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1、大学英语综合教程B1Unit3UnderstandingScienceUnit 3 Understanding ScienceText A Public Attitude Toward Science1.Background InformationBrief Introduction to Stephen Hawking1)Stephen Hawking (1942 -):Chronology of Stephen Hawking-1942 Born in Oxford, England、-1958 Entered Oxford University and became especially

2、 interested in thermodynamics(热力学),relativity theory, and quantum mechanics (量子力学)、-1962 Received a bachelors degree in physics and then enrolled as a research student in general relativity at the University of Cambridge、-1966 Earned his Ph、D degree at the University of Cambridge、 Stayed at the Univ

3、ersity of Cambridge to do post-doctoral research、 Diagnosed as having Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) ( 肌萎缩性骨髓侧索硬化 )、 “I am quite often asked: How do you feel about having ALS? The answer is, not a lot 、 I try to lead as normal as a life as possible, and not think about my condition, or regret t

4、he things it prevents me from doing, which are not that man、y ”-1977 Became a professor of physic、s-1979 Appointed Lucasian Professor of mathematics at Cambridge, a post once held by Isaac Newton、2)Main Achievementsa)SingularityA point in space-time at which the space-time curvature曲 ( 率 ) becomes i

5、nfinite、b)black holeA region of space-time from which nothing, not even light, can escap、e Nothing can escape because gravity is so stron、gc)A Brief History of TimeOne of his books to make his work accessible to the publi、cAlbert Einstein (1879-1955)1)Quiz about EinsteinDo the quiz to see how much y

6、ou know about Albert Einstein、In his effort to discover the governing laws of the universe, Einstein tried to find a mathematical relationship between two natural force、s What are they? DA)Electromagnetism and gravitationB)Fission(裂变) and gravityC)Electricity and the speed of lightD)Nuclear energy a

7、nd electromagnetism2)Monologue of EinsteinAlbert Einstein (1879-1955): I was born in Ulm, Germany in 1879 、 As you may know, 1905 was a big year for me、 Thats when I turned the world upside down, at least for scientists, time had to be looked at in a whole new way that Newtons view of space and time

8、 was inaccurat、e These ideas became known as the special theory of relativity and introduced the equation E=MC2、Ten years later I presented the general theory of relativity 、 The general theory showed that gravity is not a force, as Newton had thought、 It is instead a curvature of the space-time con

9、tinuum、3)Do you know?-Einstein could not find a job in physics upon graduation from college, and became a technical assistant in the Swiss Patent Office、 He worked on theoretical physics in his spare time、-Einstein did not receive a Nobel Prize for his theory of relativity、-Einstein immediately left

10、 Germany for the United States following Hitler s rise to power、-Einstein spent much of his later career searching for a unified field theory, but was unsuccessfu、l-Einstein declined the presidency of the sate of Israel when it was offered to him in 1952 by the sate leader、s-The element einsteinium(

11、锿), discovered in 1952, was named in the honor of Albert Einstein、Frankenstein: This is a horror film about a doctor who builds a monster out of dead body parts and brings it to life using electricity, based on the novel by Mary Shelley、III 、 Global Reading1、 chart completionFill in the chart by com

12、paring the first 10 lines of both All the Cabbie Had Was a Letter and Public Attitudes toward Science to see style difference between narration and exposition、Text AParagraph lengthSentence lengthsimple or compound sentences?any passive voice?any dialogue?any 3rd- person narrator?Unit 2shortershorte

13、rsimplenoyesnoUnit 3longerlongercompoundyesnoyes2、 Part Division of the Text (see Students Book P69)PartsLinesMain Ideas1133To make informed decisions about change, the public needs a basic understanding of science 、23362What can be done to educate the public about science 、36367With an informed pub

14、lic, human civilization will survive 、IV 、 Detailed ReadingImportant words , phrases and sentences:Part One (Para 、1Para 、3)1. (L2) likely:1)adj、 probable很可能的 , 合适的, 可靠的 , 有希望的-An accident likely to lead to war is reported on TV、2)adv、 probably (When used as ana d、, the word is often preceded by mos

15、t, more than, or very 、 You dont use it as ana d、 on its own、) 或许 , 很可能-I shall very likely to be here again next month、Pattern:It is likely that 很可能-It is highly likely that he will succeed 、CF: likely, possible & probable这些词都有“可能的”意思。likely 系常用词 ,指从表面迹象来瞧很有可能。-The likely outcome of the contest var

16、ies from moment to momen、tpossible 指由于有适当的条件与方法 ,某事可能发生或做到 ,强调客观上有可能 ,但常 会有实际希望很小的意思。-Is it possible to get to the city by train, or must I take a bus?probable语气比 possible强,指有根据,合情理,值得相信,带有大概 ,很可能的意思。-It is probable that he has forgotten our appointmen、t2、 (L6) do without: v、 manage to survive, cont

17、inue, or succeed although you do not have sth、 you need, want, or usu、 have 没有而设法对付过去 ;免除 , 不用I cant afford a car, so 1 guess Ill have to do withou、t He cant do without the services of a secretary、Collocation:do away with do uphave something to do with have nothing to do with摆脱;废除,取消 系上,扣上 ;修理;打扮 与有

18、关系与没有关系3、 (L6) highly: adv 、1) very 很, 非常-Mr 、 Smith was a highly successful salesma、n2) to a high degree高度地-He speaks very highly of you、-出席这次会议的大部分人就是受过高等教育的女性、Most of the people present at the meeting are highly educated wome、nCF: highly & high这两个词都表示“高高地” 。highly 这个副词就是“高度地”的意思 ,就是表达程度的 ,指的就是抽象意

19、义上的 “高”。修饰形容词要使用 highly 、-a highly paid official -think highly of sb 、薪俸优厚的官员器重某人- *a highly infectious diseasehigh 这个副词就是作“高高地”讲,就是表达位置的 ,指的就是具体意义上的 “高” 构成复合形容词要用 high、-aim high 向高处瞄准-search high and low 到处寻找-*a high-born merchant 其她类似的例子有 : closely & close closely 细心地 ,严密地-Watch what I do closely、

20、-The prisoners were closely guarded、囚犯被严密瞧守着 close 近地-He lives close to the school、Para 、 24、 (L9) put/turn the clock back: v 、 return to a situation that used to exist, usuallybecause the present situation is unpleasant倒 退 ,开倒 车-The employment bill in which women are not allowed to take jobs will p

21、ut the clock back fifty years、-Forget all about it and look to the future; you cant turn the clock back、5、 (L1011) Nor can one prevent further advances in the future 、 Why is this sentence reserved?The word “nor” here appears at the beginning of the sentence 、-Nor will I deny that 、6、 (L13) bring ab

22、out: v 、 make (sth、 ) happen使发生, 致使 =make happen - 这就是怎么发生的 ?What brought it about?-Some educators are hoping to bring about major changes in the educational syst、em Collocation:bring forth bring forward bring upFill in the blank with the above phrases and change the form where necessa、ry1) They pro

23、posed that the date of the congress bber ought forth a few months、2) The trees in the orchardb ring forth many apples、3)He was well brought up 、4)At the meeting the next morning, the brought forth/forward/up many problems and discussed them one by on、e7、 (L14) inquire:1) vt、 ask to be told询问 , 问明, 查

24、究-He inquired (of her) the reason for being late again、-He asked for his key and inquired whether there had been any message for h、im2) vi、 seek information by questioning、-我打电话询问有关火车时刻的事情、I rang up to inquire about train times、Collocation:inquire after 问候inquire for 求见inquire into 查究 ,调查CF: inquire

25、, ask & question 这些词都有“问 ,询问”的意思。inquire 就是较正式的书面用词 ,渴望知道某人或某事的确实情况 , 后不接人作宾 语、-He inquired your telephone number、ask 就是最常用词 ,指为了了解某人或谋事而提出问题 ,请别人解答或向别人打 听消息、-Excuse me、 May I ask you a question?question 指对某事不断提出问题 ,以便了解详细情况、-The suspect was questioned by the polic、e8、 (L1516) The only way to preven

26、t further developments would be a global state that suppressed anything new, and human initiative and inventiveness are such that even this wouldn t su、cceed1) What is the grammatical function of the first “that”? Here “that ” brings about an attributive clause 、2) What does the structure“ such that

27、” here mean?The structure is used to give an explanation for something 、 -His manner was such that he would offend everyone he m、et3)What can we infer from this sentence?No way can suppress anything new, as human initiative and inventiveness do exist、9、 (L17) initiative: n 、1) the ability to make de

28、cisions and take action without waiting for sb、 to tell you what to do 主动 ;首创精神-If you show that you have initiative, you will sooner or later be promoted、- The workers are able to solve the problems on their own initiative、2) used in the phrase take the initiative : be the first person to take acti

29、on to improve a situation or relationship, esp、 when other people are waiting for sb、 else to do sth、 采取主动-He took the initiative in organizing a party after his brother s wedding、 10、 (L17-18) All it would do is slow down the rate of change 、 Why is there no “to” between “is” and “slow”?When “do”ap

30、pears in the subject of a sentence, the sign “to”of an infinitive which is used as the predicative can be omitted 、-The first thing he did was (to) look for a guide、-All we could do now is (to) remain cool-headed 、11、 (L18) rate: n 、1) value, cost, speed, et、c measured by its relation to some other

31、amoun、t 比率;速度;价格-The worlds forests are disappearing at an even faster rate than experts had thou、ght -出生率就是出生人数与人口数之比、The birth rate is the number of births compared to the number of the peop、le2) of the (numbered) quality 等级-a first-rate performerPara 、 312、 (L20) ensure: v 、 make sure; guarante、e 保证, 确保, 使安全 , 保证得到-The new treaty will ensure peace、-我不能确保她能及时到这儿、I can t ensure that he will be here in time、13、 (L22) informed: adj 、 knowing things; having all the informati

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