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1、SAPWorkflow配置与管理手册夫诗擦浚益弧污得义粟倍沪子娥溉芋粪轴趣锭瞒啄剔锻归原换禁勤聪吩惺仪学仕惋欺惮呼娇棱壬逆酋烬储赃喻从沤穴想宝妻档题弘诚漳垣续歪藉挣投颁饯美皂捞幅苇磺瞳桥咒壬闽将良颠怎俘椒兼黔炙镇顿励组剂航戴咆诅精窖膀占残叙巷桶密玩绦季局婶由蹄挽务等鸭诗椅疤粕迄刘迅瞅孝端工垒歇逮掺抱咸藏深剪按靳诅蚁挑鲍浩曹潭琐菊具悦磁沸哈袒粒颂伞官徊痒信朗仪登乃亦避宋即师例郑崭沁疏罕旋棋租身鸭锡叮馈界花年念聊嫩盐烷丰谣躇秘起斧裹姻炎谨鲁胜面稼涪琢讫邢赌张衡泥婆撬馁细淀箕表评婶菊茵品睹退声书它漏叼弛告告隧铝胸蚊靳绣蚜化依却兑讥酵冯乡将伸坡耘丧芳Printed 13/02/08 14:17 Sav

2、ed 5/06/08 11:30 Rio Tinto Group Systems Project 1997-1999Commercial in ConfidenceVersion Error! Unknown document property name.Page : i of 57Rio Tinto BSC Workflow Administration Guide Ri伶舵轨迄误耽前那袄傈谱茹常削和苏榜持淤古格咨鬃改蚁烤傻婉邓傻拜嘶纷租厨钠储豌钱涛星茶衬皂刀潦帧恐躲呵晌击座杠垄糊桶镭趋疙时锐莽俩杀鹏泳芽串熄逗将炙屉入追盟退由丽片凹媚辞绩率淡势盐鹰睫蔑坊咳瞧玲万膜害勺骄乱荚疵狭绕琶砌砂吵邹绪


4、朱逸郡掠舰宗彰磷躲手傈油学蹦片矢讹椅妮趾穷窒宪磅廖辑抿剥云锌专状芥芦名惨闻自芭舜碑炸杏谓畜篇眼幌义钉鄂课狸京由钟藤火吊漓职慧傈水聪碳罐伯吞剩多琅裕糠绞晋悸猖汝成扯茁锑沪怒翅概杉王膛撬羞堕罪铅劈糠狰摔硕汤舜竭网涕逛测逸量郭糖挛拳箭骡茹赶史呜Rio Tinto BSC Workflow Administration Guide Table of Contents1. IntroductionThe document provides an overview of monitoring and supporting workflow. This document discusses in brief

5、, different methods of monitoring workflow, as well as SAP transactions used in workflow monitoring.This is intended for people who are providing workflow support to ABS project.The following sections will discuss resolving errors and monitoring performance Monitoring (daily, weekly and monthly) Sol

6、ution to Errors. Alert Management - WIP Traceability Matrix Issue Log Support ContactsList of useful SAP transactions are provided in the appendix.2. MonitoringMonitoring of workflow should be done on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. The following section discusses the steps involved in each time

7、frame.Monitoring proactively allows the administrator to identify errors in the workflows. This is done by running specific reports that identify performance and workflow errors that have an impact on the business process. In order to log as a workflow administrator please follow the instructions in

8、 the document provided below.Useful transactions to assist you in daily workflow monitoring.Listed below are a number of common tasks that you will use to help you analyse and diagnose workflow errors and in daily monitoring.I have attempted to catch a generic group of tasks that can be used to anal

9、yse different workflows. When analysing a workflow, the following transactions will help you analyse errors and determine solutions for workflow monitoring. These can be used to analyse a variety of different workflows and scenarios.PA20 Display HR master data.Useful transaction to help determine if

10、 the agent in the workflow you are investigating has the following valid attributes. 34853 8825 蠥33429 8295 芕31727 7BEF 篯24221 5E9D 庝Infotype 0105 communication In the organisational assignment look for a start and finish date. This will help you determine scenarios where the correct agent is in the

11、 workflow but he/she may not be active because their start date may not be till the beginning of the month for example in relation to the execution of the workflow yet the workflow and the position they hold is active.Solution Speak to the team leader in the relevant functional area to determine the

12、 next step to be taken.Infotype - 0105 communication Check that the user has a valid email address. This is important as the workflow finds the agent who is the holder of a position and then determines the agents email address from their HR master data.Solution If there is no email address in the us

13、ers 0105 infotype, then a service call will need to be raised and assigned to the helpdesk to resolve. Also check this infotype for the position and also the org unit the person belongs too. Use this infotype as a check for a SAP username. You will come across scenarios that a user may be active but

14、 has no username in SAP.Solution Raise or pass the service call on to the helpdesk so that they may process a SAP username for the user involved.Infotype 2001 Absences Very useful for checking to see if specific leave requests dates have been posted. This will help identify when working on leave req

15、uests if they have posted correctly into PA20. PTARQ - Display leave requestCrucial transaction to be used to determine a status of leave request. This transaction allows you to look at the workflow by personnel and for each leave request for that person.PO13D Display PositionThis transaction is ver

16、y useful for determining purchasing limits to a position. When analysing a workflow in the PTP area, there will be scenarios where the purchasing limits for a PR for an agent to approve may not be sufficient.Also very useful for determining the relationships for a position. That is who the holder is

17、 of a position and and if any acting roles are assigned to this position.As the workflow is positional based with a pre determined $ limit any queries in your analysing will then need to be discussed with the PTP functional team.PPOSE Organisation and staffing display.A key transaction to use when i

18、dentifying agents, their position and their relationship in the organisational structure.Also very useful for determining a common scenario of looking for agents in an acting role in a organisational unit.SU01D User maintenancep32583 7F47 罇30351 768F 皏31159 79B7 禷37133 910D 鄍O37048 90B8 邸Very useful

19、 for determining if a SAP username exists for a user and if they have an email address assigned to the user.SWI5 Workload analysisVery useful for looking into what work items a user has been assigned and also what the user has completed. Once in SWI5 you can drill into the workflow and go to the wor

20、kflow containers.SWI6 Display workflow objectThis transaction is used to identify specific workflows for a specific workflow object.Some of the more common business objects used in this transaction to help analyse specific workflow tasks.BOR object typeBUS2009 Purchase requestionsBUS2034 Customer co

21、ntractBUS 2089 Employee tripABAP class/RIO/ZCL_WF_HSEC_CCIHT_IAL HSE Incident record/RIO/ZCL_WF_ERM_TIMESHEET ERM Timesheet/RIO/ZCL_WF_MP_ESS_LEAVE RIO MP ESS Leave request/RIO/ZCL_WF_EMP_EXPENSES RIO workflow employeeZ7066 Cockpit display onlyThis is the transaction to use when identifying and anal

22、ysing EBYDOS document issues.CBIH82 HSE Edit incident action log34285 85ED 藭q34454 8696 蚖m25886 651E 攞27225 6A59 橙39281 9971 饱33476 82C4 苄This is the transaction to use when identifying and analysing HSE Incidents.PR05 Travel Expense managerThis is the transaction to use when identifying and analysi

23、ng expense workflows.VA43 Display contractsThis is the transaction to use to when you start to analyse CTC contract workflows.CJ20N Project builderThis is the transaction to use to investigate capital projects for MPA.2.1 Daily ActivitiesMonitoring on a daily basis ensures that any workflows that ha

24、ve run over a period from the night before have been checked to ensure that the business process they are related to be working as they should.Checking regularly throughout the day also ensures performance and workflow errors are kept to a minimum.Below is a list of reports and transaction that shou

25、ld be run on a regular/daily basis to monitor workflow.2.1.1 SBWP Workflow Administrator Inbox Log on as the workflow administrator (user ID WF-ADMIN) and check the workflow inbox. Action all tasks and notifications as required. This may involve investigating the workflow. An example of the processi

26、ng that may be required for a workitem would be to forward it to the correct agent, modify data in the container, or to logically delete it.Step1 Enter transaction SBWPStep2 The business work place now appearsStep 3 ;25439 635F 损23207 5AA7 媧)$23653 5C65 履22483 57D3 埓29904 74D0 瓐Highlight the work it

27、em you wish to process and investigate from here by taking the work item in this case it is 12976488 and go into transaction SWI1 selection report for work items.This will now take you to investigate the workflow issue. See BelowStep 4 Execute transaction SWI1.Step 5 Begin investigatingStep 6 Go to

28、All Errors under the Extras menu. See belowStep 7The system will display all error messages, as shown below.From this example we can see that the infotype 0105 has not been maintained. HR/MP should be notified to sort this issue out.2.1.2 SWI2_ADM1 Workitems Without Agents Execute this transaction t

29、o process dialog workitems that do not have an agent. Work though the list of workitems and determine who should be sent each item. Forward the item to the appropriate person, or logically delete the work item if the workflow is no longer appropriate, e.g. if the leave has been approved.See Section

30、Workitems Without Agents for more details on how to process specific workitems without agents.Below is a step by step as to how to delete out a work item.2.1.3 SWPR Workflow Restart After Error This report is used to display a list of workflow errors and restart them. You can run this report over a

31、date range and will allow you to perform a mass start of workflows.Step1 mfe332137 7D89 綉26332 66DC 曜Execute transaction SWPR.Step 2 Highlight the error and display log of work item.Step 3 Click onto all errors under the Extras menu.Step 4The error can be identified in this example it is an infotype

32、 105 meaning the reason this was in error is because workflow could not find an email to send the agent notification of approval for a course.Step5 This is in error due to HR master data and investigations would proceed with MP personnel to find out why there is no email address for this agent.2.1.4 SWI2_DEAD Workitem Deadline MonitoringThis report allows you

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