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外研版book 2 module 2学案及答案.docx

1、外研版book 2 module 2学案及答案Book 2 Module 2 No drugsPeriod 1 Introduction, Reading and Vocabulary. 重点单词及词组 bronchitis _ cancer _ cigarette _ heart disease _ injured _ tobacco_ blood pressure _ break into _ cannabis _ crack cocaine _ drug addict_ drug dealer_ heart attack_ heart rate_ immediately_ increas

2、e_ inject _ needle_ powerful_ reduce_ 非常痛苦_ 处于危险中_ 对成瘾_ 附近的_ 采纳某人的建议_. 重点句子:1.我曾经是个瘾君子。_2. 如果那些注射毒品的人和其他吸毒者共用针头的话,他们会面临更多危险。_3.强纯可卡因是最能让人上瘾的一种可卡因。_4.我痛苦得要命。_5.吸毒的人因此常患有心脏病。_. Skimming1.Answer these questions:. How old was Adam Rouse when he started using drugs? . Which drug did he use first? . What

3、was the second drug that the man offered? . How did Adam pay for the drugs?. Where does Adam work now? 2. Match the following events and the results: Events Results 1) be offered crack cocaine a) break into a house and steal things 2) have no money to pay for the drugs b) be caught and taken to the

4、police station 3) break into a house and steal things c) start a new life 4) meet the doctor d) become addicted to crack cocaine 5) stop taking drugs e) stop taking drugsAnd then, try to combine(联合;结合) the two parts with “ as a result”. For example, he was offered and as a result ,he became . Carefu

5、l Reading.Read the text carefully and fill in the blanks.Adam Rouse used to be a drug _, he was _ to crack cocaine. He was in terrible _. He had to _ something to pay for the drugs. The doctor told him that he could die if he didnt stop _ crack Cocaine. So he took his _ and stopped immediately Cocai

6、ne is a _ addictive drug. Users who inject drug are also in more danger if they share needles. 重难点解析1.During the 1990s, 21 million people died as a result of smoking cigarettes. as a result of because of + n. pron. V-ing 因为,由于He ended up in hospital as a result of his careless driving. 由于粗心驾驶的结果,他最后

7、被送进了医院.as a result 表示结果; as a result of 表示前面的原因.There was a terrible accident, _, I was late for school. Many people died _ smoking. 2. Thirteen people die every hour from illnesses related to smoking tobacco, such as cancer, bronchitis and heart disease. die of (内因) cold, hunger, sadness, cancer, o

8、ld age, thirst die from(外因) wound, lack of food, accident, smokingrelate vt. 联系 relate A to /with B 将联系起来 be related to = be connected with 与有联系The matter _ your career can not be taken for granted. A. relates to B. related to C. connects D. connected3. danger n. 危险;风险 eg. In war, a soldiers life is

9、 full of danger. 在战争中,士兵的生命充满了危险。 in danger 处于危险中 out of danger 脱险 eg. She fell into a river and was in danger. 她跌入河中,处于危险之中。 构词辨析: danger n. 危险;危险的人或物 dangerous adj. 危险的 dangerously ad. 危险地 endanger vt. 危及;危害;使遭到危险 Translate the following sentences into Chinese. 1)The tiger in the mountain is a dan

10、ger to villagers._2)He is in danger of losing his job. _3)The river is dangerous for swimmers. _4.I used to be a drug addict. 我曾经是个瘾君子。 used to be : 过去曾经是 used to do sth : 过去常常做某事(现在不做了) eg. He used to tell lies. 他过去常常撒谎。(现在不撒谎了) She used to be an attractive lady. 她曾经是位迷人的女郎。(现在不是了) be/ get used to

11、sth/ doing sth 习惯做某事 be used to do sth/ for doing sth 被用来做某事 eg.She is not used to the food in this country. 她不习惯这个国家的食物。 Are you used to living here? 你习惯住在这吗? This piece of wood can be used to make a small table/for making a small table. 这块木头可被用来做个小桌子。Complete the following sentences.1) He has _ _

12、_(习惯)the country life. 2) We _ _ _ (过去曾是)good friends. 3) Bob _ _ _ (过去常玩)computer games.4) My car _ _(被用做)for working.addict n. 上瘾的人; vt 使上瘾 addiction n. 上瘾;沉溺 (对 . 上瘾, 用to. ) eg. I believe you can overcome your addiction to drugs. 我相信你能克服毒瘾。 构词解析:addictive adj. 使人上瘾的 addicted adj. (to) (对 . )上瘾 Co

13、mplete the following sentences 5)Coffee is _ (使人上瘾的) in a mild way. 6)He is a heroin _ (上瘾者). 7)Its hard to overcome the _ _ alcohol.5.The next day, I broke into a house and stole a television and a video recorder.break into 破门而入break down 停止运转,崩溃,瓦解,(身体)跨掉,分成几部分break up 解散,击碎,打碎,结束break out (战争火灾)

14、爆发 break off中断,停止1)To understand the grammar of the sentence, you must break it _ into parts.A. down B.up D.out2)The police had to employ force to _ the crowd.A.break B.break off C.break up D.break down【即学即练】 用以上所学break短语的适当形式完成下列句子。1. They _ the store and stole many valuable necklaces.2. On h

15、earing the sad news, my wife _ tears.3. The computer system _ suddenly while I was playing computer games.4. He _ a piece of chocolate and gave it to me.5. Could you tell me when the First World War _?6. The police had to use tear gas to _ the crowd.补充练习:一单项选择:1. The patient was _of losing his life

16、and had to be operated on at once. A. in danger B. in the danger C. out of danger D. out of the danger 2. I am in China now, but I _live in London. A. used to B. am used to C. used D. am used 3.It was a pity that the great writer died _his work unfinished. A. for B. with C. from D. of 4.When he retu

17、rned home, only to find his house _ and many things _. A. broken in, stolen B. broken into, stolen C. break into, steal D. breaking in, stealing5. The child _ with a pencil, and now he is _ with a pen. A. used to writing; used to write. B. used to write; used writing C. used to write; used to writin

18、g D. used writing; used to writing二典型句式根据第一句话的意思,在第二句的空白处填上适合的词,使两句的意思基本相同。(每空一词)1. He studied very hard so as to pass the exam. _ _ _ pass the exam, He studied very hard.2. The driver hit his car on a wall as a result of his. The driver was very carelessness, _ _ _ , he hit his car on a wall. 3. Th

19、e students stopped writing and began to listen to their teacher. The students stopped _ _ to their teacher.4. The girl is so clever that she can finish the task in a few minutes. The girl is _ _ _ finish the task in a fedw minutes. 5. He could not go home if he didnt finish his writing. He could not

20、 go home _ he _ his writing. 三常用短语1.break _ (破门而入) 2.take ones _(听取某人的建议)3.put _(建立) _(处于危险中) _ to (对成瘾) _(痛苦)7._ plans(订计划) 8._ the law ( 违法) 9.share _(与共享) 10._ to (属于) 四根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母,写出该单词的正确形式。1. The operation is a success and now the patient is out of d_.2. He was addicted to

21、c_ a powerfully addictive drug.3. She doesnt live n_, but in a faraway village.4. After the b_ I had all the locks changed.5. The r_ of schoolboys to schoolgirls is 2 to 1 in this small village.GrammarI.知识准备a.复习已学知识 for _ 偿还_ 还清_2.break into_ 脱离,挣脱_ 分解,失效_ 突然发生_ 突破_ 解散,驱散_3.take ones advice_ 带走

22、,移去_ 起飞,脱掉_4.stop doing sth_ stop to do sth_5.put up_ 把.收起来_ 镇压,放下_ 推迟_ 穿上_ 建立,举起_6.stop/prevent sb./sth. (from) doing sth_ =put sb./sth. from doing sth._b. 新知识1. nearby adv. 在附近 They plan to build a new school nearby. 他们计划在附近修一座新学校。 Adj.附近的 (做定语时既可以前置,也可以后置) He roped his horse on a nearby tree.(=a

23、tree nearby) 他把马拴到附近的一棵树上。2. start a campaign 开始一场战役, 发起一项运动 练习:The city hall is planning to _ _ _ against smoking. 市政府计划发起禁烟运动。II.语法讲解:Grammar 1. 不定式常被用做目的状语, 来说明句子发出谓语动词动作的目的,意图,此时常译做”为了”.不定式(短语)常放在所修饰词之后, 但为了强调目的也可放在句首. Eg. In those days people seldom did experiments to test their ideas.在那个时候人们很少

24、做实验来检验他们的想法。We should do whatever we can to help them.To master a language,words and grammatical rules are not enough.要掌握一门语言,光单词和语法规则是不够的。为了加强语气,不定式前可以加上 in order 或者 so as, on purpose 即构成词组:in order to, so as to, on purpose to(用得较少) 他们的否定式都是在不定式符号to之前接加not, 即 not to do sth, in order not to do sth/

25、so as not to do sth. 但常用的是in order not to do和so as not to do 二种用法。He went to the town in order / so as to buy a new TV.They ran all the way in order / so as not to be late. 需要注意的是:in order to do 可以提前到句首,但so as to do不可以提到句首。In order to see her parents, she returned home from BeiJing.=She returned fro

26、m Beijing in order/so as to see her parents. 补充:in order to do/so as to do做状语时,常可以改写成 so that/in order that 引导的目的状语从句,此时从句谓语部分常含有may, might, can, could 等情态动词。 She returned home from Beijing so that she could see her parents. We work hard in order that we can serve the people better.Grammar that (结果状语从句)Sothat/ suchthat 都可以用来引导结果状语从句,意为“如此以至于”. 两者的意思与用法基本相同,后面均接一个表示结果的状语从句, 唯一的不同在于so 或者such 后面所接的结构。 +a(n) (+adj.) + 单数名词Such (+adj.)

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