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1、应用型大学英语综合教程2unit2授课题目(章、节)Unit 2Harboring Ill Feelings 授课方式Student-oriented communicative teaching 授课时间年 月 日 第 周 第 次课课时教材及主要参考书教学目标与要求:1. Harboring Ill Feelings: encouraging the students to deal with ill feelings properly. 2. How to take an express delivery services request on the phone. 3. Expressi

2、ons used to offer express delivery services. 知识点、难点与重点:1. Past and present participles used as object complements. 2. Nouns used as verbs (radio). 3. How to avoid run-on sentences. 教学过程设计:(包括教学方式及方法、时间分配、媒体选用及板书设计)period 1 Warm-up activities 15minsPeriod 2 New words and expressions 75minsPeriod 3 De

3、tailed study of the text 90minsperiod 4 Writing skills and exercise 90minsPeriod 5 Fast reading 90mins 教研室审阅意见:教研室组长: 年 月 日说明:1、本表原则上以每章为单位填写。2、此表后面为本次安排的授课内容的教案正文。基 本 内 容辅助手段和时间分配Step 1: Lead-inWarming-up (10-15) 1. Do you have a dream? 2. What if no one would show any faith in your long-desired dr

4、eam? Man proposes, God disposes. 某事在人,成事在天。 3. Dreams Dreams By Langston Hughs Hold fast to dreamsFor if dreams dieLife is a broken winged birdThat can not flyHold fast to dreamsFor if dreams goLife is a barren fieldFrozen with snowStarter (10) Section A: embarrassed, humiliating, panicked, regretfu

5、l, jealous Section B: hate, resent, spite, loathe / angry, sad, miserable, depressed, gloomy, boring, lonely, desperate Step 2: Background InformationStep 3 detailed studyNotes to the title Harboring Ill Feelings (the title) 心怀怨恨harbor: vt. 1) 怀着,心怀 e.g. With his bike seized by a policeman, the youn

6、g man harbored a grudge against all the police. 2) 窝藏,庇护 e.g. He is accused of harboring an escaped prisoner/ criminal. n. C港口,港湾e.g. The attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941 shocked the United States and the world in 1941. Feelings: persons emotions rather than intellect (与理智相对而言的)感情 Bad/ill feelings: re

7、sentment; dissatisfaction 恶感; 反感; 不满: e.g. His rapid promotion caused much bad feeling among his colleagues. Figure of speech: pun give shelter to the ship named “Ill Feelings ”; give shelter to feelings that are bitter. Notes to Para. 11. But instead of embracing his dream and encouraging him to fo

8、llow his hearts desire, they made fun of him, laughed at him and belittled his vision. 然而他们不但不接受和鼓励他去实现自己的梦想,反而取笑他、嘲弄他,轻视他的憧憬。 Sentence structure: instead of doing and doing, they did, did, and did. Meaning: But they showed no interest in and gave no support for his dream; on the contrary, they mock

9、ed and teased him, laughed at him and talked about his dream as if it was something insignificant and unimportant. embrace: vt./vi. 1) 欣然接受,乐意采纳 e.g. She embraced his offer/opportunity to help her with her English. 2) 拥抱,抱 e.g. He embraced his baby tightly/warmly when he got home. n. C拥抱 e.g. He hel

10、d his wife in a warm embrace. She tried to avoid his embraces. belittle: vt.轻视,藐视,小看e.g. We should not belittle those workers from the countryside. Dont belittle yourself. vision: n. 1) C想象,幻想 e.g. I saw a vision of the end of the world. Jesus came to Paul in a vision. I had visions of us going on s

11、trike. 2) U视力,视野e.g. A pilot must have very good vision. have perfect, poor, blurred, etc vision. within/outside my field of vision. 3) U 远见,眼力e.g. He is a successful entrepreneur with a breadth of vision. Grammar : instead of (prep) + doing, instead (adv) e.g. Instead of sleeping, she goes out quie

12、tly. = she doesnt sleep, she goes out instead. Synonyms: make fun of 取笑/ laugh at = scoff 嘲笑,tease,mock Notes to Paras. 2-4 3. “You will never sail around the world,” his father scoffed. When you are of age, I will get you a job at the factory where I work and you will follow in my footsteps. “你永远不可

13、能驾船环游世界。”他的父亲嘲笑道。“等你长大后,我会在我工作的工厂给你找份工作,你将跟我过一样的日子。”Meaning: The father laughed at the idea of sailing around the world. He only wanted his son to work in a factory as he did when the boy became old enough. scoff:vi./vt. 1) 嘲弄,嘲笑,讥笑 e.g. David scoffed at her fears. 2) 狼吞虎咽e.g. Who has scoffed all th

14、e cake? be/come of age:成年;满法定年龄 e.g. His mother still takes care of everything for him even when he has come of age. follow in ones footsteps:步某人的后尘;效法某人e.g. The last thing he would like to do is to follow in his fathers footsteps. 4. “But I dont want to follow in your footsteps, I want to sail on t

15、he open seas and visit new lands,” the little boy protested. “但我不想跟你一样,我想航行在辽阔的海洋上,见识见识陌生的国家。”小男孩抗议道。Meaning: The boy didnt want to live as his father did. He wanted to leave home to travel in the vast ocean and tour other countries. open seas: 远海 high seas: 公海 protest: vi./vt. 1)反对,提出异议 (about/agai

16、nst/at sth) e.g. They protested to the mayor that the taxes were too high. A demonstration 示威活动was planned to protest the mistreatment of prisoners.2) 申辩,坚决地表示e.g. She protested that she had never seen the accused man before. He protested his innocence. 他坚决声辩自己无罪. n. U, C 抗议,反对;抗议书 show faith in sb.

17、/sth. faith: (in sb/sth) have faith in lose faith ine.g. put ones faith in God 信仰上帝, a strong faith 坚定的宗教信仰 break/keep faith with sb: break/keep ones promise to sb 对某人不守信用守信用 5. The kids at school also made fun of him, so much so that he stopped sharing his thoughts and desires and kept them hidden

18、within his heart, until the time arrived, when he could make them a reality. 在学校里,同学们也拿他开玩笑,以至于他再也不愿和他们交流想法和愿望,而是把这些想法和愿望埋藏在心底,等待着有一天能把它们变成现实。Meaning: His schoolmates also made a lot of jokes about his dream. As a result, he no longer told them about his dream and buried it in his heart, expecting t

19、he day when his dream would come true.make fun of sb.: 嘲弄,取笑e.g. It is impolite to make fun of disabled people. Grammar : so much so that:到这样的程度以致 e.g. He believed in freedom, so much so that he would rather die than live without it. Grammar : keep sth. doing 主动 have done 被动 e.g. My coach keeps me r

20、unning. My coach keeps the door locked/closed. reality: n. 1) C事实,实际经历,见到的事情 e.g. The decision reflects the realities of the political situation. 2) U现实,实际情况 e.g. He must face the reality of being out of work. Notes to Paras. 5-66. It seemed that the worlds thumb was pressing the boy down throughout

21、 his adolescence. 在他年少时期,好像全世界都不支持他的想法。 Sentence structure It seemed that Meaning: It seemed that all the people in the world were exercising pressure on him while he was a teenager. the worlds thumb: 全世界的影响/力量 be under ones thumb: 受某人影响/支配 e.g. Shes got him under her thumb.她把他管住了. press down: to we

22、igh (somebody) down 抑制,压制 e.g. The financial crisis almost pressed him down. adolescence: during ones 7. He had worked two jobs night and day saving his money, so he could put a down payment on a sailboat. 他夜以继日地干着两份工作,终于攒够了购买一艘船所需的首付金。work vt.努力做成;完成 e.g. They believe that united, they can work won

23、ders. He worked his passage from England to Australia. Grammar 动词宾语是和动词意思相同的词 Work two jobs/ live good lives/ sing beautiful songs night and day: e.g. The sick child was well cared for night and day. down payment:(分期付款购物的)首次(期)付款 e.g. Ill be broken after making the down payment. 8. The young man bou

24、ght the boat on site and immediately paid the down payment and signed the sales agreement. He was so happy he began to share the news with everyone he knew. They were surprised, to say the least, and wished him well, while never admitting they were wrong. 这个年轻人当场买下了那艘船,并立刻付了首付金,签订了买卖合同。他太高兴了,把这个消息告诉

25、给了所有他认识的人。他们很惊讶,这样说毫不夸张,但他们还是祝他一切顺利,然而绝不承认自己是错的。on site:当场,在现场e.g. He was caught stealing on site. to say the least: 毫不夸张地说 e.g. His teaching methods were strange, to say the least. Grammar While ever admitting = while they never admit 当主语一致时,可以去掉主语,把动词变成相应的v-ing主动或者v-ed被动. e.g. The boy cries, after

26、 bitten by a dog. Notes to Paras. 7-9 Grammar See/hear/watch/feel + do 过程 doing 正在做 e.g. I saw him cross/crossing the road. Surround: sb/sth (with sb/sth) e.g. He likes to surround himself with beautiful things. Trees surround the pond. 9. The men were federal agents who were preparing to seize the

27、boat. The man who sold the boat was a con man and drug runner and the boat was now being confiscated in a federal drug sting operation. 这些人是联邦特工,准备扣押这条船。卖船的那个人是个骗子和毒贩,这条船在联邦缉毒行动中也将被没收。federal: American federal government/Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)seize: vt. 1) (依法)没收;依法占有或取得 e.g. The cust

28、oms officers seized the smuggled heroin. 2) 攫取,抓住 e.g. He seized her hand and shook it heartily. An eagle seized its prey. confiscate: vt.1) 充公,没收 e.g. Miss Williams confiscated all our sweets in class. 2) C刺痛,叮伤 e.g. He felt a sting in the elbow. vt. 刺(疼);蜇;叮 e.g. A bee stung him on the back. savin

29、g: n. 1) 节省或储存的量: a useful saving of time and money 2) savings pl : keep ones savings in the bank 10. The federal agents said they would be back in the morning to take possession of the boat and left without even showing concern for the young mans loss. 联邦特工说他们第二天上午要过来没收这条船。他们离开时对这个年轻人的损失没有表现出一点同情。p

30、ossession: n. 1) U 拥有,具有 e.g. On her fathers death, she came into possession of a vast fortune. 2) C, usu. pl. 个人财产,私人物品 e.g. He lost all his possessions in the fire. take possession of: 占有,拿到 e.g. When he was put into prison, the court took possession of all his property. Show concern for: Concern:

31、 (for/about/over sth/sb); (that.) e.g. public concern about corruption 公众对於腐败现象的忧虑 11. As the young man was leaving, the harbormaster presented him with a bill in the amount of twelve hundred dollars for past docking fees, owed by the previous owner. 当年轻人要离开时,港务长给他一张1200美元的泊船费用账单,费用是先前的船主所欠下的。Meaning: When the young man was leaving, the harbormaster handed him a $1,200 bill that the former boat owner was due to pay for keeping the boat in the harbor. Grammar Present: / preznt/ n. 礼物, 现在at present adj. 出席 at the m

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