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1、CP02PT液体渗透检测Liquid Penetrant Examination Procedure液体渗透检测工艺规程1REV.NO. 修订号Prepared By编 制Date日 期Reviewed By审 核Date日 期Approved By批 准Date日 期CERTIFICATION演示证实声明This is certified that this procedure has been demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Authorized Inspector in accordance with the requirements of

2、 T-150 of Section V.兹证明该规程已按照ASME规范第卷T-150的要求,在带缺陷试板上进行了演示。演示结果令AI满意。Specimen No.: 试板编号 Demo. Report No.:演示报告编号Certified by Date级证明人: 日期:Witnessed by Date授权检验师: 日期:1 General概述1.1 This procedure is applied to dye liquid penetrant examination of metal material and weldment for ASME Code Items.本规程适用于AS

3、ME规范产品金属材料和焊件着色液体渗透探1.2 This procedure is only suitable for detecting the defects that are open to the surface of material or weldment. 本规程仅适用于探测材料或焊件表面开口类缺陷。1.3 This procedure shall be certified by demonstration to the satisfaction of the AI prior to implementation. 本规程在执行之前,需通过演示令AI满意。2 Personnel

4、人员2.1 The personnel engaged in the penetrant examination shall be qualified and certified in accordance with the requirement of the companys “Written Practice for NDE Personnel Training, Qualification & Certification” ( JSSN/CX-10 ). 从事液体渗透探伤的人员应为按本公司无损检测人员培训考评及认证实施细则(文件号:JSSN/CX-10)进行资格考核和认证的合格人员。3

5、 Written Procedure Requirements 书面规程3.1 Requirements 要求:Liquid penetrant examination shall be performed in accordance with the written procedure (and the instruction cards as supplementary means), which shall, as a minimum, contain the requirements listed in Table 1. The written procedure shall esta

6、blish a single value, or range of values, for each requirement. 液体渗透检验须按书面规程进行(辅以探伤专用工艺卡)。书面规程至少包括表一中的内容。书面规程应对每一项要求都给出数值或数值范围以作定量评价。3.2 Procedure Qualification 规程评定:When procedure qualification is specified, a change of requirement in Table 1 identified as an essential variable from the specified v

7、alue, or range of values, shall require requalification of the written procedure. A change of a requirement identified as nonessential variable from the specified value, or range of values, does not require requalification of the written procedure. All changes of essential or nonessential variables

8、from the value, or range of values, specified by the written procedure shall require revision, or an addendum to, the written procedure.要求对规程进行评定的时候,表1中主要素的数值发生变化时,需要对书面规程进行重新评定。副要素的数值发生变化时,不需要对规程进行重新评定。主要素或副要素的数值发生变化都将要求对书面规程进行修改或补充。Table 1 Requirements of Liquid Penetrant Examination ProcedureNo.R

9、equirementEssentialVariableNonessentialVariableNotes*【1】Identification of and any change in type or family group of penetrant materials including developers, emulsifiers, etc4.2【2】Surface preparation(finishing and cleaning, including type of cleaning solvent)5.2【3】Method of applying penetrant 5.4.1【

10、4】Method of removing excess surface penetrant5.5【5】Method of applying developer5.6【6】Minimum and maximum time periods between steps and drying aids 5.6.1【7】Decrease in penetrant dwell time5.4.3【8】Increase in developer dwell time (Interpretation time)5.7.2【9】Minimum light intensity5.7.3【10

11、】Surface temperature outside 41F to 125F (5 to 52) or as previously qualified5.4.2【11】Performance demonstration, when required1.33.2【12】Personnel qualification requirements2.1【13】Materials, shapes, or sizes to be examined and the extent of examination1.15.2Table 3【14】Post examination cleaning techni

12、que5.8* The related clause stipulating the requirement.表1 液体渗透检验规程的要求序号要求主要素副要素备注*【1】显象剂、乳化剂等渗透材料型号与族系的识别与变化4.2【2】表面修整(精加工及清洗,包括清洗剂种类)5.2【3】渗透剂施加方法5.4.1【4】表面多余渗透剂的去除方法5.5【5】显象剂施加方法5.6【6】干燥前渗透剂最小和最大滞留时间 5.6.1【7】渗透剂滞留时间的减少5.4.3【8】显象剂滞留时间的增加(评定时间)5.7.2【9】最小光照度5.7.3【10】超出41F125F( 552)或预定的表面温度

13、5.4.2【11】操作演示(需要时)1.3,3.2【12】人员资格要求2.1【13】被检工件的材料、形状、尺寸及检验范围1.1,5.2,表3【14】检验后清理方法5.8* 在本规程中出现的相关条款。4 Penetrant Materials渗透材料4.1 The penetrant materials are intended to include all penetrants, solvents or cleaning agents, developers, etc, used in the examination process.渗透材料包括探伤过程中使用的所有渗透剂、溶剂或清洗剂、显像剂

14、等。4.2 The liquid penetrant examination materials shall be designated and recommended as shown in Table 2. The materials used for examination shall be the same type. Intermixing of penetrant materials from different families or different manufacturers is not permitted.液体渗透探伤材料,指定用表2所示牌号。探伤使用的材料应为是同一类

15、型的。不同类型或不同制造厂的渗透材料禁止混用。Table 2ManufacturerMaterialModelShanghai Xinmeida Flaw Detection-Material Co., Ltd.PenetrantDPT-5DeveloperDPT-5Cleaning AgentDPT-5表2制造单位材料牌号上海新美达探伤器材有限公司渗透剂DPT-5显像剂DPT-5清洗剂DPT-54.3 When examining austenitic or duplex stainless steel or titanium, all materials shall be analyzed

16、 individually for chlorine and fluorine content in accordance with the procedure shown in Para.-642 of Mandatory, Appendix of Article 6 of ASME Code Section V. The total chlorine plus fluorine content shall not exceed 1% of the residue by weight. The certificate of compliance by batch with test resu

17、lts from manufacturer shall be obtained.探测奥氏体不锈钢或钛材时,应按ASME规范第卷-642规定的方法,对所有渗透材料分别分析氯和氟的含量。残留氯和氟总含量不得超过残留物重量的1%,应有制造单位签发的合格证。4.4 When examining nickel base alloys, all materials shall be analyzed individually for sulfur content in accordance with the procedure shown in Para.-641 of Mandatory, Append

18、ix of Article 6 of Section V. The sulfur content shall not exceed 1% of the residue by weight. The certificate of compliance by batch with test results from manufacturer shall be obtained.探测镍基合金时,应按照ASME规范第卷-641规定的方法,对所有渗透材料分别分析硫含量。硫含量不得超过残留物重量的1%。应有制造单位的合格证。5 Examination Process检验程序5.1 Examination

19、flow chart as shown in Figure 1. PT程序流程图见图1Fig. 15.2 Surface Preparation: Prior to all penetrant examination, the surface to be examined and all adjacent areas within at least 1in. ( 25.4 mm ) shall be dry and free of dirt, grease, lint, scale, welding flux, weld spatter, paint, oil and other extran

20、eous matter. If necessary, surface shall be prepared by grinding or machining. 表面制备:渗透探伤前,被探工件表面及其附近至少1英寸(25.4mm)区域内都应干燥,不得有任何污物、油脂、纤维屑、氧化皮、焊剂、油和其它外来物。必要时,应对表面进行打磨或机加工。5.3 Precleaning 预清洗5.3.1 The areas to be examined and adjacent areas within at least 1 in. ( 25mm ) shall be cleaned using cleaning

21、agent before the penetrant is applied. 施加渗透剂前,被探区域及其附近至少为1英寸(25mm)区域内均需用清洗剂进行清洗。5.3.2 After cleaning, drying of the surface to be examined shall be accomplished by normal evaporation or with forced air, as appropriate. The minimum drying time shall be 5 minutes to ensure that the cleaning solution h

22、as evaporated prior to application of the penetrant.清洗后,通过适当方法(自然挥发),使被探伤表面干燥。最短干燥时间为5分钟,以保证在施加渗透剂前清洗剂已挥发。5.4 Penetrant Application 施加渗透剂5.4.1 The penetrant may be applied on the surface of work pieces to be examined by spraying method. 用喷涂法在被探伤工件表面施加渗透剂。5.4.2 The temperature of the penetrant and th

23、e surface to be examined shall not be below 41F (5 ) or above 125 F (52) throughout the examination period. Where it is not practical to conduct a liquid penetrant examination within above temperature range, the examination procedure at the proposed lower or higher temperature range shall be qualifi

24、ed using a quench cracked aluminum block ( comparator ) according to ASME Code Section V, T-653. 探伤时,渗透剂和被探伤表面的温度41F(5),也125F(52)。渗透检验不能在上述温度范围内进行时,应按ASME规范第V卷T-653的规定,使用有淬火裂纹的铝试块验证指定使用更高或更低温度范围的探伤工艺的影响。5.4.3 Penetration time is critical. The minimum dwell time is shown in Table 3. For suitable temp

25、erature, the area being examined shall remainly wetted by the penetrant for the dwell time. 严格控制渗透时间,最少滞留时间见表3。在适当的温度条件下,在滞留时间内,被探伤区域需用渗透剂保持湿润。Table 3MaterialFormDwell Times (min) *PenetrantAluminum, magnesium, steel, brass or bronze, titanium and high temperature alloysCastings & welds5Wrought mate

26、rialextrusions, forgings, plate10* For temperature range from 10 to 52. For temperatures from 5 up to 10,minimum penetrant dwell time shall be 2 times the value listed.表3材料成型方式滞留时间 (min)(1052)渗透剂铝,镁,钢,黄铜,青铜,钛,高温合金铸造和焊接5锻造材料挤压件,锻件,板材10*对于温度从1052范围内执行上述渗透时间.若是在510范围内,渗透时间至少为上述值的2倍。5.5 Excess Penetrant

27、 Removal 多余渗透剂的清除Excess solvent removable penetrant shall be removed by wiping with a cloth or absorbent paper, repeating the operation until most traces of penetrant have been removed. The remaining traces shall be removed by lightly wiping the surface with a cloth or absorbent paper moistened with

28、 solvent. To avoid over removing, flushing the surface with solvent shall be prohibited. 多余渗透剂要用布或吸水纸擦去,剩下的液痕要蘸有溶剂的布或吸水纸在表面轻轻地擦去。为防过度清除,禁用溶剂冲洗表面。5.6 Developer Application 施加显像剂5.6.1 The developer shall be applied as soon as possible after penetrant removal. The time interval shall not exceed 5 min.

29、When exceed the max. permitted time interval, the examination shall be performed in increments which allow to complete the examination within the specified time interval.多余渗透剂被清除且工件干燥后,应尽快地施加显像剂。其间隔时间不得超过5分钟,如果清洗时间隔时间超过最大允许范围,那么就得将渗透探伤分成几部分,使每一部分的清洗时间不超过最大允许值。5.6.2 The developer shall be applied by

30、spraying. A uniform thin coating shall be provided and the coating thickness shall be suitable.用喷涂法施加显像剂,涂层薄而均匀。5.6.3 Prior to applying wet developer to the surface, the developer must be thoroughly agitated. 在施加水湿显像剂至工件表面前,显像剂应充分摇匀。5.6.4 Dipping or flooding the part with non-aqueous developer is prohibited, since it will dissolve the penetrant in the discontinuities through its solvent action. 禁用非水湿显像剂浸泡工件,因非水湿显像剂会通过溶解作用将缺陷中的渗透剂溶解掉。5.7 Interpretation 评判5.7.1 Developi

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