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905 The One With Phoebes Birthday Dinner.docx

1、905 The One With Phoebes Birthday DinnerThe One With Phoebes Birthday DinnerWritten by: Sherry Bilsing-Graham & Ellen PlummerTranscribed by: Eric Aasen905 菲比的生日宴饿昏的菲比过了一个稀里糊涂的生日。菲比生日,乔伊带她到豪华餐厅,焦急的等待着其余人的到来。瑞秋不放心把爱玛交给保姆照看;莫妮卡和钱德又因为他戒烟失败的事吵架。美食当前,菲比和乔伊不得不强忍三尺垂涎;而瑞秋、罗斯、莫妮卡和钱德总不见踪影。9.05 The One With Pho

2、ebes Birthday DinnerPhoebe plans a special dinner out for her birthday, and all the gang plans to come. However, only she and Joey make it on time. Monica and Chandler are late because they fight over the fact that hes started smoking again; and because shes ovulating and wants to conceive. Rachel a

3、nd Ross are late because they lock themselves out of their apartment while Emmas inside; and their babysitter (Mrs. Geller) is late. Ross uses a lot of antiquated(adj.陈旧的) phrases, and Monica has the breasts of a greek goddess (according to Phoebe). Joey struggles with hunger, but in the end gets to

4、 eat everyones food. SCENE: Central PerkPhoebe: Oh hey you guys, I couldnt get a reservation for the night of my birthday, so we have to do dinner Thursday night instead.Joey: Thursday? But thats Halloween.Phoebe: So?Joey: So spooky, thats all.spooky 幽灵般的 怪异的Ross: So, so, is Mike coming to dinner?Ph

5、oebe: No! Its my first birthday with a boyfriend, and he has to work. Ugh, I get mad at him, but I think its a little too soon to show my true colors.true color n.本性eg: This experience will make me show my true colorRachel: Pheebs, I would make a reservation for five, because one of us has to stay h

6、ome and watch Emma. (To Ross) Which one of us should go to dinner?Phoebe: Oh, Rachel! (As in Rachel should go!)Ross: Actually, um, I was thinking maybe both of us could go.Phoebe: Oh, yay! (Less than enthusiastic.)Ross: Thanks, Ill put a lot of extra thought into your gift.put thought into费心思Phoebe:

7、 Alright, okay, so we can all go now. Thats fun. Hey, you know what? We all havent been together, the six of us, in such a long time.Monica: What are you talking about? Were all together right now.Rachel: Um, Mon, Chandlers not here.Monica: Oh, dear God!Opening CreditsSCENE: Tulsa, a conference room

8、Chandler: Good morning everyone, its nice to see our team together for the first time. Now, before we get started, are there any questions? Yes, Ken is it?Ken: Thats right. Is it true the reason youre here in Tulsa is that you fell asleep in a meeting and took the job without realizing what you were

9、 saying yes to?Chandler: Well, dont believe everything you hear, Ken. But yeah, thats true. Alright, lets get started by taking a look at last quarters figures. (Claudia, next to Chandler, lights a cigarette.) Ah, Claudia, arent you supposed to blow smoke up the bosses ass?Claudia: Im sorry. Does th

10、e smoke bother you?Chandler: No, no, no-no-no. I smoked for years, then I quit. Right now, I cant remember why. Youre not allowed to smoke in this office. Not right?Claudia: Yes, in Oklahoma its legal to smoke in offices with fifteen people or less. Would you like one?Chandler: Would Joey like two p

11、izzas? You dont know what Im talking about. Alright, look. I dont smoke anymore. But if the rest of you want to light up, go ahead, its fine. (Everyone lights up.) So you all smoke then? Thats almost rude, that Im not.light up v.点燃(香烟)Ken: Thats not true. If you dont wanna smoke .Chandler: (loud) Ke

12、n, please! No, I cant, I cant smoke. If I smoke, my wife would kill me.Ken: Im sorry, but isnt your wife back in New York?Chandler: I always liked you, Ken. (Takes a cig)cig n.香烟SCENE: Moncia and Chandlers ,Theres a Knock at door.Phoebe: (from outside) Trick or treat!Monica: (opening the door) Hey!P

13、hoebe: Ooh, and treat it is. (Looks at Monicas exposed cleavage.)Monica: Hmhmm. (Closes robe)Phoebe: Wow, so glad I changed.I almost wore my threadbare robe that cant contain my breasts.threadbare adj.(衣服)穿旧的 衣衫褴褛的Monica: This is not what Im wearing. Im ovulating and Chandlers gonna be home any minu

14、te, so I thought we would try before dinner.Phoebe: Oh, Okay,I thought wed all go over together. All right, Ill just meet you there at dinner. Unless, I mean, if it helps, I could stay and watch.Monica: No! Phoebe: Well, I didnt want to anyway.You know, just thought Id be polite and offer. Wait, you

15、 guys wont be late?Monica: Believe me, Chandler and I have not seen each other in over a week. Well probably be the first ones there.Phoebe: kay, see you there. Happy humping! (outside, meets Chandler.) Hey.hey! (Sniffs) Oh, wow, somebody smoked out here? Oh my god, dont people know youre not allowe

16、d to smoke in public spaces?humpTo grind ones genitalia in a press-and-release pattern against a particular object or surface; usually associated with an inanimate object.Chandler: Actually, in Oklahoma smoking is legal in all common areas and offices with fewer than fifteen people.Phoebe: You smoke

17、d!Chandler: No! I just happen to know a lot of trivia about smoking in different states. For example, in Hawaii cigarettes are called leihalalokos.trivia n.琐事Phoebe: (Sniffs him) Chandler, you stink of cigarettes.stink of v.发恶臭Chandler: Ah, do you think, Monicas gonna be able to smell it?Phoebe: Are

18、 you kidding? The woman has the nose of a bloodhound . and the breasts of a great goddess. (Has odd smile.)the nose of a bloodhound n.像狗一样的鼻子/goddess n.女神/odd adj.古怪的bloodhound Chandler: Pheebs?Phoebe: (embarrassed) Im gonna go.Chandler: (Enters. Talking to self) Okay, something to cover the smell .

19、 Oven cleaner! (sprays himself, reads label) Unscented!oven cleaner/unscented adj.无气味的 无香味的Monica: (from bedroom doorway) Welcome home. Ive missed you. Join me in the bedroom?Chandler: No thanks, Im good.Monica: (comes over) OK, so you wanna play it that way, do you?Chandler: (shrinks back) Right. Y

20、ou know what? Actually I just got off the plane, so Im feeling kinda gross. Maybe I should just take a shower.shrink back v.畏缩Monica: You dont need a shower.Chandler: (backs away) Alright, the truth is, I soiled myself during some turbulences.soil vt.弄脏eg:He soiled his hands repairing the machine/tu

21、rbulence n.动乱 骚乱Monica: What do I smell? (sniffs him) I smell smoke. Hon, did you smoke?Chandler: Yes, but I just had one. Two. Two tiny cigarettes. Okay, five. A pack. Two packs.a.a carton. Three big fat cartons in two days. But its over, I made a decision, Im not gonna smoke anymore.carton n.(香烟)条

22、Monica: (Finds a pack in his jacket)Chandler: But, those are for you.SCENE: Ross and RachelsRoss: (On phone.) Alright, well just, uh, see you when you get here. Bye. (Hangs up) Huh, that was my mom, shes stuck in terrible traffic.Rachel: Okay, well thats now the third sign that I should not leave Em

23、ma.Ross: Oh, what were the other two?Rachel: Well, lets see. The first one is: I dont want to. And, second, Im not going.Ross: I know, its the first time were leaving the baby and . hey, I know how hard it is for you, but . but Emma is gonna be fine. My mom is gonna be with her. Shes great with kids

24、.Rachel: She is?Ross: Yeah.Rachel: What about Monica?Ross: Hey, you only heard Monicas side of that. That little fatso was a terror.hear sbs side of that 听某人的一家之言/fatso n.胖子(作称呼用 含贬意)/terror极讨厌的人eg:Your sons a little terror! Can you control him?Rachel: I just dont think I can do it.Ross: Rachel, I k

25、now that you can. And you should.Rachel: Umm.Ross: Really, it would be good for you and in fact, why dont you, why dont you go ahead to the restaurant and Ill wait for my mom, and then Ill meet you there.and then adv.然后Rachel: Oh, ah.Ross: No, no, really. You should go. Just go! Go! Go out! Really,

26、the world is your oyster. Kick up the heels. Paint the town red.The world is sbs oyster:oyster的原意是 牡蛎 产珍珠的蚌。引伸为美食,囊中之物.意思是 人生最得意(最有前途)的时刻eg:Youre young and got a lot of opportunities. The world is your oyster/kick up ones heels v.高兴得跳起来/美国人在自己的语言上也表现出了他们天才般的想象力,像片语Paint the town red(大肆狂欢 狂欢庆祝 饮酒作乐)正

27、是如此eg:With so much money, we can really paint the town redRachel: You need to learn some new slang.Ross: Im serious. Cmon, you should go. Here. (shoves her outside) No, uh-uh, just go.shove vt.推 挤 Rachel: Wait . Oh!Ross: No! No, you know what? (closes the door) Youre not going back in there, the bab

28、ys fine, now scram. Yeah, hit the bricks! Yeah, tell your story walking.scram vi.滚开 即刻走开/hit the bricks上街eg: The United Auto Workers hit the bricks against General Motors/tell your story walkingSay you start telling a story about what happened down the pub last night to a friend. However, he wanted

29、to get to work from Starbucks quicker, so would say tell your story walking.Not meaning shut up or dont say it you are boring me else he would not say tell your story walking as he is still going to have to hear it. :) they means walk and talk 他就是催rachel不要磨磨蹭蹭的,有什么话留着路上再说Rachel: I was just going to

30、say that I left my keys.Ross: Oh, (door is locked) Holy moley, are we in a pickle now.holy moleyPhrase used when surprised. Usually used by neatos. Similiar to Oh my gosh! Derived from holy crap! /听说过in a pickle 这个短语吗? 这是英语口语中一个常见的短语,意思 a difficult or confused condition; mess; In a pickle 这个短语的意思好象和

31、 pickle (泡菜)根本沾不上边。不过,究其根源In a pickle 来源于荷兰语中的 “pekel”, 是 “brine”(盐水)的意思, 而当时 pickle 这个单词用来指用盐水或用醋进行卤化腌制泡菜的方法。To be in a pickle 则非常形象地刻划出某人所处的窘境,就象是被泡在粘糊而酸涩的液体里似的eg:You are in a pretty pickle , arent you! Let me help you out SCENE: The restaurant. Phoebe and Joey are sitting alone at a table for sixPhoebe: Where is everyone? Theyre forty minutes late.Joey: I know.Phoebe: Im starving. I knew we were coming here tonight, so I ate nothing all day.Joey: What about me, huh? Only had one lunch today.Waiter: So, are we expecting the rest of our party

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