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1、SAT词汇题专练词 汇 题 专 练晶磊威武1.The word “ignominious” in line 10 means_Attempt to harmonize the imbalances in my character by means of strict discipline at a boarding school in Styria (my people still regarded Austria as our cultural homeland) nearly led to the same ignominious end, and only my pseudo-volun

2、tary departure from the institution in the nick of time prevented my final ostracism from the privileged ranks of those for whom the path to higher education was open.A.dangerousB.pitilessC.unappreciatedD.disgracefulE.honorable2.In line 11, the word “ostracism” most likely means_Attempt to harmonize

3、 the imbalances in my character by means of strict discipline at a boarding school in Styria (my people still regarded Austria as our cultural homeland) nearly led to the same ignominious end, and only my pseudo-voluntary departure from the institution in the nick of time prevented my final ostracis

4、m from the privileged ranks of those for whom the path to higher education was open.A.praiseB.abuseC.appreciationD.departureE.banishment3.In line 36, the word “bound” most nearly means_I ask you, then, to decide this case upon the facts as you have heard them, in light of the law as you understand i

5、t, in light of the history of our country, whose institutions you and I are bound to protect.A.intellectuallyB.personally determinedC.morally compelledD.violently coercedE.inevitably destined4.In line 8, the word “pseudo-parents” means_The cat treats them as pseudo-parents. The reason is that they t

6、ook over from the real mother at a sensitive stage of the kittens development and went on giving it milk, solid food, and comfort as it grew up.A.part-time parents that are only partially involved with their youngB.individuals who act as parents of adultsC.parent that neglect their youngD.parents th

7、at have both the characteristics of humans and their petsE.adoptive parents who arent related to their young5.In line 28, “much lauded” means_Artists like cats; soldiers like dogs. The much-lauded “group loyalty” phenomenon is alien to both cats and cat-lovers.A.vehemently arguedB.overly discussedC.

8、unnecessarily complicatedD.typically controversialE.commonly praised6.The word “conceptions” as used in line 16 most nearly means_What irritated him mostand it was this that was chiefly responsible for his dissatisfaction with his jobwas to hear of the conceptions formed about him: how he was always

9、 riding about through the tides with his trident.A.originsB.opinionsC.discussionsD.plansE.explanations7.the word “transmitted” as used in line 8 most nearly means_The wives of magnates issued donations jointly with their husbands, founded monasteries, endowed churches, cultivated interfamilial ties,

10、 transmitted clan ideology to their children, supervised the household, and administered the familys estates when their husbands were away.A.announcedB.taughtC.enforcedD.distributedE.broadcast8.The word “upheld” as used in line 25 most nearly means_Freed from the need to compete for the attention of

11、 men, women in these communities sustained each other in spiritual, intellectual, scholarly, artistic, and charitable pursuits. Writings by early medieval nuns reveal that female ideals and modes of conduct were upheld as the way to salvation and as models of sanctity in the monasteries led by women

12、.A.delayedB.endorsedC.suspendedD.enforcedE.announced9.In line 3, the word “promulgated” most nearly means_Though Democritus ideas were in many ways strikingly modern and were promulgated by his more celebrated successor Epicurus, his theory never gained wide acceptance in Greek thought.A.plagiarized

13、B.dismissedC.protectedD.obscuredE.promoted10.In line 34, the word “striking” most nearly means_Jazz is created from the synthesis of certain elements in the style of its precursors, its most striking feature is its exotic sound, which is produced not only by the kinds of instruments used in the orch

14、estra, but also from the manner in which intonation is used.A.removingB.poundingC.thoughtfulD.remarkableE.believable11.In line 36, the word “pitches” most nearly means_Jazz is created from the synthesis of certain elements in the style of its precursors, its most striking feature is its exotic sound

15、, which is produced not only by the kinds of instruments used in the orchestra, but also from the manner in which intonation is used. Instead of obtaining exact pitches, the players glide freely from one note to another and frequently fluctuate the pitches.A.tossesB.tonesC.volumeD.proposalsE.styles1

16、2.In line 1, the word “strains” most nearly means_Among the Plains Indians, two separate strains of decorative art evolved: the figurative, representational art created by the men of the tribe, and the geometric, abstract art crafted by the women.A.tunesB.pressuresC.varietiesD.injuriesE.pressures13.

17、In line 20, the word “drafted” most nearly means_These representational works were generally drafted by a group of menoften the individuals who had performed the deeds being recordedwho drew on untailored hide robes and tepee liners made of skins.A.selectedB.recruitedC.endorsedD.sketchedE.ventilated

18、14.In line 40, the word “overlooking” most nearly means_“Are you afraid she will be insipid? My dear brother, it is I who supply the butter; so you need not fear!” said Mrs. Penniman, who had taken in hand the childs “accomplishments,” overlooking her at the piano, where Catherine displayed a certai

19、n talent, and going with her to the dancing-class, where it must be confessed that she made but a modest figure.A.ignoringB.slightingC.forgivingD.watching overE.towering above15.In line 36, the word “scale” most nearly means_The citys strengths and its ills are inextricably bound together. The same

20、concentration that makes the center efficient is the cause of its crowding and the destruction of its sun and its light and its scale.A.series of musical tonesB.measuring instrumentC.relative dimensionsD.thin outer layerE.means of ascent16.In line 14, the word “order” most nearly means_Then, again,

21、all things in life were of a proud or cruel publicity. Lepers sounded their rattles and went about in processions; beggars exhibited their deformity and their misery in churches. Every order and estate, every rank and profession, was distinguished by its costume.A.commandB.harmonyC.sequenceD.physica

22、l class17.In line 15, the word “scheme” most nearly means_Many years later there is something called bilingual educationa scheme proposed in the late 1960s by Hispanic-American social activistslater endorsed by a congressional vote.A.conspiracyB.diagramC.planD.outlineE.goal18.In li

23、ne 32, the word “telling” most nearly means_They regarded the people at work, the faces in crowds, very distant from us. They were the others, los gringos. That term was interchangeable in their speech with another, even more telling, los americanos.A.outspokenB.interchangeableC.unutterableD.embarra

24、ssingE.revealing19.In line 13, the word “ends” most nearly means_Seeing this gradation and diversity of structure in one small, intimately related group of birds, one might really fancy that from an original paucity of birds in this archipelago, one species had been taken and modified for different

25、ends.A.bordersB.extremitiesC.limitsD.purposesE.deaths20.In line 38, the word “hazard” most nearly means_The finches evolved in isolation. So did everything else on earth. With the finches, you can see how it happened. The Galapagos islands are near enough to the mainland that some strays could hazar

26、d there; they are far enough away that those strays could evolve in isolation from parent agroundE.develop21.In line 8, the word “translate” most nearly means_It is sometimes said that detective stories are read by respectable law-abiding citizens in o

27、rder to gratify in fantasy the violent or murderous wishes they dare not, or are ashamed to, translate into action.A.decipherB.moveC.explainD.conveyE.convert22.In line 48, the word “employed” most nearly means_As with all fine literature, history philosophy, as with the written word wherever employe

28、d creatively, it can lead us to laughter in our frustration, to joy in our experience, and to tolerance for our complexities.A.hiredB.usedC.commissionedD.remuneratedE.labored23.In line 11, the word “reaches” most nearly means_Dust, however fine and powdery, is still heavier than water, and whenever

29、the water becomes sufficiently still, it will gradually sink to the bottom, not only in lakes and seas but also in the sluggish lower reaches of rivers and where flood conditions exist, in the form of silt.A.graspsB.unbroken stretchesC.range of knowledgeD.promontoriesE.justapositions24.In line 8, th

30、e word “persuasion” most nearly means_Modern thinkers who have studied myths and fairy tales from a philosophical or psychological viewpoint arrive at the same conclusion, regardless of their original persuasion.A.enticementB.convincing forceC.political partyD.opinionE.gullibility25.In line 33, the

31、word “appeal” most nearly means_There is general agreement that myths and fairy tales speak to us I the language of symbols representing unconscious content. Their appeal is simultaneously to our conscious mind and to our need for ego-ideals as well.A.pleaB.wistfulnessC.prayerD.requestE.attraction26.In line 7, the word “consumption” most nearly means_Perhaps the most damning argument against rock and roll as a political catalyst is suggested by John Berger in an es

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