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1、工程硕士GCT英语模拟115 模拟 工程硕士(GCT)英语模拟115词汇语法第1题:Americans eat _ as they actually need every day.A.twice as much proteinB.twice protein as much twiceC.twice protein as muchD.protein as twice much参考答案:A 答案解析:此题考查比较级的倍数表示方法。much修饰名词,应放在protein之前,twice表示倍数,修饰as much protein as,也应前置。第2题:To ones boss, an employ

2、ee should dress neatly, be _ and show interest in the job.A.instantB.timelyC.punctualD.quick参考答案:C 答案解析:instant意为“立刻的,即时的”;timely意为“及时的”;quick意为“(做事)迅速;的”;punctual意为“守时的,准时的”。第3题:We had to _ a lot of noise when the children were at home.A.go in forB.hold on toC.put up withD.keep pace with参考答案:C 答案解析

3、:四个词组的意思分别为:A“从事于,酷爱,参加”;B“抓住不放,坚持”;C“忍受,容忍”;D。“跟上,和齐步前进”。第4题:This crop does not do well in soils the one for which it has been specially developed.A.outsideB.other thanC.beyondD.rather than参考答案:B 答案解析:other than表示“除了”,其他三词的词义和句意都不吻合。outside意为“在之外”;beyond意为“远于,超出”;rather than意为“而不是”。第5题:You are very

4、 selfish. Its high time you _ that you are not the most important person in the world, Edgar said to his boss angrily.A.realizedB.have realizedC.realizeD.should realize参考答案:A 答案解析:该题为“Its high time that”结构,从句中的动词使用过去时表虚拟,故A项正确。类似的结构还有“Its time that”和“Its about time that”等。第6题:After a whole days heav

5、y work, the old worker returned home, _.A.hungry and lek exhaustingB.hunger and exhaustedC.hungry and exhaustedD.hungry and having been exhausted参考答案:C 答案解析:从时态意义上讲,应该用过去分词,表示伴随情况,还应该考虑连词前后的平衡结构表达法问题。第7题:If this kind of fish becomes _ , future generations may never taste it at all.A.minimumB.shortC.

6、seldomD.scarce参考答案:D 答案解析:四选项的意思分别为:A. “最小的”;B“短的”;C“很少”:D“变得稀少”。第8题:The same factors push wages and prices up together, the one _ the other.A.emphasizingB.reinforcingC.multiplyingD.increasing参考答案:B 答案解析:四选项的意思分别为:A“强调,着重,加强的语气”;B“增强,加强,增援”;C. “(使)增加,(使)繁殖,乘”:D“增加,增强”。第9题:In Disneyland, every year,

7、some 800,000 plants are replaced because Disney refused to _ signs asking his guests not to step on them.A.put downB.put outC.put upD.put off参考答案:C 答案解析:四选项的意思分别为:A“着落,把某物放下,储藏,记下,禁止,压制或废除某事物”;B“熄灭,关(灯),出版,发布,伸出,生产”;C“搭起,建造,张贴,提高(价格等),投宿”;D“推迟,阻止,劝阻”。第10题:_ that Susan hadnt dared to make a sound.A.S

8、o was he absorbedB.So absorbed he wasC.So absorbed was heD.So he was absorbed参考答案:C 答案解析:so为程度副词,置于句首时,句子一般倒装。当so作为程度副词置于句首时,它所修饰的形容词或分词一般紧跟其后。阅读理解When I was still an architecture student, a teacher told me, We learn more from buildings that fall down than from buildings that stand up. What he meant

9、 was that construction is as much the result of experience as of theory. Although structural design follows established formulas, the actual performance of a building is complicated by the passage of time, the behavior of users, the natural elements-and unnatural events. All are difficult to simulat

10、e. Buildings, unlike cars, cant be crash-tasted. The first important lesson of the World Trade Center collapse is that tall buildings can withstand the impact of a large jetliner. The twin towers were supported by 59 perimeter columns on each side. Although about 30 of these columns, extending from

11、four to six floors, were destroyed in each building by the impact, initially both towers remained standing. Even so, the death toll (代价) was appalling-2,235 people lost their lives. I was once asked, how tall buildings should be designed given what wed learned from the World Trade Center collapse. M

12、y answer was, Lower. The question of when a tall building becomes unsafe is easy to answer. Common aerial fire-fighting ladders in use today are 100 feet high and can reach to about the 10th floor, so fires in buildings up to 10 stories high can be fought from the exterior (外部). Fighting fires and e

13、vacuating occupants above that height depend on fire stairs. The taller the building, the longer it will take for firefighters to climb to the scene of the fire. So the simple answer to the safety question is Lower than 10 stories. Then why dont cities impose lower height limits? A 60-story office b

14、uilding does not have six times as much rentable space as a 10-story building. However, all things being equal, such a building will produce four times more revenue and four times more in property taxes. So cutting building heights would mean cutting city budgets. The most important lesson of the Wo

15、rld Trade Center collapse is not that we should stop building tall buildings but that we have misjudged their cost. We did the same thing when we underestimated the cost of hurtling along a highway in a steel box at 70 miles per hour. It took many years before seat beks, air bags, radial tires, and

16、antilock brakes became commonplace. At first, cars simply were too slow to warrant concern. Later, manufacturers resisted these expensive devices, arguing that consumers would not pay for safety. Now we do willingly.第11题:The first paragraph tells us that _.A.architecture is something more our of exp

17、erience than our of theoryB.architecture depends just as much on experience as on is safer for people to live in old buildingsD.we learn not so much from our failures as from our success参考答案:B 答案解析:文章第一段第二句作者解释说,老师的意思是建筑是经验的结果,同样也是理论的结果。第12题:What can we learn from the WTC collapse?A.Altho

18、ugh the structure of the two buildings was very strong, the death toll was still very shocking.B.The structure of the two buildings was of the first class.C.The structure of the two buildings was not so strong as people had expected.D.The structure of the two buildings was strong enough to withstand

19、 any accidents.参考答案:A 答案解析:文章第二段说,世贸大楼倒塌的经验教训是,建筑物经受住了飞机撞击的考验,撞击后没有立即倒塌,即赢得了一些时间使楼里的人可以撤离。但即使如此,死亡人数也还是令人震惊的。第13题:Ideally, the policy in city construction should be _.A.lower than ten storiesB.the lower, the betterC.the higher, the betterD.higher than ten stories参考答案:A 答案解析:文章第三段解释了十层以上建筑物给救火工作带来的困难

20、,故建筑物在十层以下最好。第14题:Why are there still high buildings, or even skyscrapers in many cities?A.Because they are the symbol of modern time.B.Because many cities now lack building space.C.Because high buildings are an important financial source of a citys budget.D.Because high buildings represent the leve

21、l of a countrys science and technology.参考答案:C 答案解析:文章第四段解释说,一座六十层办公楼的收入和财产税是一座十层楼(占地面积相同)的四倍,所以削减楼层的高度,等于削减城市的财政预算。第15题:What is the most important lesson of the WTC collapse?A.We should wear seat belts while driving.B.We should build low buildings just as we should drive slowly.C.We should make buil

22、ding tall buildings illegal.D.We should pay for safety while constructing tall buildings.参考答案:D 答案解析:文章最后一段说,世贸大楼倒塌的最重要教训不是说我们不应该盖高层建筑,而是说我们错误估计了其成本。为了解释其含义,作者用汽车安全措施的使用历史为例,说明人“吃一堑,长一智”的道理。When I was walking down the street the other day, I happened to notice a small brown leather wallet lying on t

23、he sidewalk. I picked it up and opened it to see if I could find out the owners name. There was nothing inside it except some change and an old photograph-a picture of a woman and a young girl about twelve years old, who looked like the womans daughter. I put the photograph back and took the wallet

24、to the police station, where I handed it to the desk sergeant. Before I left, the sergeant took down my name and address in case the owner might want to write and thank me. That evening I went to have dinner with my aunt and uncle. They had also invited a young woman so that there would be four peop

25、le at the table. Her face was familiar. I was quite sure that we had not met before, but I couldnt remember where I had seen her. In the course of conversation, however, the young woman happened to mention that she had lost her wallet that afternoon. All at once I realized where I had seen her. She

26、was the young girl in the photograph, although she was now much older. She was very surprised, of course, when I was able to describe her wallet to her. Then I explained that I had recognized her from the photograph I had found in the wallet. My uncle insisted on going to the police station immediat

27、ely to claim the wallet. As the police sergeant handed it over, he said that it was amazing that I had not only found the wallet, but also the person who had lost it.第16题:The wallet which the writer found _.A.was emptyB.had some money in itC.had a few coins and a photograph in itD.had an old photogr

28、aph in it参考答案:C 答案解析:本题问作者捡到的钱包里有什么。从第一段第三句可知,C项为正确答案。第17题:The writer opened the wallet because he wanted to _ in it.A.find some moneyB.find some goldC.find the owner s nameD.find the owners photograph参考答案:C 答案解析:本题问作者打开钱包的原因,从第一段第二句可知,作者打开钱包的目的是寻找失主的姓名,所以C项为正确答案。第18题:The writer recognized the young

29、 woman because _.A.he had met her somewhere beforeB.she was the old woman in the photographC.she often had dinner with his aunt and uncleD.she looked like the young girl in the photograph参考答案:D 答案解析:本题问作者是如何认出那位年轻妇女的。D项是正确的。第19题:The young woman told of her loss of the wallet the beginning of

30、the dinnerB.during the soon as she saw the writerD.after the dinner参考答案:B 答案解析:本题问年轻妇女何时告诉作者她丢失了钱包。从第二段第五句可知B项是正确的。第20题:The story was amazing because _.A.the writer found both the wallet and its ownerB.the finder and the loser of the wallet were old friendsC.the finder and the loser

31、 of the wallet met at the police stationD.the woman knew the writer and his uncle参考答案:A 答案解析:作者不仅找到了钱包,还找到了失主,因此A项为正确答案。Fear and its companion pain are two of the most useful things that men and animals possess, if they are properly used. If fire did not hurt when it burnt, children would play it until their hands were burnt away. Similarly, if pain existed but fear did not, a child would burn itself again and again, because fear would not warn it to keep away from t

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