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1、英语阅读理解科普环保题20套带答案英语阅读理解(科普环保)题20套(带答案)一、高中英语阅读理解科普环保类1犇犇阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 Throughout much of human history, man has been the measure of many, if not all, things. Lengths were divided up into feet and smaller units from the human hand. Other measures were equally characteristic. Medit

2、erranean traders for centuries used the weight of grains of wheat to define (定义) their units of mass. The Romans used libra, forerunner of the pound, by referring to the weight of a carob (角豆树) seed. The sizes of similarly named units could also differ. The kings foot, used in France for nearly 1, 0

3、00 years after its introduction by Charlemagne in around 790 AD, was, at , around a centimeter shorter than the Belgic foot, used in England until , Egyptian and Babylonian versions of water in a fixed container varied from one another by a few kilos, Nor was there agreement on such things within co

4、untries. In France, where there was no unified (统一的) measurement system at the national level, the situation was particularly terrible. The lieue (former measure of distance), for example, varied from just over 3 km in the north to nearly 6 km in the south. Although John Wilkins, an Englishman, firs

5、t put forward a decimal system (十进制) of measurement in 1668, it was the French who in 1799 made it law. The Systme International dUnits (SI, or the metric system, as it is better known) developed from it and became the official measurement in all countries except Myanmar, Liberia and the United Stat

6、es. Now the International Bureau of Weights and Measures in Paris is set to give the metric system its biggest shake-up yet. At a meeting in Versailles, France, on November 16th, 2018, the worlds measurement bodies are almost certain to approve a decision that will mean four out of the seven base SI

7、 units, including the kilogram, will follow the other three, including the metre, in being redefined in terms of the values of physical constants (物理常数).Each of the chosen constants has been measured incredibly precisely, which would mean that from May 20th 2019 the constants will themselves be fixe

8、d at their current values for ever. Any laboratory in the world will then be able to measure, for example, the mass of an object as precisely as the accuracy of their equipment will allow.(1)What does Paragraph 1 mainly tell us went before libra in measurement. things used to be adopted as measures.

9、 were accepted as measures by the Romans. measurement systems were gradually formed.(2)How does the author develop the second paragraph time order. analysis. space order. comparison.(3)Which of the following countries used SI as an official measurement .(4)What will the worlds measurement bodies ach

10、ieve at the meeting held in Versailles will come up with seven new SI units. will set May 20th as a new international festival. will redefine four SI units including the kilogram. will decide on a new measure used in the laboratory.【答案】 (1)B(2)D(3)A(4)C 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,法国凡尔赛宫举办的国际计量大会,将对目前使用的国际单位制中

11、的四个基本单位进行重新定义,其中包括对千克的重新定义。 (1)考查推理判断。根据第一段中的“man has been the measure of many, if not all, things ”以及下文提到的用作计量单位的手、脚、谷物重量和参考角豆种子重量的磅可知,本段主要讲述了不同的东西被用作计量单位。故选B。 (2)考查推理判断。根据第二段中的“The kings foot .around a centimetre shorter than the Belgic foot”和“Greek, Egyptian and Babylonian versions of water in a

12、fixed container varied from one another by a few kilos,以及The lieue (former measure of distance), for example, varied from just over 3 km in the north to nearly 6 km in the south”可推知,本段作者主要运用了对比的写作方法,把同一计量单位在不同国家之间或者在同一国家不同区域间的差异进行了说明。故选D。 (3)考查细节理解。根据第三段中的“it was the French who in 1799 made it law和T

13、he Systme International dUnits (SI, or the metric system, as it is better known)developed from it and became the official measurement in all countries except Myanmar, Liberia and the United States ”可知,在所给出的四个国家中,只有法国采用国际单位制(SI)。国际单位制是现时世界上最普遍采用的标准度量衡单位系统,采用十进制进位系统。故选A。 (4)考查细节理解。根据最后一段中的“At a meetin

14、g in Versailles, France, on November 16th, 2018, the worlds measurement bodies are almost certain to approve a decision that will mean four out of the seven base SI units.will follow the other being redefined in terms of the values of physical constants”可知,在法国凡尔赛宫召开的会议上,七个基本计量单位中的四个将被重新定义,其

15、中包括对千克的重新定义。故选C。 【点评】本题考点涉及细节理解和推理判断两个题型的考查,是一篇科普类阅读,考生需要准确捕捉细节信息,同时根据上下文进行逻辑推理,从而选出正确答案。2犇犇阅读下面文章,然后从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出每个问题的最佳选项。 My two- and four-year-old boys love to win, whether theyre racing their bikes down the sidewalk or just finishing their snacks. Its true that those with high status, f

16、rom world leaders and prize winners to athletes and movie stars, are people we like and respect. A recent study published in Nature Human Behaviour showed that we seem to have an innate (天生的) preference for high-ranking peoplesbut only if those people arent hurtful toward others. Researchers showed

17、toddlers (aged 21 to 31 months) a scene where two puppets (木偶) approached one another from opposite sides of a stage and one bowed to let the other pass first. Asked which puppet they liked better, 18 of the 21 toddlers in the experiment reached for the puppet who had been allowed to pass. Because r

18、espect from others is a marker of status, this suggests that children have a preference for those with a higher statuseven before age three. However, the results were quite different when two puppets approached one another and one used force to knock the other down before continuing to the other sid

19、e. In this case, 18 of the 21 toddlers reached for the one who was knocked down. As the researchers concluded, When approaching others, very young children care not only who wins, but also how. The previous experiment has shown that toddlers know about social status, but this experiment went one ste

20、p further by proving they have an obvious preference for high status. Since the participants were so young, this might even be an innate human preference. In a word, this new research suggests that young children appreciate people who do well while at the same time doing good to others. So, when my

21、four-year-old thinks that he has to get his shoes on first, Ill keep reminding him that helping his brother so they both finish faster is what winning is all about.(1)What do we tend to do according to the first paragraph challenges all the time. high-ranking people. advantage of high status. others

22、 with offensive words.(2)Why did toddlers prefer the puppet allowed to pass looked adorable. behaved smartly. seemed polite. was respected.(3)What can we infer from the latter study people are better loved by toddlers. naturally dislike unkind behavior. care little about high social status. helpful

23、contributes to being supported.(4)What should we do when we encourage children to win them to use proper and creative ways. them to be as hardworking as possible. them to be considerate to other people. them to try to cooperate with someone else.【答案】 (1)B(2)D(3)B(4)C 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了人们更倾向于喜欢和尊敬地

24、位高而又无害于他人的人,这似乎是一种天性,即使是蹒跚学步的孩子也是如此。 (1)考查细节理解。根据第一段中的“A recent study published in Nature Human Behaviour showed that we seem to have an innate(天生的)preference for high-ranking peoplesbut only if those people arent hurtful toward others.”可知,我们更倾向于敬佩那些地位高的人。故选B。 (2)考查细节理解。根据第二段中的“Asked which puppet th

25、ey liked better, 18 of the 21 toddlers in the experiment reached for the puppet who had been allowed to pass. Because respect from others is a marker of status, this suggests that children have a preference for those with a higher statuseven before age three.”可知,蹒跚学步的孩子喜欢那个被允许通过的木偶,是因为这种行为代表着受人尊敬,孩子

26、们更喜欢受尊敬的人。故选D。 (3)考查推理判断。根据第三段中的“In this case, 18 of the 21 toddlers reached for the one who was knocked down.和Since the participants were so young, this might even be an innate human preference.”可知,孩子们会走向被撞倒的人,而由于孩子太小,甚至可能是人类与生俱来的偏好。由此可推断出,人们天生不喜欢不友善的行为。故选B。 (4)考查推理判断。根据最后一段中的“In a word, this new r

27、esearch suggests that young children appreciate people who do well while at the same time doing good to others.”可知,孩子欣赏那些在做好事的同时表现出色的人。由此可推断出,我们鼓励孩子去赢的同时,提醒他们要体谅他人。故选C。 【点评】本题考点涉及细节理解和推理判断两个题型的考查,是一篇科教类阅读,考生需要准确掌握细节信息,同时根据上下文进行逻辑推理,从而选出正确答案。3犇犇阅读理解 Researchers have found bees can do basic mathematic

28、s, in a discovery that deepens our understanding of the relationship between brain size and brain power. Recently, A study conducted by researchers from RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia showed that bees could perform arithmetic operations like addition and subtraction (减法). Solving math probl

29、ems requires a complex level of involving the mental management of numbers, long-term rules and short-term working memory. The finding that even the tiny brain of a honeybee can grasp basic mathematical operations has a possible effect on the future development of Artificial Intelligence, particular

30、ly in improving rapid learning. RMITs Professor Adrian Dyer said numerical (数字的) operations like addition and subtraction are complex because they require two levels of processing. “You need to be able to hold the rules around adding and subtracting in your long-term memory, while mentally using ski

31、llfully a set of given numbers in your short-term memory,” Dyer said. “On top of this, our bees also used their short-term memories to solve arithmetic problems, as they learned to recognize plus or minus as abstract concepts.” The findings suggest that advanced numerical cognition (认知) may be found

32、 much more widely in nature among non-human animals than previously suspected.。 “If math doesnt require a massive brain, there might also be new ways for us to include interactions of both long-term rules and working memory in designs to improve rapid AI learning of new problems,” said Dyer. Many species can understand the difference between quantities and use this to search for food, make decisions and solve problems. Bu

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