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Book 1 Unit 8 要点 大学英语综合教程.docx

1、Book 1 Unit 8 要点 大学英语综合教程Unit 8 Educational ProblemsThe Wealth of NationsThis is an important work of economic and social theory by Adam Smith, published in 1776. Its full title was An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations. In it he analyzed the relationship between work and th

2、e production of a nations wealth. His conclusion was that the best economic situation results from encouraging free enterprise (an economic system in which there is open competition in business and trade, and no government control). This idea has had a great influence on economic theories since and

3、it formed the basis of the economic policies of the Conservative government in Britain in the 1980s.Global Reading Part Division of the TextPartsPara(s)Main Ideas1110Teenagers idleness and ignorance will produce serious effects on all concerned and for society as a whole.21124Kevin 1990 comes to rea

4、lize in his dream how much lack of education costs his forebears, and may cost himself, his children and the society they live in, and how important it is to study hard.ii. Questions and Answers1. Why did the author go to the drugstore one day? (He wanted to buy some file folders.)2. How old was the

5、 salesgirl?(Under 20 years old.)3. What was the salesgirls reaction to the authors mental arithmetic (心算)?(She was very surprised at it.)4. Did the salesgirl believe that the author did calculations by magic? Why or why not?(Yes. Maybe she believed it because she could never do that.)5. What was the

6、 author?(He was a teacher at a college.)6. What did the author think of American teenagers?(He thought they are ignorant and lacking in knowledge of world history and geography.)7. In the authors opinion, what was the most serious problem for American teenagers?(They were indifferent to their ignora

7、nce.)8. Why did the author give us the example of his friends son?(He just intended to show the seriousness of the problem.)9. According to the author, what would happen if there was an idle, ignorant labor force in a modern industrial state?(There would be many problems in society such as plane cra

8、shes, computer jams and breakdowns of cars.)10. What was the authors purpose of offering a fable? (He just wanted to make American teenagers understand the danger of their ignorance and intellectual laziness.)II. For Part 2 Rearrange the Order of the Pictures Kevin 1835, a poor peasant in Ireland Ke

9、vin 1928, a steel-mill worker in Pittsburgh, U.S.A. Kevin 1945, a soldier fighting the Japanese army Kevin 1966, a student who studies all the time so as to get into college and law school Kevin 1990, a cleaner in a Japanese-owned factory Kevin 2020, a porter in a hotel for wealthy Europeans and Asi

10、ans Kevin 2050, living in a slum and searching through trash piles for foodDetailed ReadingI. Difficult Sentences1. “You did that in your head?” she asked in amazement. (Para. 3)1) What does the word “that” refer to?(It refers to “the authors doing mental arithmetic.”)2) What can we infer from this

11、sentence?(The children like the girl in the text are very poor at calculations and they can never do mental arithmetic like the man does.)2. No modestly educated adult can fail to be upset by such an experience. (Para. 6)1) What is the meaning of the phrase “such an experience”?(The phrase “such an

12、experience” means “the salesgirls ignorance.”)2) Paraphrase the sentence.(Any adult who has got average education will feel worried and unhappy about the ignorance the girl shows.)3. The ability to perform even the simplest calculations is only a memory among many students I see, and their knowledge

13、 of world history or geography is nonexistent. (Para. 7)Translate the sentence into Chinese.(在我所见过的许多学生中,再也没有过去学生都有的哪怕是进行最简单的计算的能力,他们对世界历史和地理都一无所知。)4. At some point soon, his intellectual laziness will seriously affect his way of life. (Para. 9)Paraphrase the sentence.(Before long his intellectual l

14、aziness will have a serious influence on his way of life.)To drive this message home to such young Americans, I have a humble suggestion: a movie, or TV series, dramatizing just how difficult it was for this country to get where it is and how easily it could all be lost. (Para. 10)Translate the sent

15、ence into Chinese. (为使这样的美国青年彻底认识到这一点,本人的愚见是:拍一部电影,或电视连续剧,生动地描述我们国家的今天如何来之不易而要丧失这一切又何其容易。)5. His only hope lies in his children. (Para. 12)What is his hope?(His hope is that his children will get good education and live a better life.)6. Kevin Hanley 1928 is far better off than either his father or

16、his grandfather. (Para. 13)1) What is the meaning of this sentence?(It means that he is much richer than both his father and grandfather.)2) Why is he far better off than them?(He is richer because he is literate. Thats to say, he can read and write.)7. Kevin 2020s father, who is of course Kevin 199

17、0 himself, works as a cleaner in a factory owned by the Japanese. (Para. 18)What can we infer from the fact that the factory in which Kevin 2020s father works is owned by the Japanese not the Chinese or people from other countries?(It can be inferred that in the authors opinion the Japanese are the

18、symbol of success because of their hard work, education and discipline.)8. The man explains to Kevin that when a man has no money, education can supply the human capital necessary to start to acquire financial capital. (Para. 20)1) Translate the sentence into Chinese.(那人跟凯文解释说,如果一个人没有钱,教育能提供积累金融资本所必

19、需的人力资本。)2) Do you agree with that mans opinion? Why or why not?9. “America beat Japan in war?” (Para. 21)What can we infer from the sentence?(We can infer from the sentence that Kevin 2050 is really very ignorant about history.)10. they work and study and learn and discipline themselves. (Para. 21)T

20、here are three words of “discipline” in this text (Para. 19, Para.20 and Para. 21). Tell the different meanings of them in Chinese.The first “discipline” (Para. 19) means “训练”, the second (Para. 20) means “纪律” and the last one (Para. 21) means “约束”. 11. “Sorry, Pop,” Kevin 1990 says. “I have to stud

21、y.” (Para. 24)1) Why does the boy say so?(Because his dream makes him know the importance of education and he has made up his mind to study hard.)2) Can you imagine his fathers reaction to the boys answer?II. Words & Expressionsrun out of: use up or finish a supply of (sth.) - To our disappointment,

22、 our car ran out of gas halfway home. - When they ran out of food, the soldiers set about hunting for more. in amazement: with a feeling of great surprise or disbelief- Aunt Sophia gazed at her picture in amazement: she looked like a teenage girl in it. - 当他大声地与他的朋友交谈时,报告厅里所有的人都吃惊地盯着他看。(All the peop

23、le in the lecture hall stared at him in amazement when he talked loudly with his friend.)upset: vt. 1) make (sb.) worry or feel unhappy.Pattern: be upset by / about - They are terribly upset by the break-up of their parents marriage. - 他为与他妻子争吵而感到烦恼。(He was upset about the argument he had with his w

24、ife.)2) make ill in the stomach- The foreign food upset me / my stomach. 3) knock over, causing confusion- The boy upset the glass of milk. - Her plans were upset by the change in the weather. ignorant: adj. knowing little or nothing- She was ignorant of her husbands illegal activities. Otherwise sh

25、e would have done everything possible to stop him.Collocation:ignorant about / of 在方面无知的 - Some people are ignorant of the facts about global warming. - 我对计算机一窍不通。(Im rather ignorant about computer.)ability: n. power or skill to do, make, or think; talent - We elected him monitor because he had the

26、ability to bring out the best in others. - 虽然这翻译并不尽善尽美,但他已尽力而为了。(Although his translation is not perfect, he did it to the best of his ability.)- He lost the ability to walk after a car accident.CF: ability, capability & capacity 这三个词都是名词,都有“能力”的意思。 ability 含义最广,指智力(或体力)上的“能力”,主要指人, 说明他能否做一件事,后面接不定式

27、,或介词 in,for,但不能接 of + doing。 例如:- He shows considerable ability in / for organization. (他颇有组织能力。)此外,该词用作复数时只能指智力方面的能力。例如:- He has found a job more suited to his abilities. (他找到了一份更适合他能力的工作。)capability 与 ability 互通,也指智力(或体力)上的“能力”,可指人或物,后面接 of + doing 或 for (doing) sth.。例如:- The essay is a proof of t

28、he writers capability of using the right word in the right place. (这篇文章证明作者能在适当的地方用适当的字。)NB: 需要注意的是,capability of 后接含有主动意义的动作; capability for 后接含有被动意义的动作。此外,capability 常指天生或潜在的能力,而 ability 常指学到的能力。例如:- He acquired in eight hours the ability to drive a car. (他在八小时内就学会了开汽车。)capacity 主要指能够容纳或吸收的“能力”,可用

29、于人或物。例如:- He has a capacity for mathematics. 他有学数学的能力。(着重脑中的容纳力)- The auditorium has a seating capacity of two thousand. (礼堂能容纳二千人。)sum up: give a brief summary (of sth.) - My teacher would sum up the main points of the lesson before he ended the class.- Alice summed up her Christmas holidays in one

30、 word: “Terrible.” compete: vi. try to be better than (sb. else) - John competed for a place at the school, but he didnt get it.Pattern: compete with / against- The young tennis player has often competed against famous players, but so far he has always been beaten. - 中国正与其他国家竞争国际市场。(China is now com

31、peting with other countries for world market.)accumulate: v. collect, or gather together, esp. over a period of time; make or become greater in quantity or size - I have accumulated many books over the last few years. - Dust quickly accumulates if we dont sweep our room. - 他债台高筑。(His debts accumulat

32、ed.)Collocation:accumulate a huge mass of data 积累大量资料 accumulate experience 积累经验 accumulate a fortune 积攒一笔财富 accumulate a good library 积聚一大批藏书 CF: accumulate & amass 两者均可指积聚大量的东西。accumulate 强调经年累月地点滴积累。例如:- Through the years he accumulated sufficient money to buy a farm when he retired. (经过多年积攒,他有了足够的钱在退休时买下一个农场。

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