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九年级英语全册 Unit 5 What are the shirts made of.docx

1、九年级英语全册 Unit 5 What are the shirts made ofUnit 5 What are the shirts made of?第三课时Section A(3a-4)Teaching Goals1.功能:通过阅读短文,了解中国制造已在世界各国广泛存在,并被世界人民所认可。2.掌握下列词汇和短语: product, France, local, brand, avoid, handbag, mobile, everydayno matter 3.情感目标:提倡学生使用国货,培养学生的爱国主义情怀。Teaching and learning stepsPreview预习检

2、测(Write them down without looking at the text.)1. phrases:(1)无论什么 _(2)一个17岁的学生 _(3)如此多的 _(4)在当地商店 _(5)中国制造 _(6) 美国品牌 _(7)一双篮球鞋 _(8)美国国旗 _(9)将来 _(10)高科技产品 _2. sentences (1) 无论你可能买什么,你会认为哪些产品是在那些国家制造的。 _(2)他发现一件有趣的事情,在当地的商店里,那么多的产品都是在中国制造的。 _(3)玩具并不是中国制造的唯一的东西。 _(4)他希望将来中国在制造高科技产品上也会做得更好,人们在世界各地都能买到这样

3、的产品。_ 【设计意图】本部分词组和句子为学生的预习作业,词组和句子都是本节课的重要语言知识,该部分预习内容可以帮助学生更有目的性的预习。同时通过检测学生的预习效果,教师可以更有针对性地教,学生可以更有针对性的学。 Warming up and leading in热身导入 Pairwork A: What do you think of these shoes / ?B: I think theyre its very A: What are theyis it made of?B: TheyreIt is made of A: Where were theywas it made?B: T

4、hey were It was made in The German brand Japanese camera The Swiss watch Chris Benz 克里斯本兹The French brand clothing【设计意图】利用图片创设语境, 既复习了所学知识,又为本节课的阅读做下了铺垫。图片只是给学生起个引导作用,可以鼓励学生讨论更多的关于所熟悉的物品的话题。T: If you go to another country, what kinds of things would you buy? Would you buy a camera in Japan, some bea

5、utiful clothes in France, or a watch in Switzerland? No matter what you may buy, you might think those products were made in those countries. But you are wrong. In fact, most of these things were made in China. If you dont believe that, lets read this article. While-reading activities读中活动Read for th

6、e general idea of 3a.大意The general idea of the article is that_.A. Kang Jian had an interesting journey in AmericaB. Many American goods were made in ChinaC. American goods are popular in the world【设计意图】训练学生集中精力快速阅读,敏锐捕获信息的能力跳读的能力,一般的中下等学生都能找出。此环节设计简单,目的让学生树立信心。 Read the text carefully and find the

7、specific ideas读取细节1.Read the text again and answer the questions.( 跳读,锁定问题中的关键词 )(1) Where did Kang Jian go to visit his aunt and uncle? _(2) What did he discover in the toy stores? _(3)Why did he have to visit many stores before buying a pair of basketball shoes? _(4)What did he realize after his s

8、hopping experiences? _(5)Why do you think so many products in America are made in China? How do you feel about this? _Check the answers.2. Read the article again and write what the words in bold refer to.those (products): _those (countries):_it:_they:_【设计意图】培养学生在读的过程中注意细节。通过层层深入,步提高学生的阅读理解能力。Post-re

9、ading activities读后活动1. Listen and repeat. Read the article aloud.2. Complete 3a without looking at the text.The Difficult Search for American Products in the USIf you go to _ country, what kinds of things _ you _? Would you buy a _ in Japan, some beautiful _ in France, or a _ in Switzerland? No matt

10、er what you _ _, you might think those products _ _ in those countries. However, you could be wrong. Kang Jian is a 17-year-old student from Shanghai. Last year he went to _ his aunt and uncle in San Francisco. He found it _that so many products in the local shops were made in China. “I wanted to bu

11、y a_ car for my cousin, but even though most of the toys were American _, they were made in China.【设计意图】进一步检查学生对短文的细节掌握情况,为下一步的复述奠定基础。3. Retell the passage with the help of the key words in the form below.The difficult search for American goods in the US Where did Kang Jian go? Last yearvisitinWhat

12、did he discover in the local shops?He found it interesting thatwere made inWhat did he realize after his shopping experiences?Americans can hardly avoid China is so good atWhats his wish?China will get better at that people can buy【设计意图】利用表格让学生复述起来更直观,降低了难度,使学生更有信心当堂复述出来。同时又锻炼了学生的思维能力及口语表达能力。Make a

13、survey Ask your classmates about something you are wearing or have in your schoolbag.A: Whats your pencil made of?B: Its made of A: Where was it made?B: It was made in A: Whats your pen ?C: 【设计意图】通过学生的语言输出,检查学生目标语言的运用情况。通过小组活动更加激发学生的学习热情。 Present Xis words We should move from “ Made in China” to “Cr

14、eated in China”, from “China speed” to “China quality” and from “Chinese products” to “Chinese brands”.Inquiry into knowledge by translation难点一1. No matter what you may buy, you might think those products were made in those countries._2. No matter who you are ,you must follow the rules._3. No matter

15、 where you goWherever you go, you should remember your home._no matter 意为_ 。与 what, who, when, where, which,how 等疑问词连用,引导让步状语从句。状语从句中,常用一般现在时态替一般将来时,用一般过去时态替过去将来时。 “no matter +疑问词”结构相当于疑问词+ever”No matter how =_; no matter what =_; no matter when =_; no matter where =_二1. He found it interesting that

16、 so many products in the local shops were made in China._2. I found him (to be) an honest man._3. We found the book very interesting._4. I found my friend Lily standing at the door._find+_+_+that 引导的从句,意为发现是怎样的,其中_作find的形式宾语,_为真正的宾语。形容词作find的宾语补足语.find后可接的复合结构有find+宾语+_等.【设计意图】首先让学生先独立思考,然后小组讨论,接着让学

17、生展示自己的成果。可以鼓励小组内的后进生进行讲解,让他们体会学习的乐趣。学生讲解后,老师再加以点拨及补充,落实以学定教。The end-of- class test当堂检测一用所给动词的正确形式填空.1. Children under 18 _(not allow) to watch this show without their parents.2. We _(pay) by the boss on the last Friday of each month.3. A:What language _(speak) in Germany?B:Most people speak German,

18、but many can speak English, too.4. Most of the earths surface _(cover)by water.5. The classroom _(clean) by the students every day.二 翻译下列句子。1.我发现学习日常英语很重要。 _2.无论他说什么,她都不会相信他。 _3.学生不被允许吸烟。 _4.汤姆买了一件中国制造的毛衣。 _5.大部分的地球表面被水覆盖着。 _.三 用被动语态改写下列句子.1. This shop uses the best materials to make dresses._2. Car

19、eless driving causes many traffic accidents._3. The postman brings letters and postcards to peoples homes._4. Our family does not use this silver plate very often._【设计意图】 通过检测学生的学习情况,有助于以学定教。Homework1.Read 3a and recite it. ( )2. 本教后课设计亮点:小组成员根据收集到的或上网查找的物品产地的调查结果,结合3a课文康建的观察结果,小组讨论自己的心得。讨论时可借助如下句型:

20、()亮点:1.本课的导入。用了图片形式让学生讨论,既复习了上节的学习内容同时又为下面的阅读导入做好准备。2.本课的读后活动采取小组竞赛的方式,并用表格的形式对课文的关键部分进行复述,不仅形象直观,而且充分调动了学生的积极主动性,在课堂上掀起了一个小小的高潮。 3.通过本课的学习,培养学生的爱国主义情怀。不足:由于3a短文处理的太过详细,导致后面的时间有些仓促,学生写的文章没有得到充分的展示。 使用建议:1.教师一定要培养学生良好的预习习惯,特别是本节这样的阅读课最好引领学生去预习,预习作业要明确具体。2.合理分配教学时间。答案:翻译探究一1. 无论你可能买什么,你会认为那些产品是在那些国家制造

21、的.2. 无论你是谁,都必须遵守规则. 3. 无论你去哪儿,都要记着你的家.无论,不论; however; whatever; whenever; wherever二1. 他发现了一件有趣的事情,在当地的商店里很多产品是在中国制造的.2. 我发现她是一个诚实的人.3. 我们发现这本书很有趣.4. 我发现我的朋友莉莉正站在门口.it; 形容词;现在分词当堂检测一1. are not allowed 2.are paid spoken covered 1. is cleaned二1.I found it important to learn everyday English.2

22、.No matter what he says, she wont believe him.3.Students are not allowed to smoke.4.Tom bought a sweater made in China.5.Most of the earths surface is covered by water.三1. The best materials are used to make dresses by this shop.2. Many traffic accidents are caused by careless driving.3. Letters and postcards are brought to peoples homes by the postcard.4. This silver plate is not used very often by our family.

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