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1、高中英语名词性从句总结及真题演练 名词性从句在句子中起名词作用的句子叫名词性从句(Noun Clauses)。 名词性从句的功能相当于名词词组, 它在复合句中能担任主语、宾语、表语、同位语、介词宾语等,因此根据它在句中不同的语法功能,名词从句又可分别称为主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句。引导名词性从句的连接词可分为三类:1.连接词that,whether/if(that不充当从句的任何成分,只起连接作用)2.连接代词:what/whatever(引导从句,同时在句中做主语、宾语、表语、定语), who/whoever(主语、宾语), whom/whomever(宾语), whose(定

2、语), which/whichever(定语) 在句子中做成分,并且可以翻译成具体的汉语意思3.连接副词:when, where, how, why 在句中做状语,并且可以翻译成具体的汉语意思一 主语从句主语从句是在复合句中充当主语的从句,通常放在主句谓语动词之前或由形式主语it代替,而本身放在句子末尾。1. 用it 作形式主语的结构(1) It is 名词 从句 It is a fact that 事实是 It is an honor that 非常荣幸 It is common knowledge that 是常识It is common knowledge that the earth

3、is round.注意:It is a pity (a shame, no wonder, etc.) that (should) do sth (2) It is 形容词 从句 It is natural that 很自然 It is strange that 奇怪的是注意:Its necessary / important / vital/ essential/ natural/ strange/ urgent(紧急的) that should do sth Its important that you (should) learn English well.It is obvious t

4、hat the manager of the coffee shop was waiting for Li Fang to leave. (3) It is 不及物动词 从句 (此结构中的主语从句不可提前) It seems that 似乎 It happened that 碰巧 It appears that 似乎 It occurs to sb that 某人突然想到It occurred to me that I left the bag on the train. It seems/appears that it is going to rain. It happens that we

5、 are in the same store.(4) It is 过去分词 从句结构中的主语从句不可提前 It is reported that 据报道 It has been proved that 已证实 It is said that 据说It is said that he has gone abroad.It is reported that the bank has been robbed.注意:It is demanded/suggested/advised/ordered/commanded / insisted (that )we(should)get everything

6、ready by the end of the week.注意:主语从句中that不可省略2. It 作形式主语引导的主语从句和it引导强调句的比较It 作形式主语代替主语从句,主要是为了平衡句子结构,主语从句的连接词没有变化。而it引导的强调句则是对句子某一部分进行强调,无论强调的是什么成分,都可用连词that。被强调部分指人时也可用who/whom。辨别下列句子是强调句还是主语从句: a) It is a pity that you didnt go to see the film. 你不去看那场电影真可惜。_ b) It doesnt interest me whether you su

7、cceed or not.我对你成功与否不感兴趣。_ c) It is in the morning that the murder took place.谋杀案是在早上发生的。_ d) It is John that broke the window.是John打碎的窗户. _练习 differs from country to country may reflect the cultural differences from one aspect. A What B That C This D Which2.we cant get seems better than _

8、we have.A What, what B What, that C That, that D That , what3.(10北京) some people regard as a drawback(障碍) is seen as a plus by many others.A. Whether B. What C. That D. How4.(10浙江)It is uncertain side effect(副作用) the medicine will bring about, although about two thousand patients have taken it. Atha

9、t Bwhat Chow Dwhether5(2011北京卷)22. _ Barbara Jones offers to her fans is honesty and happiness. A. Which B. What C. That D. Whom参考答案:1-5:BA BBB二宾语从句宾语从句就是在复合句中作宾语的名词性从句,通常放在主句谓语动词 (及物动词) 或介词之后。1. 作动词的宾语 (1) 由that引导的宾语从句(that 通常可以省略), 但是第二层宾语从句中的that 不可省略例如: I heard( that )be joined the army. 我听说他参军了

10、。 I know (that) he is good at English and that he likes singing English songs.She is pleased with what you have given him and what you have told him.= She is pleased with what you have given him and all that you have told him (2) 由what, whether (if) 引导的宾语从句,例如: a) She did not know what had happened.

11、她不知道发生了什么。 b) I wonder whether you can change this note for me.我想知道你是否能帮我改一下笔记。 (3) 动词间接宾语宾语从句。例如: She told me that she would accept my invitation.她对我说她会接受我的邀请。2. 作介词的宾语,例如: Our success depends upon how well we can cooperate with one another.我们的成功取决于我们之间的合作。3. 作形容词的宾语,例如:I am afraid (that) Ive made

12、a mistake.我恐怕我已经犯了一个错误。Mary is afraid of that someone might recognize her.()要去掉of Mary is afraid(that) someone might recognize her.()I am glad that he wins the medal.4. it 可以作为形式宾语it 不仅可以作为形式主语,还可以作为形式宾语而真正的宾语that 从句则放在句尾,特别是在带复合宾语的句子中。常见的结构有:think/believe/find +it +adj/名词+ that从句或者to do sth 例如:We h

13、eard it that she would get married next month. 我听说她下个朋就会结婚了。I think it important/ a necessity that young people master two languages.5. 否定的转移 若主句谓语动词为think, consider, suppose, believe, expect, fancy, guess, imagine等,其后的宾语从句若含有否定意义,一般要把否定词转移到主句谓语上,从句谓语用肯定式。例如: I dont think that she knows it, does she

14、?比较: You said running and jumping were athletic events, didnt you? Mrs. Black doesnt believe her son is able to design a digital camera(数码相机),does she? you think/ do you believe/ do you suppose/ do you suggest 做插入语时用陈述语序 Why do you think he is upset? Whom do you believe hell go for a walk with?

15、 What do you think is wrong with the machine?= What do you think is the matter with the machine?Who do you suggest be elected?7.宾语从句中要用陈述语序 Do you know where Jims father works? Could you tell me when he bought this new bike? Do you know what is wrong with the machine?= Do you know whats the matter w

16、ith the machine8. doubt/be not sure+ whether/if. dont doubt/ be sure that. doubt 用于疑问句和否定句用that; 用于肯定句用whether/if.I doubt/ am doubtful whether/if he can pass the exam. I dont doubt that he will pass the exam Can you doubt that he will win?9.省略结构 Im afraid/guess/fear not I hope/ believe/ suppose/ thi

17、nk/ am afraid soI hope not/ believe not/ think not= I dont think believe/think/ hope so10.注意宾语从句中的时态呼应,当主句动词是现在时,从句根据自身的句子情况,而使用不同时态。I know (that) he will study English next year. I know (that) he has learned English for 10 years since middle school.I know (that) you are right.当主句动词是过去时态(could, woul

18、d除外),从句则要用相应的过去时态,如一般过去时,过去进行时,过去将来时等;当从句表示的是客观真理,科学原理,自然现象,则从句仍用现在时态。例如:The teacher told us that Tom had left us for America The teacher told us that the earth is round.11.宾语从句中注意它的插入语 1) Do you know_ he expects will give us a talk? A. who B. whom C. that D. why 2)After five hours drive, they reach

19、ed_they thought was the place theyd been dreaming of.A.what B.where C.which D.that3) Many people thought little of me,but I did what_.A.I thought I was right B.I thought it was rightC.I thought was right D.I was thought right参考答案:1)A 2)A 3) C . 注意:用于表示建议、命令、要求的动词的宾语从句中。表示建议、命令的动词有suggest /advise /re

20、commend/propose表“建议”时, order/command/direct(命令), demand /require /request( (要求)urge(力劝) ,desire(渴望)insist(表“坚决要求”含义时)等词的宾语从句的谓语应由“should+动词原 形” 构成,此时should可省略。 He suggested that I(should)do the Job.= His suggestion is that I do the job= He gives a suggestion that I do the job.三. 表语从句表语从句在复合句中作表语的名词性

21、从句,放在系动词之后,一般结构是“主语连系动词表语从句”。可以接表语从句的连系动词有be, 感官系动词look/ sound/ taste/ smell/feel ,其他的系动词:remain, seem,as if等。另外,常用的结构有:The reason why 。is that 和It is because 等结构。注意:表语从句中that不可省略。1) The question is whether we can make good preparation in such a short time.2) This is why we cant get the support of t

22、he people.3) But the fact remains that we are behind the other classes.4) The reason why he is late for school is that he missed the early bus.5) He is absent from class. It is because he is late. 6) The little girl who got lost decided to remain where(不可以用what) she was.7) Why not try your luck in t

23、he downtown. Thats where(不可以用what) the best jobs are.8) That is where (不可以用what) I dont agree.9)The city is no longer what it used to be.10) He is no longer what he used to be.注意:名词demand, suggestion, proposal, advice等词后的表语从句的语气要用虚拟语气,结构为 should + do, should 可省略 His suggestion is that I ( should ) b

24、e calm now.四. 同位语从句同位语从句就是在复合句中作名词的同位语的名词性从句。1. 同位语从句的功能 同位语从句对于名词进一步解释,说明名词的具体内容,一般由that引导,例如: 1) The king gave a decision that the prisoner would be set free surprised all the people. 2) The order that all the soldiers should stay still is given by the general(将军).2. 同位语在句子中的位置 同位语从句有时可以不紧跟在它所说明的名

25、词后面,而是被别的词隔开。例如:He got the news from Mary that the sports meeting was put off.3.同位语从句的格式:n.+ 连接词 + 从句4.能接同位语从句的名词有:fact,idea, news, information, order, belief, suggestion, advice等抽象名词.5.连接词通常是that,也可根据含义选用 whether, what, when, where 等来引导同位语从句.1). I have no idea _ he comes from.2). He cant answer the

26、 question _ he got the money.3).He gave us many suggestions _ we should get up earlier and take more exercise.4).I have no doubt _ he will win.5). I have some doubt _ he will win.6)His success was because of the fact _he had been working hard.参考答案:1). where 2). how 3). that 4).that 5).whether/if 6)t

27、hat 注意:同位语从句与定语从句的区别1.定语从句中的that既代替先行词,同时以在从句中作某个成分(主语或宾语),作宾语时可以省略that而同位语从句中的that是连词,只起连接主句与从句的作用,不充当句中任何成分,而且不可省略。2.同位语从句对中 心词的内容作进一步的解释和说明,表明中心词的具体内容。引导同位语从句的that 在同位语从句中不做任何成分,只起连接作用,无具体含义,且不可省略.辨别下列从句是定语从句还是同位语从句:1.We expressed the hope that they had expressed.2. We expressed the hope that the

28、y would come to China again.3.The information has been announced(宣布) that more middle school graduates will be admitted into university.4.The information that he revealed(泄露) at the meeting is of great value. 参考答案:1.定语从句2. 同位语从句 3. 同位语从句 4. 定语从句注意:名词demand, suggestion, proposal, advice等词后的同位语从句的语气要用

29、虚拟语气,结构为 should + do, should 可省略 He gives us a suggestion that we should get up at 6. 五.名词性从句中易混点和难点 1. that 和 what都可引导所有的名词从句。但是,what除起连接作用外,还在名词性从句中充当成分,可做从句的主语、宾语、表语或定语。而that在名词性从句中不充当任何成分,只起连接作用。1)._ he wants is a book.2). _ he wants to go there is obvious.3).The result is _ we won the game.4).T

30、his is _ we want to know.5).Is _ he told us true ?6).We should pay attention to _ the teacher is saying.7). I have no doubt _ he will come.8). I have no idea _ he did that afternoon. 9) The shocking news mad me realize _ terrible problems we would face10).It is uncertain side effect(副作用) the medicine will bring about, although about two thousand patients have taken it. 11) It is not always easy for the public to see _ use a new invention can be of to human life参考答案:1).what 2).that 3).that 4).what 5).what 6).what 7).that 8).what

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