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1、新编简明语言学重要期末考点一、选择题 15%二、T/F 15%三、概念解释 4题 20%四、简答题 30%五、语言现象分析 20%TG grammar,bond morpheme, sentence relation1. Linguistics is the scientific study of language.2. Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.3. Morpheme is the smallest meaningful linguistic unit of lan

2、guage. It can not be used alone.4. A word is a meaningful grammatical language unit which can be used by its own.5. Lexicon refers to all the words or mental words that a speaker knows.6. Compound refers to the way of forming new words by stringing words together in certain manner.7. An allomorph is

3、 any the variant forms of a morpheme as conditioned by position or adjoining sounds.8. The major branches of linguistics ? 写出五大分支:语音学/音位学/形态学/句法学/语用学Phonetics语音学is the study of sounds used in linguistic communication.Phonology音位学 is the study of sound patterns in human languageMorphology形态学 is the s

4、tudy of the internal structure, forms and classes of words. Syntax句法学 is the study of rules that govern the grammatical formation of sentences.Pragmatics语用学 is the study of how language is used in actual communication.Semantics语义学 is the study of language meaning.Lexicology词汇学is the study of words a

5、nd phrases.9. distinctions in linguistics :1) prescriptive规定性,提供说话的规范/descriptive描述性,关心人们的说话方式而不是规定该怎么说 modern linguistics is mostly descriptive2) synchronic共时性研究/ diachronic历时性研究(几个时段一起研究)modern linguistics is mainly synchronic, because it focus on studying a language at some point of time in histo

6、ry. 在特定的一个时期3) speech口语 / writing书面语 (two major media of communication)speech is prior to writing 原因:from the point of linguistic evolution, speech is prior to writing ; speech plays a greater role than writing in terms of the amount of information conveyed ; speech is always the way in which every

7、native speaker acquires his mother language.4) langue语言 / parole言语(说话的最终方式)langue refers to the abstract linguistic system ; parole focuses on the realization of language in actual use.5) competence语言能力 / performance语言运用6) traditional grammar传统语法 / modern linguistics现代语言学3个区别:modern linguistics is d

8、escriptive while traditional grammar is prescriptive ; modern linguistics regards the spoken language as primary while traditional grammar emphasizes on written words ; modern linguistics does not force language into a Latin-based framework.10. Design features of language 5个特点,语言与动物交流区分1)arbitrarine

9、ss任意性 (means that the symbols used in human language is arbitrary. there is no logical connection between meanings and sounds. it is not entirely arbitrary. some compound words are also not arbitrary.2) productivity创造性:language is productive or creative3) duality双重结构: language consists of two sets o

10、f structures, or two levels.4) displacement不受时空限制 language can be used to refer contexts removed from the immediate situations of the speakers.5) cultural transmission文化传递(文化基因)people were born with the ability to acquire language.(是具有学习能力而不是生来就能使用语言)11. functions of language根据tripartite framework分为

11、3个 1) descriptive function2) expressive function3) social function根据美籍俄人Jacobsons model 分6类 言语活动的6个主要功能1) emotive : express the attitude2) conative : The addresser aims to influence the addressees thoughts or actions意动功能,影响听话人的行为3) referential : convey a message or information 所指功能,传递信息4) poetic : d

12、isplay the beauty of language itself 组诗功能,表现语言本身的美5) phatic communion : establish or maintain interpersonal relationships. 寒暄功能,用于维系人际关系6) metalinguistic : use language to make clear the meaning of language itself. 元语言功能12. three branches of phonetics语音学: articulatory phonetics发音语音学: studies the spe

13、ech sounds from the speakers point of viewauditory phonetics听觉语音学:studies the hearers point of viewacoustic phonestic声学语言学: studies the sound waves13. IPA International Phonetic Alphabet 国际音标vowel元音20个,其中单元音12个,双元音8个 consonants辅音28个辅音按manner of obstruction分为6个:stops/fricatives/affricates/liquids/nas

14、als/glides按place of obstruction分为7个:bilabial/labiodental/dental/alveolar/palatal/velar/glottal14. broad transcription宽式标音法(一个字母表一个音)narrow transcription严式标音法(加符号表示不同)broad transcription using one letter to represent one sound.narrow transcription adding diacritics to the letter symbols to show diffe

15、rence.15. phonemic contrast 音位对立,如/p/ 与 /b/16. minimal pairs 最小对立位,在同一位置上的两个不同音位when two different forms are identical in every way except for one sound segment which occurs in the same position in the stings, the two sound combinations are said to form a minimal pair.17. phonology音位学规则: sequential

16、rule 顺序规则:rules that govern the combination of sounds in a particular languageassimilation rule同化规则:copying a feature of a sequential phonemedeletion rule 省略规则:a sound is to be deleted although it is represented.18. suprasegmental features超切分手段3个: stress重音 The shift of word stress may change the par

17、t of speech of words of the same spelling.tone声调 may distinguish the meaning of words.intonation语调 can show the implied message.19. morpheme分类:free morpheme 自由词素 bound morpheme 粘着词素 allomorph词素变体,-es,ies, -ren derivational morpheme派生词素,如im,un,tele inflectional morpheme曲折词素 表现语法功能,如-ed,-ing,-s,-est20

18、. Category词的范畴 refers to a group of linguistic items which fulfill the same or similar functions in a particular language, such as a sentence, a noun phrase or a verb.The last and more reliable criterion of determining a words category is its distribution.21. coordinate structures : A rule of gramma

19、r that state the composition of a coordinate structure.22. A phrase contain specifiers指示语and complements补语besides the head中心词。23. synonymy同义refers to the sameness or close similarity of meaning. 同义词是synonymsfive types of synonymy: 1) dialectal synonyms方言同义词synonyms used indifferent regional dialects

20、,如elevator与lift2) stylistic synonyms文体同义词synonyms differing in style 如dad,daddy,father3) synonyms that differ in their emotive or evaluative meaning具有不同感情或评价意义的同义词4) collocational synonyms 搭配不同的同义词5) semantically different synonyms语义有轻微差别的同义词 synonyms that differ slightly in meaning.24. polysemy一词多义

21、means that the same one word has more than one meaning.homonymy同形异义refer to the phenomenon that words having different meanings have the same form.hyponymy上下义关系refers to the sense relation between a more genera, more inclusive word and a more specific word. 上下义关系分为superordinate(the word which is mor

22、e general in meaning) hyponyms(the word which is more specific)25. antonymy反义 antonyms反义词 antonyms分为三类:1) gradable antonyms分级反义词(中间可以有别的程度,比如large/small, cold/hot, wide/narrow, 2) complementary antonyms互补性反义词(不是你就是我,literate/illiterate)3) relational opposites关系对立的反义词(buy/sell, wife/husband, north/so

23、uth, above/below)26. sense意义 & reference语义(与语境有关)Sense is concerned with the inherent meaning of a linguistic form.Reference is concerned with the real situation of a linguistic form.27. identify the relations between sentences.1) X is synonymous with Y. 近义关系,同义关系 If X is true, Y is true; X is false

24、, Y is false.2) X is inconsistent with Y. 不相关关系.If X is true, Y is false. If X is false, Y is true.3) X entails Y. (Y is an entailment of X) 包含关系X: He has been to France.Y: He has been to European.If X is true, Y is necessarily true.If X is false, Y may be true or false.例如 He likes seafood. He likes

25、 crabs.4) X presupposes Y (Y is a prerequisite of X) presupposition 以为前提X: Johns bike needs repairing.Y: John has a bike.If X is true, Y must be true.If X is false, Y is still true.例如 Toms wife is pregnant. Tom has a wife.5) X is a contradiction.6) X is semantically anomalous.28. prediction analysis

26、 (a way to analyze sentence meaning) 述谓结构分析, Leech 提出,写主语和谓语。述谓结构分为argument变元(主语)和predicate谓词(谓语)例如It is snowing. (BE SNOWING)The tree grows well. TREE (GROW)The man sells ice-cream. MAN , ICE-CREAM(SELL)29. componential analysis成分分析法 a way to analyze lexical meaning例如 father +married +male +adult30

27、. selectional restrictions选择限制制约,make the sentence semantically meaningful. 如green 不与cloud 搭配用31. speech act theory 言语行为理论(John Austin提出)分三种:1) locutionary act 言内行为the act of uttering words, phrases and clauses.2) illocutionary言外行为the act of expressing the speakers intention3) perlocutionary act言后行为

28、the act performed by saying something32. five types of illocutionary speech acts(美国Searle提出)1) representatives : stating or describing 阐述类2) directives : getting the hearer to do something 指令类3) commissives : committing the speaker himself to do some future course of action 承诺类4) expressives : expre

29、ssing feelings or attitude towards an existing state 表达类5) declarations : bringing about immediate changes by saying something. 宣告类33. 区分pragmatics与semantics(语义学,不研究语境中的使用,单纯表达意思)Whether in the study of meaning the context of use is considered. If it is not considered, the study is confined to the a

30、rea of semantics.34. culture refers to the arts, customs, and habits that characterize a particular society or nation.35. language & culture 关系Culture influences language by way of symbols and rules for using those symbols; language has a major impact on the way an individual perceives and conceptua

31、lizes the world.36. learning & acquisition 区别Learning refers to a conscious process of accumulating knowledge of the vocabulary and grammar of a language, particularly through formal instruction.Acquisition refers to the gradual development of ability in a language by using it naturally in communica

32、tive situations.37. two kinds of meanings of any linguistic sign : denotative meaning指示意义(不因文化语境而改变)connotative meaning内涵意义(如象征意义)38. four maxims of the CP?1) the maxim of quantity (make the contribution as informative)数量准则,说话要不多不少,提供对方要求的信息就可以2) the maxim of quality (do not say something is false) 质量准则,不说假话3) the maxim of relation (be rel

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