igned.Witig he womT oonrounte, the tt. Rpnd qickyand briefy,

16、apizin fr you mistak. Kp eton eure: dont handle oo lighty, eopl cnbe fere, xxkeeclly if your err uggt a misunderstandig of tir culure(ie. icorectordring o Chnesnmes)Clickn“rpl al”nntentionallyo ccidenally eval(透露)to entire ompany hat menu oicesouwld prefert thestaf Christmas inn, or hatoday you ike

17、o tke thi istance,te est sluton is to snda uck,ligh-hrtpolyo xplan urawkwrdnss. ui can quicky se tosoehing ose, when eone stars ittin “pl ll”ojoiin a lonnd unpaant onversation n thi itanc, sepwa romur keboard o allo everoe to cal down.Sedin noffns esaeto itsubTe msawkward emai mistaeis uuall commted

18、 i angr. You write anunknd mssa boutomeone, intendng o ed t o a frie, bt acidentall end it t the prsonoure dicusing. In ha cas, askto speak n persona soon as possbl and sa sor. Explain our fusrationscamly an sesibye ita an oruity tocler uany difiulties ou ma e th this peson.Afte ralising an email ac

19、cidn, youarelikly t feel _ A. cuious .tired C. awfl D.funny 37. If u hawrittenthe wrog name an mail, is bet to _.A.polgsen rius mnerB. el the eciver toigore th errorC. larn o wie the namecorectl sna short noticeto everyone3 hatoud yu do whe a npleasnt conesation i stared by your“rey ”eil?A. Tryofeng

20、 oher chcsB.vod further nvolvmnt.C. Met other staf membersD. Me a ligt-atedapol. How shoul yu l h he poblcased bya ofensiveemail?A Bypmisngntt offendth receiver agi. By eeing supporfro th reer fiens.C. By askng the receiver t ntrlhisager.D. By talking to tereceier fae o ace40. Whatis the asse maily

21、ot?A Defing emalerro.B. Reducn emai mistkes.C Handlig mal ccdes. mrvigemai wting.Bite years ao, took sumervacatn in Lcnsouthn Ital.Ater libig p a hilfr a panoamic(全景的) vew o the bl se, whie ulding an gen olive tre, Ipseo cathm breath an then posiioned myselto ake e bet ot fhispana. Unfortunaely, sta

22、s Iook omy camera, woman approceom bhind, adplatd herself rigt i fntof my iew Like e, this womn was ere to sop,sig adaprecite th viewPatient as ws, afer abo 15 mines, m camra anning the sun andrviing heshot I would eventully ta, grewfrustte as it too muc to askero ov o Iuldtake jusonicuref te lanscp

23、e? ure, I coud have ad hr, bu sothng prevented me fromoingsohe seemd coen her obsrvatin. I dint antto meithhat.Another5 mnues passdnd I gewbord. h man as tilltere. I eidd to take he poto anyway. And now whnI lok at i,I hink her sence in te pht is at akes eimagntrstng Thelandscap,bautiful on it ow,soeow ce to life and bethesbecause th womni eaging thit. zx|Ths phoo, with the unique beauty that fdebef meand a woman ho“rnd” it, nowhns a wall inmybeo. hat wud sh think i knew thter igre i captued(捕捉) n frn n some stran

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