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1、本科毕业设计谈英汉励志谚语互译 论文编号: 华南师范大学增城学院本科毕业论文(设计) 题 目: 谈英汉励志谚语互译 姓 名: 黄静文 学 号: 050114224 系 别: 外语系 专业班级:商务英语05级B班指导教师: 翁涛 2009年 4 月 23 日On Translation of English-Chinese Encouraging ProverbsA Thesis Submittedto the Department of Foreign Languages Zengcheng College of South China Normal Universityin Partial

2、Fulfillment of the Requirementsfor the Degree of Bachelor of ArtsBy Huang JingwenTutor:Weng TaoApril 23,2009Table of ContentsAbstract i中文摘要 ii1. Introduction 12. The Definition of Proverbs and Encouraging Proverbs.13. The Origins 13.1 Origins from the folk 13.2 Origins from the Bible 23.3 Origins fr

3、om Shakespeares works 23.4 Origins from Aesops Fables 2 3.5 Origins from other languages.24. The Contents 25. Differences between Chinese and English in Encouraging Proverbs 35.1 Differences of historical stories 35.2 Differences of meanings of words 35.3 Differences of language application 55.4 Dif

4、ferences of geographic politics and social life 55.5 Differences of production way 55.6 Differences of religious belief 66.The Principles of Translation.67. The Translation Methods and Relevant Examples 6 7.1 Literal translation.6 7.2 Paraphrasing.8 7.3 Combination of literal translation and paraphr

5、asing.10 7.4 Borrowing.108. Items to Be Focused 10 8.1 Establish image.10 8.2 National and cultural color.11 8.3 Features of language form.11 8.4 Art of language.12 8.5 Abbreviation forms.129. Conclusion 1210. Bibliography.1311. Acknowledgement14AbstractThis paper contains nine parts. They are intro

6、duction, the definition of proverbs and encouraging proverbs, the origins, the main contents, differences between Chinese and English in encouraging proverbs, translation principles, translation methods, items to be focused and conclusion.Firstly, introduce the main idea and writing purpose of the e

7、ssay.Secondly, proverbs are some concise and vivid phrases and sentences descending in the folk with relatively stable forms which summarize the experience of peoples life and work and have the function of teaching and persuading.Thirdly, to be concrete, proverbs are from the folk life, the Bible, S

8、hakespeares works, Aesops Fables and other languages. They are the summary of people experience in everyday life, so they originated from peoples daily life and experience. Proverbs have a long history. Fourth, the main contents of proverbs are exploring life philosophy and summary of social experie

9、nce.Fifth, differences between Chinese and English in encouraging proverbs are differences of semantic association, pragmatics, geographic politics and social life, production way, religious belief and historical stories.Sixth, foreignization and domestication are the two translation principles.Seve

10、nth, there are four translation methods. They are literal translation, paraphrasing, combination of literal translation and paraphrasing and borrowing.Eighth, some attention should be drawn on how to translate English and Chinese proverbs.Ninth, draw a conclusion of the essay. After reading this pap

11、er, one may translate the encouraging proverbs properly. Key words: proverbs; translation principles; translation methods中文摘要这篇论文包括了九个部分。第一,介绍论文大意及写作目的。第二,谚语及励志谚语的定义。谚语是流传于民间的、形式相对稳定的、简洁而生动的语句,它总结了人民大众生活和工作的经验,具有诲人和劝解的功能。第三,谚语的来源。有民间流传的,来自圣经的,有来自莎士比亚的作品和伊索寓言的;有借自西方民族语言的谚语。第四,谚语的主要内容,探讨人生真理、总结社会生活经验和

12、为人处世的修养。第五,汉英谚语表达上产生差异的原因:词义的联想意义差异,语用差异,地域政治与社会生活差异,生产方式差异,宗教信仰差异和历史典故差异。第六,英汉翻译原则- 异化和归化。第七,翻译方法,直译法、意译法、直译和意译法及同义谚语套用法。第八,需注意的地方。第九,总结。通过阅读这篇论文,能较恰当地翻译英汉励志谚语。关键字:谚语;翻译原则;翻译方法1IntroductionTo master English proverbs is an indispensible way to learn English. Proverbs are concise, profound and philos

13、ophical. If proverbs are used in an article, it can be more persuasive. Proverbs are the popular language expressions with people. The categories of proverbs are abundant in variety. I am pretty interested in encouraging proverbs for they can encourage me to strive to realize my goal. Therefore, I w

14、rite this essay in order to make a better translation on English-Chinese encouraging proverbs.2. The Definition of Proverbs and Encouraging Proverbs Proverbs are some concise and vivid phrases and sentences descending in the folk with relatively stable forms which summarize the experience of peoples

15、 life and work and have the function of teaching and persuading. Encouraging proverbs are the proverbs which imply positive meanings and encourage people to make great efforts to achieve their goals and not to give up when faced with difficulties and frustrations. Proverbs are the prime of humans wi

16、sdom and are vivid, profound. There is always a saying, “Old proverbs are the children of truth.” “古谚是真理的儿女。”(董尉君,1999:1) During 18461852, the former British Prime Minister John Russell once said, “A proverb is one mans wit, and all mens wisdom.” “谚语是以个人的妙语,表达众人的智慧。”(董尉君,1999:1) As an important form

17、 of folk literature, proverbs summarize the experience, wisdom and lessons with concise language forms. A famous British scholar Thomas Fuller once said, “A proverb is much matter decocted into few words.”“谚语将事物的诸多方面浓缩成片言只语。”(董尉君,1999:1) There are a great number of proverbs in English and in Chinese

18、. Their common features are vivid, concise, precise and profound. 3. The OriginsProverbs originate from life and are the condensation and embodiment of national language and culture. Proverbs can reflect cultural background of a nation, such as, geography, history and religious. Studying a nations c

19、ulture must study its proverbs first. To be concrete, they come from folk life, the Bible, Shakespeares Works, Aesops Fables and other languages.3.1 Origins from the folkMany English proverbs are the summaries of common peoples daily life. For example,(1)Make hay while the sun shines. 良机勿失(太阳好,晒稻草。)

20、(董尉君,1999:2)3.2 Origins from the BibleThe Bible is the classic of Christian and a great works in world literature treasure. The Bible Old Testament is in Hebrew and the Bible New Testament is in Greek. In 1611, the British Empire James period, 47 scholars translated the Bible into English, which is

21、named the Authorized Version. From then on, the Bible is more popular all over Britain, and so are the proverbs in the Bible. For example,(2)Olive branch.橄榄枝(和平)(胡龙青,2008) 3.3 Origins from Shakespeares WorksAsides from the Bible, the majority of the English proverbs come from Shakespeares works. The

22、 Renaissance from the late 16th century to the early 17th century went over the whole Britain inextricably. During that time, the prime period of literature appeared. It is also the prime period for English proverbs. People use the English proverbs when they are talking and creating poems and dramas

23、. Shakespeare is just as the great dramatist and poem in this period that used English proverbs in his 37 plays and two epics and 154 sonnets. For example,(3)Brevity is the soul of wit.简洁是智慧的灵魂。(4)Cowards die many times before their death.懦夫一生死几回。(董尉君,1999:2)3.4 Origins from Aesops FablesMany Englis

24、h proverbs come from Aesops Fables. Aesop was a legendary ancient Greek fable writer. It is said that he was a slave in 6th century to 5th century BC. He was intelligent, whose fables reflected peoples wits. For example,(5)Slow and steady win the race.慢而有恒,赛跑必胜。(董尉君,1999:2)3.5 Origins from other lan

25、guagesAnother important source of English proverbs is from other languages, mainly from westerncountries. For example,(6)No one can call back yesterday. (the Netherlands)昨日之日不可追。(7)He who has not tasted bitter knows not what sweet is. (France)未尝苦味,不知甘甜。 (董尉君,1999:2)4. The contents English proverbs n

26、early cover all aspects of social life. The main contents are listed as follows.4.1 Explore Life PhilosophyMany English proverbs are the daughters of exploration of life value and meaning. For example,(8)Life is short and time is swift. 生命短暂,光阴飞逝。(9)Life is long if it is full. 生活充实,生命就长。(董尉君,1999:2)

27、4.2 Summary of Social ExperienceThese proverbs summarize the living experience involved with different aspects, which is accumulated by people for long-term. For example,(10)Make hay while the sun shines.良机勿失。(太阳好,晒稻草。)(董尉君,1999:2)5. Differences between Chinese and English in Encouraging Proverbs Cu

28、lture has prominently national characteristics. It is peculiar creation of different nations in certain historical, geographic, religious and customary environments. Culture is the ground in which languages exist and develop. Languages can not exist without culture. The fundamental task of languages

29、 translation is the transmission and communication of cultures. As a result, in order to make better translation, a translator must explore the cultural features and differentiations between English and Chinese.5.1 Differences of Semantic Association Semantics is generally considered to be the study

30、 of meaning in language.Languages have obvious national features, not only in phonetics but also in lexicology and semantics. Words have different associating meanings in distinct context. Associating meaning is a kind of internal meaning. It is a complement to the dictionary meaning. In certain context, such an internal meaning can create a certain associating atmosphere and has unimaginable influence and effects in readers head. For example, as for dog, there are Love me, love my dog (爱屋及乌), Lucky dog(幸运儿) in English(傅敬民,2

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