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1、专业文档通用汽车口译docGood morning, everybody, its great to be here and I thank the organizers for inviting General Motors to participate in this important conference. Over the years, the APEC CEO Summit has developed into a crucial forum for dialogue and action on issues that cut across not only the Pacific

2、 Rim but all countries. This mornings topic, Global Corporate Social Responsibility, is an example of an issue that truly does cut across all borders. The world we live in today truly is a global village. Its a small world, and all companies are under a microscope.To set the stage for our panel disc

3、ussion, I would like to offer just a few observations and comments based on General Motors broad global footprint and our long history as a corporate citizen of many different countries. Let me say first that its especially appropriate that we are discussing these issues here in China. China has ope

4、ned its economy faster and more broadly than most observers would have imagined. Yet that opening also highlights many of the well-publicized fears of foreign investment, market integration and globalization. The critics express fear, fear that the process of globalization and the global corporation

5、 involved in it may undermine national authority, local culture and the national environment. Speaking from my own experience and that of General Motors, a company that has done business around the world for nearly a hundred years and now has operations in around 200 countries, I believe these conce

6、rns are misplaced. The data show that global corporations play a positive role in improving income and working conditions, in caring for the environment, in improving education and in raising living standards in general. That role starts, of course, with the business itself. Companies make the inval

7、uable social contribution of generating jobs, transferring managerial and technological know-how, providing training, and generating tax revenues for governments. Those things are the essentials of any countries and any communities own well-being and progress. However, my own view is that successful

8、 companies have an obligation to do more than而不仅限于 the basic contributions generated by their own business activity. A commitment to paying a fair days pay for a fair days work is really only the starting point. Beyond that is a commitment to an employee health and safety. In the case of General Mot

9、ors, we have adopted the same health safety standards for every plant we operate no matter where its located. And these standards exceed all local requirements. We are the industry leader in health and safety in the United States and around the world. In the environmental area, we also apply best pr

10、actices in all plants around the world. We do these because its what our own core values lead us to do. Our core values define what we want to achieve and what we want to stand for as a company. They are not only our roadmap for corporate social responsibility. They are the drivers of all our decisi

11、ons and activities in all countries. They are in essence our code of conduct. So Id like to take a moment to describe them to you briefly.Our first core value is customer enthusiasm. We will dedicate ourselves to products and services that create enthusiastic customers. No one will be second guessed

12、 (再三怀疑) for doing the right things for the customers. Second is continuous improvement. We will set ambitious goals, stretch to meet them and then raise the bar 标准again and again. We believe that everything can be done better, faster and more effectively in a learning environment.Third is integrity.

13、 We will stand for honesty and trust in everything we do. We will say what we believe and do what we say. Fourth is teamwork. We will win by thinking and acting together as one General Motors team, focused on global leadership. Our strengths are our highly-skilled people and our diversity.Fifth is i

14、nnovation. We will challenge conventional thinking, explore new technology and implement new ideas, regardless of their source, faster than the competition. Sixth is individual respect and responsibility. We will be respectful of the individuals we work with, and we will take personal responsibility

15、 for our actions and for the results of our work.Every single GM employee around the globe is aware of these six core values.Here in China, we have conducted employee workshops and training sessions around them, using them to broaden employees understanding and vision of leadership, responsibility a

16、nd accountability. And we are not alone in defining values and using them to drive and measure behaviors. A recent U.S. business round table study shows that 30 major U.S. companies have similar codes of conduct. Thats really no surprise. Those codes are what define a companys character and set it a

17、part from its competition. If you see yourself as an enterprise that wants to grow and wants to be respected, the kind of enterprise that any employee anywhere in the world will strive to be a part of, then, your core values will reflect that. And they will lead you to run your business in a manner

18、that goes far beyond what the critics of globalization often seem to perceive as narrow and short-term self-interest.Now returning to General Motors, our activity here in China is a good example of how core values transform words into deeds. Actually, we are not newcomers to China. The original GM C

19、hina was established in 1929, with offices right here in Shanghai. Like so many other companies, we closed our operations in China during WW. When China began opening its economy in more recent years(特别是近几年), we were very eager to re-enter the market. Today, China is the worlds fastest growing econo

20、my and its potentially the worlds largest vehicle market. Let me give you an idea of the magnitude of that potential. China has a population of around 1.3 billion people. Not all of them can afford to own a car, of course, but we know that a huge number of them are already near that point. Per capit

21、a GDP in Chinas coastal region, an area with about 400 million people, is virtually the same as that in most of the central European countries in terms of purchasing power.By way of illustration, lets take a look at Poland, a nation of only 40 million people. Poland had a total car market of about 5

22、00,000 units last year, compared to only about 650,000 in all of China. So you can see the potential growth in China is huge. A lot needs to be done in developing the infrastructure to support growth, in terms of roads, in terms of the sales and distribution (that work) and, also in terms of financi

23、ng. However, progresses have already been made, and with Chinas entry into the WTO, I believe that this progress will accelerate at a rapid pace. With that kind of potential, all of the major players in the auto industry today would love to have a solid presence here. The companies that automaticall

24、y win, though, will be the ones whose core values lead them to the kind of commitment and innovation that will win the hearts and minds of these future customers.Let me give a quick overview of our activities in China today. We have around 3,900 employees, and out of that figure, about 3,800 of them

25、 or 97% are Chinese citizens. The presence of expatriates in many key jobs is typical for young operation, and we are expected the number of expats in our China operation will decline from the current level of around 100 to about 50 within a relatively short time. Longer term, given our experiences

26、in other countries, I will expect us to operate with just a handful of expatriates. Our workforce here is highly-educated, well-trained and very eager to do more. We also expect many local employees to move up to higher positions not only within GM China but in other operations around the globe.Just

27、 last week, I had the pleasure of meeting with several Chinese nationals, many of whom have worked at GM China and are now working at our headquarters and vehicle operations in the Detroit area. They are a most impressive group. Here in Shanghai, we have a 50-50 joint venture called Shanghai GM, SGM

28、, we call it for short. Its activities range from sheet metal stamping to engine and transmission manufacturing, as well as vehicle assembly, marketing and administration. Total investment is about US $1.5 b. Products manufactured at SGM include our family of 4 midsize sedans, based on the Buick Reg

29、al别克君威 and Century别克世纪 built in the U.S., / the Buick GL8 executive wagon 别克GL8陆尊/路尊/陆上公务舱also based on the van built in the U.S., and Buick Excelle 别克凯越, a compact car紧凑型车based on the Opel Corsa欧宝可赛, originally designed and built in Europe. The sale of Chinas first compact car intended specifically

30、 for the growing middle class. All of these vehicles are tailored to specific driving conditions, regulations, and customer desires here in China, tailored to our Pan Asia Technical Automotive Center (泛亚汽车技术中心有限公司), or PATAC joint venture. And I have more to say about PATAC in a moment. The Shanghai

31、 Manufacturing and Assembly Complex is the most advanced in all of China. It uses state-of-the-art processes in the areas of flexible tooling, for example, a lean manufacturing(精实生产). It also incorporates some of the industrys most advanced pollution control equipment and procedures, including emiss

32、ions and waste water treatment technology.We also have a 50-50 truck manufacturing joint venture in the city of Shenyang, which we call Jin Bei GM (沈阳金杯通用汽车). This plant represents an investment of U.S $ 230 m, and it, too, incorporates state-of-the-art manufacturing processes, and pollution control

33、 equipment and procedures. It began building the Chevrolet Blazer (雪佛兰开拓者), which is a SUV, sport utility vehicle, just this past spring. And later this year, its going to start building the Chevrolet S10 Crew Cab pick-up truck (雪佛兰S10双排座皮卡). In corporation with our Chinese partner in SGM, we established the Pan Asia Tech

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