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1、商务英语阅读自考大纲-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1商务英语阅读自考大纲、课程性质及其设置的目的和要求一、 本课程的性质与设置的目的“商务英语阅读”是高等教育自学考试商务英语专业(独立本科段)的选考课,占 6 学分。本课程的目的在于培养考生的商务英语阅读能力和提高学生的阅读速度,培养学生细致观察商务英语的能力以及假设、分析归纳、推理检验等逻辑思维能力,扩大学生的商务英语词汇量和经贸知识,向学生提供内容广泛、原汁原味的商务英语文章,以扩大学生的知识面,增强学生的商务英语语感和培养学生阅读未经删节或简写的权威外刊的兴趣与能力,使他们了解商务英语在词汇、语法和篇章

2、等方面的特点,并增长和积累经贸知识,从而打好语言和专业两方面的基础。二、 本课程的基本要求本课程的基本要求是:掌握西方商务报刊英语文章的常用词汇、常用句型,熟悉各种主要商务英语文章类型,掌握阅读和理解商务英语文章的基本技能,提高阅读商务文章,获取商务信息的基本能力,并进一步提高商务英语读、写、译的能力,学会商务报刊文章中最常用的表达方法的实际运用。三、 与相关课程的联系“商务英语阅读”课程的先修课程是英语专业专科基础英语课程。其他专业课程,如“进出口英语函电”、“外贸英语会话”、“外经贸应用文”等与本课程密切相关。1、课程内容与考核目标第一单元 教育一学习目的和要求(一)介绍西方报刊杂志中关于

3、教育方面的报道和论述,使学生学习并了解这类文章的文体、语言和内容特点。(二)使学生掌握有关词语、句子结构和篇章表达的语言知识。二、 考核知识点和考核要求(一)词汇基础(1) 掌握课文中出现的普通词汇含义及其用法:1 disembark v.2 chuckle v.3 inequality n.4 meritocracy n.5 marvel v.6 relish v.7 dopey adj.8 intuition n.9 eclipse n.10 frenzy n.11 celebrity n.12 briefing n.13 eternity n.14 train depot n.15 ca

4、dre n.16 friction n.17 meddle v.18 journalism n.19 rebuff v.20 accost v.21 quantify v.22 avalanche n.23 hierarchy n.24 notorious adj.25 drop out v.26 wayward adj.下船,下飞机咯咯地笑不平等精英管理的社会觉得惊奇从得到乐趣,喜爱笨的,迟钝的直觉(日、月)蚀疯狂名人简报,(新闻)发布会永久火车站核心班子,骨干队伍摩擦管闲事新闻学回绝打招呼,搭话量化雪崩,大量的等级制度声名狼藉的中途退学任性的27 permanent adj. 永久的28

5、rational adj.29 recruit v.30 affinity n.理性的,明智的招收亲和力231 credential n.32 reminisce v.33 phobia n.34 perimeter n.证书,证明回忆恐惧症周界,周长35 commercialised adj. 商业化的36 shrink v.37 enrolment n.38 vigorous adj.39 momentum n.40 squeeze v.41 intrigue v.42 dilemma n.43 elite n.44 lavish adj.45 gleefully adv.萎缩注册活跃的发

6、展势头挤堵吸引,激起兴趣困境精英丰富的愉快地46 renunciation n. 摒弃(2)掌握课文中的专业术语,能够准确进行中英文互译:1. the Federal Reserve Board (美国)联邦储备委员会stockbroker股票经纪人financial consulting company 财政咨询公司the Council of Economic Advisers 总统经济顾问委员会mathematical economics数理经济学business forecaster 商情预测员econometrician计量经济学家8.profit marginrevenue利润率财

7、政收入(二)掌握课文中的句式(1)能够准确理解课文中有关商务英语的常用句子结构和意义;(2)能够准确翻译与这些句式相关的句子。1The magnetic needle behaved as if influenced by a hidden force field,rather than through a mechanical method of touch or contact.2. He liked the fact that America, despite its inequalities of wealth andracial injustices, was more of a m

8、eritocracy than Europe3. He gave in to her nagging that he smoked too much, and onThanksgiving bet her that he would be able to abstain from his pipe untilthe New Year.4. So it is not much of a stretch to see him as instinctively fearful ofGreenspan.5. What made this exercise memorable was the magaz

9、ines hugeinvestment in economics and statistics, which generated an avalanche ofdata that went far beyond what the Commerce Department was thenpublishing.6. Some time after Sandys death I found myself reminiscing about all thiswith Hedley Donovan and mentioned his decision to resist hiring Alan32.3.

10、 So theres a good chance that if he had been offered the magazine job, hewould have declined it, which implies, in turn, that Fortunes failure tomake that job offer had no lasting impact on the American economy.8. Perhaps management education would beat off its critics moreeffe

11、ctively if it went back to its beginnings, and got more corporatemanagers to teach.第二单元 创造财富一、学习目的和要求(一)介绍西方报刊杂志中关于创造财富方面的报道和论述,使学生学习并了解这类文章的文体、语言和内容特点。(二)使学生掌握有关词语、句子结构和篇章表达的语言知识。二、考核知识点和考核要求(一)词汇基础(1) 掌握课文中出现的普通词汇含义及其用法:1.2.5.buck n.drop off v.full-timer n.transcription n.scrapbooking n.美元减少专职工作人员

12、抄写,誊写剪贴perk n.anonymous adj.demographic adj.archive n.10. proof n.11. showcase v.12. knack n.13. offbeat adj.14. entertainer n.15. county n.16. reptile n.17. hook v.18. cough up v.19. surcharge n.20. sucker n.21. revolt v.22. bold adj.23. waive v.24. levy v.额外津贴匿名的与人口统计有关的存档文件样张突出展示诀窍不同寻常的演艺者郡,县爬行动物

13、使(人)上当不情愿的给(某物)附加费易受骗的人反抗大胆的取消,放弃征收,征税43. lobby v.26. discretion n.27. savvy n.28. stump v.29. lousy adj.30. up-front adj.31. whopping adj.32. insane adj.33. issuer n.34. alacrity n.35. scorecard n.36. paltry adj.37. stash v.38. sneaky adj.39. subsidize v.游说判断力,决定力智慧,见识惑,难倒糟糕的,差劲的预付的巨大的

14、,庞大的疯狂的,过度的发行者敏捷,欣然记分卡微不足道的藏,隐藏鬼鬼祟祟的,卑鄙的资助40. stick in sbs craw v. 使某人生气41. saturated adj.42. clutter n.43. venue n.44. motif n.45. replica n.46. monument n.47. terrazzo n.48. tranquil adj.49. collaborative adj.50. proposition n.51. unleash v.52. molecule n.饱和的混乱集合地,发生地点主题复制品纪念碑磨石子地安静的合作的建议,主张释放分子(2

15、)掌握课文中的专业术语,能够准确进行中英文互译:networkpromoteword processingbookkeepingvirtual assistant网络沟通通过广告或做宣传活动促销文字处理簿记,记帐虚拟助理administrative support 行政支助online forum网上论坛 salessubsidiary.直销子公司10. sign up11. site12. line13. unbundled14. bounce15. overdraft n.签约参加工作,签约雇用站点系列商品对分别计价开具(支票)遭银行拒付而被退回透支,透支额51.2.3

16、.二)掌握课文中的句式(1)能够准确理解课文中有关商务英语的常用句子结构和意义;(2)能够准确翻译与这些句式相关的句子。1. Assistants set their own rates, which can vary from 5 percent for selling avehicle to as much as 50 percent for selling low-priced merchandise likehousewares.2. That may not sound like a lot, but there are some good perks to be

17、had.3. On its website, United Airlines says its international flights (including tripsto Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands) can incur fuel surcharges of“up to $150 per direction of travel, and which are subject to change atUniteds discretion, without notice.”4. At the rental-car counter, skip

18、the up-front gas fee that allows you to returnthe vehicle empty. Youll only end up paying for gas you dont use.5. It also pays to ask: Sometimes banks will waive monthly service chargesor penalties if youre a good customer.6. Youre better off with a free or cheap non-interest checking account, andst

19、ashing the extra cash in a money market fund.7. Taxes that would never pass muster with voters are instead fobbed off as“fees” on powerless visitors.8. As a result, many stores and shopping centers are adopting newtechnologies designed to get shoppers through their doors by appealing toone or more o

20、f their senses.9. But no matter what type of display-screen technology such installationsutilize, they all face this common challenge: keeping the screens filledwith fresh, interesting content.10. Scent Airs systems provide a way for retailers selling such items asflowers, baked goods and beauty pro

21、ducts to unleash smells thatcorrespond to their merchandise.11. Several retailers selling merchandise that doesnt have either a strong orspecific scent component use ScentAirs systems to disperse “thematic”fragrance, designed to pull passersby in by their noses.第三单元 职场人生一、学习目的和要求(一)介绍西方报刊杂志中关于职场人际关系

22、方面的报道和论述,使学生学习并了解这类文章的文体、语言和内容特点。(二) 使学生掌握有关词语、句子结构和篇章表达的语言知识。二、考核知识点和考核要求(一)词汇基础(1) 掌握课文中出现的普通词汇含义及其用法: v.fine-tune v.blindfold n.earplug n.faux pas n.劝阻调整眼罩耳塞有失检点的话(或行为)discernment n. 洞察力7. v.tribune n.velocity n.lull n.a hunk of n.subtlety n.enigma n.吹牛论坛迅疾,速度停滞

23、一大块的精明谜,不可思议的东西inexplicable adj. 无法说明的equivocate v.说话摸棱两可16.17.18.condescend v.synopsis n.hurrah n.俯就,屈尊大意,要略欢呼声19.detrimental adj. 有害的20.21.ordeal n.pad n.折磨住处,房间foulmouthed adj.口出粗俗的,23.buddy n.illegible adj.密友,伙伴难辨认的,字迹模糊的inadvertently adv. 不注意地,疏忽地26.27.28.dejected adj.troupe n.audition v.沮丧的剧团试

24、音formidable adj. 可怕的,令人生畏的30.33.34.impart v.copywriter n.turbulent adj.pension n.buyout n.传授广告词撰稿人动荡的,骚乱的养老金,退休金买断合同correspondent n. (新闻)通讯记者36. n.lobster n.omen n.hawk v.humiliation n.indemnify v.策略,谋略龙虾预兆,征兆沿街叫卖,兜售羞辱,蒙耻保障,保护contingency n. 偶然事故,可能impresario n.rationale n.(剧院、乐团等的

25、)经理人解释,根本原因75. trespasse v.违反伦理,侵犯46. quid pro quo n. 补偿物,交换条件47. spawn v.造成48. ambivalence n. 矛盾心理49. perpetrator n.50. nepotism n.作恶者裙带关系51. extenuating adj. 情有可原的(2)掌握课文中的专业术语,能够准确进行中英文互译:circulation .销售量,发行额2.3.4.shorthand .outsourcetort速记外包侵权行为(二)掌握课文中

26、的句式(1)能够准确理解课文中有关商务英语的常用句子结构和意义;(2)能够准确翻译与这些句式相关的句子。1. I told him that although he might be brilliant, his timing on certain thingsneeded workand that maybe he ought to pay more attention to whatwas going on around him.2. Fortunately, I dont have to try too hard at this one, because Ive beenknown to

27、 be on the blunt (and fast) side, which is good.3. Riding in the car with him became an ordeal, because being in an enclosedspace seemed to warm him up even more.4. As a former lefty turned righty, thanks to an overzealous teacher, I haddistinctly illegible handwritingso bad that after taking dictat

28、ion, Icouldnt translate it.5. but the Barbee case clearly illuminates the problems that employers facewhen they use dating policy to exclude Cupid from the cubicle.6. They wish to assure other employees that the workplace is a meritocracy,not a patronage trough.7. While a soured affair may dampen on

29、es ardor for reporting to the sameplace of employment as ones ex, dating someone who shares the sameprofession turns out to be an excellent bet for lasting love.第四单元 创业一、学习目的和要求(一)介绍西方报刊杂志中关于创业方面的报道和论述,使学生学习并了解这类文章的文体、语言和内容特点。(二)使学生掌握有关词语、句子结构和篇章表达的语言知识。二、考核知识点和考核要求(一)词汇基础(1) 掌握课文中出现的普通词汇含义及其用法:81.illustrate v

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