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1、公安情景对话二、情景对话1P: station,can I help you?你好,警察局,您需要帮忙吗?F:Yes. I am calling to report a missing credit card.是的,我丢失了信用卡要报警。P: What is the card number, miss?卡号是多少,女士?F: Oh, I do not remember.噢,我不记的了。P: What is your name and address?那么您的姓名和地址呢?F: Janet Carlson,1275Hasting Street,Vancouver,Canada.我叫珍妮特,卡尔森

2、,住在加拿大温哥华市豪斯廷大街1275号,P: Sorry! I do not catch what you said, would you speak slowly again?抱歉,您能说的慢一些吗,我没听清。F: Yes, my name is Janet Carlson, J-a-n-e-t C-a-r-l-s-o-n.好吧,我的名字是珍妮特,卡尔森。P:I get it, you are not American citizen, are you?我记住了,你不是美国公民,是吗?F: No, I am a Canadian. Does that matter?不,我是加拿大人,这有什

3、么关系吗?P: Oh, no, no. Did you say your card was lost or stolen?哦,没什么,你刚才说你的信用卡丢失还是被盗了?F: Stolen. I left my purse, on the counter in the department store while I went to the fitting room to try the dress on.被盗了,在商店试衣间试衣服时,我把皮包放在柜台上。P: When did you discover it was stolen?你什么时候发现被盗了?F:I did not discover

4、that until I went to pay. 直到付钱时我还没发现, Do you think there is anything you could do? 您能帮我做些什么吗?Someone maybe charging things to my credit this very minute.也许有人正在用我的信用卡付帐呢。P: You do not need to worry, Miss Carlson, 别担心,卡尔森小姐,once we get your card number, your card will be invalidated all over the world

5、 within 30 seconds simply by informing the terminal.我们一得到你的信用卡号码就会通知银行,30秒内你的信用卡就会在全世界范围内失效。F: Oh, I am so relieved to hear that. Thank you very is all right.那太好了。2P: Hello. can I help you?你好,我能帮你什么忙吗?F: Hello. My house has been burglarized.是的,我家被盗了。P: What is your name and address, madam?留下你的名字和地址好

6、吗,夫人?F: It is 88,28th fLoor the Worldtrade center, FuDong Street, and this is Mary. Green.我是玛莉。格林,我的地址是府东街世界贸易中心,28层,2888号房间。P: Oh, madam, when did that happen?哦,夫人,能讲一下经过吗?F: This morning. I went to sleep and forgot to lock the window and a burglar came in the window and cleaned us out.今天早上起床后,我忘记关

7、窗户,小偷从窗户近来并洗劫了我们。P: What is your mean clean out?把您怎么了?F:I mean he took everything of any value: money, watches, TV, DVD, everything. What should I do?我的意思是小偷偷走了所有值钱的东西,现金、手表、电视,我该怎么办?P:I am sorry about that. Madam . but do not worry too much. We will send someone to you right away.我很同情您,夫人,别担心,我们马上派

8、人去您那。F: Thank you.谢谢您。P: Good-bye.再见。3P:Hello. Police station.你好,这里是警察局。F: Hello. My car was stolen last night.你好,我的车昨晚被盗了。P: What is your name and address, please?能告诉我您的名字和地址吗?F: My name is Jack Nelson, and my address is 66 ChangFen street.P: What kind of car is it, sir?您的车是什么牌子的,先生?F: it is a 1999

9、 red Sotana. The license plate number is WGX123.红色桑塔那,1999款的,车牌号是WGX123。P: And where was it parked?车停在哪里?F: It was parked in front of MeiYuan hotel.梅园宾馆门前。P: Can you tell me the time period when it was stolen?您能告诉我被盗的具体时间吗?F:I can tell you the time ,it was 4:20 .我能,凌晨4点20分。P: What you mean you saw t

10、he perpetrators stealing the vehicle?等等,您的意思是看到歹徒作案了?F: No ,I heard them. The car alarm went off ,but they must have disengaged it .不,我听到了,防盗器响了,但是他们一定把它切断了。P: Oh, sir, we are open all night here. Why did not you call then?那么您为什么现在才报案呢?F:I was so sleepy, I thought it was my alarm clock. So I looked

11、at the clock, reset it, and went back to sleep.我很困,以为是闹钟在响,所以看了钟,重新设定了时间后,又睡了。P: Oh, I see、Ok ,police officers will respond to the scene right away and handle it .好的,我们马上排除民警过去。4F:Good morning. My name is Hawkins, a business-man from Germany. May I trouble you for something now.早上好,我的名字叫霍金斯,我是个德国人,我

12、有件事要麻烦你。P:Good Morning. What can I do for you?早上好,您有什么事?F:I have lost my handbag.我丢失一个手提包。P:What are there in it?你的手提包里有什么东西?F:A Camera, a wrist watch, a passport, some travelers cheques and also a credit card。里面有一架照相机,一块手表,本人的护照,同时还有几张旅行票和信用卡。P:When and where did you lose your hand bag? Please expl

13、ain it in detail.请详细说明一下你在何时何地丢失你的手提包的。F:Yesterday afternoon, I arrived at the TaiYuan Airport at 16:20 from Hong Kong. 昨天下午16:20,我们从香港乘飞机抵达太原机场,Then I called a taxi to the YingZe Hotel ,然后叫一辆出租车到了迎泽宾馆,After that, when I put my luggage in order. I found my hand bag missing. 当我收拾行李时我发现我的手提包不见了, I sup

14、posed I lost it either at the airport or in the taxi.我估计是丢在机场或是丢在出租车上了。P:Did you get in touch with the airport office or the taxi company?你曾否与机场办公室或出租汽车公司联系过?F:No, I didnt.没有。P:Well, Lets try to get in touch with them. 那么,让我们设法同他们联系,Now would you please write down what you have told me in detail, in

15、cluding, your name, nationality, passport number, objects time, and place of missing, your room number in YingZe Hotel and when you will leave city etc.帮你查找,现在请你详细地写下刚才告诉我的事情,包括:你的姓名,国籍,护照号码,在何时何丢失了什么东西,在迎泽宾馆的房间号码,何时离开本市等。F:OK,Ill write it down for you, 好的,我将一切都写下,If my hand bag is not found, could

16、you give me a confirmation of my reporting the loss of my property? 如果找不到我的手提包,你是否可以给我发丢失财物的证明,Otherwise, I might have trouble when I leave the country, because my camera and wrist watch have been declared. 否则,我出境时怎么办?我在海关曾申报了携带一架照相机,一块手表, In addition, how shall I leave the country without my passpo

17、rt?同时,我没有护照,怎么出境? P:Dont worry, well try to help you to find it. 你别急,我们将设法帮助你找, If it is not found we can give you a confirmation of lost passport, 如果找不到,我们给你一个人护照证明,then you can go to your embassy in Beijing to Apply for a new passport.你可以到北京你们的大使馆申领新护照, Well issue you a visa to leave the country.然

18、后,我们给你发签讲让你出境。F:Thanks a lot真太感谢你了。P:Not at all. 不用客气,If We are able to recover your property, We will make contact with you immediately.如果我们找到你丢失的东西将尽快与你取得联系。5F、A robbery took place in my office.我的办公室内发生抢劫。P:Now, sir, what did the burglar steal?先生,盗贼偷了什么东西?F:Everything in the safe. About three hund

19、red pounds in notes, some checks and most important, my stamp, collection It is worth at least ten thousand pounds.保险柜里所有的钱物。大约有三百英镑的纸币,一些支票,最重要的是我的集邮册,这至少价值一万英镑。P:How do you think the thief got into the house?你认为窃贼是怎么进屋的?F:Through these French windows over there. I believe. They give on to the gard

20、en. He forced them open.我敢说他们是从那边的落地窗进来的。这些窗户朝着花园,这个贼是破窗而入的。P:When did you discover the theft?你什么时候发现被盗的?F:This morning.今天旱晨。P:And what time did you go to bed last night?昨晚你几点睡觉的? F:About eleven oclock. Everything was in place, so I am sure the thief got in during the night.大约十一点。所有的东西都在原来的地方。因此,我断定

21、窃贼是夜间进来的。P:Where is your bedroom?你的卧室在哪里?F:My bedroomsupstairs on the other side of the house and Im alone here at the moment . 我的卧室在房屋另一边,当时我独自一人在家。My wife and children are aoay on holiday. 我的妻子和孩子外出渡假去了。I didnt hear anything. 我没有听到任何声音。To my surprise, the thief stole everything in the safe but he

22、didnt touch any-thing in the glass case. 使我惊奇的是,窃贼偷去了保险柜里所有的东西,但有动玻璃架里的东西,These cups are valuable, too. 那些杯子也是非常值钱的。P:Theyre difficult to dispose of, sir, and easier to trace. 这些杯子很难销赃,并且容易侦破。Now I remember your photo was in the paper last week, wasnt it?我记得上星期报纸上刊登了你的照片,是不是?F:Yes, it was .I won the

23、 County Golf Cup.是的,我赢得了郡高尔夫奖杯。P:Did the reporter take the picture for you in this room?记者是在这间屋子里给你拍照的吧?F:Yes, I stood in front of the glass case, holding the cup. I thought it was the best place.是的,我站在玻璃架前面,手里拿着杯子,我觉得这是最佳位置。P:No doubt. but you dont know it was that photo that gave you a lot of trou

24、ble.没错,但你不知道,正是那张照片给你带来了很大的麻烦。F:Oh Dear! Why do you think so?呵,哎呀,你为什么这样认为?P:Because the thief saw the same photo as I did, with your safe next to the glass case. If I remember rightly, the reporter metioned your stamp collection in his newspaper, didnt he?因为窃贼也和我一样看到了你的照片,照片里你的保险箱在玻璃架旁边,如果我记错的话,那位记

25、者在他的报道中提到了你的集邮册,对吧?F:Yes, he did.是的,他提到了。P:Well try to get your stamps back. Mr smith ,But the next time you have your photo taken, you wont tell everyone where your safe is will you?我们设法追回你的集邮册,史密期先生,但下次你再拍照时,再也不要显示你的保险箱了,好吗?F:Well, Thank you for your great help ,inspector.好,谢谢你的帮助,警长。6F:Is that 11

26、0 Emergency Police Service? A robbery has taken placed here/took place 吗?这里有人抢劫。P:Where are you? 请问你在何处?When and where did the robbery take place? 何时何地发生的?What is characteristics of the suspect? 嫌疑人有什么特征?what is his height? 身高多少?What is he wearing? 穿什么衣服?In what direction did he run away?逃向何处?F:I am

27、 at JieFang Road. 5 minutes ago, The robber is 180cm in height, he was wearing a white shirt and blue trousers. he was running away westward.我在解放路18号,抢劫者身高1米80左右,着白色上衣和兰色裤子,向西逃跑。P:Stay where you are,(do not leave) The police will come right away.请在原地不要走开。我们马上就到。7F:A traffic accident took place here,

28、 police should come at once to investigate it.这里发生了交通事故,请赶快过来处理。P:What traffic accident? What is its position? What car? What is the license plate of the car? Is there anybody injured?什么事故?什么地方?什么型号的汽车?车号是多少?有没有人受伤?F:A car and taxi collided in the west side of the roundabout of railway station. Nobo

29、dy was injured.轿车和出租车相撞,在火车站环行西侧,没有人受伤。P:Just a minute, our traffic police will come immediately and make investigation of the scene of the accident.请稍等,交通警察马上过去处理。8F: Is that police? There is a scuffle here , and somebody is going to use pocketknife.P: Are there anybody was beaten and got wound?有人被

30、打伤了吗。F: Yes, If you do not come early , someone will be seriously injured.是的,假如你们不快点来 ,会有人受重伤的。P: Where are you ? how many people? And what is the detail?在哪里?多少人?具体情况是什么?F:I am at the gate of SINO-US Chemical Fibers Corporation, Joint venture. HePin north road, No 27, there are about eleven or twele

31、ve people here, police should come as soon as possible and handle it.我在中美合资化纤公司门口,和平北路27号,有大约11、12个人,请赶快派人来。P: Ok ,our colleagues will get there right away.好的,我们马上就过去。9F:Is that the 110? My wallet was stolen.是110吗,我的钱包被偷了。P:What is your name and where you are?请问您的名字是什么?现在在哪里?F:I am at western club,

32、JieFang road.我在解放路的西部酒城。P:How much is there in your wallet? Anything else?你的钱包里有多少钱?还有其他东西吗?F:There are one 1000US$ and a passport.有1000美金和护照。P:Just a minute, the police will come right away.请稍等,我们马上就派人过去。10F: Would you help me? I have lost my handbag.有件事要麻烦您,我的手提包丢了。P: What is in your handbag?你的包内有何物?F: Did you have anything alse in it?里面还有什么东西?P: How much did

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