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MBA 作文翻译.docx

1、MBA 作文翻译高分作文On Making Friends As a human being, one can hardly do without a friend. Society is made up of individuals, and making friend is a very important part in our life. Friends can give you a lot. First, if you have trouble with some problems, you can consult your good friends and exchange opi

2、nions. Thus you will feel comfortable and encouraged. Secondly, if you wish to do some physical exercises, such as playing table tennis, you can play with friends and have a good time. Then you can relax yourself. In short, we need friends.But what is true friendship? Some people think friends are p

3、eople whom they can play with. In my opinion, a friend in need is a friend indeed. True friendship can encourage you when you are in difficulties. A true friend not only shares with you your joy and happiness but also your trouble and anxiety. When you need him, he will give you a hand and spare no

4、efforts. Of course, these principles are the same to you when you treat your friends.As far as Im concerned, I wish to make as many friends as possible. The world is a big family, and we will feel relaxed in a friendly atmosphere. You will discover the world is full of flowers and happiness. I wish

5、some day we can all be friends.Advertisement on TV Today more and more advertisements are seen on the TV screen. Every evening a series of advertisements come immediately after the News Program is over, informing TV viewers of the many different sorts of up-to-date products on the market. Besides, i

6、t often happens that while you are absorbed in a wonderful film on TV, endless ads interrupt you from time to time and make you quite annoyed.There are two reasons, I think, for the growing number of ads on TV. First, in a competitive economy, the consumer usually has the choice of several different

7、 brands of the same product. Thus, manufacturers are confronted with a problem how to keep sales high enough to stay in business. They solve this problem by advertising. Through advertising, each manufacturing company tries to convince consumers that its product is special. Second, most consumers ar

8、e interested in ads. They wish to get from TV ads the first-hand information about new products, which enables them to choose the one that they like best. As a result, there is a sharp increase in ads on the TV screen.Personally, I am in favour of TV ads because most of them are interesting and info

9、rmative. But there is no denying that some of them are tedious and boring. So I feel TV stations are faced with an arduous task to strengthen the control of ads, to improve their quality and to make them more attractive.Family Education There is a growing tendency these days for more and more colleg

10、e students to take part-time jobs. Family education is one of most popular par-time jobs. Family education has some advantages. On one hand, Family education can let you earn some extra money and help you become more independent of your family. One the other hand, family education can offer you chan

11、ces to contact with the society and the experience that you gain through family education can broaden your school life.However there are also some disadvantages in taking family education. For example, we may lose time needed for sleep, rest, study and recreation. Taking family education may interfe

12、re with our study and give us little or no useful experience. As a result, we may find it hard to adjust to what the college expects of him.As far as I am concerned, I think college students can take family education. But we have to strike a balance between school and the job. As a student, acquirin

13、g more knowledge is our first important task. Although family education can enrich our world of good, we should not spend too much time on it. 范文二Private Cars With the development of Chinas economy, private cars become more and more popular in China. Private cars have been playing a vital part in ou

14、r daily activities. On one hand, private cars provide the most convenient form of transportation. With a car, we can get around freely, without spending a lot of time. On the other hand, the automobile industry provides jobs for countless workers strong support for other industries. In our world, pr

15、ivate cars are indispensable.But with the increase of the number of private cars in China, they have given rise to a series of problems. They are responsible for a large proportion of air pollution, causing a lot of disease to man, animals and plants. Traffic accidents kill thousands of people every

16、 year and disable many more. Traffic jams on busy roads delay us painfully every day. The consequences of all these are becoming even more serious.Obviously, private cars, like anything else, have more than one face. As far as I am concerned, I think we should find ways to reduce these disadvantages

17、 so as to solve the problems of heavy traffic and air pollution. Only in this way, can our life become more exciting and comfortable. 范文三 The Development of Western China As we all know, the Chinese government has already begun implementing some strategies to develop Western China, shifting the focu

18、s of economic construction from the eastern to western part of the country. Developing Western China is of great importance. It will bring Western China more chances to absorb foreign investments, technology, and even management experience, which are just what they greatly need. On the other hand, a

19、s Western China is a vast market, many eastern companies can cooperate with western companies and earn more money from it. Western China has been an undeveloped area for a long time because of its remoteness , poor education and inadequate infrastructure construction. Luckily, nowadays Western China

20、 develops very fast .The local governments have begun to accelerate the infrastructure construction. Additionally, they have already paid much more attention to the investment of education and have drawn up talent cultivation programs.In my opinion, the Development of Western China is full of hope,

21、chances, and challenges. As a university student of the 21st century, we should actively respond to the call of our country and devote ourselves to the development of western China.范文四 西部开发 Develop Western RegionsThe large scale development of West China is of profound significance. First, it will o

22、pen a broad development space for central and eastern regions. Besides, its critical to Chinas overall economic rese. Whats more, its the only effective way to decrease the imbalance of economic development in the east and the west so as to revitalize our nation. There are various reasons why the la

23、ndlocked west has lagged behind in its economic development .The chief reason, I think, is that the opening up policies enable the east to lure more foreign capital and make a fantastic spur in its development. As a result, it leaves the west far behind in its economic growth. In addition, the wests

24、 unique unfavorable geographic positions greatly limit its development. Therefore, the gaps between the west and the east have been widened since Chinas reform. In fact, many regions in the west still remain comparatively underdeveloped. To illustrate, most of the 30 million poor population, who sti

25、ll have subsistence problems, live there. Moreover, currently the per capita GDP in West China is only about 60% of national average. And the vast West China makes less contribution to the nations development. If left unchanged, the underdevelopment in the west will greatly affect overall prosperity

26、 and even social stability. However, the western region development is a long-term systematic project. It calls for tremendous efforts of several generations. To sum up, our chief goal is to build West China with economic prosperity, social progress, political stability and beautiful landscape. Fina

27、lly, I believe the west will catch up with the east in its economic development in the near future.PART V. WRITING (15%) Directions: For this part, you are asked to write a letter based on the following information in Chinese. Your writing should be about 120 words. Remember to write it clearly.写一封信

28、:委托演讲,安排程序1你是人力开发部总经理王大伟,你写信给英国一位高级顾问亚当.史密斯先生,请他就“致力中国研究三十年”一题作一个演讲,他的地址如下:Cambridge Consultants36 Queen StreetLondon EC3V8ESUnited Kingdom2你们公司定于5月22至5月29日在公司总部召开国外管理阶层研讨会,3如果史密斯先生同意,他的演讲暂定于5月22日(星期二)下午1点半至4点半。建议演讲持续90分钟,提问时间50分钟。4参加会议的还有来自五个国家的七个经理。5更详细的安排请参考随信附上的你的行程安排。PART V. WRITING (15%) 参考答案:

29、 LETTERHEAD April 14, 2000 Mr. Adam S. Smith Senior Advisor Cambridge Consultants 36 Queen Street London EC3V8ES United Kingdom Dear Mr. Smith It is indeed an honor for us to invite you to lecture in out Overseas Executive Program to be held at our head office from May 22 through May 29. The title w

30、e would like to propose for your lecture is “Thirty Years of Trying to Understand China.” The content should throw light on such things as the behavior of Chinese people and their way of thinking. We have tentatively (暂时地) scheduled your lecture for 13:30 to 16:00 on Tuesday, May 22 pending your app

31、roval, and would like to ask you to speak for 90 minutes and allow 50 minutes for questions from the participants. Better grasp of our corporate structure and activities. In so doing we hope to enhance their overall management skills. The group this time will consist of seven managers from five coun

32、tries who are working with our overseas affiliates. Please refer to the enclosed list of participants for further details. Please indicate at your earliest possible convenience if the above schedule is acceptable. David Wang General Manager Human Resource Development Enclosure: A copy of your planned itinerary Part IV English - Chinese Translation Directions: Read the following passage carefully. Then translate it into Chinese. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet.Using international phone links, a group of West German hackers too

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