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江苏职校高二年级英语第四册Unit 2 That Must Be hard on You.docx

1、江苏职校高二年级英语第四册Unit 2 That Must Be hard on You课题序号1授课班级综高部高二年级授课课时2授课形式新授授课章节名 称Unit 2 That Must Be Hard on You. Warm-up ,Listening and Speaking使用教具Multi-media player, teachers book教学目的1. Master the important words and expressions in the dialogue.2. Enable the students to know how to describe relation

2、ships3. Enable the students to make dialogues by using the useful expressions learned in the dialogue according to the given situation.教学重点 Useful words, phrases and sentence patterns.教学难点1.How to use the useful expressions in the real situations.2.Improve the students Listening and speaking ability

3、更新、补充、删节内容1. Learn some complex words Such as: hot-tempered ; good-natured; easy-going ;warm-hearted课外作业1.Read the dialogues Task B fluently.2.Preview the passage.教学后记授课主要内容及板书设计 Unit 1 Listening and SpeakingStep 1 Review Words and Expressions Step 2 SpeakingI.Lead-in: Warming upTry to finish the tw

4、o activities on page20.II. Part A Im having a problem with my room-mate1.Show some expressions on the blackboard, and then ask students to give the responses with the real situations.(Present the useful patterns and expressions in this way)2.Let the students listen the dialogue carefully and finish

5、the exercises 3.According to the listening materials, fill in the blanks.4.then explain some difficult language points in the dialogues.III. Part B Im really sorry to hear that1. Useful expressions.2. Listen to the tape carefully, and pay more attention to the pronunciation. 3. According to the tape

6、, finish the exercises on the book. 4. Ask students to imitate, and then let some groups read the dialogues IV. Practice Pair work.: Let students make a dialogue by using the useful patterns and expressions learned in the model dialogues according to the given situation.Step 3 Assignment1.Read the d

7、ialogue fluently 2.Preview the passage.Step 4 Homework Unit 1 Listening and SpeakingContents:ThisisthefirstperiodofUnit1.Thestudentshavelearnedsomewordsaboutkinds of travel. Analysisofthestudents:Thestudentscanusesomesimplesentencestotalkabouttheir relationships .Inthisclass,theywilllearnmoreabout t

8、he expressions of personal relationships. Teaching Aims: 1. Master the important words and expressions in the dialogue.2. Enable the students to know how to express their communication and relationships in English3. Enable the students to make dialogues by using the useful expressions learned in the

9、 dialogue according to the given situation.Teachingaids:multimedia,pictures,computersandsoon. TeachingProcedures:Step I Warm upActivity 1: Complete the following descriptions of people with the adjectives in the box.注:1.新课导入部分 通过对不同人物性格特征的描述,导入主题,激发学生兴趣,启发学生思考,并为下一个活动做准备。在讨论中,教师补充相关学生可能要用到的词汇: what

10、if ; I wish ; Id like to be ; courageous; self-centered; bossy; ambitions; gentle ; patient; fair Activity 2: Put the adjectives in activity1 into the three groups given below.注: 1.结合上一个活动中学生的发言提到的自己的性格特征,请学生 分析给特征是正面,中性还是负面特征。Step II Listening and speakingA Im having a problem with my room-mateActi

11、vity 1: Listen to the conversation and circle what Jim is upset about. Activity 2: Listen again and tick which is true about Jim.Activity 3: Listen again and fill in the blanks.注:让学生注意听力中的语音语调,基础好的同学可以模仿。 并且记下重难点词汇,以备理解。播放中控制好节奏,含混的连读音,要及时停下来做解释。B Im really sorry to hear thatActivity 4: Listen to th

12、e conversations and find out the problem mentioned in each one.Activity 5: Complete the conversations with the sentences in the box. Listen and check the answer. Then practise the conversations with a partner.注:引导学生认真阅读交流的技巧与策略,看懂Expressing SympathyActivity 6: Work with a partner . Role-play the fol

13、lowing situations. Use the conversation strategy in Activity 5.Step III Language point1 that must be hard on you.那对你一定很难吧! 2. My room-mate was talking behind my back.我的室友在背后说我。3.tell all sorts of lies说各种谎言 tell lies 说谎 4.Im really frustrated in his class. Frustrated 沮丧,懊恼5.Im having a problem with m

14、y room-mate.我与我的室友之间闹别扭。6 How come? 怎么会?7. Put my things away 整理,收拾我的东西 put away 收拾,整理 8. turn the things into a mess 把东西弄成一团糟 turn into a mess9.The appointment started to smell bad. 公寓里开始闻到臭了 10.keep the appointment clean. 保持公寓干净 keep sth +adj11.I came through something similar with my room-mate.我也

15、曾经和我的同学遇到同样的问题。Come through 遇到,碰到,经历Be similar with 与 相似12.It will work out eventually. Work out 成功的发展 成功的解决 Work on 从事 Work for 为 而工作 课题序号2授课班级综高部高二年级授课课时4授课形式新授授课章节名 称Unit 2 Reading and Writing Passage A and Passage B使用教具Multi-media player , teachers book教学目的1. Master the important words and expre

16、ssions in the text.2. Master some useful words, phrases and sentence structures learned in the passage.3. Train the students reading ability.4. Improve students senses about detailed information教学重点 Useful words, phrases and sentence patterns.教学难点1.How to use the useful expressions in the real situa

17、tions.2.Improve the students reading ability课外作业1. Read the text fluently.2. Preview the passage and retell Passage B教学后记授课主要内容及设计 Unit 1 Reading and WritingPassage A Learn to be friendly and charmingStep 1 Review Words and ExpressionsStep 2 Warm upLead-in: Activity : do you know how to get on well

18、with others? And which kind of person do you like to make friends with?(give 4 mins to discuss and sum up )Step 3 Reading1Key words and useful expressions( Guess the meaning of the words and learn to prepare for reading)2Pre reading tasks Ask students to make their own questions Discussions3while re

19、ading explain the language points in text sum up the main idea of each paragraph4post reading write a short composition about how to communicate with others.Step 4 Consolidation Explain the grammar of text to ss and ask them to learn the new word and expressions.Step 4 Practice Finish the exercises

20、after the text, and ask ss to show their answers to us Step 4 Homework Making compositions, retelling and reading. Unit 2 Reading and WritingPassage A Learn to be friendly and charmingContents:ThisisthethirdperiodofUnit2.Thestudentshavelearnedsomewordsaboutchange Analysisofthestudents:Thestudentscan

21、usesomesimplesentencestotalkabouthow to communicate with others.Inthisclass,theywilllearnmoreabout the ways of learning to be friendly and charmingTeaching Aims: 1. Master the important words and expressions in the text.2. Master some useful words, phrases and sentence structures learned in the pass

22、age.3. Train the students reading ability.Teachingaids:multimedia,pictures,computersandsoon. TeachingProcedures:Step I Warm up1.Review the knowledge of introducing in last class.Learn new words in the vocabulary and ask Ss to read them Step II Pre-reading tasks The pre-class tasks are as follows: Ac

23、tivity 1: Read the text and match the qualities with the functions.(give 4 mins to discuss and sum up )注:可以让学生重点阅读每一段的开头句子,同时训练学生细致观察的能力。Step III Reading the text.Activity 2: Read the text quickly and try to catch the main idea of the text. You may use your skills of skimming and scanning and have a

24、 discussion with your partner. Later I will ask two of you to share your opinions.Activity 3:Read the text again and fill in the blanks with the information you have got from passage A.Activity 4: Discuss in groups: what else can be done to improve friendships?注:是学生了解段落主要大意,训练学生概括段落大意并为全文写总结的能力。Acti

25、vity 5: Read the text again and find out the grammar and difficult points.a. We all have different style of talking, laughing, smiling, responding and communicating.我们在说笑,反应,交流上风格方式各不相同。b. What are the qualities needed to improve the relationship between our friends and us? 这是后置定语来修饰前面的the qualities

26、我们与朋友之间改善关系哪些素质是必须的?c. The very first quality is a smile. Very adv 正是, 恰恰d. If the smile is without any hatred, it is more enchanting. 假如微笑是不怀恶意的,那就比较迷人。e. Keep your problems to yourself, and keep your face smiling. 问题放在心中,脸上写着微笑。 Keep sth doing 保持 状态f. Ask open-ended questions. That will encourage

27、the speaker to pour out all to you. Open-ended 不受限制的 这类组合词如:warm-hearted , kind-hearted, best-salt ,newly-built pour out (感情或说话) 奔涌,迸发g.There is enough pain in the world. Bring in some laughter.Bring in 引入 bring about 带来,产生 bring up 抚养,养育h. The more they laugh, the more they will enjoy your company.

28、喜欢你的陪伴 h.Have a word of appreciation for everyone. 对每个人都以欣赏的目光i.The only need is to pay less attention to ourselves and more to others.少关注点自己多关心点他人。j.Make your presence the life of any gathering.让你的存在成为任何集会的生命。Step IV WritingActivity 6: group work, and write your weak points and strong points. then

29、rethink about yourself which aspects you must change. Step VI Homework授课主要内容及设计 Unit 2 Reading and WritingPassage B Myths about RelationshipsStep 1 Review Words and ExpressionsStep 2 Warm upLead-in: Activity : Have you ever thought about relationships ? and scan the text to answer the question: what

30、 myths are mentioned?(give 6 mins to discuss and sum up )Step 3 Reading5Key words and useful expressions( Guess the meaning of the words and learn to prepare for reading)6Pre reading tasks Ask students to make their own questions Discussions7while reading explain the language points in text sum up t

31、he main idea of each paragraph8post reading write a short composition about Myths about RealtionshipsStep 4 Consolidation Explain the grammar of text to ss and ask them to learn the new word and expressions.Step 5 Practice Finish the exercises after the text, and ask ss to show their answers to us Step 6 Homework Making composit

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