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七年级英语My country and English教案.docx

1、七年级英语My country and English教案Unit 8 My country and English-speaking countries单元教案. Teaching objectives SkillFocus听Listen to people talking about some English-speaking countries.说Talk about some English-speaking countries and ask something with special questions.读Read a little long stories or passage

2、s about English-speaking countries.写Write about own country or English-speaking countries in a few words.LanguageFocus 功能句式Talking about directionsWhere is the U.S.? The U.S. is south of Canada.This is south / north / east / west.West points left.Where are you going?To the bicycle shop across the st

3、reet.Showing SatisfactionGood / very good!Right / Thats right!词汇1. 重点词汇 north, south, east, west, country, English, Australia, our, map, class, China, speak, Chinese, capital, flag, star, Canada, know, president, easy, king, queen, beautiful, beach2. 认读词汇 point, world, French, famous, waterfall, str

4、ipe, London, as, palace, southeast, Canberra, kangaroo3. 短语United States(U.S.), United Kingdom(U.K.), far from, Tiananmen Square, Palace Museum, Niagara Falls, Rocky Mountains, Washington D.C., White House, Statue of Liberty, New York, Buckingham Palace.语法Special Questions.Whats your favorite colour

5、?What day is it today?How do you feel?How much is the eraser?Whose shorts are these?Where is the U.S.?. Teaching materials analyzing 教材分析1教材分析本单元的主要内容是谈论中国以及一些以英语为母语的国家的概况。旨在通过听力、对话练习、讨论、游戏等活动形式帮助学生了解几个以英语为第一语言的国家的地理位置、国旗、标志性建筑物、特有的动物、自然景观等主要情况;同时,复习本册书所学到的特殊疑问句,这也是本单元的语法重点;本单元的写作任务是能用简短的语言介绍本国或某个以英

6、语为母语的国家的概况。Lesson 57 学习句型Where are they from? 并了解中国首都北京的概况。Lesson 58 了解世界地图,并学习几个以英语为第一语言的重要国家的地理情况,介绍展示世界各国不同地域、不同特色的文化。Lesson 59用目标语言描述中国, 并描述中国和西方国家的位置关系;了解中国的标志性建筑。Lesson 60 了解加拿大的概况,包括它的国旗、首都、著名景观等。 Lesson 61了解美国的概况,包括它的国旗、地理方位、首都、著名景观等。Lesson 62了解英国的概况,包括它的国旗、地理方位、首都、著名景观等。Lesson 63了解加拿大的概况,包括

7、它的国旗、地理方位、首都、著名景观以及它的代表动物等。Lesson 64 通过练习以及课堂活动综合复习和巩固本单元的各个知识点,使学生能灵活运用。通过地图充分展示学生们丰富的地理知识。2课堂设计与课时分配Period 1 SpeakingPeriod 2 Speaking and singingPeriod 3 Speaking and listeningPeriod 4 Speaking and readingPeriod 5 Speaking and listeningPeriod 6 Speaking and listening Period 7 Speaking and listeni

8、ngPeriod 8 Speaking and gameIII. Teaching plans for each period 分课时教案Period 1 SpeakingTarget language 目标语言 1. Words and phrases 生词和短语 north, south, east, west, country, English, Australia, our, map, point, United States(U.S.), United Kingdom(U.K.), far from2. Key sentences 重点句子Where are they from? T

9、hey are from North points up on a map.Ability goals 能力目标Enable students to talk about directions on a map and name some English-speaking countries.Learning ability goals 学能目标Help students talk about directions on a map. Teaching important and difficult points 教学重难点Learn to name some English-speaking

10、 countries and talk about directions on a map.Teaching methods 教学方法Speaking and game.Teaching aids 教具准备 Pictures, a map and tape recorder.Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式 Step Lead-inShow two pictures of Liu Xiang and Yao Ming.T: Who is this? (Point at one of the pictures.)Ss: This is Liu Xiang.T:

11、 And who is this?Ss: This is Yao Ming.T: Good. We all know they are from Shanghai, China. (Write the sentence on the Bb. Explain “be from” to the class and tell them how to change the sentence into a special question: They are from Shanghai, China. Where are they from? Tell Ss that “come from” has t

12、he same meaning as “be from”. So we can say them in another way: They come from Shanghai, China. Where do they come from? )Step II PresentationT: Lets go on with our pictures. (Show the two pictures of Liu Xiang and Yao Ming again.) Where are they from?Ss: They are from Shanghai / China.T: OK. Look

13、at this picture. Who is this? Ss: This is Jenny.T: Is Jenny from Australia? (Write it on the Bb and explain it to the class.)Ss: No, she isnt.T: Where is she from?Ss: She is from Canada.T: Who is this? (Show some photos of other famous persons to Ss. Theyd better come from different countries: the U

14、.S., the U.K. and Australia. )Ss: This is David Beckham.T: Where is he from?Ss: He is from (If Ss cant speak the country in English, Chinese is OK. Write the United Kingdom / U.K. on the Bb. Tell Ss the U.K. is short for the United Kingdom. Help Ss repeat it a few times.)The same way with the U.S.Th

15、en Ss make conversations using the pictures above in pairs:S1: Where is from?S2: He / She is from S1: Are you from ?S2: Yes, I am. / No, Im not. Im from Where are you from? / What about you?S1: I am fromT: The people in Canada, the U.S., the U.K. and Australia speak English, so we call them English-

16、speaking countries. (Explain it to the class. That means the people living in these countries speak English. Then have Ss repeat it and show the countries to the Ss on the map.) You can see that they are far from our country.Step III DiscussionT: The theme of this unit is about China and some Englis

17、h-speaking countries. Let s have a discussion in groups. What do you know about English-speaking countries? Have you been to some English-speaking countries?Step IV ListeningPlay the tape for the students to listen to Part 2 on Page 72. Think about the following Qs before listening to the tape:1. Wh

18、at does Ms. Liu want to do?2. Where are her friends from?3. What are the countries?4. Are they near us?Let Ss listen to it twice to try to catch the main sentences in the dialogue. Check the answers.Suggested answers:1. She wants to meet her friends.2. They are from English-speaking countries.3. The

19、y are Canada, the U.S., the U.K. and Australia.4. No, they are far from our country.Step V PresentationUse a compass or the real orientation of the classroom to demonstrate north, south, east and west.Then ask Ss: T: Do you know how to talk about directions on a map?Ss: (Ss have learned it in the pr

20、imary school, so they may say it in Chinese:上北下南,左西右东。)T: Great! But in English, we say it like this on a map: North points up. South points down. West points left. East points right.Write them on the Bb or show them on the screen. Have Ss do the actions while repeating the sentences.Step VI Game Pl

21、ay “Simon says” to practice north, south, east, west and map. Use phrases such as:(Simon says) Point north / south / east / west. / Point to a map.The whole class plays this game together. Tell the Ss to imitate what you do, but only if you say Simon says first. The game helps Ss develop concentrati

22、on and listening skills.Step VII Homework1. Write down the names of at least five other countries. (Those that are not English-speaking countries are OK.)2. Find some information about your favorite film star or sportsman from other countries and bring a photo of his / her to the class.Exercises:I.

23、Fill in the blanks with proper words.1. Tianjin is in the n_ of China.2. There is a m_ of China on the wall.3. The sun rises in the _ (eastern).4. There are many _ (country) near ours.5. He _ (come) from Australia.II. Choose the best answer.( ) 1. My good friend is _ an English-speaking country. A.

24、on B. at C. from D. in( ) 2. South points _ on a map. A. left B. down C. up D. right( ) 3. My sister wants _ a teacher. A. is B. to is C. to be D. are( ) 4. Where _ you from? Lily _ from U.S. and I _ from China. A. are; is; am B. are; are; am C. are; are; are D. are; is; is( ) 5. _ are you going to

25、meet? At school. A. Where B. What C. How D. Why( ) 6. I will _ you at the station. A. see B. meet C. watch D. look( ) 7. Jim is from Australia. _ is his birthplace(出生地). A. England B. Sydney C. Tokyo D. London( ) 8. U.S. and Canada are _ from our country. A. near B. far C. isnt near D. isnt farSugge

26、sted answers: I. 1. north; 2. map; 3. east; 4. countries; 5. comes.II. 15 C B C A A 68 B B BPeriod 2 Speaking and singingTarget language 目标语言 1. Words and phrases 生词和短语 class, China, a map of the world2. Key sentences 重点句子Look at the map.Where is the U.S.?Ability goals 能力目标Enable students to show th

27、e positions of the English-speaking countries on the map.Learning ability goals 学能目标Help students show the positions of the English-speaking countries on the map. Teaching important and difficult points 教学重难点Learn to observe their positions on the map of the world.Teaching methods 教学方法Speaking, sing

28、ing and game.Teaching aids 教具准备 A map of the world, a map of markers and tape recorder.Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式Step I Revision and lead-inPut up a map of the world on the Bb. Review the names of the countries they learned in the last period.T: Look, class (That means all of the Ss.)! This

29、is a map of the world. (Write it on the Bb and explain it to the class.) Can you say some English-speaking countries?Ss: Yes, we can. T: What are they?Ss: The U.K., the U.S., Canada and Australia.T: Great! Who can show them on the map? Step II PresentationT: Can you show the English-speaking countri

30、es on the map? Volunteer, please. Where is Canada?S1: (Come to the map and show it to the other Ss.) Here it is!T: Good! Canada has rich forestry resources. So what colour can we paint it?Ss: Green. T: All right. Lets colour it green. (Give S1 a green marker to colour it.) Well done! Lets go on. Whe

31、re is Australia?S2: (Come to the map and show it to the other Ss.) Here it is!T: Good! Australia has beautiful sunshine. So what colour can we paint it?Ss: Yellow.T: OK. Lets colour it yellow. (Give S2 a yellow marker.) The same way with the United Kingdom (Colour it blue.), the United States (Colour it purple.) and China (Colour it red.).T: Look, class! How beautiful our map of the world is! Do you like it? From the map we can see what c

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