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山东省菏泽市中考英语题型训练 阅读理解.docx

1、山东省菏泽市中考英语题型训练 阅读理解2019年山东菏泽市中考英语题型训练:阅读理解(一)(xx山东菏泽中考)How can we stay away from telecom fraud(电信诈骗)? Chinese actor Tong Dawei, 37, gave useful suggestions in a video on CCTV on September 8. It soon became popular online. Tong is the spokesperson in the program of fighting against telecom fraud in L

2、iaoning, his hometown. In the video, Tong wears a policemans uniform and talks about how to stay away from fraud. Tong grew up in a police family as his father and uncle are both policemen. As a child, he once dreamed to wear a policemans uniform. Now, it has come true!1.Who are policemen in Tongs f

3、amily?AHis father and uncle.BTong Dawei and his uncle.CBoth his parents.2From the passage we can know that ATong Dawei dreamed to be an actor when he was a childBTong Dawei didnt like wearing a policemans uniform at allCTong Dawei is helping people fight against telecom fraud in his hometown3Where i

4、s the passage most probably from?AA talk show.BTV news.CA story book.(二)(xx山东菏泽中考)A poor boy once went to a ragged(破旧的) school, where his face was well washed. When he returned home, the neighbors looked at him in surprise. They said, “That looks like Tom Rogers, and yet it cant be, for he is so cle

5、an.”After a while, his mother looked at him, and seeing that his face was so clean, she thought that her own face was dirty, and she washed it at once.The father soon came home from his work, and, seeing his wife and his son so clean, he thought that his face was dirty, and so he followed their exam

6、ple.Father, mother and son being clean, the mother began to think that the room looked dirty; so she went down on her knees to scrub the floor clean.A woman lived next door. Seeing so great a change in her neighbors, she thought that her face and her room were very dirty; so she, too, quickly set ab

7、out cleaning them.This story shows how two houses and their families were made tidy and comfortable, simply by the example of the clean face of one ragged school boy.Children, as well as grownup people, should always set a good example. We never know how much good may be done in that way; nor can we

8、 tell how much harm results from a bad example.1The poor boy got his face washed at AschoolBhomeChis neighbors2What does the underlined word “scrub” in Paragraph 5 mean in Chinese?A取消 B擦洗 C分离3The woman next door cleaned her face and room because Aher neighbors asked her to do soBshe loved to keep cl

9、ean all the timeCshe learned from her neighbors4Whats the best title of the story?AA Poor Boy and His ParentsBA Good ExampleCGood Neighbors(三)(xx山东菏泽中考)China was once known as the “Bicycle Kingdom”. Now, a young US man, David Wang, living in Beijing is using pieces of bamboo to replace(代替) parts of

10、bicycles.Two years ago, David opened the Bamboo Bicycle Beijing workshop in Langjia hutong. They cut and shape bamboo into bicycle frames(构架). After connecting the pieces with special glue, they join wheels and other parts together.After graduating from university, David came to China to continue hi

11、s study. He has lived in China for more than 6 years and loves the citys ancient hutongs. However, he found people threw old bicycles everywhere in hutongs. “Beijing is becoming a big graveyard(墓地) of bicycles,” David said. He began picking up the givenup bikes and “saving” them, repairing, repainti

12、ng, and renewing them.Then one day he found a really old bicycle, which could not be “saved” in usual ways, so he began thinking of better materials to replace the frame. Bamboo came to his mind.He searched online, and after three months of research and tries, communicating with factories and expert

13、s, he made his first bamboo bicycle. “It was amazing! It really works!” he recalled.The bikes are not for saletheyre to encourage a love of cycling among people who live in Beijing. David hopes bamboo bicycles can create “a little bit more different culture in Beijing”1David thought Beijing was beco

14、ming a big graveyard of bicycles because Apeople threw old bicycles everywhere in hutongsBpeople put the old bicycles in the graveyardCthere were many graveyards for old bicycles2How long did it take David to finish his first bamboo bicycle?AAbout three months.BTwo years.CSix years.3David and his te

15、am made bamboo bicycles in order NOT to Acreate a little bit more different culture in BeijingBencourage a love of cycling among peopleCsell them to get a lot of money4Which is the correct order according to the passage?David arrived in Beijing.David made his first bamboo bicycle.David graduated fro

16、m university.David opened a workshop in Langjia hutong.David began picking up the givenup bikes and saving them.A B C(四)(xx山东菏泽中考)Some parents are used to doing almost everything for their children. They see their older children as babies all the time! It can be a very common problem in China, becau

17、se most parents only have one child in China. Some parents care so much about the safety of their children that they are afraid to let them go anywhere or do anything by themselves. So their children fail to learn social skills and become more dependent(依赖于) on them!In fact, no children really enjoy

18、 being looked after by their parents all the time. No parents would be happy knowing that. Because of too much care, their children dont know anything about the world. Children need their own time to grow into adults and to learn how to deal with problems. Too much care damages their fun when they a

19、re growing up. And when suddenly they cant depend on their parents,these children will be in a big trouble!It is nice that parents show their care to their children. It is nice that children know that their parents care is out of love. And it will be nicer if the children let their parents know how

20、much love they really need and how much love is too much.1According to the writer, the common problem in China is that Amany children dont like to go to schoolBsome parents do almost everything for their childrenCsome parents dont let their children go anywhere2Most Chinese children know little abou

21、t the world because Atheir parents take too much care of themBmost parents have only one childCthey are too young3The underlined word “them” in Paragraph 1 refers to(指代) Achildren Bparents Cteachers4What does the writer really want to tell us?AChildren dont need any love.BParents should give childre

22、n as much love as possible.CParents should let their children do things themselves.(五)(xx山东菏泽中考)Here are three pieces of information about summer camps in xx.Kids Fleet Camp xxKids Fleet Camp is exciting with rock climbing, golfing, swimming and creative activities.Camp Dates: June 2024Age: 616 year

23、s oldCost: $135More information:Please call at (619)2381233 for any questions. See more at: http:/ It Out Social Skills Camp xxWe use art to teach children social skills in group, such as: listening and following instructions; making and keeping friends, improvin

24、g selfconfidence, etc.Camp Dates: June 1317Call at 7707269589.For pricing information and details visit our website.1640 Powers Ferry Rd, Atlanta, GA 30067Gwinnett Young Singers Music Camp xxSummer camp is a lot of fun! Come and join in new and fun musical activities! Children can learn so many kind

25、s of musical instruments here.Camp Dates: July 1829Camp hours are 10:00 am. to 4:00 pm.$150 each weekPlease call at 7709356657 or visit our website.1.If you like sports, you can join AArt It Out Social Skills Camp BKids Fleet Camp CGwinnett Young Singers Music Camp 2In Art It Out Social Skills Camp

26、kids can learn how to Aget on with othersBclimb rocks, swim and play golfCimprove their language skills3To spend one week learning music in the camp, youll pay A$150 B$135 C$3004You can visit their website or call them up to Amake and keep friends Bsee the manager in personCget further information a

27、bout the camps5Kids will probably find summer camps Asafe and cheap Bboring and dangerousCexciting and enjoyable(六)(xx山东菏泽中考)A new report shows what life might be like in 100 years from now. Experts on space and architecture(建筑), and city planners gave their ideas on life in 2116. Twenty five years

28、ago, we could not imagine how greatly the Internet would change our lives. Now the Internet has revolutionized the way we communicate and learn. They said the changes in the next century would be even more unbelievable.The way we live, work and play will be totally different from today. There will b

29、e many tall buildings, underwater cities, and holidays in space. People will work from home and have virtual(虚拟的) work meetings. People will have 3D printers to “print” everything they need at home, such as food, clothes and so on. There will also be less need for doctors. Our home health robot will

30、 tell us what the problem is and give us treatment. We will also go into space for holidays and get resources that we have used up on Earth. Researchers interviewed 2,000 adults about the predictions, and most of them thought they were most likely to happen!1Who gave their ideas on life in 2116?AExp

31、erts and city planners.BTeachers and workers.CResearchers and 2,000 adults.2According to the passage, we could not imagine that 25 years ago.Athere would be more need for doctorsBwe would make everything we need at homeCthe Internet would change our lives greatly3The underlined phrase “revolutionized” in the 1st paragraph means “ ”A调整 B变革 C引领4Which of the following is true about the changes in 2116?APeople will have to go to work from home as today.BPeople will need to

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