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1、英语八种大体时态英语八种大体时态一概念:英语中表示不同时刻发生的动作或存在的状态,需用不同的动词形式表示,这种不同的动词形式称为时态。二种类:(大体时态)一样此刻时一样过去时此刻进行时过去进行时一样以后时过去以后时此刻完成时过去完成时三用法:1一样此刻时:1)一样此刻时表示常常发生或适应性的动作或状态及客观现实和普遍真理。一样此刻时常以动词原形表示,但当主语是第三人称单数时,动词词尾加-s或-es。2)句型结构:主语.(包括be动词)宾语She is an engineer.He has breakfast at 6:00every day.3)注意:a)一样此刻时通常与always , of

2、ten , usually , every day , sometimes , once a week等时刻状语连用。I always watch TV at 8:00 inthe evening .They go home once a week .We usually do our homework at home .b)表客观现实或普遍真理。The sun always rises in the east .The light travels faster than the sound .c)表永久性的动作或状态。He lives in the country .4)第三人称单数转变形式

3、。a)一样情形动词在词尾加-s .come-comesspeak-speakswork-workslive-livesb)以o, s, x, ch, sh结尾的单词在词后加以“辅音字母y”结尾的单词变y为i加-es.Study-studiescarry-carriescry-criesd)以“元音字母y”结尾的单词直接加例句:咱们天天晚上九点做作业。我在早上七点半起床。他天天七点去上班。咱

4、们常常下午打篮球。他喜爱音乐。地球围绕太阳转。火车六点动身。5)否定句和疑问句。a)-He is an engineer.-He isnt an engineer.-Is he an engineer?-Yes, he is ./ No, he isnt.b)-We get up at 7:30 inthe morning .-We dont get up at 7:30 inthe morning .-Do you get up at 7:30 inthe morning ?-Yes, we do. / No, we dont.c)-He likes music.-He doesnt lik

5、e music.-Does he like music?-Yes ,he does./ No, he doesnt .2一样过去时1)一样过去时表示发生在过去的动作或存在的状态,通常与表示过去的时刻状语yesterday, last night ,some years ago, in 1990,in those days.等连用。I was a student 6years ago.I went toBeijinglast year.They saw a film last night .2)句型结构:主语.过去时宾语例句:昨天他很忙。去年他抽烟了。两年前他去参军了。他在1990年归天了。3)

6、否定句和疑问句。a)-He was busy yesterday.-He wasnt busy.-Was he busy?-Yes, he was./ No, he wasnt.b)-He smoked last year.-He didnt smoke last year.-Did he smoke last year?-Yes ,he did ./No ,he didnt.c)-He joined the army in 1990.-He didnt joined the army in 1990.-Did he join the army in 1990?-Yes ,he did ./N

7、o ,he didnt.4)动词过去式转变规则。a)一样情形下的词加以不发音的字母e结尾的单词直接加-d .live-livedchange-changedsmoke-smokeddie-diedgraduate-graduateddrive-drovec)以“辅音字母y”结尾的单词,变y为i加以“元


9、走了这本书。去年我买了一辆自行车。天天晚上我听音乐。她通常待在家里。两天前我完成了这项工作。温习:1) I(be) a teacher 2 years ago.2) He(be) a student now.3) He(do) his homework at home every day.4) They(join) the Party in 1998.5) We(not eat) apples yesterday.6) We(not play) basketball every day.7) He(not go ) home once a week.8) I am16 years old. (

10、划线部份提问)9) I go to workat 8:00every morning. (划线部份提问)10) They joined the Party in1990. (划线部份提问)11) I went toBeijinglast year. (划线部份提问)3一样以后时1)表示以后发生的动作或存在的状态,常与表以后的时刻状语tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next Sunday, soon, in a few days等连用。2)句型结构:主语will/shallV.原形(第一人称用shall)I shall go toShanghaitomorro

11、w.They will have a meeting next week.-She will be 20 years old.-Will she be 20 years old?-Yes, she will./ No, she wont .3)主语will/shallV.原形be(am, is, are)going toThey will have a meeting next Sunday.(will=are going to )-What will they do next Sunday ?-When will they have a meeting?4) be about toV.原形I

12、 am about to leave school.不能与表示时刻的副词连用。They are about to set out.()They are about to set out soon.()温习题:(do) his homework at school every day.(finish) their work yesterday.(visit) their farm next year.4.我半小时后要吃午饭。5.他将骑自行车去学校。6.他们下周日将去买汽车。4过去以后时1)过去以后时是立足于过去某时,从过去的观点看将要发生的动作或状态。要紧用于宾语从句中。2)大体结构:主语+wo

13、uld/shouldwas/were going to +V.原形+He said that he would have a meeting next week.(He says that he will nave a meeting next week.)They said we should leave school tomorrow.(They say we shall leave school tomorrow.)5此刻进行时1)此刻进行时表示此刻或此刻这段时刻正在进行的动作。通常与now, at present等时刻状语连用。2)大体结构:主语+be(am, is, are)+ v-

14、ing +You are listening to me carefully now.She is writing a letter this year.Look! They are dancing.We are studying English at present .Its raining hard now.3)动词此刻分词的组成一样动词直接在词后加-ingdo doingread - readingwork workingthink thinkingstudy studyinggo goingwatch watchingjump - jumping以不发音的字母e结尾的动词,应先去掉e然

15、后加 inglike likingtake takingleave leavinglive livingreceive receiving dance dancingcome comingsmoke smokingwrite - writing以“一个元音字母+一个辅音字母”结尾的动词,应先双写那个辅音字母然后再加-ingstop stoppingbegin beginningdig diggingswim swimmingrun runningsit sitting(注意:listen listeningopen openingeat eatingrain rainingsleep - sl

16、eeping)4)6过去进行时1)表示过去某一时刻或某时期时刻正在进行的动作,通常与at 6:00 yesterday, at this/ that time yesterday, when引导的时刻状语等连用。2)大体结构主语+be (was/were) +v- ing +1.It was raining at 7:00 the day before yesterday.2.They were building a reservoir at this time last winter.3.Wewere readingwhen the teacher came in.We werent rea

17、dingWere you readingWhat were you doing when the teacher came in.3)例句1.前天那个时候Tom正在看电影。2.上周日四点咱们正在游泳。3.师看见咱们时咱们正在玩扑克。4.I _ (do) my homework yesterday.5.He _ (do) his homework at 5:00 yesterday.6.He _ (do) his homework now.7.此刻完成时1)1.表示过去发生的动作对此刻造成的阻碍2表示过去某时刻已经开始一直持续到此刻的动作或状态通常与下列时刻状语连用up to now, in t

18、he past, recently, by , for 5 years, since 1994, so far, already, yet, ever, just2)大体结构主语+ have/has + (动词过去分词)1.Ive finished this work.2.He has ever been toAustralia.3.I have not heard from her recently.4.I have already readthis book.Have you read?Yes, I have.No, I havent.What have you read?3)过去分词的组


20、rthurtreadreadreadletletlet4)注意1.含有终止意义或暂短意义的动词不能与for, since引导的一样时刻状语连用。(buy, begin, die, come, go , join, leave等)A)I have bought a book.I have bought a book for 3 day.(wrong)I have had a book for 3 years.B)He have joined the army for 3 years.(wrong)He has been in the army for 3 years.He joined the

21、army 3 years ago.C)He has been dead for 3 years.He died 2 years ago.It is 2 years since he died.He has died for 2 years.(wrong)D)He has gone toAustralia.He has been toAustralia.2.此刻完成时与一样过去时的区别(时刻状语的区别)I _ (hear) form her recently / yesterday.3.例句:他已经阅读了这本书。咱们到目前为止已学习了两千个单词。他们居住在中国三年了。他看这部电影两次了。Bob自

22、从1997年在这所学校教学。8.过去完成时1)表示动作发生在过去某一时刻之前已经完成的动作或状态,强调“过去的过去”,常与by the time, by the end of,before , by等引导时刻的状语连用。2)大体结构主语+ had +动词过去分词+ When I got to the cinema yesterday the film had begun already.昨天当我抵达电影院时电影已经开始了。He had learned English before he came here.他来这儿之前已经学会英语了。He had aught this class for 3

23、years by the time I left the school.当我离开那个学校为止他已教那个班级三年了。By the end of last term I had learned 2000 English words.到这学期末我已学会了2000个英语单词。时态部份总温习题I. Fill in the blanks.1.We usually _ (get ) up at 7:00 every morning.2.She _ (watch) TV when she heard a loud knock at the door this time yesterday.3.My mothe

24、r _ (come) here tomorrow.4.Look ! Some one _ (dance) there.5.Wei Huas brother _ (join) the army in 1995.6.He _ (write) a letter this afternoon.7.Rice _ (grow) in the south ofChina.8.She said _ (go) toJapannext year.9.We _ (study) 2,000 words since we came to the school.10.By the end of last term he _ (teach) that class for 2 years.

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