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1、初中英语星级训练初中英语星级训练 作者: 日期:TT Chos the sswer(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案):Touci oe the mostiportat of ur ie senses. It s one fhe irs sense weevelop. O f themot cmmoyaccptd forms of touangppe i a oe o the firs xprince w hae in theworA hug!Tere s n bte wa t nertnd the mportnce hg than to s hem Forthosewoav expeiend

2、te losofhu,y wll know hwimort they are toshar.A ecen reschas son tht wen peoplhu, the branreeasesthchemic hichincreses ou illines to tut ad reces fr.t as also shown ht hgs a greatfor ou hartIn 1995, a pirof nelyorntinswas eing caredfor hsptl Wle oneoft tins seemed qite ealthy, her isr ws ot Ater tyi

3、g diffent meica treaments,th nurse onuty,yle asaran, plathe twinn bed her. Thewins imeditely nuggled (依偎)upo ah othe As onelacedhe arm around the oher, tewek aby beame betterradll How grhepowef auis!The eed for hgs oesnt dispeaas we go olde,togh itms we are willig t giv tem. search on peope ofll gs

4、has po th a hug i necessary r phyicl andemoionalhealth.Witouthugs w can bcme sa. hu provides safeyangntleness A hugproides us withocal cnta, sn of halthnd a eelingofiortnce dbelonin.( ) 1. The wrter beieves tat _.A touchisthe ost portan sense B. hug sone ofhumanfive seneCtouh isthefirst developd sn

5、D. hug i ono thfoms touh ( ). Thenderlnd ord th refer t touches . e C. hus D. experiences( ) Aecet reserh has hwn that. u cnreea indeical B. ug is goo fr peple hearC. hugncease ol f D.geuces e eig of rust ( ) Te soryo te twis tll us _. wns sholdeplaced in bed togeter B. e powe o a hugis great C. tws

6、 shuld b lkedaftertogehr D.Meical trates are iprtant( ) 5. g ovisallthe flwng EXEPT_.A a senseof ocia ontact.a ense ofhealth C. A sense ofbeloging D. a ene f por( ) 6Thbes ttle othe passage can be_.A Te Great ImotanefHgB. h ifen Was fHugs. The TraitionalCltre of Hugs D Th Ineretng toiesf HgsCooseheo

7、rdor pressionsand mplete the pssae(选择最恰当的单词或词 完成短文):TheVoi of merca begandurig teWorld WarIIhenGeman was brodsing a radio rogat g ntentional _1_, eric officials blieved thyshl anwer th erabroadast with wrds hat they thought were the fcts of world evetsT fisVO w rept began wth wrds n _ “Thenews be oo

8、d or ad,buwhall tl outhe trh.”Wtin a eek,other VOA anouncerseedctin n Itaan,ren a nlis.Aftr he WoldrII ended i945, ome Aeican fel O prps ad to be_, consderig the Soviet nion beam nemy f merica. hey waed to each Soet istnesThnVOA bgn boadcastininussian.In e ey yr VO begaddng omehing w t itsbrads that

9、was ed MusicUS Aothe ew iea ca alongn195. OA kw ta any litener did tknow _4_ Englis tocompetelyndestan its nrml Eglish brodcast.SoOA inente _5_kind of Engih, whichues but1,500 word and is soken slowly,of coue,it is pecial English.I the oinon o motVO litrs, he ost _6_ oram is he ews repotNwsfrmarundt

10、eworld e in the OA news rom in ahinto 24 hur a ayI comesrm reporteri major ctiesand lso frmotherodasts lke BBCVO writers n edtor uese materials to repar ews rt,wich ar beigboadt i 4 languages( ) 1.bsines . cutue C suport D. Infrmaon( ) 2 . erma B. Egsh C. rch Itaan( )3 . improved B. told C. compared

11、 . change ( ) 4 A.any Bman eouh D nice ( ) A. clevrer B.sple D. err ( )6.A. important B. dfficult C. terrible . comortablDRead epaae and fill in the laks wit uble word(在短文的空格肉谊入话坐的词,使其内容通顺。每空格限填一词,首字母已给):God healt i th stvublething aperon ca ave.It i impotant t emer te body neds ropr c_1_ orer

12、to bealthy. er ae tre thins that a perso can oto hel say in go shae: et rgh ood, get enou le, and eeris egulrly.Poper nutitn mporantfor good health.Your bdy cnno wrk wll itoesteceive theprpe nd f ulDnt ea o uch food wit lo o sugar nd fatEa leny o fods hich are h_ i prei,like meat,fish,eggsadnuVeetab

13、les frtsrever imprtant because thep_ necessar itains and mnel.oever,dnttto mch.I i noelpfu to be oeweight.Gting thepropr mont f seeps lso imprant. Ifyo dt et enough sl, you illfeel tied ad gt agr e_4_. You will hav noeery. o, esur to avesevn to ni h_5_ of sep ahniht. I you do, your bdywill eelstrong

14、.F_6_, get lenofexris xercise mes tebody strong an preents yo from putig o weigt. It ao impv yourhert an lngs. If you ollw regula excispoa, you illprobabl _ yo lie-an ig eerses s not ony good fr yor bo,ut i isfu and ejoybl,oyouat the righ fods, ge ply ofseandexercse rulay,ywil all li toe mucoldr a s

15、er.EAswer te qeton(根据短文内容,回答下列问题):Te ki o dacin cald lleeanin Itl abut 500yeaa. You o tatear t s bllet whic tels tory sing sic nnc.You neet be yraful and athletc(健壮的) bea god ballet ancr. all eoe grealin Frnce abou 350yars ao ndancers l ver the world still callall th memnt byther Frenc nmes.In Engld

16、,may cildrn as youngas 3or 4 yarso go to weekly ballet classs odeelop gacefl movemen an tlearn to movin tme tmusc. Childr who want o beco balet dncers as a joneed to tart lenng balet eriusy by te time thare 1hRoyal allet Scool in ondon isfaus and cilren inrese in all dram fbing able togo there. The

17、chololds severl aditns (试演) everyyer here hey chooiabe ildre to tran a blet dncers. Auditis tae hole ay and about000 cilden goto he adio evey year.hecildrn, usy aged abut 10 r 11,ar given nmbs to pin(别住)o their clthesand, in grou, hycopy e mveentsmde by a teacher aletecers watch the child carefuyand

18、 chse th childrn who ha a uitabl hae, sm naual talent anwho very much wanttlearn.Chidren frm ma ties an go to th RoyalBllet Scol.hilden who do not lie in Gra rtinsenda video of emsees anig and ifthey eery good,themay besked rvelto Londonr udton.veya, oly 14 bos an 1 gire hoeno go o the Ryl allet Sch

19、ool.1. In hat two wys does a blt tell oy?_2. Inwhiccou is eRya Balet chol?_3. Why aeballet mements calld byFenhames?_4. Whakind of chldr ould teballeteaes choose?_5. Why so hlrn send a ieo to tears a th oya Ballet School?_6. How may childrn otote Roya BaletSo each ear?_TEST2BChoos th be answer(根据短文内

20、容,最恰当的答案):Besids thesplli te wo, hee are, clearly, many dierenesbeteen American and Britishmor.eres aommon eefin the UK thatrica dt nderstdiony(讽刺).This is ocurseot te But whatistru is that mericans dn uei alhe ie. Iron may so p inAerc comeies(喜剧), utpeole thereontue i auch as the ih o in day ife.Ho

21、ever,ioy s commn in Biti cultr. It actll rus the bo fte Bitishpeope. hy use t as muc asprepston (介词) n veray convertis,s a way flinwith heir friensdlaughinat thir nmis, el asthemseves. s may somtmes makeeple nhpi thelistners renot sd oit.Thins are qie difren America. te Americs use rony, they ill cl

22、arly sayhat the are “only kding”. They fel t d to make a joke cleare o tat itwilnot make other ppl uncfortable.Humor is eso uc cute.Aricn jokre more clear nd fwd,a bitike Ameicans temeves Bitishje, on teothr hnd, are more ble nd usually wth a hidde anin. hi y elfrm the fact that ris cture isore rerved (矜持的) thanmerican cultre.Hever,we still fntat cerain American coeies hae made husuccess in Britain dcersa(反之亦然).Terefore, hogh there ae iffernce beteenbothcomicstle, thee s tilla appciation (欣赏) anduderstaning of the othersne of umr.( ) 1. Ameanpeople s

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