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1、感叹句专项练习感叹句专项练习 作者: 日期:感 叹 句感叹句是用来表示说话人喜悦、愤怒、哀伤、惊奇等强烈感情及情绪的句子。感叹句由感叹词a和hw引导,句末用感叹号。一、at引导的感叹句1、hat + a/an dj.(形容词)+ 可数名词单数+主语+谓语! 例如:Wa an e qtin i is!Whaafi a iis toda!What an interesting k it is!2、What + d.(形容词)+ 可数名词复数+主语+谓语! 例如:What beautiful fors the e!ha goodstudentsthey a!Wat nice pictures the

2、y ae!3、Wat + dj.(形容词)+不可数名词+主语谓语! 例如:Wht bad weatherit is td!h fun s!Whateauful mucit i!Wha deicos food itis!二、how引导的感叹句1、ow dj(形容词)+主语谓语(系动词) ! 例如:Hwhpy our ahr is!How cod i is tda!2、ow + adv(副词)主语+谓语(实义动词) ! 例如:Howell sdraw! How ast h i unnng!3、How +主语+谓语! 例如:Hwwtd to se y!How he osher cild!How ss

3、you!4、H + j.(形容词) a/n+可数名词单数主语谓语(系动词/实义动词) !Howgood eaple she has st forus! 她为我们树立了多好的榜样啊!ow bautifl a ake is! 多漂亮的湖啊!o foolis mahe is! 他是个多么愚蠢的人啊!5、感叹句除了由上述的w,how引导之外,也可以用单词、短语或句子加感叹号“!”构成。 例如:Woderful!The booki o ieesig!、wat感叹句和how感叹句有时可以互换。 例如:Ts is nicg.其感叹句由两种形式:(1)What a i dog his is!(2)How ce

4、this og i!【注意】(1)Wht在感叹句中作定语,用于修饰名词,名词前可有形容词或冠词;How在感叹句中作状语,用于修饰形容词、副词、动词或句子。 例如: Wht a oolishboy e is! =ow oolish boy e is!(2)感叹句中的主语、谓语通常可以省略。 例如: a a nice girl ( ei )! ow handse (he s) !(3)What感叹句中可数名词单数前一般为不定冠词an,而不用the。转换成how感叹句是,该名词前一般用定冠词the,以表示特指。 例如: What a b ish t s! =Ho big t fishs! Wha d

5、armeatt is! =Howdear t met is!(4)感叹句中all不能放在句尾。 例如: Whahapy youngpee ( tey allare ) ! = Ho happ the yong pepe l !三、小结:1、感叹句构成口诀: 感叹句,不麻烦,w和ha应提前; 名词词组跟h,h与形副紧相连; 主语、谓语不用变,省掉它们很常见。2、陈述句变感叹句的技巧: 一断,二去,三加,四换位,五感叹号。(1)“一断”:在谓语动词后边断开,使句子分为两部分。 如: He s a vr cleverman. Li Xiang runs tooast.()“二去”:去掉ry,too,

6、u,quite等修饰语。 如: e a clever mn. iXig ru fat.(3)“三加”:第二部分若是副词、形容词,就加上how;若是一个名词(短语),就加上wht。 如: He s wha cleerman. Liu Xiang rus howfas.(4)“四换位”:将断开后的第一部分和第二部分位置互换。 如: Wha a cevr mane is. ow fast uXiagruns.()“五感叹号”:句末别忘了加上感叹号。 hata cleveran h ! Hwfast LiXang rns!=基础巩固训练I基础巩固 用ht或hw填空1._ wonderuly hey s

7、wim!2 _ an inteesti lssn the students reaing!3. _rave te Cieseopeare!4. _ beautiu dress hesere!5. _ a veryfunny story he tod !I.运用提高 把下列句子改成由括号里的词引导的感叹句。1.h eecise bok is iehin.(ow ) 2.t s a wondefl iea (ha ) 3.Th sweater i ey xpensive (how ) 4.Te hor isrunning fast. ( how) 5.He is a vry kinmn ( at

8、) 6.he yung man played thepiano ver wel. ( h ) 7.The wind blowingverystroy. (hw ) 经典题解:1.Your omois er bight(改成感叹句) _ _ ou dormitor s!2.Nanjing Rod alway lo veryeaifulat ight (感叹句) _ _anjin ad alkway ok t night!3._ exciingevet t2010 World Cup s! . Wht an B. What a . Wt ow感叹句专项练习一、把下列句子变为感叹句: 1. he r

9、us ckly.It is a nice tie. 3Tis story-bok is er teresting. . Yourbell is to loud. . Se dancesso well. 6 Te stuenar lieng to te teah caefully 7. We aoodtie isummer hlidays 3 The rivr is long . 8 How ne hfd is ! 9. How ell eswims ! 10 What strongmen ya !1.e istned t h teaher ceuly. (该为感叹句)1 Whataclever

10、 mokeyit is! (该为同义句) . The ood is very nice. (该为感叹句) 14 ow sadly ty are crying! (该为陈述句) 5. h Crtmstreei beauul. (该为感叹句) 。Jisdrawia beuifulpictue.1。 r Wang is a busy mn18 The ca isver hppy1.Th rators goin ver slowly.H is vey ucy21 Is e day oa 22.Teystarted r.23.Tey waie a ong time 2.He is weariga lge

11、si. 5.Te dolphin paing hapl. 二、选词填空。(Wha /hat a /Wata /w )1 _ nicegil she is !2 _ ceful he boyi ! . _ batiflflowers e are!4. _delcis the food tses !5 _ ierestin fim we ll se !6 _ good nesit is ! 7. _e time fles ! 一、感叹句。1. _ aprtty grl she is! 2. _ quicky theoy is runng! . _ inteacerhy re!4. _ cler t

12、he babyis! 5 _Imiss my hmetw (家乡)!6. _appy I am! 7._ sad cil he! 8 _hot wt tis! 9. _ ha thy tudy! 10 _ able(能干的) youg a is! 1. Look!_ast e boy s runi! 12. _cold dayt was yerday! 13 _eavy te box is! cant r it 14. _iterestgstory he to us! 15._nic he moon cak re! 1_bad weahe! 1_ve ildr all of ouare!18.

13、 _mportat news thats! 1. _timeflies!20. _btifl flower ou boghte!四、单项选择( )1._ fie the wether is!A. hat . hat C. ow D How ( )2. _ excing imwe sa yetrda ! A Wht a B.oa C. Hw an D. Wan ( )._ greatun ey ! hat a C. How D Hw ( )4. _hevy rain its !. hata B. Wha C. How D.How a ( )5._fun place to go Shng

14、ai s! A.What a B. Wha C. How D. Hwa( )6. _ hppylietheol live !A at a B. Wt C. o D. Hwa ( )7._ icish theyookd ! A. Wha a B. Wt . Hw D. Hw a ( ). _ble te sky i! AWhat a B What . How D.ow ( )9. _ dngerousthe animals ar! A ha a BWhat C.How D How a ( )1. _ od tme wrehig ! A hat B. What CHo D ow aZXKC156297doc

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