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《Lesson 9 Dont be late for class》教案01.docx

1、Lesson 9 Dont be late for class教案01Unit 6 My Favorite School SubjectI. Teaching objectives 单元教学目标Skill GoalsTalk about favorite school subjectsTalk about preferenceExpressing time Learn to use the present perfect tense and tag questionsWrite about ones favorite subjects and give a report about group

2、 discussionLanguage Focus功能句式Talk about preferenceMy favorite is . is / are his favorite.I like best.Talk about time Whats the time?Its(a)quarter past / after / to .Its three thirty / half past 词汇1. 四会词汇subject, art, hope, show, sometime, start, hurry, late, study, except, funny, smile, soon, math,

3、way, exam, tonight, quiz, hall, noon, group, everything, cool, stop, oclock, clock, half, quarter, past, library, carry, noise, office, maybe, interesting, travel, festival, each, boat, physics, finally2. 认读词汇painting, painter, timetable, physical, education, P.E. mathematics, project, examination,

4、social, clap, snap, tick-tock, yet, librarian3. 词组Be good at, in two minutes, be late for, makedo, a lot of / lots of, be short for, social studies, everyoneexcept, seedo, helpwith, have an exam, go for a walk, we do have art, stop doing, turn out, not yet, half an hour, (a)quarter to three, no nois

5、e., taketo, givea talk, be surprised4. 重点词汇except, be late for, helpwith, turn out, subject, interesting, be good at, noise, exam, math, library重点句子1. I have told you before.2. We dont want to be late for class.3. My friend Wang Mei is very good at math.4. She has helped me with my math homework.4.

6、Turn out the light.语法Present perfect tenseI have painted six pictures this week!She has been an English teacher for seven years.I havent seen you for a long time.Has she ever seen the book?No, she hasnt yet. (Not yet.)II. Teaching material analyzing and rearranging教材分析与教材重组1 教材分析本单元围绕My favorite sch

7、ool subject这一话题展开教学。通过本单元课本内容的学习以及课堂实践,比较中加两国中学生在学习形式和学习方式的不同,使学生了解中西方文化差异。通过听、说、读、写一系列技能训练活动使学生掌握时间表达法,现在完成时的基本用法和反义疑问句。能用所学词组和短语介绍、谈论自己或他人喜欢的学科。1.1 Lesson 9 Dont Be Late for Class通过学习Jenny和Brian的对话和观看本课插图我们可以了解到加拿大学生学习形式-学生没有固定的教室。通过学习对话内容我们可以学会用所学词组和短语谈论个人喜爱的学科。初步学习现在完成时的一些用法。了解西方文化中遵守时间和信守诺言的重要。

8、1.2 Lesson 10 E-Mail!通过学习两封E-mail,我们可以了解中西方学生学习活动的不同点与相同点,使学生明白不管在哪个国家,作为学生都应该努力学习。通过学习Li Ming的E-mail我们可以更好的使学生明白要想学好英语,最好的办法是多使用英语与他人交流。1.3 Lesson 11 Whats Your Favorite Subject本课为对话形式,通过小组合作学习、训练使学生能过谈论自己喜欢的科目,以及如何学习好本科目。还可以使科目与将来的职业联系起来。1.4 Lesson 12 Tick-tock 本课为一首歌,通过歌曲的学习,使学生在轻松愉快的气氛中掌握时间的各种表达

9、法。这样既学得了知识又活跃了气氛。1.5 Lesson 13 Looking for Lisa是有关学生在图书馆学习的小故事。通过这则故事了解加拿大学生的学习方式与中国的差异。学生在学会利用图书馆查资料,在图书馆应该如何尊重图书管理员、遵守图书馆的规章的同时, 进一步学习现在完成时、宾语从句等语法内容。1.6 Lesson 14 Irfan Studied China! 本课通过阅读学习Irfan介绍自己喜欢的科目,学生应该学会介绍自己喜欢的科目,以及如何有条理写出报告。可以让学生课后模仿写作。1.7 Lesson 15 Karens Hair Stood Up! 本课以日记的方式总结了本单元

10、的所学内容。叙述了不同的学生喜欢的科目不同,具有相同爱好的学生以报告的形式展示了他们小组的活动。引导学生随时记录自己身边发生的有趣的事情。18 Lesson 16 Unit Review 本课为复习课,通过练习对本单的词汇、语法、口语交际进行复习。最后的短文是对本单元所学内容的综合运用。要求学生巩固并运用所学知识。2教材重组1.1 Lesson 9 和Lesson 11结合在一起上使学生对国外学生的学习生活有一个感性了解,并结合活动手册后面的读物Why I Love Social Studies共享两课时完成这一部分内容的教学。1.2 Lesson 10独立成一个课时。重点放在学习E-mail

11、的书写及谈论内容上,认识到学习的重要性。仿写E-mail就如何学好某一科目提出建议。1.3 Lesson 12本课为歌曲,结合以前所学表达时间的内容,再学一些新的时间表达方法。 上课方式为小组活动式,通过活动进行比赛,通过竞争、评比以活跃课堂气氛。1.4 Lesson 13本课是围绕Jenny她们小组在图书馆查找资料为背景展开教学。学习本课时给学生复习四种时态。1.5 Lesson 14 通过本文的学习,我们可以教会学生如何把搜集的材料整理分类。1.6 Lesson 15和Reader后面的内容结合,使学生了解课外知识和活动。上一节阅读课。 1.7 Lesson 16为复习课。III. Cla

12、ss types and periods 课型设计与课时分配1st Period Lesson 9 Dont Be Late for Class2nd Period Lesson 11 & Reader Whats Your Favorite Subject3rd Period Lesson 10 E-mail4th Period Lesson 12 Tick-tock5th period Lesson 13 Looking for Lisa 6thPeriod Lesson 14 Irfan Studied China7th Period Lesson 15 & Reader Karens

13、Hair Stood Up!8th Period Lesson 16 Unit ReviewIV. Teaching plans for each period 分课时教案 Period 1 Dont Be Late for Class!Target language目标语言a. 重点词汇和短语:subject, art, hope, show, sometime, start, hurry, late, be good at, be late forb. 认读词汇及短语:painting, painter, timetable, in two minutesAbility goals 能力目

14、标Enable the students to talk about their own favorite subjects and learn to be on time.Learning ability goals学能目标Help the students to learn to talk about their favorite school subjects.Teaching important points教学重点Encourage the students to talk about their favorite subjects and reasons why they like

15、 these subjects.Teaching difficult points教学难点The present perfect tense.Teaching method教学方法Listening, reading and discussing.Teaching aids教学准备The multimedia computer.Teaching procedures and ways教学过程和方法StepI Lead-inGet students to talk about their favorite subjects and also get familiar with the subje

16、cts they have everyday.T: How is it going, class.?Ss: Fine, Mr. or MsT: What class are we having?Ss: English.T: Quite right. Who likes English best?S1: I do.S2: Me too.S3: So do I.T: Great! So, English is your favorite subject! Show the word subject to students either by PowerPoint or writing on the

17、 blackboard. T: Subject, what does it mean?S: It means class, lesson.T: Yes. And what class are you going to have?Ss: Math.T: Who likes math best?S1: I like it best.S2: So do I.S3: My favorite subject is math, too.S4: Me too.T: Wonderful! So math is also your favorite subject, right? S: Yes.T: Tell

18、me how many subjects do you have in school, and what are they?Then show the students a timetable on the PowerPoint. Ask them to fill in the blanks according to the subjects they have every day.MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday12345678Ask the students to work in pairs to fill in this chart.Sample

19、answers:MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday1EnglishMathChineseEnglishPhysics2MathChineseEnglishMathEnglish3ChinesePhysicsMathPhysicsMath4HistoryArt P.E.BiologyPolitics5GeographyP.E.HistoryChineseP.E.6MusicPoliticsGeographyChinese(Chinese)7(Math)EnglishPoliticsActivity8Class meetingBiology(English)A

20、ctivityAsk the students to talk about their timetable and answer the teachers questions on the PowerPoint. Show students the following questions.1. Whats your favorite subject? Why?2. Which subject do you hate most? Why?3. Which is the easiest subject for you?4. Which is the most difficult subject?5

21、. Is there any unforgettable teacher in your school days? Why?Encourage the students to express themselves freely. In this way we can know how to find a good way to help the students to learn better and better.Step II ReadingThen lead the class into the topic “Dont be late for class.”Pre-readingHelp

22、 the students to prepare for this lesson.T: Well, just now, we talked about ourS: Favorite subjects. T: Good! Now, turn to page 12 and look at the picture. Who can you see?Ss: Jenny and Brian.T: What are they doing?Ss: They are getting ready for their class.T: Do you get ready or your class like the

23、m?S1:No.They go from room to room to have their lessons.S2: We stay in the classroom and our teachers come to us.T: Great! While-reading1. Listening Ask students to listen to this conversation and answer the questions given.T: Now lets listen to the tape and then answer these questions.Show students

24、 the following questions:1. What are Jenny and Brian talking about?2. What are Brians and Jennys favorite subjects?Encourage students to grasp the key information to answer these questions.2. ReadingAsk the students to read the dialogue silently and then have a discussion like this:T: Where is Brian

25、 going?S1: Hes going to have art.T: Is Brian worried? How do you know?S2: Yes, he is. Because he says class starts in two minutes. He doesnt want to be late for class. He needs to go in a hurry.T: Yes. Brian is punctual. He doesnt want to be late for class. We students should go to school on time. W

26、e dont want to be late for class, either.T: What do they say when they leave?Ss: They say “See you after school”T: What else could they say?S1: See you later or see you.Post-readingAsk students to do lets Do It. Divided the class into small groups and ask them to discuss their favorite subjects. Sha

27、re their ideas with other groups. They can use the following sentence pattern: My favorite subject is_. I like it because_. Show a chart on the PowerPoint to help them.QuestionsAnswersWhats your favorite subject?Why do you like this subject?Sample answers:QuestionsAnswersWhats your favorite subject?

28、English/Chinese/Math/Music/Art/HistoryWhy do you like this subject?I like it because I want to be an interpreter./I like it because I like counting./I like it because I want to be a writer./I like it because my teacher makes it very interesting.Step V GrammarHelp students to learn and practice the p

29、resent perfect tense. First ask students to find out the sentences using this tense and explain this to them.T: Well, we get the main idea of this text. Do you have any questions?S: Yes. Would you please explain this sentence: I have painter six new pictures this week?T: Wonderful! Thats just what w

30、e are going to learn-the Present Perfect tense. If necessary, speak it in Chinese. And then show the following to the students.Name: the present perfect tense. Usage: We can use the present perfect simple to talk about an action completed in the past which has some relevance to the present. T: Have you got it? S: Yes!T: Well, would you please find other similar sentences?Give students enough time to find, and then show the following sentences to the students.I have painted six new pictures this week.I have seen some of your paintings.I have told you before.T: Have

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