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1、卑鄙的我1卑鄙的我1/3抱歉,先生,请问有厕所吗?Excuse me, sir, is there a commode?贾斯汀!Justin!快,宝贝,照张相,我手托金字塔Quick, honey, take my picture. I got the pyramid in my hand.贾斯汀,你马上给我回来!Justin, you get back here right now!不,快停下!No, stop! -不,不!拦住他 !- 快回来!别爬了!-No, no! Stop him!-Go back! Dont climb!等等,等等。Wait, wait.等一下,别激动,小朋友Hol

2、d on. Easy, little boy.够了,快停下,小子!停在那。不!Okay, stop, child! Stop right there. No!不!不!不! 掉下去了No, no, no! There he goes.贾斯汀!Justin! 我接了! 我接了!Ive got him! Ive got him!今晚从埃及传来让人气愤的消息Outrage in Egypt tonight as it was discovered吉萨金字塔已经被人偷走that the Great Pyramid of Giza had been stolen取而代之的是个巨大的充气山寨版and rep

3、laced by a giant inflatable replica.恐慌立刻传遍全球,各地政府和民众There is panic throughout the globe as countries and citizens都在尽力保护他们珍爱的地标建筑try to protect their beloved landmarks.执法部门还是没有任何线索Law enforcement still has no leads每个人都在好奇,到底是哪个神偷大盗leaving everyone to wonder,which of the worlds villains会对这起十恶不赦的盗窃案负责?

4、is responsible for this heinous crime?他的下一目标又是哪里?And where will he strike next?* 今天,今天很糟糕 * Im having a bad, bad day * 是时候让我为所欲为 * Its about time that I get my way * 把眼前的一切都粉碎 * Steamrolling whatever I see *冰冻射线!冰冻射线!冰冻射线!Freeze ray! Freeze ray! Freeze ray!* 今天我没有开心很多 * Im having a bad, bad day * 你要

5、太在意,我也无话可说 * If you take it personal, thats okay *看看吧,看这多么快活 * Watch, this is so fun to see *卑鄙的我 * Despicable me *早上好 格鲁!Morning, Gru! 你好吗 How you doing?你好 弗雷德Hello, Fred.对了 你的狗狗在我满院子里拉地雷FYI, your dog has been leaving little bombs all over my yard,我可不欢迎它哦and I dont appreciate it.真抱歉。你知道狗嘛。想去哪就去哪Sor

6、ry. You know dogs. They go wherever they want to go.它们死了就不会了Unless theyre dead.我开玩笑呢!Im joking!不过,也是事实。好了,好好养吧Although, it is true. Anyway, have a good one.好吧 ,好的Okay. Yeah.* 把眼前的一切都粉碎* Steamrolling whatever I see *卑鄙的我* Despicable me *我今天没有开心很多* Im having a bad, bad day *你要太在意,我也无话可说 * If you take

7、it personal, thats okay *卑鄙的我* Despicable me *这不是在跟我开玩笑嘛!Youve got to be pulling on my leg!你好吗Hello! 卖饼干 Cookies for sale. 走开,我不在家Go away. Im not home.没有,你在家,我听见你说话了Yes, you are. I heard you.不,你没听见。这No, you didnt. This是录音is a recording.-不,不是的。-是的,这是-No, it isnt. - Yes, it is.听着,请留言,哔Watch this. Leav

8、e a message, beep.拜拜,录音Goodbye, recorded message.阿格蕾丝,快点啦Agnes, come on.凯尔!Kyle!你个破狗!不行!,不,不。坐,是我的松饼Bad dog! No! No, no. Sit. My muffin.格鲁!Gru! 奈法里奥博士Dr Nefario.我了解你此刻心里的感受I know how you must be feeling.我,也经历了同样的沮丧I, too, have encountered great disappointment,但在我眼里,你一直都是最棒的but in my eyes, you will a

9、lways be one of the greats.什么? 发生什么事了?What? What happened? 新闻都满天飞了!Its all over the news!有人偷了金字塔Some fella just stole a pyramid.据说他让别的神偷都Theyre saying he makes all other villains look相形见绌lame.全体集合!Assemble the minions!小子们,集合了Minions, assemble!好的,好的Okay. Okay嘿!Hey!看起来不错嘛,凯文!大家怎么样?很好吧?Looking good, Ke

10、vin! How is the family? Good?那就好All right.我的比利小子在那儿!怎么样,拉里?Thats my Billy boy! What up, Larry?你们好,各位!Hello, everybody! 好啦,很好!Yeah, all right!安静一下,安静!Simmer down. Simmer down! 谢谢大家,好的Thank you, okay.我知道你们可能已经听说了Now, I realize that you guys probably heard有个大盗偷走了金字塔about this other villain who stole th

11、e pyramids.显然,这是一桩大案Apparently, its a big deal.人们称之为世纪奇案什么的People are calling it the crime of the century and stuff like that.但我烦了吗?不,我没有!!But am I upset? No, I am not! 有一点点A little,但是我们这一年也收获颇丰but we have had a pretty good year ourselves,在我看来你们表现的也都不错and you guys are all right in my book.得了,没有加薪!No

12、, no raises!你不会有加薪的Youre not going to get any raises.我们做什么了?What did we do?看看, 我们偷了时代广场的大荧幕Well, we stole the Times Square JumboTron!不错!Nice! 这就是我的范儿Thats how I roll.是吧,你们都喜欢用这个看足球,哈?Yeah, you all like watching football on that, huh?但不止这个But thats not all.我们偷了自由女神像We stole the Statue of Liberty,拉斯维加

13、斯那个小号的the small one from Las Vegas.至于埃菲尔铁塔更是无足挂齿! 也是维加斯的小版And I wont even mention the Eiffel Tower! Also Vegas.好了,我没打算跟你们讲这个的Okay, I wasnt going to tell you about this yet,但我一直专注于一件大事!but I have been working on something very big!偷金字塔神马的,跟这件事比起来都是浮云!Something that will blow this pyramid thing out of

14、 the water!谢谢我的好朋友,奈法里奥博士的不懈努力And thanks to the efforts of my good friend Dr Nefario.谢谢你!Thank you!他在那里There he is.他负责设计Hes styling.听着,我们已经在一所秘密实验室里Now, we have located a shrink ray找到了一架光学微缩器,一旦搞到手in a secret lab,and once we take this shrink ray,我们就有完全的能力we will have the capability去完成真正的世纪奇案to pull

15、off the true crime of the century.我们要去偷.We are going to steal.等等,等等!我还没跟你们说是什么呢Wait, wait! I havent told you what it is yet.嘿Hey.戴夫 ,听清楚,拜托Dave, listen up, please.接下来,我们要偷的是Next, we are going to steal,为了效果,暂停一下pause for effect,月亮! the moon!等月亮落入我的囊中And once the moon is mine,世人就会为了重的月亮 满足我的一切要求the wo

16、rld will give me whatever I want to get it back!我会成为史上最伟大的神偷!And I will be the greatest villain of all time!那就是我要说的Thats what Im talking about怎么了?Yes?喂,格鲁? 我这里算了算Hello, Gru? Ive been crunching some numbers,好像我们的钱真的不够的and I really dont see how we can afford this.这事儿成不了的。我没有办法创造奇迹It cant be done. Im n

17、ot a miracle worker.嘿,放松点Hey, chillax.我再找银行贷款就行。他们喜欢我!Ill just get another loan from the bank. They love me!伊迪斯 别这样!Edith, stop it!怎么了?我不过在走路而已What? Im just walking. (哈蒂小姐女童院)Miss Hatties Home for Girls-嗨, 海蒂小姐 。我们回来了-Hi, Miss Hattie. Were back.你们好 姑娘们Hello, girls!我们出去的时候有人来申请收养吗Anybody come to adop

18、t us while we were out?让我想想Let me think.没有!No!伊迪斯 ,你在我桌上放的是什么?Edith! What did you put on my desk?稀泥馅饼A mud pie.没人会来收养你的,伊迪斯, 你知道这点,不是吗?Youre never gonna get adopted, Edith. You know that, dont you?-是啊, 我知道 - 很好-Yeah, I know. -Good.那你们生意如何,姑娘们?达到标准了吗?So, how did it go, girls? Did we meet our quotas?算

19、是吧Sort of.我们卖了43块小薄荷糖,30块可可曲奇,18块椰子饼干We sold 43 mini-mints, 30 choco-swirlies, and 18 coco-nutties.好吧Okay.嗯,你说得像是今天做了几笔大生意Well, you say that like its a great sale day.看看我的脸Look at my face!你还觉得今天这几笔生意就足够了吗?Do you still think its a great sale day?18块椰子饼干Eighteen coco-nutties.我觉得我们还能卖的再多一点点,是吗?I think

20、we can do a little better than that, dont you?是的Yeah我们不想在羞羞盒里过周末,是吗?当然不想We wouldnt want to spend the weekend in the Box of Shame, would we? No.-不想 哈蒂小姐-No, Miss Hattie.好的,很好,你们走吧 帮我搞搞卫生Okay, good. Off you go. Go clean something of mine.-嗨, 佩妮-Hi, Penny. -嗨, 你们好-Hi, guys.喂, 妈,真抱歉,我本来要给你打电话的。可是.Hello,

21、 Mom. Sorry, I meant to call, but.我只是想恭喜你偷了金字塔I just wanted to congratulate you on stealing the pyramid.是你干的,不是吗?That was you, wasnt it?还是哪个真正成功的江洋大盗干的?Or was it a villain whos actually successful?我就要你知道,老妈,我要去做一件Just so you know, Mom, I am about to do something非常,非常伟大,非常重要的事thats very, very big, ve

22、ry important.等你听说了,你会非常骄傲的When you hear about it, youre going to be very proud.那祝你好运。好了,我挂了Good luck with that. Okay, Im out of here. (银行)BANK (万恶银行)BANK OF EVIL格鲁求见珀金斯先生Gru to see Mr. Perkins.好的,请您先坐一下Yes, please have a seat.我迈出的一小步Thats one small step for man,将是人类的一大步one giant leap for mankind.妈,总

23、有一天我会登上月球的Ma, someday Im going to go to the moon.恐怕你已经太晚了, 儿子Im afraid youre too late, Son.美国宇航局已经不送猴子上太空了NASA isnt sending the monkeys any more.嘿Hey我要申请一项新的大盗贷款。借款人威克托Im applying for a new villain loan. Go by the name of Vector.这名字取义于一个数学术语Its a mathematical term,由箭头代表的数字,箭头有方向和大小a quantity represe

24、nted by an arrow, with both direction and magnitude.就是矢量的意思!就是我Vector! Thats me,因为我的犯罪既要引领方向又要彰显不朽cause Im committing crimes with both direction and magnitude.哦,耶!Oh, yeah!给你看看我的新武器Check out my new weapon.水虎鱼手枪!哦,没错!Piranha gun! Oh, yes!发射活的水虎鱼。见过吗?不,你没见过。我发明的Fires live piranhas. Ever seen one befor

25、e? No, you havent. I invented it.想看看演示吗?Do you want a demonstration?该死!还真难,偶尔啦,把水虎鱼给弄回来Shoot! So difficult, sometimes, to get the piranha back inside of my.格鲁先生 珀金斯先生请您去见他Mr. Gru, Mr. Perkins will see you now.所以,我要的So, all I need银行的钱来建造火箭is money from the bank to build a rocket.-然后呢, 月球就是我们的了-哇噢-And

26、 then, the moon is ours.-Wow!非常棒的演讲Well, very nice presentation.我想看看光束微缩器Id like to see this shrink ray.当然!没问题! 到手就拿给你看Absolutely! Will do. Soon as I have it.你还没有?You dont have it?胆就那么大来银行要钱And yet you have the audacity to ask the bank for money?显然是的Apparently.你明白银行给你投资了多少吗,格鲁?Do you have any idea o

27、f the capital that this bank has invested in you, Gru?只有你那极少数的阴险诡谋获得了收益With far too few of your sinister plots actually turning a profit.要我怎么忍受呢?好比这个苹果是你How can I put it? Lets say this apple is you.如果我们不开始收回我们的资金。If we dont start getting our money back.想像到了吧?Get the picture?听着,格鲁,重点在于,外面有很多的后起之秀Look

28、, Gru, the point is, there are a lot of new villains out there,比你更年轻 ,比你饥渴younger than you, hungrier than you,比你年轻younger than you.就像那个叫威克托的小伙子Like that young fellow out there named Vector.他才偷了一个金字塔!He just stole a pyramid!我明白了,我明白了Ive got it. Ive got it.所以,至于贷款制造火箭。So, as far as getting money for t

29、he rocket.拿到光束微缩器再说Get the shrink ray, then well talk.最高机密研究所 东亚TOP SECRET RESEARCH FACILITY EAST ASIA蠢货Suckers!蠢货Suckers!我们拿到它了!We got it!什么?What?嘿! 嘿!什么! 嘿!Hey! Hey! What! Hey!不!不!不!No, no, no!你!You!现在,再想冷冻别人的时候可要三思咯!Now, maybe youll think twice before you freeze someones head!再会,格鲁So long, Gru!快点!我们不能让他逃跑!Quick! We cant let him get away!向上!向上!Up ahead! Up ahead!开火!开火,快!Fire! Fire, now!没打中哦!You missed me!到爸爸这里来!Come to papa!吃我一击Take that.太可爱了How adorable.看到你了!Got you in our sights!就像拿一块糖。Like taking candy from a.什么?What?嘿 格鲁!Hey, Gru!尝尝这个!Try this on for size!这真奇

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