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1、八年级英语下第一单元第一课时学案八年级英语下第一单元第一课时学案八年级英语下第一单元第一课时学案一、学习目标知识目标1. 掌握词汇: will, robot, everything, paper, fewer, tree, free time, on computer2. 用will对未来进行预测.3. will 构成的一般将来时态的肯定句、否定句、疑问句及回答.4. 掌握“There will be ”句型构成与用法5. 掌握more, less, fewer的用法. 学习和掌握一般将来时的用法。能力目标 灵活运用一般将来时情感目标 培养学生远大的理想学习重点难点 一般将来时的各种句型,自如

2、地运用一般将来时进行对话二、预习检测(目标1):英汉互译1.机器人 2.一切都是免费的 3.一张纸4.在100年之后 5.在电脑上学习6.活到两百岁 7.更少的污染 8.big and crowded9.更少的树 10.更少的空余时间11.我不同意 12.更多的汽车 13.那是个好主意三、学习步骤Step 1 学习用will对未来进行预测(目标2)1.根据老师的提示(今天的日期,一年后的日期,十年后的日期)回答下列问题:Can you guess what will happen in ten years?2.试着用will/wont预测一百年后的情形.Step 2 学习will 构成的一般将

3、来时态的肯定句、否定句、疑问句及回答(目标3)1. P2 1a. Read the predictions.2. Listen and finish 1b.3. Pairwork: 用agree/disagree 对别人的预测表达观点.小结: will 构成的一般将来时态的陈述句、否定句、疑问句及回答.Step 3 用there will be 预测未来(目标4)1. Listen and finish 2a and 2b.自主探究: (1) there be的将来时用法; (2) less, fewer, more 的区别。2. Groupwork: 用there will be谈论未来.四

4、、知识归纳1. in在之后;after 在之后(表示从过去某时间起一段时间之后)比较:He will come back in two hours. 他两小时后会回来。He came back after two hours. 他是两小时后回来的。 归纳:in 用于_时,after 用于_时。2. fewer, less, moreI think you have _vegetables than before. He takes _ exercise than usual.We can do it better with _ people and _ time.If you want to

5、be thinner and healthier, youd better eat _ meat and take _ exercise.知识点:fewer 是_的比较级,后面跟可数名词的_数形式。less 是_的比较级,后跟_名词。fewer 和less的反义词是_。_是much和many的比较级。3. live to be + 基数词 + years old : 活到岁4. “There be”句型的一般将来时肯定句: There will be +名词+其他成份 (将有)注意:无论后面接单数名词或复数形式,be都必须用原形。否定句:在will后面加not. There wont be o

6、nly one country.一般疑问句:把will提到there之前。五、课堂检测1Listening P2-3 1b 2a 2b2单项选择(1) Dont drink coffee before you go to bed, or you sleep.A. shall B. wont C. are going to D. will (2) -Are you ready? -Not yet. I be ready in five minutes.A. will B. will not C. am D. was(3) There another child in their family n

7、ext month.A. is B. will C. are going to D. will be (4) do you think you will be in ten years?A. When B. Why C. What D. Who(5) She will return three years.A. after B. before C. in D. for(6) We dont agree what you said. A. on B. at C. to D. with (7) Tom is a boy of words.A. few B. little C. a little D

8、. a few(8) Do you think robots in peoples homes?A. will there be B. there will be C. will there have D. there will have(9) -Will there be robots in peoples homes? - . A. Yes, there will B. Yes. There be C. No, there will D. No, it wont(10) How long will the turtle (海龟)live ? A. to B. to be C. for D.

9、 on3用more, less , fewer 填空(1) We plant trees every year, there will be _ trees.(2) If we waste water, there will be _ water.(3) If every family has a baby, there will be _ people.(4) There will be _ robots everywhere, and humans will have _ work to do.(5) There will be _ free time when people retire

10、. 八年级英语下第一单元第二课时学案一、学习目标知识目标1. 掌握词汇: building2. 掌握对five years ago, today, in five years简洁回顾与展望的方式3. 通过时间对比复习一般过去时态、一般现在时态,巩固一般将来时能力目标 灵活运用一般将来时情感目标 开阔学生的思维及激发他们的创造力二学习重点及难点 一般将来时的用法二、预习检测1.五年前 2. 上高中 3. 踢足球4.上大学 5. 弹吉他 6. 十年后7. a sports car 8. a tall building 9. be a doctor 10. play tennis三、学习步骤Step

11、 1 小组学习3a1. Discuss in group, then fill in the blanks.Questions: What do you think Sally will be in five years? What sport will she play? .2. Say sth about Sally five years ago, today, and in five years according to the pictures.Step 2 Practice1. Write about yourself(3c)With the help of the sample o

12、f Sally, write sth about yourself five years ago, today and in five years.2. Draw a picture of the city/village in 20 years. Describe it to the class. (4)四、知识点拨: “有”的表达两种方式:某地有某物(表存在) there be (各种时态变be);某人有某物(表拥有) have / has注意:1)there be 接词要运用就近原则There is a book and two bags. There are two bags and

13、a book.2)there be 与将来时的合用, 其基本机构为:there is/are going to be或there will be3)there be sb. doing sth. 某人正在干某事五、课堂检测1单项选择(1) Peter can play piano and football.A. the; the B. the; / C. /; the D; /; /(2) I hope there will be cars and pollution. A. less; less B. fewer; fewer C. less ; fewer D. fewer; less(3

14、) What do you think in ten years? A. will she is B. will be she C. she will be D. she be will(4) I didnt learn from Mr. Li. A. a lot B. much C. a lot of D. many(5) -When will you leave for Xian? - three days. A. For B. After C. In D. About2用there be 或have的适当形式填空(1) an English speech contest tomorrow

15、.(2) you an questions?(3) I a pet dog when I was seven years old.(4) no schools in this village 20 years ago.(5) She a car and a house in 10 years. But now she nothing because she no money.(6) some students and a teacher in the classroom.(7) In 25 to 50 years, _more robots everywhere and humans less

16、 work to do.(8) They a lot of housework to do every day.(9) a ruler and some books on the desk.(10) more buses in the future ?3翻译(1) What do you want to be _(10年以后)?(2) In 1989, Mr Green went to New York. He set up his company _(10年以后).(3) 15年前我住在农村,现在我住在一个公寓里,5年以后我将住进一处大房子。_(4) Cities _ (将又大又拥挤)。(5

17、) There _(将有更多的人),_(更少的空闲时间), _(更少的污染),_(更多的树)。4书面表达 My hometown in 20 years_ 八年级英语下第一单元第三课时学案一、学习目标知识目标1. 掌握词汇: space, fly, took, moon, fall, fell, alone, pet, probably, able, dress, space station, fall in love with, go skating, be able to, on vacation2. 提高听力准确度 3. 掌握阅读方法及技巧4. 会用fall in love with/b

18、e able to/dress重点词组能力目标 熟练运用一般将来时情感目标 开阔学生的思维及激发他们的创造力学习重点及难点 一般将来时二、预习检测(目标1)1.在空间站 2.在公寓 3.十年后4.爱上 5.作为一名记者 6.独自生活 7.养只宠物 8.去滑冰 9.在周末10.能够 11.穿着随意 12.度假13. P5 1a 14. P5 1b三、学习步骤Step1 听力检测(目标2) 1. P5 2a 2b (33分)2. Pairwork: Talk about Joes life now, ten years ago and in ten years.Qs: What are/were/

19、will you be? Where do/did/will you live?Step2 小组合作阅读P6 3a (目标3)1. Skimming(略读): Find out the topic sentence.(快速阅读文章找到文章的中心句)2. Scanning(找读): . Answer the following questions; . Fill in the chart on P61. What does Ming want to be in ten years? 2. Why does she want to live in Shanghai?3. Will she live

20、 with his parents? Why? 4. What will she do in ten years?3. Reading up(研读): 1. 自主学习划出生词,读音释义,组内释疑。2. 合作探究细读全文,找出重、难点,小组讨论,互助解答。4. 大声朗读:注意语音、语调。 5. 根据表格提示复述课文。四、知识归纳1. fall, fall in love withfall(fell, fallen)用作动词时,主要有两种用法。一种是作为实义动词,可以和介词或副词搭配,表示“落下;跌落”,例如:I fell back in my chair. 我跌坐到自己的椅子上。另一种是作为系动

21、词,与形容词连用,表示进入某种状态,如:fall asleep 入睡(进入睡眠的状态)。fall用作名词时,表示“落下;降低”,例如:I sat listening to the fall of the rain on the roof. 我坐着听雨点落在屋檐上的声音。fall还可以表示“秋天”,与autumn意思相同。常用搭配:fall asleep 入睡 fall behind 落后于(某人或某物) fall down 跌落 fall in love with 喜爱;爱上 fall off 掉下 fall over 跌落;被绊倒2. alone, lonelyalone 单独的,独自一人,

22、相单于by oneself,在句中常作表语,不做定语。alone还可以做副词,表示仅仅,只有,用语名词或代词之后。如:She is alone at home.(adj.) He went to hang out alone.(adv.)lonely 只能做形容词,表示“孤独的,寂寞的”,带有强烈的感情色彩;还可以表示“荒凉多、偏僻的”,常作定语。如:Though the old man is alone, he doesnt feel lonely. 3. can, be able to: can 与 be able to 都表示能够,其区别如下:can, could是情态动词,无人称和数的

23、变化,只能用于现在时和过去时中。如:She couldnt ride the bike at the age of able to 除用于现在时和过去时外,还可以用于将来时、完成时等多种时态,也可用于情态动词、不定式之后。在过去的场合中,还可以表示经过努力而做到某事。如:Will you be able to come tonight? I hope to be able to go skating with you next week.4. dress, put on, wear, in, have ondress 既可以表动作也可以表状态,但带宾语时只能是人。如:She d

24、ressed quickly. She was dressed in red. 短语:dress sb/dress oneself 给自己穿衣服; be dressed in 穿着.; dress up 化妆打扮。如:He could dress himself when he was three. put on 强调穿的动作,宾语是物,如:He put on his coat and went out.wear 强调穿的状态,以物为宾语,可以用于进行时。如:He was wearing 是介词,后接衣服或颜色have on 强调穿的状态,以物为宾语,不用进行时。如

25、:She always has a miniskirt on.五、课堂检测1.单选1. The boy isnt old enough to himself. A. wear B. dress C. put onD. be in2. The old man lives in the house , but he doesnt feel . A. lonely; lonely B. alone; alone C. alone; lonely D. lonely; alone3. I am better now. Ill go to school tomorrow. A. can B. be C.

26、 able D. be able to4. I got there ten years ago. I fell the small village.A. love with B. in love with C. in love to D. love in 5. It is about two _ kilometers away from France.A. thousands B. thousands ofC. thousand of D. thousand6. Im afraid I _ a little lat. A. maybe B. may C. be D. may be2.用dres

27、s, put on, wear, in, have on的正确形式填空1. I can _ casually on weekends.2. Jim, please _ yourself quickly.3. She often _ up in red.4. Kate _ a new skirt today. 5. Its raining. Please _ your raincoat.八年级英语下第一单元第四课时学案一、学习目标知识目标1. 掌握词汇: which, even, wrote, myself, interview, came, sound, company, thought, c

28、ome true2. 学会用英语预测未来能力目标 学会描述自己将来的生活情感目标 开阔学生的思维及激发他们的创造力二、预习检测1.下次世界杯 2.好玩 3.预测未来4.变为现实 5.看见某人做某事6.喂宠物猪 7.飞到月球度假三、学习步骤Step 1 P6 3b Playing the game “Who wrote it?”Step 2 Pairwork P6 Make predictions with your partner.Step 3 Reading P7 2 Reading1) Read the passage first and tell True(T) or False(F)1. Its quite easy to predict the future( )

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