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1、办公文秘英语doc办公文秘英语江西科学技术出版社Chapter 1 Reservation1、预订飞机票Reservation of the plane ticket敬启者:北京文化代表团团长杨和平先生预订于6月8日或9日前往东京,在东京停留约一周后,再前往曼谷。请您为杨先生在6月8日或8日以后最先丛北京飞往东京的班机上预订一个座位,并请将票价和预订费的账单寄给我。我会尽快支付总额并得到您的飞机票和预订航班的细节。谨上Dear Sir ,Mr. Yang Heping , Head of the Beijing Culture Delegation , is due to arrive in

2、Tokyo on June 8 or 9 and after spending about seven days will continue his journey to Bangkok.Will you please reserve a seat for him on the first available plane leaving Beijing for Tokyo on or after June 8 and send your account for the fare and reservation fee to me? The amount due will then be pai

3、d in good time for you to issue the air ticket and details of the flight booked. Yours faithfully, 2、请求告知航班时刻表 Asking for the information on flight schedule敬启者:您能否帮我安排一下飞机路线吗?我将乘飞机从北京飞往东京,如下是途径城市和所逗留的时间:上海 一天广州 一天香港 两天我将于3月6日早晨离开北京,必须在3月10日晚到达东京。我打算在东京呆到3月16日,然后如果可能直接飞回北京。感谢您能及时考虑。 谨上Gentlemen,Will

4、you please help route me, from Beijing by airline to Tokyo, via the following cities, with stopovers as indicated :Shanghai one dayGuangzhou one dayHong Kong two daysI expect to leave Beijing on the morning of March 6 , and must be in Tokyo on the evening of March 10. I want to remain in Tokyo throu

5、gh March 10. I want to remain in Tokyo through March 16, and then wish a direct flight back to Beijing if possible.Thanks for you to take into account in time. Cordially,3、预订会议室 Reservation of the conference room敬启者:请在1999年10月8、9日两天预留一间最大的行政商务套房。我们的执行经理汤姆.本先生前几天看过你们完善的设施,推荐贵宾馆作为今年所有分公司经理会议的召开地点。请安排一

6、间会议室并配有一张可以坐25人的马蹄形桌子的会议桌。若你们能今早批准此项预约,将不胜感激。 谨上Gentlemen, Please reserve your largest executive business suite for October 8 and 9, 1999. After seeing your excellent facilities the other day , our executive manager , Mr. Tom Ben has recommended your hotel as the conference site of this year for all

7、 the managers of the branch . Would you please make arrangements for a conference room with a “U-shaped table ” for 25 persons? An early confirmation of this reservation would be much appreciated. Cordially ,4、预订旅馆 Hotel reservation敬启者:请来信告知带浴室的单间价格。从5月5日星期三下午到5月7日星期五晚上您那儿有空房间吗?希望尽快回复以便我立即预订。谢谢! 谨上G

8、entlemen, Please send me rates for a single room with bath. Would you have something available from Wednesday afternoon, May 5, through the night of Friday , May 7? Id appreciate an immediate reply so I can make reservations right away. Thank you. Sincerely,5、预订车辆 Vehicle reservation亲爱的杰克.阿伦:我们办公室负责

9、筹划9月21日公司举办的野餐活动,因此我在联系一些能够帮助我们安排活动的人。您是负责汽车调度场的,我想知道您是否能在野餐那天安排从公司到天鹅湖的往返车辆。我们主要需要足够的汽车和司机供约40名职工及客人使用。出车时间为中午,从调度场门口出发,下午5点从天鹅旅馆门口返回。非常感谢您帮助安排车辆。请马上通知我您是否能在9月21日为我们安排车辆。谢谢您,杰克。谨上Dear Jack Allen, Our office is in charge of planning for the company picnic on September 21, so Im contacting a number o

10、f persons of who might be able to help us with arrangements. Since youre in charge of the motor pool, I was wondering if you could make arrangements for transportation from the company to Swan Lake and back again on the day of the picnic. Basically, what we will need are enough cars and drivers for

11、about forty employees and guests. The cars should leave from the motor pool entrance at noon and return from the Swan Lodge entrance at five oclock. Id very much appreciate your help in making these arrangements. Please let me know right away if we can count on you for our transportation needs on Se

12、ptember 21. Thanks, Jack. Sincerely ,6、预订饭店席位并询问价格Ordering seats at a restaurant and inquiring about the price敬启者:我们希望于1月2日下午5点在西湖饭店吃饭。就餐者共8人。如果有雅间则更好。我们需要陪酒员一位,并提前订菜。如可能的话,请通过回信将包间以及包括小帐和附加税的大体价格通知我们。谨上Gentlemen, We wish to entertain at dinner at West Lake Restaurant on Jan.2 at 5 in the afternoon.

13、 This will be a party of eight people, and a private dining room would be preferable. We will need the services of a wine steward and we will choose our menu in advance. Please let us have information as to the accommodations available, and the approximate cost, including gratuities and tax, by retu

14、rn mail if possible. Yours,7、预订宴会 Making a reservation for a banquet亲爱的基蒂:该组织已计划好于10月18日在黑天鹅饭店举行一次年会,届时希望在18日晚安排一下由大约80人参加的宴会。您可以估算一下在贵饭店宴会厅组织一次由80人参加的一级宴会所需的费用吗?价格应包括每人两份的鸡尾酒在内。我希望您能为我寄来几份预定的菜谱,以供选择。我希望您能对此予以及时考虑,以便我能及时通知将要到的客人。您真诚的露西娅Dear Kitty, This organization has completed plans to hold its an

15、nual convention at Black Swan Hotel on October 18. I wish to arrange for a banquet on the evening of October 18, with an attendance of approximately 80 people. Will you estimate for me what it will cost to serve a first-class dinner in the Reception Room for 80 people? Your price should include two

16、cocktails per person. Id like to you to send me several menu reservations so that I may make a selection. I hope you can give this your immediate attention so that I can notify the prospective guests promptly. Sincerely, Lucia8、询问旅馆设备和收费情况Inquiring about the facilities and price敬启者;您能在回信中告知从5月8日到5月1

17、8日为我们的一位董事租一套房间所需要的费用吗?希望您能及时答复,因为我必须尽快作出预约。谨上Gentlemen, Will you please send me by return mail the rates of a suite to accommodate one of our executives from May 8 through May 18? I would appreciate your prompt reply, since I must complete reservations as soon as possible. Cordially,9、预订房间Ordering

18、a room敬启者:我欲为我们的一位总经理预订一套从7月15日至7月25日的客房,以欧洲旅馆收费方式计费。总经理将于7月15日左右到达,并将以本公司的名义租用客房。谨上Gentlemen, I should like to make a reservation for a suite to accommodate one of our executives from July 15 through July 25, the European Plan. He will arrive around July 15, and will pick up the reservation in name

19、 of the company. Cordially,10、询问票价预订戏票敬启者:您那有4张4月10日晚上那场戏剧的包厢的戏票吗?届时我们将有两位客户来伦敦,所以我们希望为他们订几个好的座位。如果您能够给我们提供戏票的话,请告诉我们戏票的价格,以便我们能及时送一张支票给您。谨上Gentlemen, Do you have four box seats available for the evening of April 10 for the play? Two of our customers will be in London at that time, and we would like

20、 to obtain good seats for them. If you can accommodate us, please let us know the price of the tickets so we may send you a check without delay. Cordially,11、寄支票预订音乐会票 Ordering concert tickets by check 敬启者:随信寄去一张40美元的支票,欲订两张4月6日伦敦交响乐团访问演出的前排座位的音乐会票。如不可能,我们愿买两张4月8日的票。信中附有一张贴好邮票和注明地址姓名的回信信封,以供您使用。谨上Ge

21、ntlemen, Enclosed is our check for $40 for two orchestra seats for the evening of April 6 for London Symphony Orchestras touring concerts. Our second choice of date would be April 8. A stamped, self-addressed return envelope is enclosed for your convenience. Sincerely,Chapter 2 Appointment 预约 1、预约面试

22、 Making an appointment for an oral quiz亲爱的琼小姐:感谢您寄来的个人简历,我们档案部的确有一个空缺职位,培根先生想和您谈谈有关情况。您能在10月8日星期二下午来本公司吗?培根先生将在下午3点有空。如果这个时间您来不了,请拨电话753-2786告知,否则,我们将在那个时候等候您。谨上Dear Miss Jone, Thank you for sending us your resume. We do have an opening in the file department and Mr. Bacon would be happy to discuss

23、the position with you . Could you come in on Tuesday afternoon, October 8? Mr. Bacon will be free at 3:00 P.M. Please telephone me at 753-2786 if you are unable to come at that time. Otherwise, well look forward to seeing you then. Cordially,2、预约会见时间Make an appointment for a meeting 亲爱的安吉儿夫人:希尔女士想知道

24、11月7日星期四下午4点您是否能来她办公室商量有关您子女信托基金最后安排问题。请告诉我这一时间对您是否方便。非常感谢!谨上Dear Mrs. Angell, Ms. Hill would like to know if you could come to her office at 4 oclock on Tuesday, November 7 to discuss final arrangements for your childrens trust fund. Please let me know whether this time will be convenient for you.

25、Thank you very much. Sincerely,3、预约参观时间Making an appointment for a visit 亲爱的卡尔顿先生:摩西市场服务股份有限公司生产部副经理布斯.辛普森将于10月10日星期二来纽约,他希望届时参观你们的工厂。他可以在星期二下午的某个时间参观你们的工厂设施吗?请告知什么时候比较方便。我将不胜感激。谨上Dear Mr. Carlton, Booth Simposon, assistant production manager at Moses Market Service, Inc., will be in New York on Tue

26、sday, October 10, and would like to arrange a tour of your plant while he is there . Would it be possible for him to visit your facilities some time during the afternoon on Tuesday? Please let me know what time would be convenient. Thank you very much. Sinceresly,Chapter 3 Change 更改1、要求更改机票日期敬启者:我于3

27、月6日预订了两张208次班机一等舱的往返机票,此班机3月9日星期二早8点从东京飞往香港,预订3月14日返回东京。但由于我届时不能前去香港,而改在3月16日前往,3月19日返回。请写信通知我确切的航班更改事宜。谨上Gentlemen, On March 6, I reserved two first-class seats on your flight 208 from Tokyo to Hong Kong, leaving at 8 on Tuesday, March 9 with return to Tokyo scheduled for March 14. I will not be ab

28、le to make the trip to Hong Kong at that time, but instead will go there on March 16, and return on March 19. Please send me confirmation of this change in flight schedule. Sincerely, 2、要求更改预约Asking go change an appointment亲爱的:由于我在工厂的计划中出现了意想不到的麻烦,5月5日星期三我将不能来和您一起吃午饭了。不过,5月6日星期四我会有空闲。中午12:15您方便来杜威酒店

29、见我吗?很抱歉我不能遵守原来的约定,但我希望星期四一样会使您满意。您能让您的秘书打电话到我办公室让我知道您的意见吗?非常感谢,我盼望能很快见到您。谨致问候!谨上Dear Fulton, An unexpected complication in my schedule at the plant is going to prevent me from meeting you for lunch on Wednesday, May 5. However, Im free on Thursday, May 6. Would it be convenient for you to meet me th

30、en at the Dewey House about 12:15 P.M.? Im sorry I cant keep our original date, but hope Thursday will be just as satisfactory for you. Could you have your secretary phone my office to let me know? Thanks very much , Fulton. Im looking forward to seeing you soon. Regards, Cordially,3、要求更改预订Asking to

31、 change the arrangement 敬启者:我于1月10日在贵饭店的套间为我们的董事们预订了1月11日早9点12人就餐的两张包桌。由于计划有了变化,包桌事宜只得推迟到1月14日早8点半,你如能将预约改在这个时间并写信给我们一个确定的消息,那就太好了。非常感谢。谨上Gentlemen, On Jan. 10 I reserved two tables for 12 people for breakfast at 9 in the morning on Jan.11 for our executives in the inner room. There has been a change in plans and the occasion will have to be p

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